Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2037 Famous Overseas

The current Allardyce, not to say he is at the peak of his powers, is about the same. And his age is also the golden age for boxers. Boxing does not mean that you should make a date the younger you are. The age of early twenties may seem good, but it is far behind in terms of experience and skills. Especially for long strength, boxing requires twelve rounds. Most young boxers lack long strength, and it is good to be able to maintain six or seven rounds.

In the eyes of everyone, Allardyce had just defeated Mayweather, which was a great opportunity to win all the championships in one go. At this time, I suddenly announced my farewell to the boxing ring. Isn’t it sick?

The reporters in the audience were whispering to each other, making the originally orderly venue look like a tea party. Everyone was extremely surprised and couldn't figure out why.

Allardyce on the stage now sat back in his chair.

The host and Allardyce murmured a few words in a low voice, and then said loudly: "The reporter's question time is up. If there are any reporters who want to ask Mr. Allardyce questions, please follow the order."

Immediately, a reporter in the front row asked: "Mr. Allardyce, I am a reporter from The Sun. I would like to ask you, you just defeated boxing champion Mayweather, why did you choose to retreat so quickly? Has this happened in the past few days? What?"

Allardyce smiled and replied: "Nothing happened, I just want to concentrate on practicing Taoism."

"Concentrate on practicing Taoism? As far as I know, you are a devout Catholic. Why did you suddenly choose to practice Taoism? And the Wudang Taoist Temple you just mentioned, I seem to have never heard of it. I wonder where it is?" The Sun reporter asked again.

"Yes, I am a Catholic, but this does not conflict with my practice of Taoism. Taoism is natural, and anyone can follow Taoism. The Wudang Taoist temple I am talking about is in Zhenhai Guangming Mountain in the great Eastern country." Allardyce said.

The Sun reporter also wanted to ask questions, but before he could ask, another reporter rushed to ask.

That's what a press conference is. It's not an exclusive interview with your family. There's only so much time, and you're left asking what other media will do.

"Hello Mr. Allardyce, I am a reporter from the Daily Mail. I would like to ask you, since Wudang Taoist Temple is located in Guangming Mountain, Zhenhai, in the east, how did you come into contact with it?"

Allardyce replied calmly, "I didn't come into contact with him in the eastern country, but in the town of Lesha, Birmingham. My home is not far from there, and by chance, I came into contact with him in the town of Lesha." I met my master Zhang Zhenren from Wudang Taoist Temple in Sanqing Temple. It was after his advice that I decided to devote myself to Taoism."

Immediately afterwards, another reporter said: "Hello Mr. Allardyce, I am a reporter from the Guardian. During the FA Cup match between Lesha and Manchester City, I seemed to see many people wearing robes sitting on the court. People. Are these people the Taoist priests from Sanqing Temple in Laisha Town?"

"Some of them are Taoist priests from Sanqingguan, and some are fans who believe in Taoism." Allardyce replied.

As soon as these words were spoken, many reporters in the audience looked at each other, and in many of them, something suddenly came to mind.

Sure enough, another reporter asked: "Mr. Allardyce, I am a reporter from BBC Sports. The Lesa team played two away games in the previous British Championship. In these two games, we found that Lesa Many fans of the Sand Team are wearing black and white Taoist robes, which makes them a unique sight in the game. Are they, as you said, Taoist priests and fans of Sanqing Temple?"

"Exactly." Allardyce nodded, "Because the fans believe that wearing Taoist robes will bring good luck to the players, so they are now wearing Taoist robes, and many people have begun to follow Taoism."

"There is such a thing." "Oh my God." "God, is it true?" "It's a coincidence.".

Many reporters murmured quietly.

Then another reporter said: "Hello Mr. Allardyce, I am a reporter from The Times. I still remember that before the FA Cup eliminated Manchester City, the Lesha team ranked last in the English Championship, but since the audience After the Taoist priest appeared at the table, he won three consecutive victories. In your opinion, is this really the good luck brought by the Taoist faith?"

The West is not an atheist country. In every European country, people believe in Christianity, Catholicism, etc., especially the British royal family, which must be devout Protestants. The so-called Protestantism is similar to Christianity.

God is God, so they all believe this.

