Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2017 I don’t need you to teach me

Zhang Yu and Allardyce left the manager's office. Allardyce looked serious and wanted to ask Zhang Yu what he had said to him, but he couldn't understand the language.

The two went down to the fourth floor. At the stairs, Cheryl, Ajiu, Zhang Yinling, and Elisa were waiting anxiously. As soon as she saw the two of them, Cheryl immediately asked eagerly: "Honey, what happened?"

Allardyce didn't even know what to tell his wife, but he also understood that Zhang Yu already knew about this and probably couldn't hide it. So, Allardyce said: "This is not the place to talk. Let's talk about it when we get back."

Zhang Yinling also looked at Zhang Yu, "What's going on?"

Zhang Yu and Allardyce said, "Let's talk about it when we get back."

He went downstairs first, and everyone followed him back to the villa.

The other people, some playing in the casino and some playing elsewhere in the hotel, are now nowhere to be seen.

The six people came to the villa where Zhang Yu lived and sat down on the sofa in the large living room. Zhang Yu looked at Allardyce and Cheryl, thought about it for a while, and then said: "Allardyce, this is also the place. There are no outsiders, just tell me what is going on."

Ajiu translated his words, and Cheryl stared anxiously at her husband. In the past two days, she always felt that something was wrong with Allardyce and seemed worried. And all of this started when Allardyce was asked to leave by the casino manager last time. Therefore, she was very sensitive and curious about this matter.

"Oh," Allardyce sighed first, and then said after a moment: "Last time Cheryl and I were in a horse racing casino. We wanted to choose horses, but I didn't want someone to suddenly come to me and say that the manager of the casino wanted to choose a horse. see me."

At that moment, Allardyce told the truth about the last time he went to the manager's office to see Kane.

After he finished speaking, before Ajiu could translate, Cheryl said eagerly: "You, you, why didn't you tell me last time? You've been hiding it from me until now. You bastard, it's all in vain that I've always been sincere to you." You.woo woo"

At this point, Cheryl's voice choked up, and she even shed tears unconsciously.

"Cheryl, I won't tell you because I'm afraid you'll worry that I've already rejected them. Today they asked me about it again. I still refused, and the master was also there." Allardyce explained hurriedly.

Elisa also understood what was going on, and she also persuaded, "Sister-in-law, senior brother has already rejected them. They are members of the royal family. Senior brother has not agreed, which shows that he is sincere to you."

These words really worked. After hearing this, Cheryl tightened her nose, sobbed, and then said happily: "Allardyce is good to me. I know it. The main reason is that I am angry that he hid it from me." .”

"I wasn't thinking about it at the time. If I don't agree, the matter will be over. I won't cause you more troubles. But I didn't expect that they would go on forever. You'd better listen to what Master said." Allardyce looked towards Zhang Yu.

"Yes, yes" Cheryl also nodded.

The three of them all focused their eyes on Zhang Yu. Ajiu first translated Allardyce's words, and then also translated the conversation that followed.

After hearing this, Zhang Yu frowned slightly. When he faced Miss Allen before, the two sides were in a tit-for-tat confrontation. I didn't expect it to be such a big deal.

To put it bluntly, a royal woman fell in love with Allardyce and wanted him to divorce her and marry her, but Allardyce refused. There seemed to be no other entanglements from it, it was a very simple matter. What age has it been, for such a big thing to happen, Labor Royal Casino can mobilize so many people.

Zhang Yu smiled deliberately and said: "I thought it was a big deal, but it turned out that it was that young lady who fell in love with Allardyce. The reason must be because Allardyce defeated Mayweather. This should be like Groupies, it’s not a big deal, just tell her clearly.”

His words were an understatement, but Allardyce didn't quite believe it.

The two met Miss Allen together. Even if he couldn't understand the conversation between Zhang Yu and Miss Allen, he could probably tell that the two of them were quite at odds with each other.

Allardyce is also a smart man. During these few gambling times, Zhang Yu has always been targeting Zhou Jiafu. I also photographed people waiting and gambling at a table, and it looked like I was going to win people's money.

With Zhang Yu's ability, it is not difficult to make money, and there is no need to do this.

Even Ajiu knew where the Casino Royale was. As an Englishman who often visited casinos, Allardyce had no reason not to know.

