Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2018 Cleverly breaking through the cat’s eye

Formation eye!

The casino's formation is not simple, and it has a protective effect on the people in the casino. When gambling with others, with considerable gambling luck and superb skills, controlling the outcome is simply a piece of cake.

Zhang Yu looked closer for a while and then said: "You two get out of the car first."

Zhao Hua was puzzled, but he still greeted the driver and got off the car together.

Zhang Yu immediately bit his finger, scratched it in front of his eyes, and got out of the car.

Looking at the casino building again this time, I saw a red shadow covering the casino. This red shadow also looked like a big cat, just like the shape of the airflow above the head of the fifty-year-old white man. He is also so ferocious and greedy.

"Eyes!" Zhang Yu suddenly discovered the pair of eyes in the mist.

A cat's eyes will glow in the dark, and they have the characteristic of changing three times a day.

Above the building, the cat's mouth is the main door. Further up there is a nose and a pair of eyes.

This represents a cat's eye, which is nothing more than two windows. The casino is a castle building, which looks magnificent, but has very few windows, only two windows on the front. Firstly, it’s because it’s a casino inside, a regular large casino with almost no windows. The reason for doing this is not to worry about the gamblers jumping off the building, but mainly because I don’t want the gamblers to know day and night.

The light in the window was yellow at the moment. Suddenly, the light flashed and turned green.

Although Zhang Yu does not keep cats at home, he has seen many cats in the countryside. A cat's eyes are blue in the morning, turn yellow after noon, and turn green again in the evening.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu felt happy. He knew in his heart that he had found the eyes of the formation, which were the lights in these two windows.

As the saying goes, a blind cat encounters a dead mouse. Why do I say this? The meaning is very simple. Although cats are very sensitive, when they have no eyes, they have lost their ability to hunt and are very likely to starve to death.

"As long as its formation is broken, I wonder what the casino can do to fight me!" Zhang Yu gritted his teeth, feeling proud in his heart.

But after thinking about it again, even if I find the formation eye, it doesn't seem to be that easy to break it.

First, you cannot break the lamp directly, otherwise others will find out. Second, how to get in by yourself. It's impossible for such an important place not to have surveillance inside. Maybe there's still someone guarding it!

He estimated the height of the two windows. They were probably on the fourth floor of the casino. He might as well go up and take a look first. Determine the position of the lights, and then start breaking the formation.

He asked the driver to park the car and took Zhao Hua back into the casino.

The two took the elevator directly to the fourth floor. As soon as they got out of the elevator, Zhang Yu was stunned.

It turns out that directly opposite the elevator is a large and spacious corridor, which can also be regarded as a hall. On the left and right sides of the hall are two large gambling halls. Zhang Yu has often come here to play in the past few days and is no stranger to them. What surprised him was that there were two windows above the wall of the hall, and a large chandelier hung on the ceiling. The color of the light happened to be green.

In the lobby, there is a bar for VIP card processing and a small leisure area. In fact, none of the gamblers are resting here. Those sitting here are some security guards. Some are tired and just sit here for a while.

The rules of the casino are very strict, especially on the fourth floor. Cash cannot be exchanged for chips. If you run out of money, you can recharge your VIP card at this bar, and then go to the bar in the casino to exchange chips. If you win money, after exchanging chips in the casino, it will be stored in the VIP card. If you want to withdraw money, you can also go to this bar and transfer the money to the bank card designated by the gambler. It is very convenient.

But with this layout, the hall can be more than five meters high. The two windows are actually at least two and a half meters above the ground, not to mention the large chandeliers above.

In full view of everyone, Zhang Yu went up to change someone's light bulb, obviously as a joke. At the very least, if a person stands below and raises his hand, he will definitely not be able to touch it. Jumping up will probably not work either. Not only that, there are a lot of surveillance around.

Zhang Yu complained secretly, if the place where the lamp was located was more hidden, he might still be able to do something. But hanging it in such a conspicuous place makes it difficult for people to do anything. The casino is open 24 hours a day and there are always people here no matter what time of day.

Since everyone was coming up, he couldn't just go down directly, so he simply took Zhao Hua to the leisure area.