"I think so. Luck is a very mysterious thing. Taoism has a long history in the East. Just like Catholicism and Christianity, it also encourages people to do good. I know that there are many people in the East who believe in Christianity. As well as Catholicism, there are also many people in the West who believe in Taoism," Allardyce said.

It is sheer nonsense to say that there are many people who believe in Taoism in the West. There are only so many Taoists in the whole of England.

But in public, Allardyce had to say this. It was a diplomatic language and a kind of propaganda.

Immediately, another reporter said: "Mr. Allardyce, I am a reporter from World Sports News. Just now you said that you have begun to believe in Taoism and practice Taoism wholeheartedly. Then I would like to take the liberty to ask, after you compete with Mayweather, Did you already start to believe in Taoism when you were in? As we all know, before the game, no one expected you to beat Mayweather. How did you do this? "

This issue attracts everyone's attention.

As this reporter said, before the game, it was impossible for Allardyce to defeat Mayweather based on his past record. But he just did it, what's the mystery in it.

Allardyce smiled and said: "As my journalist friend said, before I practiced Taoism, it was impossible to beat Mayweather. But after I practiced Taoism, everything changed. Boxing."

Having said this, Allardyce deliberately raised his fist and continued: "I used to box according to the conventional training methods, which were nothing more than straight punches, uppercuts, swing punches, and combination punches. Most of these moves are based on strength. Lord, as we all know, with my strength, I will never surpass Mayweather. However, I believe that the audience present and those who know boxing should not be difficult to see that some of my boxing moves are different from orthodox boxing. . That’s because I adopted Tai Chi from Eastern Taoism, which is also the boxing method taught to me by my master. Tai Chi emphasizes the use of softness to overcome hardness, the balance of hardness and softness, and four ounces can move a thousand pounds. I merged Tai Chi with boxing, With the help of skill, I deflected Mayweather's heavy punches, and then hit his vital point, and defeated him. But I have to admit that Mayweather is really powerful. Even with Tai Chi, I was knocked down by him several times, and I was almost knocked down by him. Unable to get up. Among them, winning was really a fluke."

He did use Tai Chi, and the most important thing was the divine talisman. As for how Zhang Yu helped him secretly, he didn't know.

But in interviews with reporters, Allardyce couldn't tell the truth. Just highlight the power of Tai Chi.

The reporters looked at each other again, and then another reporter asked, "Mr. Allardyce, I am a reporter from Daily Sports. Tai Chi is an Eastern boxing method, which is not unfamiliar. I once When I have been to the big Eastern country, I can see some elderly people practicing Tai Chi in the park. But if you say that Tai Chi is really so powerful, you really can’t believe it.”

"Tai Chi is a boxing technique that works from the inside out. It can both strengthen the body and fight against enemies in battle. My master said that Tai Chi is easy to learn but difficult to master. Now I am just beginning to get a glimpse of it. I am right for many older people. For people, it is obviously not possible to practice martial arts such as boxing, and Tai Chi is more suitable for them," Allardyce said.

"Mr. Allardyce, you have mentioned your master many times. I wonder where your master is now?" the Daily Sports reporter asked again.

"My master is now at Sanqing Temple in Lesha Town. Sanqing Temple is a branch of Wudang Taoist Temple." Allardyce said.

The reporters will continue to record. Many people have now made up their mind to watch and interview Allardyce's master tomorrow.

"Mr. Allardyce, I am a reporter from the London Evening News. I have a question for you. Now that you have defeated Allardyce, it is a good time to continue to compete in the boxing world. Isn't it a little premature to quit suddenly? Even if you plan to devote yourself to Taoism, there seems to be no conflict with boxing. You know, you are a rare boxer in England for many years. You have a bright future and you are very likely to become a real boxing champion. For the world boxing world, It’s also a loss.” At this moment, another reporter asked.

"When I made this decision, I hesitated. But I found that I am still far from reaching the true artistic conception of martial arts. This withdrawal is also to pursue this artistic conception." Allardyce said.

"In other words, if one day, Mr. Allardyce, when you reach this artistic conception, is it possible for you to come back again?" a reporter from the London Evening News asked again.

"I can't say for sure. Who can say for sure what will happen in the future." Allardyce said with a smile.

