Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2016 Dignity

Zhang Yu couldn't understand what the girl said. When Allardyce heard this, his face suddenly changed and he unconsciously showed nervousness.

Finding something wrong with his expression, Zhang Yu said, "What did she say?"

Ajiu immediately translated. Zhang Yu couldn't help being stunned after hearing this, wondering what the manager here meant by wanting to see him and Allardyce.

More importantly, something was obviously wrong with Allardyce's expression.

Zhang Yu looked at the receptionist and said, "What does your manager want from us?"

Ajiu translated his words, and the receptionist said, "I don't know either. You should know it when you arrive. Our manager is on the sixth floor. Please follow me."

After speaking, she made a gesture of invitation.

Ajiu translated her words again, and Allardyce and others were now looking at Zhang Yu, waiting for Zhang Yu to make up his mind.

Zhang Yu thought for a moment and said, "Then let's go."

He also made an invitation gesture to the reception girl, who had previously led the way and led everyone to the stairs leading to the sixth floor.

Here, there is a sign with characters in multiple languages, including Mandarin.

Zhang Yu took a look and saw that it was written "Office place, guests stop".

The reception girl stopped, glanced at Zhang Yu and his party, and said, "This gentleman, Mr. Allardyce, our manager only asks you two to come up with us."

After Ajiu translated, Zhang Yu pointed at Ajiu and said, "I don't understand English. He is my translator. Can you take him up with me?"

The receptionist said directly: "No need."

"Okay then." Zhang Yu spread his hands and walked upstairs first.

Allardyce followed, accompanied by the receptionist, and the three of them went upstairs to the manager's office on the sixth floor.

The girl knocked on the door and went in. Behind the boss's desk, there was a woman wearing a white leather coat sitting. The clothes were not zipped. Inside was a small white dress. On the chest of the dress, there was a square hole. , allowing people to see the richness and trenches inside.

The woman was Miss Allen, and behind her stood Kane.

"Miss Allen, the person you want to see has arrived." The girl said politely.

Miss Allen nodded slightly, and when Zhang Yu and Allardyce came in, she pointed to the sofa on the side and said directly: "Please."

Zhang Yu understood this, and he and Allardyce walked to the sofa and sat down.

It was also the first time that Allardyce saw Miss Allen, but he was curious about who this woman was.

Kane is the manager, and now Kane is standing behind this woman. It is obvious that the woman has a higher status.

Allardyce had seen a photo of Elugao last time, and the woman in the photo looked different from Allen.

The receptionist stepped back consciously. Zhang Yu sat carelessly on the sofa and said nothing, but Allardyce couldn't help but said: "Mr. Kane, what do you want from us?"

Without Kane speaking, Miss Allen said first: "Allardyce, you have been thinking about Elugao for a few days. I don't know if you have changed your original mind."

Seeing that the other party asked this directly, Allardyce said with certainty: "The answer I gave last time is my last answer! I will not divorce Cheryl!"

Allen nodded slightly and then said: "The Chinese next to you must be your master."

"Yes." Allardyce nodded.

"It is strange that an Englishman can take a Chinese as his teacher. Of course, it can also be seen from this that this Chinese must be very capable. Am I right?" Miss Allen stared at Allardyce said.

Zhang Yu didn't understand a word, so he simply ignored it. He took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit one, and started smoking on his own.

Allardyce said: "You are right, my master is very capable."

"That's right." Allen chuckled and said: "Actually, our casino has done a detailed investigation on your strength. You have no ability to KO Mayweather at all. Is this related to your master? "

Allardyce is also a bachelor and said directly: "Yes, I practiced Taoism with my master and learned Eastern Tai Chi. My strength increased greatly and I defeated Mayweather."

"As far as I know, you have known each other for a short time. How can you make such a big improvement in such a short period of time?" Allen smiled.

"This is the mystery of Eastern Taoism." Allardyce said proudly.

"Interesting, really interesting." Allen nodded and said, "Then you must have listened to your master's words?"

"Master has an order, so naturally obey it!" Allardyce said.

"Then if your master asks you to divorce Cheryl, will you comply?" Allen asked with a smile.

