Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1533 It’s actually here!

If there is such a large Taoist temple in Zhenhai, it must be listed with the Taoist Association. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to open the door for business.

After all, in such a large area, if the Taoist Association is not named, it is illegal and can be banned at any time.

Looking at such a large Taoist temple, Zhang Yu was even more curious about whose Taoist temple could help Qiu Jianyue borrow her life.

No matter what, you have to go in and take a look.

He whispered: "Auntie, you stay here, I will go in and take a look. Senior sister, protect my auntie."

"Yes." Ye Fenghuang nodded without saying much.

Wen Qiong said worriedly: "Be careful."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." After saying this, Zhang Yu got out of the car and rushed towards the Taoist temple in the night.

The location of the Taoist temple is not remote, and its scale is not inferior to that of the Wudang Taoist temple.

You know, this is Zhenhai, and every inch of land is valuable. Zhang Yu had a backer like Wen Qiong, so Taoist temples had to be built on mountains in the suburbs, and there was no room in the city.

The Taoist temple can be located in an urban area, not in a remote place, and it must have such a scale, which shows its strong strength. Looking at the Zhenbei Executive District, there is probably only one Taoist temple with such strength.

"Could it be"

Zhang Yu murmured in his heart, and not long after, he finally confirmed his guess.

There is a Yong road and stone steps in front, and there is a large archway with three big characters written on it - Yangchun Guan.

The largest Taoist temple in Zhenbei District!

Apart from Yangchun Temple, no other Taoist temple can have such a scale.

Zhang Yu had never been to Yangchunguan, but he only knew that Yangchunguan was in Zhenbei District. Now that he was here, Zhang Yu was confused.

I came here to follow the vehicle involved in the transaction, but I actually chased it to Yangchunguan. Who could be the person doing the transaction?

He suddenly thought of that person again. That person definitely couldn't be Zhenren Lu. Zhenren Lu's voice was too familiar.

"Could it be him?"

A person's appearance appeared in Zhang Yu's mind. That's right, this person was none other than someone he had met several times before. The most impressive one was the one he met at Hang's house. Lu Daoren, the younger brother of Yangchun Guan’s master.

"Is it him? Is it really him? The voice does sound very similar." Zhang Yu frowned secretly, how could the matter involve Yangchun Guan.

Now that I'm here, I must go in. After all, my copper coins are still inside. As for what is going on, we need to take a closer look, especially what is the transaction?

If it was said that Yangchun Guan would sell drugs, Zhang Yu really didn't believe it. In Zhenhai, Yangchun Temple and Baimei Palace are evenly matched, and the money for incense and good faith alone is huge in a year. Is it worth taking this risk?

Drug trafficking is a serious crime of decapitation, and usually those who do this business are not said to have a good background. At most, you can earn your first pot of gold by doing this business, and then wash your hands of it. The reason why you continue to work is because it is difficult to get off the pirate ship.

In a place like Yangchunguan, even if Master Lu's character was not very good, Zhang Yu wouldn't believe it if he said he could sell drugs.

Zhang Yu quickly walked towards Yangchun Guan with his eight-character fortune-finding chart. In the dark night, he relied on his extraordinary ear skills to avoid the Taoist priests on duty at night and easily entered the side courtyard. There is a Taoist temple's own parking lot in the side yard. In this place, Zhang Yu found the four jeeps he had seen before.

The copper coin I punched is still on the back of a car.

He took the copper coins down and took a deep breath. He had come here and there was no way he could just go back. Zhang Yu simply walked inside again.

Everyone is a Taoist temple, and no one knows about the buildings inside. The front is prepared for tourists and pilgrims, but the real key point is at the back - where tourists stop.

Zhang Yu walked quietly to the back, passing through the corridor and courtyard. I had been walking for about half an hour when I suddenly heard a painful voice coming from a courtyard in Xianshan, "Uh-huh. Uh-huh."

Hearing this voice, Zhang Yu quickened his pace and arrived outside the hospital in a blink of an eye. He jumped slightly, put his head over the wall first, and looked inside.

There are three rooms in the courtyard, one with candles, one with lights, and one dark.

There is a large incense burner in the middle of the yard, with a few trees around it and nothing else.

It is not difficult to hear that the painful sound came from the room with candles, and it still says, "Uh-huh."

From this position, it sounded even more real. It was obviously not coming from one person, there could be at least seven or eight people.

Zhang Yu was curious, what was Yang Chunguan doing? He easily turned over and tiptoed to the back window of the room.

I peeked inside and saw that the room looked like a sauna. It was full of fog and it was difficult to see clearly. It was only vaguely visible that there were many large wooden barrels, and there were people sitting in the barrels, who should be Taoist priests.

At this time, Zhang Yu finally heard a voice. It was not difficult to tell that it was the voice of a middle-aged man.

"What are you calling, what are you calling? This is a great opportunity for you! In the past, if you wanted to take this medicated bath, you had to get enough merit. This time, the abbot has given you the opportunity to take a medicated bath without any merit. , you should feel honored to improve your cultivation! Now two-thirds of the stick of incense has been burned, and there is still one-third left! If you don’t want to insist, come out immediately, and I won’t stop you! But in this case, You can only be a handyman Taoist priest for the rest of your life, and you don’t have the dedication to practice at all!"

"Uncle Master! I will persevere to the end!" "I will persevere to the end!" "Persist to the end!" "Persist to the end!".

A series of voices of young Taoist priests sounded in the room. Judging from the voices, they seemed to be in their twenties.

This time, Zhang Yu understood. It turned out that these people were taking a medicinal bath to improve their skills.

Zhang Yu heard Lao Wangtou talk about this cultivation method, but the effect was only average. I don’t know whether it’s the Laowangtou medicated bath recipe that doesn’t work, or the medicated bath itself just doesn’t work.

Seeing what everyone said, the middle-aged man in the room immediately said in an encouraging tone: "That's right! After seven days of baptism, you will become the elite disciples of Yangchun Temple from now on! Do you know that the medicines required for medicated baths are It is extremely rare, and some are even hard to find! There are only thirty-six disciples who can be tempered this time! You are the first batch, cherish this opportunity!"

"Yes!" "Yes!" "Yes!" The little Taoist priests shouted again, listening to the sound, as if they were also cheering themselves up.

After hearing this, Zhang Yu murmured in his heart again, "Is there really such an effective medicinal bath that is hard to find?"

After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't help but come up with an idea. Laidu came to find out what the items traded at the seaside were. It would not be easy to find them in the huge Yangchun Temple. Since Yangchunguan has a unique secret recipe for medicinal bath, you might as well take the opportunity to take a look. If you can stop by and study it, your trip will not be in vain.

After making up his mind, he didn't leave, and just squatted under the wall.

"Uh uh. uh." "Uh uh. uh."

Although the Taoist priests encouraged themselves, the further back they went, the more painful it seemed. Even if he gritted his teeth and persisted, he would still make painful sounds from time to time.

After a while, the middle-aged man inside spoke again: "The time has come! Come out now!"

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