Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1532 Familiar Voice

There were overgrown weeds on the outside of the beach. Zhang Yu was crouched down. Because he was wearing black clothes, even if someone wanted to look in his direction, they might not be able to see him. Needless to say, no one looked in his direction at all.

Zhang Yu could see clearly now that there were four jeeps parked in front of them, and there could be ten men standing there. After waiting for a while, at about eleven o'clock, the ship finally docked.

Seven people jumped out of the boat. These people all had weapons on their bodies. Only the leader had empty hands. The two people behind him were each carrying two large suitcases, and they didn't know what was inside. But looking at the posture, it looks a bit like gangsters trading in gangster war movies.

The distance between Zhang Yu and Zhang Yu was not too close or too far, just enough for both sides to hear what they were saying.

The leader who got off the boat spoke with an accent from Dongshan Administrative Region, and he said directly: "The king of heaven and the tiger of earth!"

The person below replied, "The pagoda suppresses the river demon!"

"Mohamoha, let's talk in the middle of the night!" the leader who got off the boat said again.

"No one has a home!" said the person below.

After hearing the two men's secret signals, Zhang Yu almost burst into tears. How old is this, and there is still such a code?

But he soon discovered that the voice of the person speaking below was a bit familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before, and he couldn't remember who it was for a while.

But Zhang Yu was absolutely certain that this person was definitely not Qiu Jianyue.

This made Zhang Yu even more curious. Who could be the person who came to trade at night?

The leader who got off the boat said loudly again: "What is blushing?"

Before the man below could speak, Zhang Yu said in his mind, "You are in good spirits."

No, the man's answer was, "I ate Malatang!"

Zhang Yu frowned and said to himself, if this were him, he would probably have been shot.

The leader who got off the boat asked again: "Why has it turned yellow again?"

The man below replied: "I'm not full, I just had another donkey meat roast!"

"It's one of our own!" the leader who got off the boat said, waving his hand forward.

The two men carrying suitcases behind him immediately moved forward. More people passed by the car side, five in total, each holding two large suitcases, making ten in total.

After exchanging with each other, the inspection began.

Seeing this meaning, Zhang Yu knew it was time to take action. With his own ability, there were less than twenty people from both sides together, which was definitely a piece of cake.

However, one thing made Zhang Yu curious. Who is this person with a familiar voice?

Based on my own memory, I have definitely seen this person before, but I am not familiar with him.

He was also a little entangled in his heart, whether to take action or not.

"Swish, swish, swish"

At this stall, there was a slight sound of footsteps coming from a distance. The sound of footsteps was so light that an ordinary person would never hear it. Only Zhang Yu's six senses were clear and his Qi cultivation was much better than before, so he could hear it clearly.

"Huh?" Zhang Yu slowly turned his head and looked towards the source of the sound, but saw no one.

The footsteps just now could no longer be heard. Thinking about it, that person also hid in the grass. But the man's movements were fast enough. Zhang Yu almost heard the footsteps and immediately turned his head to look, but he didn't even see him.

"Could it be that Qiu Jianyue sent someone else to keep an eye on this?" Zhang Yu muttered to himself.

For a moment, he was a little embarrassed whether to take action or not. Firstly, the footsteps just now made him believe that there was someone peeping here, and secondly, the person who spoke in front of him had definitely met before, and he was certain that he was not Qiu Jianyue.

Who came here to trade in the middle of the night? If it had nothing to do with Qiu Jianyue, how could Qiu Jianyue know? If it is related, who is this person?

After the transaction between the two parties was completed, the two parties exchanged a few polite words and said something like "continue to cooperate next time". The people who got off the ship carried the ten suitcases and walked towards the ship.

They returned to the boat, which immediately set off and sailed away from the shore.

Zhang Yu frowned slightly. If he had taken action just now, he could have captured both sides directly. Now a group of people are on the boat and they want to capture people again, unless they can fly.

He stared at another group of people, who were carrying two boxes and were about to get on the bus.

Zhang Yu was anxious. If he couldn't do it, would he detain these people?

But he unconsciously glanced at the grass next to him and did not move rashly.

By this time, the ten people had already gotten into the car.

"No! We can't let people leave like this. Fortunately, we have made preparations in advance."

Zhang Yu put his hand into his pocket, and a moment later, a copper coin wrapped in ashes flew out quietly and stuck firmly to the back of a car.

This is Zhang Yu's tracking technique. He used it before. His birth date is written on the talisman. As long as it is burned to ashes, he can find it no matter where the talisman ashes go within seven days.

When he came, he was fully prepared, considering that if the talisman was burned here, there would definitely be fire. So I packed the burned ashes in advance, just in case.

The car just drove away, Zhang Yu still lay in the grass without moving, his eyes just staring at the grass next to him.

After a minute, Zhang Yu finally saw a dark figure coming out of the grass. When he saw this dark shadow, Zhang Yu was stunned again.

It turned out that the black shadow was only one meter high, and the grass was more than half a meter high. The man seemed to be bent over. But his skinny appearance doesn't look like he is stooped.

"Swish, swish, swish, swish." Immediately afterwards, he saw the man leaving quickly in the opposite direction. His footsteps were so fast that Zhang Yu felt a little ashamed. Unless Zhang Yu uses the magic vest, he thinks he can't catch up.

"Who is this?" Seeing the black shadow disappear quickly, Zhang Yu waited for another minute before standing up.

What happened tonight is really outrageous. Who was the person who made the deal? Which kind of god is the black shadow?

Zhang Yu didn't stay too long. It was not difficult to clear up the doubts in his heart. He only needed to use the eight-character fortune-seeking technique to find the copper coin he had played out earlier.

He immediately used his divine walking vest, ran towards the national highway, and called Wen Qiong, who was picked up within a short time. After getting in the car, Zhang Yu took out the eight-character fortune-telling chart, bit the tip of his tongue, and sprayed a mouthful of blood on it.


The pointer on the compass immediately started to rotate, then stopped and pointed forward. Zhang Yu asked Wen Qiong to follow his command and follow him along the way.

If you follow this path, you will have a long way to go. I chased him until two o'clock in the middle of the night. I had already left the Zhendong District and followed the viaduct to the Zhenbei District.

Zhang Yu was confused, why didn't he go to Zhennan District?

Gradually, a majestic building appeared not far ahead. You can see it clearly in the night, with red walls and yellow tiles, like a huge Taoist temple.

Zhang Yu had never been to which Taoist temple this was. After all, it was his first time in Zhenbei District.

Zhang Yu whispered: "Where is this?"

"How did I know?" Wen Qiong whispered.

Zhang Yu looked at the pointer, which pointed to the Taoist temple, and the copper coin he punched was now there.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Yu had a plan in his mind. Qiu Jianyue once asked a master to help him borrow his life. Could it be that this Taoist temple is the residence of the master.

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