Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1358: Willful

Two stocks rose, four stocks fell, and two stocks were neither rising nor falling. Combined with the recent poor market trend, the same is true for the National Securities 30. At the close, the National Securities 30 fell 8.63%.

Yang Huainian thinks that it is not surprising that the index has fallen. The main players in other stocks have not pulled up, and they are all slowly eating up. If you want to pull up the market at this time, you have to spend a lot of money.

He was just thinking about how to operate tomorrow when the cell phone on the table rang, "Ring ring ring ring ring."

Yang Huainian picked up the phone and saw that it was the number of the general manager's secretary's office. The stock index fell again today, and he didn't answer the phone, so he vaguely guessed what was going on.

Sure enough, after answering, the secretary told him that Mr. Qi was affectionate.

Yang Huainian hung up the phone, went straight to Qi Wuyao's office, knocked on the door and went in. Yang Huainian first said hello, "Mr. Qi, you are looking for me."

"Lao Yang, what's going on? Why did the stock index drop so much today?" Qi Wuyao was not as polite as yesterday, and started shouting in a loud voice.

"The market is not going well."

Yang Huainian immediately explained, but before he could say a word, Qi Wuyao became angry as soon as he heard the words 'the market trend is not good'.

Qi Wuyao shouted angrily: "That's what you said yesterday! The trend is not good, the trend is not good. We can't control other stocks, but can't we control the stocks we trade ourselves? See for yourself, eight stocks Only two stocks went up, and the other six stocks fell sharply. How did you do it? Can this deputy general manager be replaced?"

"Mr. Qi, now that the stock price is at a high level, it is inevitable that there will be a large amount of profit taking, and there are also retail investors who are eager to cash out. At this time, if we forcefully increase the stock price, the funds consumed will be too great," Yang Huainian explained.

"These are all excuses and cannot cover up your incompetence! Let me tell you, I must make the stock index rise! You have to understand that we are long the stock index at the moment, and I don't want to lose money when the settlement is settled!" Qi Wuyao angrily said shouted.

"If we force the increase, I'm only afraid of financial issues," Yang Huainian said carefully.

"I won't listen to your useless explanations! Let me tell you, if the stock index falls again tomorrow, I will question you!" Qi Wuyao shouted.

"I will definitely not let the stock index fall again tomorrow." Yang Huainian said quickly.

"Okay! Let's get off work!" After Qi Wuyao finished speaking, he stood up directly.

Yang Huainian stood just inside the door of Qi Wuyao's office. He said with a smile, "Goodbye, Mr. Qi."

He turned around and left the office, complaining secretly in his heart, how could anyone operate like this?

However, he is the boss and he is a high-level wage earner. It is unacceptable to be disobedient.

When I got home, I had a long drink, and my wife asked around. After learning about her husband's difficulties, she carefully explained it. Anyway, I just listen to my boss, so don’t I just ask him to be promoted? Then just promote me. What else can I do?

After going to work the next day, I immediately held a conference call and issued new trading tasks to each trading room. At any cost, I directly raised the stock price to 8% in the morning and sealed it. In the afternoon, I even wanted to raise the stock price to 8%. rose to about 13%. All eight stocks must rise sharply.

Good guy, once this order was issued, it was bad luck.

Jin Aoxiang had prepared it for him a long time ago. He didn't do much shipping in the morning. In the afternoon, after Qi's Investment Company pulled up again, a large amount of selling orders started to fall.

It wasn't just them who were selling stocks, there were also many retail investors who had made profits, as well as "shareholders" who had been trapped before and were almost free now, and they also hurriedly took the opportunity to sell.

When these eight stocks rise to 10%, if you try to attack upward, even by 0.1 points, it will be fatal.

Zhang Yu also spent a lot of money. One stock can have 4 to 5 billion chips, so how much does it cost to hold eight stocks? Now that the stock price has risen to more than 70%, if you sell it, you will make at least 2 billion.

Zhang Yu only has so many chips, plus the chips of retail investors, how much does it cost to add up the eight stocks? Almost 10 billion.

The investment company has money, but it really cannot afford this kind of operation.

Yang Huainian was sitting in the office, sweating on his forehead as he watched the large orders being closed. This kind of blind trading, without any technical content, will result in huge losses.

"Ring ring ring ring ring."

At this time, the office phone on the table rang.

Yang Huainian grabbed the phone and said, "Hello, hello."

"Hey, Mr. Yang, I'm the third trading room. We only have 60 million in funds at the moment. There are too many selling chips, and we can't even eat them. If we want to continue to force the increase, we must approve more funds. Come down." The person on the phone said anxiously.

"I know, take a small amount and try to maintain the stock price. I will find a way." Yang Huainian said.


The phone was hung up immediately, and Yang Huainian was about to get up and go find Qi Wuyao, when the phone on the table rang again.

"Ring ring ring ring ring."

Yang Huainian quickly answered the call and said, "Hello, hello."

"Mr. Yang, I'm in the trading room five. We only have 40 million left on our books right now. The selling is serious now and we can't answer the call," the man on the phone said urgently.

"I understand, I will take a small amount of money and try to maintain the stock price. I will ask the boss for funds!" Yang Huainian said.

After saying this, before he hung up the phone, other office phones rang again, "ring ring ring" "ring ring ring"

If there is nothing else, they are all called from various trading rooms, and they all say the same thing, that is, there is no money in the books, and they will not be able to eat anymore.

After all eight trading rooms called, the phone stopped ringing.

Yang Huainian quickly left the office and went to Qi Wuyao's office. After entering, he said hello. Yang Huainian immediately reported, "Mr. Qi, there is no money in the trading account now. There are too many profit margins, and we can no longer take it."

"What? No money!" Qi Wuyao glanced at the phone on the boss's desk. Sure enough, the stock price was falling little by little. He immediately said: "I will ask the finance department to allocate money now. Do you think how much it will cost? Is one billion enough?"

"One billion." Yang Huainian frowned and said, "Judging from the current selling situation, it will be at least eight billion."

"So much." Qi Wuyao frowned and said, "I'll first ask the finance department how much money is left on the books. If it's not enough, I'll ask the group company to allocate funds! Don't worry, money is not a problem!"

After saying this, he picked up the phone and called the finance office.

The company's books have reserve funds, but Yang Huainian had previously mentioned that a large part of the trading account was in reserve, and now the remaining funds are just over one billion.

Qi Wuyao asked the finance department to first transfer the money to various trading accounts to hold up the stock price and prevent it from falling. Then he called his father and asked for funding. He also told Qi Tongwei that it was a critical moment and he was doing long stock indexes. Yang Huainian was going to be 80 The funds of 100 million are not enough on the books.

As soon as Qi Tongwei heard that it was Yang Huainian who asked for so much money, he agreed and the group immediately allocated funds. The group does not have enough money in its books, so it must find a way to pledge it and get a bank loan. No matter what, it must win this battle.

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