Zhang Yu never said the reason why he always kept an eye on Zhou Jiafu.

But today, Allardyce also saw what was going on at the gambling table. Zhou Jiafu, who was gambling at the same table, was basically just cheating. And it was so difficult for Zhang Yu to win money.

"Master, there is something I don't know whether to ask or not," Allardyce said.

After Ajiu translated, Zhang Yu said: "There is no need for us to be like this between master and disciple. If you want to ask anything, just ask."

Ajiu continued to translate, and Allardyce immediately said: "I think the purpose of master's coming to the Royal Casino is not simple. Especially this person who has been gambling with us these two days, master, you seem to have been looking for him. And this person is still from the island country. The goal. What is going on? I think there is a problem here today."

The islanders once gave Allardyce a photo and asked for Zhou Jiafu and his party. Allardyce had told Zhang Yu before.

This matter seemed quite confidential. After meeting Zhou Jiafu here, Allardyce didn't say much. After all, Zhang Yu had been taking action.

However, few people knew about the fact that the islanders were looking for Zhou Jiafu, and the person who was the translator at that time was not Ajiu.

At this moment, Ajiu couldn't help but shuddered after hearing this, but he still translated it according to Allardyce's words.

Zhang Yu glanced at the five people next to the sofa and said: "You are all our own people, and I have nothing to hide at this time. One of the main things I did when I came to England this time was to bring this person named Zhou Jiafu Extradited back to the country. He is now under the protection of Casino Royale, and it is indeed a bit difficult to act. But it’s okay, I will find a way.”

"Ring ring ring"

As soon as he said this, something rang in Zhang Yinling's hand. The little girl took it out and saw that it was Zhao Hua who was calling.

After answering the call, it turned out that it was time for dinner, and everyone gathered together to prepare to go to the restaurant.

As soon as Zhang Yinling said this, Zhang Yu immediately said with a smile: "It's time for dinner, everyone is going to eat."

He stretched and stood up. Zhang Yu didn't say anything about Miss Allen's threat to him, and seemed very calm.

Everyone also got up and headed to the restaurant together.

After dinner, everyone was free to move around again. For everyone, many people didn't know Zhang Yu's plan, so they just traveled and had fun. Even Zhang Yinling was heartless and played along.

The Allardyce couple were a little preoccupied now, so they followed Zhang Yu and Ajiu back to their residence after dinner. The two of them entered the villa where they lived, and Zhang Yu and Ajiu returned to their villa.

Zhang Yu walked upstairs, and Ajiu followed him until he came to Zhang Yu's bedroom.

Seeing him follow, Zhang Yu sat down on the leisure sofa, pointed to the side, and said, "What's the matter?"

After Ajiu sat down, he said: "Mr. Zhang, I don't think today's gambling game is that simple. Zhou Jiafu has already made it clear that he will no longer gamble and will live here in the future. It is simply difficult for us to take him away." sky."

"Yes." Zhang Yu nodded slightly and said, "It is indeed a bit difficult, but I will find a way."

"I know that you are very capable. However, there is one thing that I am very curious about," Ajiu said carefully.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Today, the people at the casino asked you and Allardyce to go meet with their manager. Normally, you only need to ask Allardyce about this matter, but why are they asking you to go with them? Let's show off our cards with you," Ajiu said carefully again.

"The people at the casino have indeed discovered our purpose. It's okay. There must be a way to reach the mountain." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

He didn't say Miss Allen's quid pro quo. After all, Zhang Yu now is not the country boy who just stepped into Zhenhai. He also knows what to say and what not to say.

Without thinking, Ajiu said: "The Royal Casino is the territory of the British royal family. Someone in the royal family has taken a fancy to Allardyce, and they will never let it go easily. If you don't bring it up, it's okay. Now that it's brought up, then... It must be successful, otherwise it will affect the royal family’s face.”

"It makes sense." Zhang Yu nodded.

Now he understood, no wonder the other party was making such a fuss, it turned out to be for the sake of face.

Ajiu continued: "As far as I know, there are many wanted criminals from various countries hiding here, and it is inevitable that various countries will send people to extradite them. Regarding this kind of thing, as long as no strong measures are used, the casino will turn a blind eye. People can come , but don’t break the rules here. After all, you have to spend money when you open the door to do business and come in to live. There must be a reason why the casino is suddenly helping the Zhou family. I wonder if it wants you to compromise and help break up Allardyce and Cheryl, let Allardyce marry a member of the royal family. If you negotiate with the casino based on this, I think there is a high possibility that you want to take away the Zhou family."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help being surprised, and said to himself that this guy has such a bright mind.