"This" Allardyce was speechless and glanced at Zhang Yu unconsciously, but he immediately said: "My master would never say that."

"Okay, then you'll have to wait and see." Ellen said, looking at Zhang Yu, her face was full of smiles. This time, she suddenly said in Mandarin: "Hello, Oriental people."

For a moment, both Zhang Yu and Allardyce were stunned. They really didn't expect that this woman could actually speak Mandarin.

"Hello." Zhang Yu said calmly.

After saying that, he flicked the ash into the ashtray.

"As far as I know, the purpose of your coming to England and our Royal Casino this time is to take Zhou Jiafu away from here. What I said should be right." Allen said with another smile.

From the gambling just now, Zhang Yu was able to roughly determine that his identity was exposed and everyone knew the purpose of his trip.

He also wanted to see what the casino would do now that it knew about it.

Therefore, Zhang Yu did not pretend to be confused and said with a smile: "That's right. This is the purpose of my visit this time."

"It's refreshing." Allen's expression became serious and he said: "Then you should know that no one can forcibly take people away from our Royal Casino! Anyone who dares to do this is an enemy of our British Royal Family! No matter what your No matter how powerful you are, it’s still difficult to take people away. Even if you can snatch people out of the casino, you can’t fly out of England. Unless you have wings yourself! "

"I know this, so we don't plan to rob. From the moment we entered the Royal Casino until now, we have always abided by the rules of the Royal Casino." Zhang Yu said calmly.

He knew in his heart that the fact that the other party took the initiative to bring this matter up meant that there was most likely something else going on. However, since I don't know English, I couldn't understand the conversation between Allardyce and Allen just now.

Now he can only wait for the other party to clarify his words.

"We know this. If you dared to make trouble here, you wouldn't be sitting here talking to me now." Allen said arrogantly.

"Then what do you think? Do you want to kick us out? I'm afraid this is not the way to treat guests." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Of course not." Allen shook his head and smiled: "As long as you enter the Royal Casino and follow the rules here, you will be the most expensive guest. Our casino will not have trouble with money."

"That's good." Zhang Yu nodded and said.

He also kept his composure and did not take the initiative to ask the other party about the purpose of his visit. After all, if you don't ask, the other party will definitely tell you.

Sure enough, just as Zhang Yu expected, Allen saw that Zhang Yu had not asked her, so she could only take the initiative and said: "The purpose of your trip is to take away the Zhou family. This is not impossible, but I have a condition here. . As long as you agree to this condition, I can give Zhou Jiafu my hands."

"Oh?" Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment, then smiled calmly and said, "What are the conditions?"

"The conditions are very simple. I just want Allardyce to divorce Cheryl, and then marry my cousin Elugao. You are his master, and I think he will listen to what you say." Allen was proud. said.

Zhang Yu really didn't expect that it would be such a condition. This condition was actually a very simple one. Zhang Yu thought it was something particularly difficult at the time.

He immediately thought that the last time he saw Allardyce, there was a faint hint of luck on his head. However, this love luck was under the luck of love and was suppressed by Allardyce's love. It is obviously Allardyce's fidelity to love. Zhang Yu guessed that some woman might have fallen in love with Allardyce. After all, he was the man who defeated the boxing champion. Since Allardyce is loyal to love, it's no big deal. There is no need for me to meddle in other people's private affairs.

Only now did he realize that this matter was not simple, and he actually asked Casino Royale to come forward. Although Allen did not introduce himself, judging from Allen's tone and demeanor, he must have a good background. He might actually be a member of the English royal family.

It was a blessing that Allardyce was favored by someone from the royal family. But Allardyce was already married, and the couple was very much in love, so asking them to divorce now was clearly a pushover.

Zhang Yu could even realize that the people at the casino must have approached Allardyce before, and Allardyce did not agree. Otherwise, it would not have been possible to develop to this point.

Allardyce is so steadfast in his love, and now he is asked by Zhang Yu to beat the couple and divorce them for his own selfish interests. Is this still a human thing?

As the old saying goes, it is better to demolish ten temples than ruin one marriage. Zhang Yu was a Taoist and understood the truth better.

