Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1546 Mechanism


After listening to Zhang Yu's words, Wen Qiong immediately looked into the eyes of the tomb beast.

She immediately discovered that the eyes of the two tomb beasts were indeed different. The tomb beast on the left has a pair of protruding eyes on its human-shaped face, with colors painted on them, black and white.

The tomb beast on the right has sunken eyes. Although it is also in black and white, the sunken eyes are so deep that they can cover almost half a knuckle. Unless your eyes are big enough, you can't even see it.

"Are his eyes sunken?" Wen Qiong said curiously.

"I don't know either." Zhang Yu walked in front of the tomb-suppressing beast on the right, stretched out two fingers, and aimed at the sunken eyes of the tomb-suppressing beast.

"What are you going to do?" Wen Qiong asked.

"I think there should be a door here." Zhang Yu pointed to the opened door with his left hand.

Wen Qiong took a look and saw that there were only door frames on both sides of the door, no door at all. Further forward, although it was dark, one could barely make out the scene nearby, which should be a long and deep corridor.

"There's no door." Wen Qiong looked at it for a long time and said doubtfully.

"There must be a mechanism here. If you don't believe it, wait until I press it." Zhang Yu said, inserting his hands into the eye holes of the tomb beast and holding down those eyes.

With just one press, there was a "click" sound, and the tomb beast's eyes moved back one after another, and then they popped out.

"Creak." There was a sound from the door immediately, and a stone door slowly fell.

A moment later, with the sound of "clang", the stone door settled firmly, isolating the cave from the corridor.

"There really is a trap. This is the trap." Wen Qiong said in astonishment, eyes wide open. She could only see this kind of situation on TV, she had never seen it with her own eyes.

"That's right." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"How did you know this was a trap?" Wen Qiong asked curiously.

"Because I thought the eyes of these two tomb beasts were different, I felt that there should be a mechanism, so I gave it a try. Unexpectedly, I found it right away." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"You're quite smart." Wen Qiong pouted and then said, "What are you going to do now?"

Zhang Yu pressed the eyes of the tomb beast again, and with a click, the stone door began to rise slowly.

He glanced at Wen Qiong next to him, then at the exposed corridor, and said, "I plan to go in and take a look. To be honest, I originally thought that Zhou Laodao was raising rats under the tomb, or that there was something hidden here. People's secrets. But looking at it now, it seems to be more complicated than I imagined. It is absolutely impossible that Zhou Laodao dug this place, because the pottery must be genuine. Perhaps, this is really an ancient tomb, and Zhou Laodao was there What’s the point of building a tomb on top of an ancient tomb?”

"I listen to you. Wherever you want to go, I will accompany you!" Wen Qiong said seriously.

"Be careful, I will protect you!" Zhang Yu said, grabbing Wen Qiong's hand, walking through the door and walking into the corridor.

Now that we are down, we can't let Wen Qiong wait here. We can only move forward together to find the secrets hidden here.

Zhang Yu is an expert and bold man. He is confident that relying on his own cultivation and being careful, there will be no danger.

The money sword spread out and automatically guarded the two of them. Zhang Yu lit two fire gathering talismans and threw them forward, one far away and one close, so that he could clearly see the scene in the corridor.

They soon saw something on the left and right not far ahead, which seemed to be almost two meters high. It looks like a person, but it doesn't seem like it is.

Wen Qiong whispered: "What is that."

Nervous, she simply hugged one of Zhang Yu's arms, as if she was afraid that the man would disappear suddenly.

"I'm here, don't be afraid." Zhang Yu said, and took out two more fire charms, just in case.

As the thing in front of them got closer and closer, the two finally saw clearly what it was.

There are four tomb beasts in total, two on each side. There is a door exposed in the middle of each two, and it is also dark inside.

To be careful, Zhang Yu first threw two fire gathering charms into the door on the right, and then threw two more into the door on the left.

"Puff!" "Puff!"

With the firelight illuminating everything, everything can be seen clearly.

There are stone rooms on the left and right, which are smaller than the one they came from, about seventy or eighty square meters. There weren't many things inside, and because of the appearance of the fire, the rats that were lying on the ground began to run around again.

I don’t know if they noticed Zhang Yu’s power or sensed the danger. They all ran away and none of them dared to come over.

Zhang Yu did not go in immediately, but first looked at the tomb-suppressing beast on the right side of the door.

These two tomb-suppressing beasts had human bodies and animal heads. They were human beings kneeling on the ground, and Zhang Yu couldn't recognize those heads as any monsters. It looks grinning, but there are two antlers on its head. There was no ferocity in his eyes, and there seemed to be a look of repentance.

The antlers are also different. Of the two tomb beasts, one's antlers stand up, which is normal, while the other's antlers are actually leaning back.

Zhang Yu took a closer look and discovered the problem. There was a slide in front of the antlers.

He grabbed the antlers and pulled them forward. Sure enough, there was a "click" sound, and the antlers that were originally backwards returned to their original positions, exactly like those of his companions.

"Creak. Creak." There was a stone slab falling immediately at the door.

"It's another mechanism." Wen Qiong said softly.

"That's right." Zhang Yu nodded.

"I, why do I suddenly feel that there is something wrong?" Wen Qiong was a little nervous.

"What's the problem?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Logically speaking, whether it's an ancient tomb or somewhere else, the institutions should be closed, and shouldn't be so open." Wen Qiong expressed her doubts.

"Yes." Zhang Yu reacted immediately, but then he said: "Old Taoist Zhou can build a tomb up there, it's impossible that he hasn't come down before. I'm afraid he opened the mechanism here."

"It makes sense." Wen Qiong nodded.

"Bang." The stone door was now settled. Zhang Yu did not open it immediately, but turned to look at the door behind.

The two tomb beasts here also have human bodies and animal heads, kneeling on their knees, with heads like toads, wide mouths, big eyes, but one horn on their head.

This mechanism is easy to find. The problem is not in the corners, because one of the toad heads is facing Zhang Yu and the others, and the other is looking to the left. Obviously, this head is the mechanism.

Zhang Yu lazily turned around and whispered: "Let's go in and take a look."

"Yes." Wen Qiong responded, holding Zhang Yu's arm and walking into the stone room.

Once inside, with the firelight and the fact that the stone chamber is not particularly big, everything can be seen clearly. They could see four pottery jars inside, as well as five piles of broken pottery fragments.

As soon as Wen Qiong saw the nearest pottery jar, she couldn't help but exclaimed, "Yeah"

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