Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1547 Tragic

Wen Qiong held Zhang Yu's arm tightly, her face pale.

It turned out that although the pottery jar was nothing unusual, there was actually a skull exposed in the jar.

The dense white bones were facing her. In a place like this, no one could be afraid of seeing this.

Zhang Yu hurriedly raised his hand and patted Wen Qiong's shoulder, and said softly: "Auntie, don't be afraid, I'm here."

"Yeah" Wen Qiong responded softly.

It can be said that Wen Qiong's heart immediately felt more at ease when she heard this man's voice.

Her body unconsciously softened and she fell into this man's arms.

Zhang Yu had been digging the grave for a long time before he came first, and his body was covered in sweat, but he still hasn't done it now. He smelled of sweat, but when Wen Qiong smelled it, he felt that this breath was full of masculinity, making people's body feel numb.

His whole body was soft and soft, as if he never wanted to leave Zhang Yu's arms.

Zhang Yu had previously thought that Wen Qiong was afraid, holding one hand around Wen Qiong's waist and the other around Wen Qiong's shoulders, but he didn't care. But then he discovered that Wen Qiong was holding him and wouldn't let go, and he could even feel Wen Qiong's heartbeat speeding up and "thumping, thumping".

"Auntie, are you feeling better?" Zhang Yu asked again with concern.

Hearing Zhang Yu's voice, Wen Qiongcai reacted intoxicatedly.

She stepped back and said a little embarrassedly: "It's okay."

As she said this, her pink cheeks turned pink.

Zhang Yu was also here, and he often saw girls blushing. At this moment, Wen Qiong's blushing made his heart skip a beat. The only good thing is that the body opposite is Pan Yun's.

He quickly said: "I'll go over and take a look."

After saying that, he quickly came to the pottery jar. The jar was about one meter high. If there was a skull head exposed, there must be something wrong with it.

But no matter how courageous Zhang Yu was, he couldn't say that he would immediately reach out and check.

Because he already felt that there seemed to be a formation in it.

He closed his eyes first and felt everything here.

A scene like this quickly appeared in my mind. Nine men were sitting in a tank. Their expressions were ferocious and full of pain. The most important thing is that their eye sockets are empty, only bleeding out, and there are no eyeballs at all.

"Huh!" Zhang Yu opened his eyes, and he understood that this should be the way these people died.

But he was very puzzled. If this was an ancient tomb, then everyone who came in would be buried with him. You can't get out anyway, so why be so cruel, you even have to dig out your eyes.

He glanced at the stone room. Five of the nine pottery jars were broken. They were probably broken by the rats running around here.

There happened to be a broken one not far away, and Zhang Yu walked over.

Wen Qiong didn't dare to take a step away from Zhang Yu. She followed Zhang Yu wherever he went.

When we arrived at the broken pottery jar, the pottery pieces pressed against the bones. This time, there was not only a head, but also a body. Zhang Yu squatted down and picked up a broken piece of pottery. It was the same as the pottery piece picked up in the previous room. It contained a strong ancient atmosphere and seemed to be about the same age.

"Huh?" Zhang Yu suddenly discovered that there was a black stain on the inside of the pottery piece.

It's just that it has lost its flavor over time.

Zhang Yu put the pottery piece down and then separated the pottery piece from the bones.

There are many bones, but it looks like there is something missing.

Zhang Yu took a closer look and immediately saw the clues. The skeleton only had a head and body, but no limbs.

There was nothing else around except rat droppings, pottery shards and bones. It is impossible to say that it is hidden somewhere else.

Wen Qiong seemed to have noticed this, and whispered: "This skeleton seems to have no arms and legs. Could it be that it is a human pig?"

"Hostage? What hostage?" Zhang Yu didn't understand what the 'human pig' Wen Qiong was talking about, and thought it was this "hostage".

But this is normal. With Zhang Yu's academic qualifications, it would be strange if he knew what human pigs are. Even the character "彘" was not recognized by him.

"Human pigging refers to a kind of torture that turns a person into a pig. It means cutting off the limbs, gouging out the eyes, injecting copper into the ears to make them deaf, pouring poison into the throat, cutting off the tongue, destroying the vocal cords and making them deaf. He was unable to speak, and then he threw him into the vat and let him die slowly." Wen Qiong said seriously.

"There is such torture." Zhang Yu couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

"It is rumored that the human pig was invented by Empress Lu of the Han Dynasty. I don't know what dynasty this tomb is from, but there is actually a human pig." Wen Qiong said with a frown.

To be honest, at this moment she couldn't help but think of the horror of these people being made into human pigs.

Thinking of this makes my hair stand on end and makes my back shiver.

Zhang Yu stood up and saw that Wen Qiong was scared, so he comforted her and pulled Wen Qiong around the stone room. Seeing that there was nothing else to gain, he withdrew.

As soon as I came out, I saw the stone chamber that had just been closed on the opposite side. Zhang Yu pushed the antlers, opened the door of the stone chamber again, and walked in.

This stone room is about the same size as the one just now, and there are also nine pottery jars in it. This jar was also one meter high, and none of it was broken. When the two walked to a jar, they could immediately see the bones inside.

The skull and feet are all on it, the chin is scraping against the wall of the tank, and the toes are also hanging on the wall of the tank.

"Huh?" Zhang Yu couldn't help but be surprised when he saw this form.

This posture is not normally valid. A person's waist can only bend forward, how can it be bent backward? It is only correct if the back of the head and heels are facing the wall of the tank. Only people like this can enter the tank.

Zhang Yu discovered that this was also a formation. He closed his eyes and felt it.

Nine jars, nine people. The person was lying on the vat, and the sledgehammer suddenly fell, hitting the person heavily on the lower back. The person lying on the tank collapsed instantly, his chin hung on the tank wall, and his toes hooked on the edge of the tank. The person can still breathe, and his face is extremely painful. With this look, he probably won't live long.

"So cruel." Zhang Yu took a breath and opened his eyes.

Wen Qiong didn't scream when he saw the skeleton this time. Maybe he was a little bolder after being baptized in the two previous stone chambers. But Zhang Yu could feel that Wen Qiong obviously increased the strength of the hands they held together, and was obviously afraid.

Zhang Yu became more and more suspicious, who could be so cruel and use such methods to kill people. Compared with human pigs and hammer waists, beheading, the first thing seen, seems to be the most merciful method.

"Let's go out." Zhang Yu pulled Wen Qiong out of the stone room and continued walking forward along the corridor.

After walking out for more than fifty meters, the two of them saw another portal appearing in front of them.

This portal is the same as the one encountered before. There is no door visible. There are still two tomb beasts on the left and right sides. The tomb beasts look the same. The bottom looks like a tree, but the top has six hands. Its face is human-like, and it also looks like it has a look of repentance. However, it has three eyes.

The tomb-suppressing beast on the right has eyes sunken inward between the eyebrows. Based on Zhang Yu's experience, this must be the door's mechanism.

Zhang Yu didn't go inside immediately, so he took out the fire-gathering talisman and struck it inside.

"Poof!" "Poof!"

As soon as the fire was lit, the sound of "squeaking" was heard, accompanied by the sound of mice scurrying around, but there were no mice running this way.

Their eyes were open and they could already see what was going on inside. This stone room is very large, and two fires are not enough to see the whole thing clearly. Zhang Yu threw in two more fire talismans, and only now could he see the clues clearly.

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