So, he said seriously: "I'm sorry, this is their family matter, I have no right to interfere."

"How come you don't have the right? You are Allardyce's master. He is where he is today and can defeat boxing champion Mayweather because of you. I think he will listen to what you say. My conditions are very simple. , as long as you agree to this and let them divorce, then I will hand over Zhou Jiafu to you. Zhou Jiafu is a wanted criminal in your country. It is also a great achievement for you to bring him back. Allardyce married me Cousin, this is also a good thing, and you will definitely be happy in the future. It is beneficial to others and yourself, so why not do it." Allen smiled confidently.

Allardyce couldn't understand their conversation either.

Allardyce kept looking at Zhang Yu, knowing that the conversation must be his own.

Zhang Yu shook his head slightly and said, "I'm sorry, I can't agree to this."

"So, you don't want to take people away!" Allen's face turned cold.

The matter between Allardyce and Elugao was actually a small matter. If the pursuit fails, then forget it.

But there is a reason why Allen spends so much time. Even though the professional royal family has been greatly reduced now, Elugao is still a member of the royal family.

You, Allardyce, are not a big deal. In Allen's eyes, it is your honor that Eluga has taken a liking to you. You dare not agree. You simply don't take our royal family seriously.

That's why Allen bothered to make Allardyce compromise. This shows that there is nothing that our royal family cannot do. If this matter cannot be solved and word spreads, the royal family will become a joke.

Of course Zhang Yu didn't know what Allen was thinking, but he knew that he could never agree to it. If you are a master who cannot solve problems when you encounter them and relies on betraying your apprentice to settle things, then don't be a master. Even if this disciple is a foreign devil, but if he kowtows his head on the ground and performs the apprenticeship ceremony in front of the Patriarch of the Sanqing Dynasty, he is his disciple of Zhang Yu!

Zhang Yu said seriously: "Sorry, I will not agree to this matter. As for the Zhou family, I will definitely find a way to take him away!"

"Hahahaha." After hearing this, Ellen seemed to have heard the most ridiculous joke in the world. She said arrogantly: "Only you want to take away the people protected by the Royal Casino. It is simply a daydream! I am now Let me formally tell you that if you don’t agree to my conditions, Zhou Jiafu will live here for the rest of his life. Not to mention that he has a lot of money now, even if he doesn’t have a penny on him, our Royal Casino will not kick him away. !”

"Then let's just wait and see. I said there will be a way to take him away, so we will definitely be able to take him away!" Zhang Yu said confidently this time.

"Okay! Then you can open my eyes!" Allen stared.

"Then you just wait and see. Miss, if nothing happens, we will leave." Zhang Yu said, stood up, and patted Allardyce on the shoulder.

"No!" Allen said bitterly.

Zhang Yu took Allardyce directly out of the office. Allen looked at the backs of Zhang Yu and Allardyce, his eyes almost bulging out of his head.

This is simply a great humiliation for her. As a noble member of the English royal family, even an oriental boy doesn't buy what she says. She doesn't take herself seriously!

Kane, who was standing aside, had been silent just now. At this moment, he looked at Allen carefully, knowing that this young lady was very angry.

Kane whispered: "Miss Allen, what should we do now?"

Allen gritted his teeth and said: "Immediately send manpower to the villa where Zhou Jiafu lives to strictly protect it. Not only must they be guarded in the yard, but even the balcony must be guarded! The corridors and terraces in the villa must also be guarded. We need to increase surveillance and make sure not even a fly can fly in! If someone makes a mistake, I will take it to you!"

"Yes, miss." Kane quickly nodded in agreement.

In the usual Casino Royale courtyard, it is heavily guarded and monitored everywhere.

Moreover, this surveillance is not a decoration. It is not like an ordinary residential complex where you can just find two security guards to watch it. Whatever happens, sometimes it passes without paying attention. Someone reports the crime, and then calls for surveillance to find it. The surveillance here is 24 hours a day, and there are dedicated people watching closely. No clues are allowed to be missed, and the absolute safety of the residents must be guaranteed. As long as there is any disturbance, a large number of security guards will rush over to reinforce.

Such an expensive room fee is definitely not in vain.

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