Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1357 Prepared to kill but not prepared

Qi's Investment Company, the office of deputy general manager Yang Huainian.

There are four computers placed on the boss's desk, and each computer screen has the quotes of several stocks. Among them are not only the eight stocks traded by their company, but also the market trend of the National Securities 30, as well as the trends of several other heavyweight stocks in the National Securities 30.

Yang Huainian held a cigarette in his mouth, his eyes kept scanning the quotations of these stocks, and he looked gently at the armrest of the boss's chair with one hand, as if he was thinking about something.

"Operation against the market, it is still difficult to drive the stock index. Today, if you want the National Securities 30 Index to go red, you can pull up all the eight stocks in your hand. It is estimated that it is barely enough. Mr. Qi wants to buck the trend. It gives people a headache." Yang Huainian muttered in his heart, thinking of this, he couldn't help but shake his head.

After a while, he glanced at the watch on his wrist. It was already two forty-five. This point is the final pull-up time.

In an instant, the eight stocks on the screen suddenly shot up like a rocket, and their stock prices soared extremely fast.

Yang Huainian nodded with satisfaction. This was exactly his strategic plan to soar the stock price in late trading to avoid taking too many chips at a high position.

However, only thirty seconds later, something unexpected happened to him. I originally thought that these stocks could be pulled up to about 12% above the opening price according to the original plan. The result was great. Only two stocks were pulled up, and the other six stocks were directly hit by large selling orders at high levels.

A large buy order and a large sell order collided. First, the transaction was completed directly. After the transaction was completed, there was also a large sell order remaining. Obviously, the number of sell orders completely overwhelmed the buy orders.

Yang Huainian was stunned immediately.

He stared closely at the market, and the sales orders were completed little by little. Yang Huainian knew that this was eaten up by his own buying orders.

However, the selling orders had no intention of decreasing. After several transactions, the selling orders were still hanging there. It was obviously impossible to increase the stock price according to the original plan. Because if you want the stock price to rise, you must get past this extremely large sell order.

"Ring ring ring" "ring ring ring" "ring ring ring" "ring ring ring"

In an instant, the three office phones on Yang Huainian's desk, plus the mobile phone, all rang.

Unfortunately, Yang Huainian only had two hands. He grabbed an office phone with one hand and his mobile phone with the other, and answered it at the same time.

"Mr. Yang, if we encounter a large sales order at a high position, our team will not be able to take it down."

"Mr. Yang, there is a large sell order on Tianhang stock, and we can't bear it. Please give instructions!"

Yang Huainian answered the two people's questions almost at the same time, "I saw it, just wait and see what happens!"

He hung up and grabbed two other work phones.

This call was also made from the trading room below. I reported the situation to him. I encountered a large sell order that I couldn't take, so I asked him for instructions.

Yang Huainian's answer remains the same - wait and see.

After hanging up, two more phones rang, the same thing happened, and Yang Huainian's answer was still the same.

His eyes were fixed on the market. The trends of those six stocks were slowly changing because there were no takeovers at high prices. Basically, it fell slowly. Even so, the National Securities 30 was still barely in the red, rising by 0.58%.

Waiting until the last minute before the close, two of them slammed into the market.

For a time, the stock prices of these two stocks plummeted, falling by 13% compared to yesterday's closing price. The sudden change caused the National Securities 30 to turn green instantly, with a drop of 1.45%.

Of the eight stocks, two reached the target and rose by 12%; two stocks fell sharply and fell by 13%. Although the remaining four stocks have all increased, the increase rates are different.

Yang Huainian looked a little confused. If someone was targeting him, it didn't look like it. After all, there are ups and downs. Therefore, when he gave the results, he encountered a knowledgeable rat warehouse. Some large investors saw the trend in the past few days and wanted to cash out their chips at the high level in the late trading.

Yang Huaiyang nodded lightly and said in his heart: "The real profits are about to come out. At this price, we can't take them all. Try to stay put and let the retail investors take over."

"Ring ring ring"

Just then, his cell phone rang.

Yang Huainian picked it up and saw that it was the phone number of the general manager's secretary's office. He answered immediately, "Hello, hello."

"Hey, Mr. Yang, Mr. Qi, please come over."

"I understand." Yang Huainian said.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Huainian stood up and left the office, walking toward the general manager's office across the corridor.

It closed in the green late today. He guessed that Qi Wuyao might be in a bad mood.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the office and said hello, Qi Wuyao said with a cold face before Yang Huainian could sit down: "Lao Yang, what's going on? Why did you fall today?"

"Mr. Qi, the recent market trend is not good. It is almost impossible to completely drive the National Securities 30 just by relying on the eight stocks in our hands." Yang Huainian said.

"Is that so?" Qi Wuyao asked coldly: "The trends of the stocks in our hands are not very good, right? Didn't you see it yourself? Two stocks fell by more than 13%! If these two stocks didn't fall, , will the National Securities 30 fall?”

"This is because there is a large amount of profit taking. If we eat it by force, the loss will be too great," Yang Huainian explained.

"Lao Yang, what did we say before? We want the stock index to rise, and we also bought it. What does it mean now?" Qi Wuyao was obviously unhappy, but he still suppressed his anger.

"Please rest assured, Mr. Yang, the stock index will definitely rise tomorrow." Yang Huainian said.

"That's what you said! We are already long on the stock index, and I don't want any problems to arise tomorrow. Okay, you go back, I have to get off work too!" After Qi Wuyao finished speaking, he stood up directly.

"Okay, goodbye, Mr. Qi." Yang Huainian nodded. He didn't even sit down yet. After saying this, he simply turned around and left the general manager's office.

It’s not like Yang Huainian didn’t understand how to forcefully raise the stock price. But it requires money. When I bought it before, I actually spent some money. After all, the price was low at that time. The higher the price goes, the higher it will be. How much will it cost if we really push it up?

He is thinking about the company, so he intends to obtain the maximum benefit at the lowest cost.

The next morning, after Yang Huainian arrived at the company, he held a conference call and held separate meetings with the heads of each trading room to make trading arrangements one by one.

His strategic approach has changed. He suppressed the stock price in the morning and tried not to be a glutton. Wait until the afternoon, slowly buy in, raise the stock price, and achieve the purpose of raising the stock price at the lowest cost possible.

Yang Huainian had a good idea, but he didn't know who his opponent was. This is equivalent to Yang Huainian in the light and Jin Aoxiang in the dark. Knowing yourself and the enemy, isn't it easy to plot against him?

Jin Aoxiang saw Yang Huainian's intention more than 20 minutes after the opening of the afternoon. This time he used the tactic of releasing two, keeping two, and playing four.

In other words, Jin Aoxiang let go of the two stocks that fell sharply yesterday and let them rise without touching them. The two stocks that did not fall sharply yesterday were just trading sideways to prevent their stock prices from rising. The remaining four stocks directly moved to a position 7% lower than yesterday's closing price, releasing chips bit by bit.

Yang Huainian didn't want to take the bargaining chip, but if he didn't take it, retail investors would not dare to take it at a high position easily. This kind of roller coaster ride is too dangerous. The stock prices fell quickly. At the close, two stocks rose sharply. Compared with yesterday, one rose by 1% and the other fell by 0.2%. The remaining four stocks all fell by 6% to 10%.

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