Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1548 Many Dead Rats

The stone chamber in front of me is very large. From a glance, it is several hundred square meters. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a grand hall.

In the center of the hall, there seems to be a river, dividing the hall into two halves.

There was nothing on the side close to Zhang Yu, except for nine arch bridges leading to the other end.

"Xiao Yu, it's so big in here. Why is there a bridge? What is it used for?" Wen Qiong asked in a low voice.

"I'm not sure now, I have to go and have a look." Zhang Yu said.

"Yes." Wen Qiong nodded lightly. No matter what Zhang Yu said, she would never look back.

Zhang Yu took her hand and walked into the hall. The distance from the portal to the arch bridge was almost twenty meters. Zhang Yu looked around and saw nothing on the ground except rat droppings.

But on the other side of the river, something seemed to be standing.

The two of them soon arrived at the river, and they had to subconsciously look towards Hanoi. Just looking at it, both of them were shocked. Zhang Yu was okay, after all, he had never seen anything before, but Wen Qiong shouted, "Ah"

It turned out that there was nothing else in Hanoi, only bones. The bones were piled up in such a way that it was impossible to count them.

"Auntie, don't be afraid, these are not human." Zhang Yu immediately discovered that something was wrong with the piled bones. They were not human at all. They looked like animals.

There are cow heads and sheep heads, and the ribs on the body are also in the shape of animals.

After hearing Zhang Yu's words, Wen Qiong couldn't help but take a closer look, and then said: "It's really an animal. It scared me."

She sighed, and then said: "Why is it from an animal this time?"

"I'm not sure about this," Zhang Yu said and glanced towards the opposite side.

This river is about ten meters wide, and you can see the other side, but there is a pillar under every bridge.

Wen Qiong obviously saw it too. He pointed to the opposite side and said, "There seem to be some pillars over there. What are they for?"

"I don't know. Let's go and take a look." Zhang Yu took Wen Qiong's hand and walked towards the arch bridge.

When you reach the top of the arch bridge, you can see the situation on the other side without even going over.

Opposite the lower bridge is a pillar, which seems to be made of stone. On top of the stone pillar, there is a set of bones tied. Wen Qiong subconsciously stuck to Zhang Yu. For some reason, she felt a little panicked now. This is panic for no reason, as if something is going to happen.

Zhang Yu took her hand and came to the foot of the bridge. Looking at the pillars in front of him and the bones on the pillars, Zhang Yu felt that this was another formation.

But nine pillars, lined up in a row, with bones tied on them, can they form any formation? It's really incredible.

The skeletons I encountered earlier were more dead than the last. The skeleton in front of me showed no injuries on the surface.

Of course, after so many years, even if the flesh and blood body was tortured at that time, you can't see it now. Just like Ling Chi's torture, it is estimated that its cruelty will never be less than that of that human pig.

Zhang Yu closed his eyes and looked at it with his inner eye.

A naked man was tied to the pillar. His face was haggard, his lips were dry, and his face was sallow, as if he had not eaten or drank for several days. He looked at the cattle and sheep in Hanoi, but all he could see was that there was nothing to eat. Finally, he closed his eyes weakly.

"He who starved to death was starved to death." Zhang Yu now understood that the feeling of being starved to death was not pleasant. I'm afraid the pain was no less than those of the people in front of him.

"Huh?" At this time, Wen Qiong said in surprise.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yu looked at Wen Qiong.

"Look ahead." Wen Qiong pointed forward.

Zhang Yu looked along the direction of her finger, and only then did he realize that there seemed to be a black hole in front of him.

"Let's go and take a look." Zhang Yu said.

He pulled Wen Qiong and walked forward. Once he got closer, he could see clearly. This is indeed a black hole, or rather, a downward stair step.

It was pitch black down there and nothing could be seen clearly. I don't know how deep it can be.

When he arrived here, Zhang Yu became even more curious about the situation below. Is this an ancient tomb or somewhere else?

He was also extremely curious about the formation here.

"Poof!" "Poof!"

After hitting the two fire-gathering talismans, there was light below, but Zhang Yu could see that it was very deep below, at least no less than ten meters.

"Are we going down?" Wen Qiong asked worriedly.

"You're already here, I definitely want to go down and have a look. Don't worry, as long as I'm here, nothing will happen to you!" Zhang Yu said confidently.

"Yes." Wen Qiong nodded heavily. Although her heart was still frightened, she still firmly believed that there would be no danger if she stayed with this man.

Zhang Yu did not go down immediately. He bit the fingers of his right hand and wrote the word "Thunder" on the palm of his left hand.

Thunder in the Palm!

With this, Zhang Yu can have greater confidence.

He didn't pull Wenqiong's hand this time because it would affect his performance. He held Wen Qiong's medicine in one hand, and held the fire talisman in the other hand. The two of them were surrounded by copper coins, allowing them to advance, retreat, or defend.

After everything was ready, Zhang Yu hugged Wen Qiong and walked downstairs.

With Zhang Yu hugging her like this, Wen Qiong felt a little more at ease.

Walk down the steps step by step. There is nothing here on the steps. It is smooth and you can go directly to the bottom.

Finally walking through the last step, the two of them could see the scene below.

In front of him, he saw another stone chamber. Inside the stone chamber, there were nine red wooden figures.

The wooden figure is in an oval shape, kneeling on the ground, with its back facing the steps and facing forward. In front, there is a bronze door, which is tightly closed, with a tomb beast on the left and right sides. Because the distance is a bit far, I can't see the appearance of the tomb beast clearly.

In addition to these, there are dead rats everywhere, some of which seem to have been dead for a long time, with only small bones left. The stone room was filled with the stench of decay. Wen Qiong's nose was tightened by the smoke, and she said nervously: "Why are there so many dead rats?"

Zhang Yu was just about to say "I'm not sure" when he suddenly heard a vicissitudes of voice, coming from nowhere, "Guizi!"

Hearing this voice, Zhang Yu's heart trembled, and he suddenly realized what kind of formation he had encountered.

Not caring about anything else, he immediately picked up Wen Qiong, turned around and ran up the steps.

Wen Qiong was shocked to see him like this. Zhang Yu had been very calm before, but why was he suddenly like this now? Wen Qiong tightly hooked Zhang Yu's neck, was hugged by Zhang Yu, and quickly came to the top.

After escaping, Zhang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Wen Qiong in her arms was puzzled and asked softly: "What's wrong?"

Hearing Wen Qiong's voice, Zhang Yu realized that he was too anxious just now and hugged Aunt Wen directly.

He slowly put Wen Qiong down and said, "It's very dangerous here, let's leave quickly!"

"Isn't there just a lot of dead rats? Where is the danger?" Wen Qiong didn't quite understand why Zhang Yu, who was so bold before, suddenly became afraid.

What's the mystery here?


Special thanks to: A Touch of Crying, Mr. Wugui, One Meter of Moonlight, Happy Bad Guy, FreeStanding, Mr. Wugui, Unfeeling 2003, Chinese Spare Ribs, Book Friends 201707, Potato Tomatoes, Laodou, Waiter, Chenjie, Uncle Ning, Mengchida The rewards in the past two days also include more than 100 monthly votes and more than 1,000 recommendation votes in the past two days.

Three chapters are here, and there is still one more to go. I will finish it when I wake up. They say there hasn’t been an outbreak for several days, so I’m planning the next one! Stay tuned! I never break my promise!

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