Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1355 It’s really a scam

"Mr. Qi, what's the matter?"

Yang Huainian came to sit down on the sofa and asked politely.

"According to the original plan, the company should continue to shake up positions today and suppress the stock price." Qi Wuyao said.

"That's right." Yang Huainian nodded. He was suspicious in his heart. This was something within the plan. Mr. Qi came over early in the morning, so he couldn't just ask this.

"The plan will change immediately. Raise the stock price immediately and double the stock price!" Qi Wuyao said directly.

"Doubling the price." Yang Huainian was shocked and said quickly: "Mr. Qi, although we have a heavy position now, we still don't have complete control over the market. If we force the price to rise like this, especially if it doubles the price, we will definitely have a lot of profit chips by then. If it comes out, our costs will be greatly increased. It’s very unfavorable.”

"My father and I discussed the matter of raising the stock price last night. If you want to raise the stock price significantly regardless of the cost, you just need to execute it!" Qi Wuyao said in a commanding tone.

His father never said anything like this last night. According to Qi Tongwei's intention, he asked Qi Wuyao and Yang Huainian to discuss it carefully. After all, Yang Huainian is an expert in this field. This kind of business that hurts the enemy by one thousand and loses eight hundred by oneself is not so easy to do. You must try to minimize the loss.

But Qi Wuyao had no such intention. In his opinion, dealing with Zhang Yu was imperative and there was nothing to discuss. He was prepared to take the credit for himself, so he just ordered Yang Huainian to operate it.

Yang Huainian was baffled. How could there be such a trading method? It was simply nonsense.

"Mr. Qi, what is the reason? Should you consider this matter again?" Yang Huainian asked carefully.

"No need to think about it. Everything has been discussed. There is nothing to consider. You should take action immediately and try to double the stock price in the shortest time!" Qi Wuyao said.

"That, that's good." Yang Huainian said bravely.

"Go ahead. I'll keep an eye on it from here." Qi Wuyao waved his hand arrogantly.

"Okay, I'll make the arrangements right away." Yang Huainian stood up helplessly, but as the manager of an investment company, and Qi Tongwei treated him well, he couldn't just do it blindly. Yang Huainian hesitated for a moment, pulled back the selling leg, and said: "Mr. Qi, if we just forcefully raise the stock price, our losses will be too great. Otherwise, we will go long on the National Securities 30 stock index. In this case, At least it can make up for it."

"This method is good and can be implemented." Qi Wuyao nodded.

"Okay." Yang Huainian finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Qi Wuyao agreed.

He immediately left the general manager's office, still wondering why Qi Tongwei and Qi Wuyao were thinking about doubling the stock price suddenly.

The father and son did not discuss this matter with him, they just studied it themselves. What it was for was simply confusing.

He wanted to call Qi Tongwei and ask what was going on, but after thinking for a while, he still didn't call.

The reason is very simple. They are father and son, and this company belongs to the Qi family. Qi Tongwei is very happy about his success, so he probably has some ideas behind this. After all, I am an outsider. If I call Qi Tongwei now, God knows if Qi Tongwei will tell Qi Wuyao later.

Once he told Qi Tongwei, with Qi Wuyao's character, he would definitely think that he, the deputy general manager, looked down on the general manager. Then my life will be difficult.

Therefore, Yang Huainian decided to just follow the instructions.

Raising the stock price is simple. If you only raise one stock, the funds used are not bad. But if you can raise eight stocks, how much will it cost?

The stocks with National Securities 30 are not small. If there are no obstacles, if a stock wants to double its share price, it will cost almost one billion. Eight branches would require eight billion. If a large amount of profit taking and rat positions are used, money will be made.

Yang Huainian returned to his office. He immediately drafted an operating document. After writing it, he went to Qi Wuyao's office and asked Qi Wuyao to sign it. To spend so much money, he, the vice president, did not have such power. He had to sign it from Qi Wuyao and then go to the finance department to transfer the funds before it could be implemented.

Qi Wuyao signed happily, and Yang Huainian followed suit and issued the document.

As long as you have money, the stock price will rise quickly, and the stock price will rise by 10% in the blink of an eye. The eight stocks are working together, and the National Securities 30 index will inevitably rise accordingly. The only pity is that it is also a National Securities 30 plate, and the main force is not SB to push it up today, so it only rises slightly.

Zhang Yu’s secret trading room.

It's almost closing now. In the general manager's office, Zhang Yuzheng and Jin Aoxiang are sitting on the big sofa drinking tea.

There is also a laptop on the coffee table in front of him, which shows the current market prices of eight divided stocks. These eight stocks are naturally traded by Qi's Investment Company.

Looking at the soaring stock prices, Zhang Yu and Jin Aoxiang's faces were full of smiles.

Zhang Yu said with admiration: "Brother Jin is really smart. He said that the stock price would skyrocket, and it did."

Jin Aoxiang immediately said humbly: "Thank you, Mr. Zhang. I was just talking. If Mr. Zhang hadn't found a way to pass the news to the Qi family, no matter how good my idea was, I still wouldn't have succeeded!"

It turned out that after Zhang Yu came up with the counterintuitive plan, he took the lead in asking Pan Chonghai for his permission. After Pan Chonghai heard Zhang Yu's thoughts, he couldn't help but look at him with admiration.

Pan Chonghai quickly came up with a combat plan based on the counter-intentional strategy. Zhang Yu turned around and went to Jin Aoxiang for discussion. He only told Jin Aoxiang about his plan to counter the conspiracy, but not about Pan Chonghai's strategy. He wanted to see what Jin Aoxiang had to do.

Jin Aoxiang was also amazed after hearing Zhang Yu's counterintuitive plan. Although it is just a trick in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", it will still work if used in actual combat. And the countermeasures that Jin Aoxiang came up with to deal with the counterintuitive plan almost coincided with Pan Chonghai's.

In this case, it is not difficult to imagine that Zhang Yu arranged Chen Xue and Zhou Qi's display of wealth. Tang Jing and Li Guowen were also shills, specially designed to lure Xiao Chen into taking the bait.

As for whether Xiao Chen would have gotten the news at that time, it is actually easy to judge. It depends on whether the stock price rises today.

Because Zhang Yu said that Qi Wuyao hated him to the core, Jin Aoxiang made a guess. Facts have proved that as soon as Qi Wuyao heard that Zhang Yu was shorting the stock index, he immediately started to push up the stock index.

"Brother Jin is so humble. By the way, look at what price Qi Wuyao will raise the stock price to, and when will it be better for us to throw the chips in our hands to him at a high position?" Zhang Yu asked with a smile.

"I didn't have much contact with this Qi Wuyao, but it gave me the impression that this person was extremely insignificant. After he heard about Wudang Group's short selling, he was able to increase the price by 10% on the first day. In my opinion, it shouldn't be Discuss with Yang Huainian how much he can be promoted. Judging from his momentum, it is estimated that it can be doubled!" Although Jin Aoxiang said it was an estimate, there was a look of confidence on his face.


Without further ado, let’s break out tomorrow! ! !

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