Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1356 The Style of a General

"According to your statement, these eight stocks will basically double, so why don't we sell the stocks in our hands when they are about to double, and make a huge profit by then." Zhang Yu smiled. said.

Zhang Yu’s investment in this operation was considerable. Almost 500 million chips were invested in each stock, and all the funds that Wudang Group could mobilize as well as Jindang Technology's money from selling mobile phones were used.

Five hundred million in one stock is not too much. In addition, the money was taken in several times, so Yang Huainian thought it was a rat barn built by a wealthy family.

"Mr. Zhang, it would be meaningless to wait until a high position to sell. Our opponent is not only Qi Wuyao, but also Yang Huainian. Let him take over at the final target price. Qi Wuyao may be capable, but Yang Huainian will never be so stupid. In addition, Yang Huainian has always been cautious. Although he was ordered to forcefully push up the stock this time, he will definitely buy long index futures contracts to complement each other. When the target price is reached, his futures contract will soon expire, which will affect our layout. It makes no sense." Jin Aoxiang said seriously.

Zhang Yu nodded and said: "Then what price do you mean to ship the goods?"

"Ship the goods when the stock price rises to 60%, and throw all the profit-making chips in our hands to him little by little. By the way, we will actually buy a short futures contract." Jin Aoxiang said with a smile.

"You mean, give him Jiang Gan to steal the book at that time?" Zhang Yu asked with a smile.

"After we sell all the goods, the stock price should have risen to between 70% and 80% by then. At this juncture, if Jiang Gan steals the book, Yang Huainian will be crushed in all likelihood. ." Jin Aoxiang said confidently.

In the next few days, Yang Huainian was ordered to steadily increase the stock price.

Almost every day, the stock price rises by more than 10 points. (Note: The securities market in this book is in line with the world, and there is no limit limit.)

Stock trading does not mean relying on brute force. If Yang Huainian directly forcibly pulls up the price, it will reach the target value. That day's profit-selling bargaining chips would be smashed to death by him.

Therefore, his plan is to slowly increase the price and gradually swallow up the profit chips. The stock price will have ups and downs during the day, and usually it will suddenly rise when the market is about to close. Wait until the market opens the next day and try to get the chips at a relatively low position in order to save costs.

This kind of trading makes ordinary retail investors confused. If they can't hold on, they will throw away the chips in their hands.

But Jin Aoxiang had guessed his opponent's target plan, so he was not in a hurry in the past few days. He even didn't bother to look at the market. He asked for a leave from Zhang Yu and took his wife and daughter to the Gold Coast for vacation. .

Zhang Yu didn't even know how to read the market. Even if he was asked to read it, he couldn't understand it. Furthermore, Jin Aoxiang has fully understood that it is just a blind trick in the stock market and has little meaning. Therefore, what Zhang Yu has to do is more important.

On the one hand, he asked people to check Yang Huainian's details. The clearer the investigation, the better. On the other hand, he went to Wudang Taoist Temple to study how to re-knead the broken vase.

Time passed day by day, and a week later, Jin Aoxiang came back to work, and Zhang Yu came to the investment company again. Yesterday's closing prices of the eight stocks, as Jin Aoxiang expected, had risen to 70% higher than the initial price.

As soon as the market opened today, the stock price opened low again, down 5% from yesterday's closing price, and then continued to move in the lower half. The lowest point was down to 8%, and the highest point was down 2%.

This kind of disk shape gives people the illusion that today must open low and move low. It is either a downward adjustment or the rise has ended. There were many stocks on the selling side, and gradually they were all eaten up.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Jin Aoxiang said with a smile: "The time for our opponent's performance is coming soon, it's time for us to perform."

"What are you going to do?" Zhang Yu is a layman after all, and he has to rely on Jin Aoxiang for such things.

"Yang Huainian has been struggling all day and is about to be promoted. Doesn't he want to take over the high-ranking bargaining chip? Let's stumbling him in the high-ranking position." After Jin Aoxiang finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, "Secretary Wang , ask the directors of each trading room to come to my office immediately for a meeting."

The call was hung up, and within three minutes, all the directors of the ten trading rooms came to Jin Aoxiang's office.

Seeing that Zhang Yu was there, all the directors hurriedly said hello. Zhang Yu nodded slightly and didn't say much, just to see how Jin Aoxiang arranged it.

Zhang Yu had many interactions with Jin Aoxiang. In the early days, Jin Aoxiang was just following Fan Shiji, but he couldn't tell how capable he was. After he came out of prison, he seemed to be very knowledgeable in the securities market and had a lot of ideas, but he didn't seem to have the air of a general.

At this moment, Jin Aoxiang seemed to have suddenly changed into a different person.

He stood in front of the directors, like the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and began to issue tasks one by one.

"Li Ke, your task is to run the first room."

"Sun Bo, you are in charge of the second room"

Jin Aoxiang issued orders to the directors of each trading room without the need for others to say a word. The trading tasks for the last few dozen minutes were stated clearly and clearly, down to every minute detail.

He doesn't need to hold any information, as if everything is in his mind, he can arrange it and go out.

Looking at Jin Aoxiang in front of him, Zhang Yu couldn't help but nodded in his heart. What Mr. Pan said was absolutely correct. Jin Aoxiang was indeed not an ordinary person. Not only is he strategic, but he is also quite commander-in-chief.

You know, in times of peace, there is no victory. Above the shopping mall, there was smoke billowing. Jin Aoxiang is now the commander in charge of the battle, and he has full control over how to arrange the troops.

Zhang Yu didn't know much, but looking at the directors of the trading room, all of them had a look of conviction on their faces. When you get an order, just nod in agreement, and then leave with your chest held high and your head held high to execute it.

The directors of the trading room are all not free of charge. They can be so convinced of Jin Aoxiang, which shows that Jin Aoxiang's trading methods have been strongly recognized.

Although there are eight stocks, there are ten trading rooms. This is not to say that the other two are useless. These two trading rooms, which are not in charge of positions, also have a job, that is, to take their own orders.

Eight stocks, eight operations, and ten trading rooms to coordinate. It only took Jin Aoxiang less than ten minutes to complete the assignments one by one.

After the arrangements were made and everyone went out, Jin Aoxiang returned to sit down next to Zhang Yu and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, let's wait and see the show now."

"Brother Jin, can you tell me first what good show there will be?" Zhang Yu asked with a smile.

"The market is declining today, and the trend of the National Securities 30 is also not good. Yang Huainian opened low from the beginning, wanting to save costs. As a result, the National Securities 30 will also fall sharply. He wants to pull it up in the late trading, using the recent Cost has achieved the greatest victory. This kind of good thing is gone. Today, there are two heavyweight stocks in the National Securities 30 that have plummeted. As long as there are two stocks that have plummeted, the stock index will inevitably make it difficult to recover. By then, with Qi Wuyao With his character, Yang Huainian should be unable to escape after being scolded by him." Jin Aoxiang said confidently.

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