Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2035: Sui Sui is not at peace

In the villa of the manor, Zhou Jiafu, his wife Yang Wu, and two Chinese bodyguards were sitting in the large living room playing mahjong.

It seems that there are only four of them here, but in fact, there are bodyguards secretly protecting them in corners such as upstairs and the servants' room. In the villa yard, there were more than twenty bodyguards surrounding the villa.

At this time, a burly white man came in from outside with two gentle men. As soon as the bodyguards in the yard and the housekeeper of the villa saw this white man, they immediately greeted him respectfully, "Mr. Reina." "Mr. Reina." "Mr. Reina."

The white man nodded, hooked his hand towards the housekeeper, and said, "Follow me."

After saying that, he walked straight into the villa. The housekeeper followed, and several people entered the villa's living room together.

The four Zhou family members who were playing mahjong saw Reina and the housekeeper coming in and were confused. Zhou Jiafu said in English: "Butler, what's the matter?"

The butler simply introduced: "This is Mr. Reina, the security manager of our Casino Royale."

In ordinary companies, the security manager may not be particularly important. After all, he cannot create any benefits. But in a casino, the security manager is definitely a powerful figure.

Reina looked at Zhou Jiafu and said directly: "Are you Peter Zhou?"

Zhou Jiafu stood up and said in less than fluent English: "It's me. Mr. Reina, what can I do for you?"

At this moment, Zhou Jiafu felt inexplicably nervous, and he felt like something was going to happen.

"Tell him." Reina gestured to a gentle man next to him.

The gentle man nodded immediately and said in fluent Mandarin: "Please move out of here with your wife."

"Move out of here. Where to go?" Zhou Jiafu became more and more nervous.

Not only him, but Yang Wu and the two bodyguards also stood up.

"You'll know when the time comes." The gentle man said calmly.

"You, your lady told me that you would do your best to protect me. What do you mean by doing this now?" Zhou Jiafu said nervously again.

"This is also what our lady means." The gentle man made a gesture of invitation, and then said: "If you have any valuables, please take them with you."

"I" Zhou Jiafu was a little panicked. I really didn't understand what the other party meant.

If it is said that they are to be protected in a different place, it should be made clear. But the other party didn't make it clear at all.

Yang Wu said worriedly: "What should I do?"

"Let's go with them." Zhou Jiafu could only say helplessly.

The current situation is that people are fighting for their own benefit. This is the territory of Casino Royale, and there are casino bodyguards inside and out. Even if you don’t want to leave, you have to leave.

To put it bluntly, even if the casino kicked him out, he would not dare to lose his temper.

Zhou Jiafu could only hope that the casino planned to find another place to protect them.

He took his wife upstairs with him, and the Chinese bodyguard who followed him also went to pack his things.

After coming upstairs and returning to his room, Yang Wu packed up the things in the closet, while Zhou Jiafu walked behind the screen to get his pillow.

In his opinion, this pillow is the most important thing. No matter where he goes, he must take the pillow with him.

He picked up the pillow with both hands and walked towards the screen again. But after only taking a few steps, I heard a "crash".

The originally intact white porcelain pillow suddenly shattered in his palm and fell to the ground.

"What's going on?" Zhou Jiafu was stunned for a moment.

"Jiafu, what's wrong?" Yang Wu also heard the broken sound and quickly walked around the screen to check.

She followed and saw that the white porcelain was shattered on the floor.

"My pillow is broken." When Zhou Jiafu said this, his body was shaking a little, his eyes were a little straight, staring straight at the white porcelain fragments on the ground.

"If it's broken, it's broken. If it's broken, it's safe." Yang Wu came to her husband's side in two steps and held her husband's arm, "Let's pack our things quickly."

Zhou Jiafu's eyes were still on the pillow. With his wife's support, he arrived in front of the screen, but his expression became rigid.

"I don't know where they are taking us, it should be another royal manor. Anyway, we have money, so we don't have to worry about it in this life," Yang Wu said, and went back to the cabinet to pack things.

Zhou Jiafu stood there numbly, turning his head to look at the screen, not knowing what he was thinking.

Yang Wu packed her things, and then she found that her husband was standing there motionless. She said a little dissatisfied: "Why are you just standing there in a daze? Everything is packed, please call someone in for help."

"Okay." Only then did Zhou Jiafu react and walked outside.

He was a little staggering on his feet, as if he had aged a lot all of a sudden.

