Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1534 Poppy juice

"Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!".

When the little Taoist priests who were soaking in the big wooden barrel heard that they could come out, they all jumped out of the barrel as if they had been granted amnesty.

Zhang Yu squatted down at the foot of the wall and just listened.

The Taoist priests wiped themselves and put on their Taoist robes. The middle-aged Taoist priest said again: "Come with me now and go to the lighted room to meditate and circulate Qi."

After saying that, he took the lead and walked outside.

When Zhang Yu saw him going out, he quickly walked around from the back of the room to the front. He saw the nine little Taoist priests following the middle-aged man to the lighted room. He glanced at the candle-lit room to make sure there was no one inside, and then He rushed in directly.

His speed is fast and his steps are light. With these people, it is impossible to hear his movements.

Entering the room, he first smelled a strong smell of medicine, and then he saw the situation in the room clearly.

There are nine large wooden barrels placed in the room, and the heat is still rising. The most surprising thing is that there is a fire under the barrels. Look at this, it can cook people.

There were some medicine cabinets on both sides of the room, and Zhang Yu saw a suitcase on the table at a glance. I don’t know if this suitcase was a suitcase traded at the beach at night.

Zhang Yu wanted to see what was going on and came to the table in two steps. There was no lock on the suitcase, so Zhang Yu opened the suitcase with a slight pull.

There are six bottles in the suitcase, but in the place of seven bottles, there should be another bottle. Sure enough, not far from the box, there was an empty bottle.

Those six bottles contained red liquid. The liquid was very bright and full of charming temptation.

Zhang Yu didn't touch the bottle filled with liquid. He picked up the empty bottle, put it in front of his nose and smelled it. This smell didn't matter, he immediately felt energetic. However, the heartbeat speeded up slightly.

"Huh?" Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, feeling something was wrong.

He immediately realized what it was, "poppy juice."

Zhang Yu had never seen a poppy flower, but he had heard Lao Wangtou talk about it. Poppy flowers are also called opium flowers. To put it bluntly, they are drugs.

However, the poppy mainly depends on where it is used. It is not said to be harmful but useless. Poppy is also a medicinal material that can cure chronic cough, diarrhea, dysentery, prolapse of the anus, and various pains in the heart and bones. It is especially effective in treating lung diseases.

In modern medicine, the advantages of opium poppy are also used to treat diseases and save lives.

The smell of poppy flowers is very fragrant and very attractive. After smelling it, it can make people excited and want to continue to smell it.

But Zhang Yu didn't want to smell it anymore. He put down the empty bottle. It was basically certain that this thing was probably what was traded at the beach at night.

Zhang Yu secretly murmured in his heart, what does Yangchun Guan want the poppies for?

I don’t know how many poppy flowers are needed for this bottle of poppy flower juice. If it is used to make poison, it is estimated that a lot can be processed.

Not a single bottle is gone now, obviously used.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu immediately turned his head and looked at the big wooden barrel in the room. The room was filled with the smell of medicine, with a faint hint of the fragrance that had just been smelled.

He quickly rushed to a large wooden barrel and smelled the smell emanating from the barrel.

Sure enough, there is the scent of poppy flowers in it. In addition to this, Zhang Yu also smelled a few flavors of traditional Chinese medicine.

Among them are astragalus, Codonopsis pilosula, Atractylodes macrocephala, and Poria cocos. The medicines used here to treat deficiency of Qi can be easily smelled. However, Zhang Yu did not smell the other medicines.

Even if he has good medical skills and has the true inheritance of Lao Wangtou, how many medicinal materials can Daniutun have, especially the expensive ones? Zhang Yu only has the name, pattern, and taste. If you smell it alone, you should be able to distinguish it, but now it's a bit difficult to smell it together.

And some of the smell of the wooden barrels can't be smelled because the mixture is too heavy.

Zhang Yu decided to feel it out. Since everyone could take a bath in it, it should be fine. He gently put his hand into the water, and as soon as his hand touched it, it was burned.

Good guy, the water temperature is at least around 60 degrees.

You know, there is a temperature of 43 degrees, which is enough for people to go down. When it reaches forty-five or six degrees Celsius, even the old man who resists bubbles may not be able to bear it.

With Zhang Yu's cultivation, he is normally quite resistant to scalding, but this water temperature is also unbearable.

"Soak here." Zhang Yu was secretly surprised, but then he realized a problem, that is, no one can get in at this water temperature. There is probably only one reason why these people can go in and soak in it for so long, and that is the poppy flower juice. Some mitigating effects. Otherwise, it will be cooked and soaked in the shit.

I still remember the painful screams of those Taoist priests earlier. It seems that it is not without reason.

Zhang Yu also took a medicinal bath, but nothing like this. He was clearly boiling dumplings.

But Yangchun Guan, as the leader of Zhenhai Quanzhen Sect, cannot just mess around. There must be some secret in this medicinal bath.

I still remember that the middle-aged Taoist priest said that if you wanted to take this medicinal bath in the past, you had to exchange for merit, which shows how precious it is.

Zhang Yu understood that Chinese medicine is made by boiling it, which means it needs a certain temperature to be effective.

It is not difficult to determine that if this medicated bath is to be truly absorbed by the human body, it must be stimulated by high temperature. The higher the temperature, the human body's sweat pores will enlarge, accelerate blood circulation, and the better the drug absorption effect will be.

Also, middle-aged people say that medicine can improve one's physical strength. There are several medicinal materials that they can smell that can improve the middle energy. Lao Wangtou's medicinal bath is indispensable for these.

"It seems that I need to take this thing back and study it carefully." Zhang Yu took it out from his body and found that there was nothing that could be used to hold the medicine, only a small gourd.

This is a magic weapon refined by Zhang Yu, used to absorb evil spirits. Simply use this small gourd as a container to put the potion in, waiting for further study.

There is also a medicine box in the room. This should not be missed. It is probably used for medicinal baths.

He simply went to the medicine cabinet and opened the cabinet doors one by one. Smell one by one, and you can see the shape of the medicine, which makes it much easier to identify them.

This time, it was an eye-opener for Zhang Yu. There were indeed many precious medicinal materials. But what puzzled Zhang Yu the most was that there were actually highly toxic drugs in it, such as peacock gallbladder and cold scale insects.

However, poisons are also mutually reinforcing. Peacock gall is not the internal organs of a real peacock, but a type of insect called Cantharis macrophylla, which is a dry insect body found in the south. It is a heat poison, while cold scale insects are a cold poison. If a person takes these two poisonous insects, they will definitely die, but the two kinds of insects are incompatible with each other.

Zhang Yu knew most of the medicines, but there were a few others that Zhang Yu didn't know, so he picked up the ones he didn't know and asked his uncle when he went back.

He was watching and stealing inside, and suddenly he heard the middle-aged man's voice from the courtyard, "You continue to meditate and practice, remember to be calm. I will go to the abbot to report."

The abbot of Yangchunguan was Lu Zhenren. As soon as Zhang Yu heard that he was going to report to Lu Zhenren, he couldn't help but think, why not just follow him and have a look. Let’s see how it is said.

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