"Ask them to bring two cups of coffee." Zhang Yu gestured to Zhao Hua.

Zhao Hua wants coffee soon. The service in the casino is quite good and the drinks are all free. Anyone who is qualified to go up to the fourth floor will receive God-like service.

A waiter brought two cups of coffee. Zhang Yu sat on the sofa, drinking coffee and smoking, and began to wonder in his heart, what should he do?

After taking a puff of cigarette, he raised his head and looked at the large chandelier above.

This large chandelier is also called a pomp. It is circular in shape and can be at least five meters in diameter.

There is also bright Mercury above, like stars in the sky. Under the green light, it looks beautiful.

Zhang Yu had seen this lamp before, but he didn't pay much attention to it. But now that he knew it was an array eye, and after careful observation, he suddenly realized that this lamp was unusual.

Just the embellishments on this lamp are like a formation. Even though it is an eye of the formation, it is not so easy to break.

Looking at it, Zhang Yu discovered that these bright crystals seemed to form the shape of a cat.

Zhang Yu knew that Westerners' formations were mostly based on constellations. This made him wonder whether there was a cat among the constellations.

Zhang Yu didn't know much about the constellations. Now he only knew about the twelve royal palaces and nothing else. But Zhang Yu heard someone say that there are not only these twelve constellations in the West, but there are many more.

Of course, even if Zhang Yu knew, he didn't know what was going on. The only thing they have in common is that the principles are similar.

"Constellation." Zhang Yu murmured to himself, "How can I break this formation? I know where the formation's eye is, but I can't do it. If it can be removed,"

"Move it!" In an instant, Zhang Yu's heart moved, and he couldn't help but think of one thing, "The stars have moved."

"The constellations are also stars. Can we remove it? We can't break it now, but if we remove it, then the casino will have no protection."

Astrology and Feng Shui are interoperable, but in the East, there are very few people who use astrology to set up formations. In the West, most of the formations Zhang Yu has seen now rely on this.

Zhang Yu had a feeling of enlightenment. If he could move the constellation formation here this time, he would no longer be afraid of the constellation formations of those foreign devils.

After drinking coffee, Zhang Yu did not leave immediately. Instead, he entered the gambling hall, exchanged 100,000 chips, and left after losing all.

Zhang Yu took Zhao Hua back to the villa where he lived. He asked Zhao Hua to call the driver and prepare to set off. He went to the room to pick up the magic weapon for using the Dou Zhuan Xing Shift, went downstairs to meet up, and then left the casino.

The layout of Casino Royale is in the style of a castle.

On both sides of the cat-shaped building, there are high-rise buildings belonging to hotels.

The top floor of the hotel is for idlers. On the left side of the corridor is an oversized suite, which is actually the hotel's presidential suite, covering more than 1,000 square meters.

Miss Allen sat in a chair on the side of the enclosed terrace, diagonally beside a round table with brandy and goblets on it.

In the evening, she wore a white evening dress with a tube top. The folded skirt only reached her thighs and had to be pulled up and down quite a bit when she sat down.

Her golden hair, which had been tied up during the day, was now hanging on her shoulders, making her less dignified and more beautiful and charming.

Behind her, there was a glass door, which was open. A middle-aged woman came over and knocked lightly on the open door.

Miss Allen didn't look back and said directly: "What's the matter?"

"Miss, Mr. Kane is here," the middle-aged woman said.

"Invite him in," Miss Allen said calmly.

Soon, Fatty Kane walked into the enclosed terrace. He stood politely two steps away from Allen, lowered his head and said, "Miss Allen, I'm here."

"How are things going?" Miss Allen asked while looking at the starry sky under the night sky.

"According to your wishes, I have added a large number of people to the villa where Zhou Jiafu lives and reinstalled surveillance cameras to ensure that even a fly flying in cannot escape our eyes," Kane said.

"Very good." Miss Allen nodded with satisfaction, then grabbed the goblet and drank half of it.

Putting down her wine glass, she continued, "What did that young man do?"

"I was just about to report to you that his behavior after dinner was strange," Kane said.

"How do you say it?" Allen asked.