"Looking at your listlessness, how can the casino still give them to people from China? I think this is to protect us. Isn't it just a broken pillow? What's the big deal? Buy another one later." Yang Wu She was quite optimistic. She scolded her husband, walked out of the bedroom first, and shouted to the corridor: "Come over quickly and get the boxes."

A bodyguard came over immediately, helped carry the box, and then they went downstairs together.

When we got downstairs, the cars were ready, including an RV and an Iveco.

The housekeeper asked Zhou Jiafu and Yang Wu to get into the RV, and the bodyguards got into Iveco. Reina was also sitting in the RV, but in the passenger seat.

The car immediately started and headed towards the back door of the manor.

The back entrance of the manor is even more heavily guarded. Not to mention the height of the wall, there are also hordes of security guards here.

The RV was driving very fast. Zhou Jiafu and his wife were sitting in the car. Zhou Jiafu lowered his head and looked very lonely. Yang Wu kept trying to solve the problem, but it had no effect at all.

It was already dark now, and we were only illuminated by street lights. After more than half an hour, the car finally stopped. Yang Wu looked out the car window. There was no one outside and it was very quiet. It was like a park and the environment was very beautiful. Although no one was seen, two cars and two Ivecos were parked here.

Zhou Jiafu and Yang Wu were a little puzzled and didn't understand where this place was.

Reina, the co-pilot, got out of the car first, and then there was another "click", and the rear door opened.

"We're here! Please get out of the car!" Reina said in English.

Zhou Jiafu could still understand this sentence, but he did not get out of the car immediately. Instead, he said in English: "What is this place?"

"You'll know when you get off the car," Reina said.

Zhou Jiafu and Yang Wu also knew that they had no ability to resist now and could only obey him honestly.

But before they could get out of the car, someone had already gotten out of the two Ivecos.

There were not many people coming down, but at first glance, they seemed to be all Chinese.

That's right, the person walking in front was none other than Zhang Yu. Following Zhang Yu were Qingmeizi, Tu Yazi, Yin Shangjie, Peng Xiao, and Ajiu.

Seeing that he was a Chinese, Zhou Jiafu asked nervously: "W-what's going on?"

However, Reina did not answer his words, but just turned to look at Zhang Yu and others. When Zhang Yu and others approached, Reina said in English: "Mr. Zhang, I have sent you the person you want. The rest has nothing to do with me, I will leave first."

After saying that, he walked towards the car.

When he got to the front of the car, he made a gesture to the driver in the car.

The driver got out of the car and followed him to the sedan.

Zhang Yu and others have now blocked the door of the RV.

Zhang Yu looked at Zhou Jiafu and his wife in the car, smiled and said, "Mr. Zhou, we meet again."

"You" saw Zhang Yu, and cold sweat ran down Zhou Jiafu's back.

Yang Wu now also realized that something was wrong and said nervously: "Who, who are you?"

Zhang Yu did not answer Yang Wu's words, but said to Zhou Jiafu with a smile on his face: "I can't win all your money, but if you want to enjoy your life, it's probably not that easy."

After hearing this, Zhou Jiafu's body trembled again. I still remember what I told Zhang Yu after the gambling game yesterday.

He told Zhang Yu that trying to win all his money was a dream and that he was going to start enjoying life.

But he never expected that just one day later, he would discover such a thing.

"Who are you?" Zhou Jiafu asked nervously.

"Of course you are the one who came out of the country and was ordered to extradite you back to the country." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"You" Zhou Jiafu couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Hahahaha. Amazing, amazing. You can actually let Casino Royale hand me over to you."

"Everything depends on man-made things. In this world, nothing is impossible except what is imaginable. Do you think so?" Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Now that things have happened, there is nothing more to say. I just hope that you can let my wife go. The person you want is me." The nervous look on Zhou Jiafu's face disappeared instantly.

"Jiafu!" Yang Wu hugged Zhou Jiafu's arm tightly.

Zhang Yu shook his head slightly and said: "I can't make the decision in this matter. In addition, there are three people on the wanted order. Now there are only two of you, and there is another one."

Having said this, Zhang Yu made a gesture to his apprentices and said: "Go and accept the Iveco and check the situation."

After saying this, Zhang Yu stepped into the RV and sat down opposite Zhou Jiafu and his wife. Ajiu also followed in and sat down, while Qingmeizi and the others went to another Iveco.