However, Zhang Yu's face had darkened and he said calmly: "Allardyce is my apprentice and asked me to break up him and his wife. Is this what humans do?"

"This matter is normally inappropriate." Ajiu quickly explained: "But Allardyce is a foreigner after all, a foreign apprentice, so what does it matter? Why did he worship you in the first place? Wasn't it because of your ability? How big is that? For the sake of our mission, let him sacrifice something. This can’t be considered a sacrifice. The daughter of the royal princess, didn’t they also say that they would give him the Grand Cross? This is to become a noble all of a sudden. Maybe he is willing in his heart, but he is missing Where are the steps? Give him one."

"Shut up!" Zhang Yu interrupted Ajiu directly before he could finish his words. Zhang Yu looked at Ajiu coldly and said in a calm tone: "He is my apprentice. I will not betray my apprentice. Besides, you don't need to teach me how to do things."

"I know, I know." Ajiu shivered unconsciously. Zhang Yu was usually easy-going and made people feel very close to him, but now this look made people feel scared. Ajiu said cautiously: "This is just a suggestion. I don't want to complete the task as soon as possible."

"I know." Zhang Yu said in a deep voice, "Is there anything else?"

"No more, I'll leave now." Ajiu stood up in a hurry and hurriedly exited the room.

After Ajiu left the room, Zhang Yu took out a cigarette and lit one.

He slowly stood up, walked to the terrace, and took a few puffs of cigarette.

In fact, Zhang Yu is also worried now. With his ability to rob someone, it is probably not impossible to take the person away. But if he does this, he will immediately become a wanted criminal in England. I probably won’t even be able to go back to the country.

Besides, it’s not like there are no experts here at Casino Royale. Just like the building of this casino, it is an amazing Feng Shui tactic. People who can create this Feng Shui tactic are not easy to mess with.


When he thought of the casino building, Zhang Yu couldn't help but look in the direction of the casino.

At this moment, an idea came to Zhang Yu's mind.

"The Feng Shui bureau is interesting. Otherwise, I would have to meet this Feng Shui master first. I will also let you Casino Royale know that I, Zhang Yu, am not someone to be trifled with. The most important thing is that I will not break out directly."

After making up his mind, Zhang Yu called Zhao Hua and asked Zhao Hua to contact the driver so that he could go out for a walk.

Zhao Hua immediately agreed, contacted the driver, and then they left the casino together and drove toward downtown Chelsea.

After driving for some distance, Zhang Yu immediately shouted: "Stop!"

He also learned a few simple words in English, and the driver stopped immediately. He then made a gesture to ask the driver to turn around. The driver was confused. Why did he turn around again if he was not going to the city?

The driver was also worried that he had misunderstood the gesture and asked, "Where are we going?"

Zhao Hua was also puzzled and said: "Master, we just came out, why do we have to turn around and go back?"

"Just turn around and don't go back." Zhang Yu said.

Zhao Hua translated his words, and the driver turned the front of the car towards the Royal Casino.

The car they were sitting in was an Iveco. The car was a bit high and the windows were large. Zhang Yu, who was sitting in the front row, had a particularly good viewing angle. From this position, you can have a clear view of the entire casino.

After observing for a while, Zhang Yu asked the driver to drive them forward. Just like that, stopping and going, after about two hours, they returned to the casino door again.

Zhang Yu had seen the Feng Shui bureau of the casino when he came here. It was very clever and powerful.

But no matter how powerful the Feng Shui bureau is, there will always be formation eyes. Regardless of whether it is Eastern or Western, although the layout methods are different, after fighting with Dhruv and Paris, Zhang Yu has discovered that there are similarities between Western Feng Shui and Eastern Feng Shui.

Of course Zhang Yu could forcefully break the formation, which would make it easier to find the formation's eye. But on someone else's territory, they didn't let you come to see the Feng Shui. If you forcefully break the formation here, you will definitely get beaten up if there is any movement, and you will easily get beaten.

Therefore, we can only find the formation eye first and then break the formation.

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