Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1359: You should be rewarded for your merits

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Jin." "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Jin." "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Jin."

After the market closed today, the ten trading directors from Zhang Yu's trading room came to the general manager's office one after another.

On the big sofa, Zhang Yu and Jin Aoxiang sat together. On the coffee table, there was a large suitcase.

When Zhang Yu saw them arriving, he smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work today!"

"It's not hard." "It's not hard." Everyone said quickly.

While they were talking, Zhang Yu reached out and opened the large suitcase on the coffee table, which was filled with stacks of thousand-yuan bills.

He patted the banknotes and said, "Here's 10 million! It's a small reward for you all. After the war is over, I will have another big reward. Come here and divide these!"

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang." "Thank you, Mr. Zhang." "Thank you, Mr. Zhang."

Good guy, before the trading was over, the boss started to reward the three armies. All ten directors were very excited.

Zhang Yu asked them to line up and come forward to receive the money, one million per person. When they got the money in their hands, they were filled with joy.

No matter what kind of investment company they are in, trading directors are highly paid, and it is the same here with Zhang Yu. But Zhang Yu is particularly generous. This studio has only been established for a long time. The first trading operation has not even finished yet, and he has given so many rewards. After a big victory, there will definitely be bigger rewards. the benefits of.

Of course, they were given small sums of money, and Zhang Yu made more than two billion yuan this time. In the securities market, although you can make money quickly, the costs and risks are also high, and it also takes a certain amount of time. But if you encounter Silly 13, there is nothing you can do about it. It is difficult not to make quick money.

This is just the first battle, and there will be more to come. Zhang Yu's actions are also to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm.

After everyone received the money, Zhang Yu encouraged them before letting them leave.

After the others left, Zhang Yu looked at Jin Aoxiang beside him, took out a five million check from his pocket and handed it over, "Brother Jin, this is yours."

When Jin Aoxiang saw that it was five million, he immediately became frightened and said, "Mr. Zhang, this is"

"You said before that you will not be rewarded without merit, but now, you have made great contributions and you should accept it. These are just small compliments. After the war is over, Brother Jin will also be indispensable. Take it first!" Zhang Yu Said solemnly.

"Then, thank you, Mr. Zhang." Jin Aoxiang saw that Zhang Yu had gone so far as to say what he said, so he had no choice but to accept it. He already admired Zhang Yu from the bottom of his heart as the boss. I have completely made up my mind to have sex with Zhang Yu for the rest of my life.

When Zhang Yu saw him taking it in, a smile appeared on his face, he stood up and walked to the wine cabinet nearby.

There were white wine and red wine in the cabinet. Zhang Yu took out a bottle of Wuliangye and two wine glasses, then came back and sat down.

He opened the wine bottle, poured the wine, and then said: "Come on, Brother Jin, let's drink to this victory!"

"Okay, cheers!" Jin Aoxiang said excitedly.

The two drank the wine in one gulp, and Zhang Yu said, "What do you think of the current situation?"

"Judging from the transactions this afternoon, the transaction was interrupted for more than ten minutes. It can be seen that the capital chain in the trading account of Qi's Investment Company was interrupted. After that, it started to continue to eat, but it was also intermittent. It is not difficult to see that the financial books There is not much money, so he should be asking for money from the head office. In the late trading period, there was finally a strong purchase order, which should be a large amount of funds. If my guess is correct, Qi Wuyao will definitely try his best to pull up the price when the market opens tomorrow morning. The stock price will reach their target as soon as possible." Jin Aoxiang said.

Zhang Yu nodded. He called Pan Chonghai before when he was going to the toilet. Pan Chonghai also analyzed it in the same way.

Zhang Yu asked deliberately: "Then what should we do next?"

"The time has come for Jiang Qian to steal the book, and it can be carried out tomorrow. Let's see how Qi Wuyao will respond then. Maybe Yang Huainian will be fired on the spot. Haha" Jin Aoxiang said at the end and laughed.

"Hahahaha." Zhang Yu also laughed, "Brother Jin, keep an eye on Yang Huainian. The task of recruiting him will be left to you."

"Don't worry, as long as he is fired, I will definitely bring him over!" Jin Aoxiang said confidently.

The next day.

The prices of those eight stocks, as Jin Aoxiang expected, continued to rise. Because Zhang Yu's chips have been cashed out at a high level, the resistance to the stock price is much smaller.

In the Wudang Group's purchasing department office, Li Guowen received a phone call.

"Ah? Are you kidding? You did too much again! Didn't you say it will definitely fall?"

Li Guowen was obviously a little excited at the moment, and his voice was quite loud, attracting the attention of many people.

Fortunately, he discovered it in time and quickly lowered his voice, "Yesterday's big rise, I invested tens of thousands, all of which I took from home. OK, OK, now that I know, I will find a way to raise more money to go long."

"What a bad luck," Li Guowen said bitterly after hanging up the phone.

Tang Jing, who was sitting next to him, quickly asked: "What happened?"

"Chen Xue said that yesterday the top suddenly changed its strategy and started to do long stock indexes. Now we are in misery," Li Guowen said with a sad face.

"Why does it change from morning to night? I followed you and the price went down. It was more than 100,000 yuan and it went up so much yesterday. I felt so pained by the loss. Why did it suddenly go up today?" Tang Jing also said bitterly.

"The strategy was changed just yesterday. At that time, Chen Xue and the others stayed in the office and were not allowed to go home at night. During the trading period, they had to live in the company. Now she finally found a way to make the call," Li Guowen said with a bitter face.

"What should we do now?" Tang Jing asked.

"What else can I do? I'll call home now and raise money to buy the stock. Otherwise, I will lose a lot of money." Li Guowen almost cried.

"That's all we can do." Tang Jing lowered his head and said.

Xiao Chen heard their conversation clearly. Xiao Chen muttered to himself, if it didn't fall last time, why did it rise again this time? It seems that I have to report this matter quickly.

Financial Office.

Accountants and cashiers are all busy, and glasses girl Su Hong is no exception.

Now she has become the company's main accountant, responsible for cash and other tasks.

At this time, the door to the financial director's office opened and Yang Ying walked out.

Yang Ying held a page in her hand and walked directly to the girl with glasses, "Su Hong."

"Mr. Yang, what's the matter?" Su Hong stood up quickly.

"According to the account above, transfer 10 million to it." Yang Ying said.

"Yes." Su Hong agreed immediately.

Yang Ying immediately returned to the office, and Su Hong looked at the cashier Yang Nan and said, "Zhang Nan, come with me to the bank to handle the transfer."

"Okay." Cashier Zhang Nan said quickly.

Cash transfers must be handled by two people, the accountant and the cashier, otherwise, the transfer will not be possible.

Su Hong then called the office to arrange a car, and she and Zhang Nan went to the bank together.

After arriving at the bank, Su Hong took out the paper Yang Ying gave her and said to the office staff at the bank window: "Transfer 10 million to Yang Huainian. The account number is XXXXXXXXX."

"Okay." The office staff agreed and processed it immediately, but soon she said: "The account number is wrong. This person's name is not Yang Huainian, but Lu Xiaoxue."

"Ah?" Su Hong was stunned and then said: "Then wait a minute, I'll call back and ask."

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