"Mr. Allardyce, I am a reporter from Sports Weekly. The person sitting next to you must be your wife, Mrs. Cheryl. Can I ask her a question?" Another reporter asked.

"Okay." Allardyce nodded.

The reporter immediately looked at Cheryl and said: "Mrs. Cheryl, I would like to ask, what do you think of Mr. Allardyce's sudden announcement to retire from boxing? Do you feel very sorry?"

Cheryl smiled and replied: "I have no regrets. As a woman, I have always hoped that Allardyce could become a boxing champion and become the most powerful man in the boxing world. Just when Allardyce defeated May At the moment when Wither passed away, I felt that my dream had come true, and I would not have any regrets anymore. I respect any decision Allardyce makes, and I will always be by his side and support him no matter what time it comes. he."

Next, the reporters continued to ask questions, some asked Allardyce, some asked Cheryl, all kinds of questions.

The press conference lasted for two hours before it ended.

But after the end, less than half an hour later, major websites and major newspapers and media released the news that Allardyce had announced his retirement from boxing. It can be said that one stone caused a thousand waves.

"Big Event in Boxing!" Allardyce, the new boxing champion who KOed Mayweather, announced his retirement from boxing! From now on, I will devote myself to practicing Taoism! ""explode! The new boxing champion Allardyce suddenly quit boxing. What is the reason for this? ""shock! The new boxing champion Allardyce suddenly announced his retirement from boxing. Is the emperor star of a generation really a flash in the pan? ""incredible! The new boxing champion Allardyce announced his retirement from boxing. He came quietly and left suddenly! 》《Cultivation! Allardyce suddenly announced his retirement from boxing, and his final destination was Wudang Taoist Temple! What is the mystery of Taoism? Our reporter will continue to follow up and interview! 》.

The news about Allardyce's retirement from boxing swept across Europe and even the world at almost the same time.

The ever-famous Mayweather was defeated by Allardyce, but Allardyce quickly retired from boxing. This is simply a mystery, and what remains may be just a legend.

It is absolutely true that in the coming period, the most discussed topic in the entire time will be Allardyce's retirement from boxing. When discussing, many people will also mention Wudang Taoist Temple.

A Taoist temple on Guangming Mountain in Zhenhai is, at best, somewhat well-known in the country. Most of the people who know this Taoist temple are fans. Zhang Yu's team is also called the "Taoist temple team" by everyone.

But things are different now. In many corners of the world, people know about this Taoist temple.

The day in England is the night in the East. The night in England is the day in the East.

The Taoist priests of Wudang Taoist Temple opened the door of the Taoist temple early in the morning and started cleaning as usual. As the second disciple, Li Mingyue, together with his junior brothers and junior sisters, had a normal morning class.

But they never expected that before the morning classes were finished, a large number of reporters would come to the mountain gate to conduct interviews.

This made Li Mingyue and others confused. What was going on? They came for an interview so early in the morning without even notifying them.

Regarding what happened in Yingjili, Li Mingyue and the others had no idea about the new boxing champion Allardyce. How could they pay attention to this in the Taoist Temple? At best, they only saw Yuan Xiaoxiao and Yin Shangjie showing off in their circle of friends.

Faced with an interview all of a sudden, Li Mingyue's head was a bit big. After knowing everything, she could only talk nonsense. Fortunately, on WeChat, Li Mingyue and Zhang Qingfeng still communicated to some extent, and they knew that Zhang Yu had taken over the Zisun Temple in Yingjili, which was the Sanqing Temple.

Then let’s brag based on this. Anyway, whether there is something or not, you have to say something.

The incense at Wudang Taoist Temple is also quite good. Not only in Guangming Town, but also in Zhendong District, many people come to offer incense.

But today, there were so many people coming to offer incense. In the afternoon, many people from Zhennan District, Zhenbei District and other places came to offer incense. Many people were still asking about boxing champion Allardyce. There are other things to do, and I even plan to learn some martial arts at Taoist Temple.

Such a response was unexpected by Zhang Yu.

Because the main reason Allardyce chose to quit boxing was to avoid the pursuit of Miss Elugao. I don’t even box anymore, so you have to let me go. The result was great. He quit boxing and practiced Taoism, which made Wudang Taoist Temple completely popular. He is famous all over the world.

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