"After dinner, he left the casino and didn't come back until about two hours later. Then, he went to the fourth floor of the casino, drank a cup of coffee in the leisure area, and then went into the casino to gamble and lost 100,000. Then, he returned to the villa where he lived, and within a few minutes, he left the casino again. This time he was out for nearly an hour, and he just returned to the casino. I don't know what the reason for this kid's coming and going was. What to do," Kane said.

"You mean, he left the casino twice, where did he go and did he bring anything back?" Allen asked.

"I don't know exactly where he went. However, our people watched him when he came in and found that he didn't bring anything back. It seems that everything is normal." Kane replied.

"This guy." Ellen bit her lower lip, with a look of suspicion on her face. After a moment, she said, "Next time he goes out, send someone to keep an eye on me. Let's see where he goes."

"Understood." Kane nodded.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.”

Suddenly, the night sky, which was filled with action, suddenly started to rain.

The terrace was surrounded and covered with glass. Allen looked up and said in confusion: "It's such a good weather, why did it suddenly rain?"

"I don't know, the weather lately has been very abnormal. It rains from time to time," Kane said.

"It's indeed unusual. The weather forecast never said it would rain, but it always rains suddenly. It seems that the business of the meteorological department really needs to be improved." Allen shook his head slightly, and then took another He picked up the wine glass and said casually: "Is there anything else?"

After saying that, she put the wine glass to her lips and took a sip of wine.

After all, Allen is a royal noble. Even the way he picks up the wine glass and drinks is so elegant.

"No more, I'll take my leave first," Kane said.

Seeing that Allen didn't say anything again, Kane respectfully exited the terrace.

Allen put down the wine glass and quietly admired the rain outside.

After about twenty minutes, the fog slowly began to rise.

Watching the rising mist from such a tall building gives people the feeling of being in a fairyland.

"It's so beautiful," Allen said quietly.

The scenery was indeed beautiful, but in this case, she overlooked one thing, that is, at this moment, all the monitoring facilities in the manor were completely useless.

On the rooftop of the casino, a young man was committing a crime.

He placed the command flag on the rooftop. In addition to the fog, there was also a cat-shaped flow of energy that only he could see.

The command flags were placed properly. These were the command flags of the moving stars. He started to talk plausibly, and finally shouted, "The stars are moving around!"


The red gas flow that filled the casino was shot into the distance at this moment.

There was thick fog in front of him, and even Zhang Yu could no longer see the airflow. The only thing that can be determined is that the direction in which the flow of energy is directed is exactly where he has placed the moving star.

"Ha ha."

A smile appeared on Zhang Yu's face. This success not only indicated that he could do whatever he wanted in the casino, but also indicated that Western astrology and Eastern astrology were actually connected. With the help of the stars, the stars in the west can also be moved away.

If you encounter a Western astrologer who relies on this to set up a formation in the future, it will be easy for you to break it.

Zhang Yu put away his command flag and walked to the edge of the building. He first knocked down a strong wind talisman. When the strong wind surged from below, he jumped down and landed steadily on the ground.

The next day, early morning.

Miss Allen was wearing a white loose pajamas and was sitting alone in the small dining room of the suite eating.

The breakfast on the table is very simple, including a large cup of milk tea, a bowl of cereal with 80 ml of frozen milk, two slices of butter toast, fried eggs and bacon, and a glass of grapefruit juice.

She ate very slowly and watched the morning news while eating.

When they were about to finish eating, the middle-aged woman came to the door of the restaurant and knocked gently.


"What's the matter?" Allen asked calmly.

"Mr. Kane called just now and said that Allardyce and that young man from the East wanted to see you." The middle-aged woman said.

"You want to see me." Allen was stunned for a moment, but then a smile appeared on his face, "Is it because he has given in?"

Then, she made a gesture and said, "Prepare clothes for me and tell me I'll be there soon."

Allen has a lot of clothes, and the most important thing is that he wears something different every day for a month. Moreover, at the end of the month, you have to edit the clothes you will wear every day for the next month, this one for No. 1, that one for No. 2, and No. 3.

It's just like the menu in the workplace canteen.

However, the same goes for her monthly recipes, which are all edited in advance.

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