The people on this Iveco were all Zhou Jiafu's bodyguards. In fact, there were not many of them, only four in total. They were all from China. Although Zhou Jiafu also had black bodyguards at the time, those bodyguards were all hired by casinos.

Now all four bodyguards have been handcuffed by people from the casino. After receiving them, Peng Xiao came over to report. Then Zhang Yu signaled to take good care of him and don't let anyone escape.

He and Ajiu were sitting in the RV, keeping their eyes on Zhou Jiafu.

Zhou Jiafu also knew that the situation was over, so he was able to sit calmly, while Yang Wu was trembling with fear.

After a while, Zhang Yu said: "The other person is Mr. Zhou's father-in-law and this lady's father. Where is he now?"

"My father-in-law was implicated by me. He is innocent. I hope you can let him go." Zhou Jiafu said in a pleading tone.

"You have to know that I can't make the final decision in this matter. What is right and wrong will have to be judged by the law after you return to the country." Zhang Yu said sternly.

"Haha." Zhou Jiafu shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"I hope you can tell me his whereabouts. In fact, you should also understand that if you fall into our hands now, you will have to tell me sooner or later. Don't ask for trouble, it will not be good for anyone." Zhang Yu said Said calmly.

Zhou Jiafu didn't say anything, but Yang Wu said aggrievedly: "My father is really innocent. He was all implicated by us. He lived an upright life. I didn't expect that in the end, he would not be safe in the end."

"If he is really innocent, I believe the law will give him justice. I still hope that you can cooperate. You should also know that you are in our hands now. He does not know about it and will never transfer it. You may not say it for a while, but under attack, you will have to say it sooner or later. Why ask for trouble." Zhang Yu said calmly again.

For Zhang Yu, he was just acting under orders. Whether he was wronged or not was not his responsibility. The law would decide it at that time. There is only one thing he has to do, that is to catch all three people, and then hand them over to Yang Wenbin and extradite them back to the country.

Zhang Yu's words seemed friendly, but they were actually quite intimidating. Zhou Jiafu and his wife are almost like prisoners now. Wherever they interrogate prisoners, they are not polite. If they don't say anything, they must use some means.

Yang Wu looked at her husband. She also understood what Zhang Yu said. She hesitated, nodded and said, "Okay, I said that my father actually did not leave the country."

"Didn't leave the country?" Zhang Yu and Ajiu were both stunned.

Zhang Yu then asked: "Where is that man? Why didn't he leave the country with you?"

"My father is different from us, because he is a government worker. According to regulations, he handed in his passport to the Office of the Commissioner last year. My father has been calm all his life, so naturally he will not get any fake passports. At first, he didn't want to leave. I forced him to take him away. But after escaping, the old man could not leave the country, and my husband and I did not dare to stay in the country. We could only let my father temporarily hide in Panlong Town, Tangjiashan, Beihe Administrative District. I planned to wait until the storm passed and then return. Find a way to get the old man out."

"So that's it." Zhang Yu's target has always been Zhou Jiafu, but he didn't notice the old man. He thought they were all together before.

Zhang Yu nodded slightly and said, "Can you tell me where exactly it is in Panlong Town?"

"My father is here." Yang Wu immediately reported an address.

Zhang Yu then looked at Ajiu and said, "Call your adopted brother immediately."

"I understand." Ajiu took out his cell phone, dialed Yang Wenbin's phone number, and reported the situation truthfully.

Now Yang Wenbin has received Zhang Yu's notice, rushed to London, and is heading to the park.

After hanging up the phone, Ajiu said, "Mr. Yang said he is expected to arrive in two hours."

Zhang Yu nodded, feeling happy that this mission could finally come to a successful conclusion.

But then, he remembered one more thing, and that was Zhou Jiafu's pillow.

Zhang Yu wanted to know what happened to this pillow and where Zhou Jiafu came from.

"Mr. Zhou, as far as I know, you have a white porcelain pillow. Can you show me this pillow?" Zhang Yu looked at Zhou Jiafu.

Hearing this, Zhou Jiafu's expression changed, and he said with a wry smile: "Awesome, awesome. I didn't expect that you even know this, but it's a pity that this pillow has been broken."

"Broken?" Zhang Yu asked curiously: "How did it break?"

"I originally wanted to take it away, but I never thought that it would break into pieces when I held it in my hands. It seems that this is really God's will," Zhou Jiafu said helplessly, raising his head.

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