Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1312 Send me at least ten units

Wang Xiangwen's statement made the surrounding students even more envious.

A girl sitting next to Wang Xiangwen was looking at her watch as if waiting for something.

She looked anxious and glanced at Wang Xiangwen from time to time. She seemed to feel that Wang Xiangwen had stolen her limelight. The girl's name is Shi Weiwei, and she is considered to be among the top five most beautiful in the department.

At this moment, a boy finally ran in from outside the door. He held a big bag in his hand and hurriedly came to Shi Weiwei's table.

Shi Weiwei saw him when he entered the door. She was happy at first, then put on a cold face.

When the boy came over, Shi Weiwei pursed her lips and said, "How's it going?"

"I bought it, I bought it. I went to line up at Xinghuo Mobile Phone at four o'clock in the morning. I'm old, but luckily I went early. You see, I love sleeping on my mobile phone." The boy excitedly took out a mobile phone box from his pocket.

There are four big words written on the exquisite box - Love to sleep on your mobile phone.

There is also a row of boys below - who can provide a mobile phone to the world, loves to sleep on mobile phones, and has a wonderful life while sleeping.

When Shi Weiwei saw the mobile phone box, her eyes lit up. She quickly opened the box and the mobile phone appeared in front of her eyes.

The students next to her looked at her with envy when they saw that Shi Weiwei's boyfriend had given her a sleep-friendly mobile phone and that he had queued up to buy it at four in the morning.

Shi Weiwei picked up the phone and said deliberately in a tone of voice: "With this phone, I won't have to worry about insomnia at night. Zhao Jun, you are so good to me."

When the boy received the compliment from his girlfriend, he immediately scratched his head, grinned and said happily: "It's just a trivial matter. As long as you are happy, I can do whatever you want."

"Weiwei and Xiangwen are so lucky. They both have such good boyfriends." "Isn't that right? My boyfriend didn't say he would buy one for me." "It's really incomparable. In this comparison, the gap is too big." Big."

Many girls began to murmur now. When Shi Weiwei and Wang Xiangwen heard everyone's voices, they felt extremely proud in their hearts.

Behind Shi Weiwei, two girls sat. One of them is Nie Qian, and the other is Nie Qian's good friend Liang Lu.

Nie Qian didn't take it seriously when she saw other people using their sleeping phones. After all, her sleep quality at night was good, and the phone she used was much more expensive than the sleeping phones. It was even more expensive than sleeping phones. , worth nearly thirty thousand.

Liang Lu, who was at the same table, was looking around, with her eyes towards the classroom door. After a few minutes, a loyal-looking boy walked in from outside. With a look of resentment on his face, the boy lowered his head and came to Liang Lu's side.

When Liang Lu saw the boy come in, her face showed joy, but then she realized that the boy came empty-handed, and she immediately raised her eyebrows and asked, "Where are the things?"

"I went to queue at six o'clock in the morning, but when I arrived, there were more than 200 people in line in front of me. Before it was my turn, they said it was sold out." The boy lowered his head and said aggrievedly.

"Why are you such a waste! Zhao Jun has already bought it!" Liang Lu shouted angrily.

When Shi Weiwei in the front heard this, she immediately said proudly: "Zhao Jun queued up at four in the morning. Your Li Chen doesn't leave until six, so he can still make the trip. Let's go early tomorrow."

Zhao Jun also said: "Isn't it? I went to line up at four in the morning before dawn. Is it still late to go out at six?"

Liang Lu pouted and glared at Li Chen. She thought Zhao Jun and Shi Weiwei's words were a great humiliation to her. Girls are like this, they like to compare. Liang Lu shouted: "Look, everyone goes out at four o'clock. You know it's popular, but you still go out at six o'clock! You only need to sleep in one day, sleep, sleep, sleep, can you do something career?" ah!"

Li Chen was told by Liang Lu that he didn't dare to say anything, but Nie Qian next to Liang Lu couldn't stand it. Everyone was playing together, so how could he say that to someone else.

Nie Qian said: "Lulu, forget it, it's just a mobile phone, what's the big deal. It's not like Li Chen didn't work hard, just wait until tomorrow to buy it."

"You can buy this mobile phone when you buy it. I have already heard that this is a new product with the latest technology. It is currently in limited supply, with a total of only 3,000 units." Wang Xiangwen saw that Nie Qian had no admiration for this high-end product. Meaning, a sentence came right away.

Shi Weiwei also said: "Isn't it? Nowadays, the name of Sleepy Phone is getting more and more famous, and it's hard to say whether I can buy it in the future. Besides, I don't think Li Chen really bought it. Okay, sixteen thousand."

"Is sixteen thousand a lot? From what you said, I've never seen money!" Nie Qian immediately curled her lips and said.

She is a wealthy person in the class, so of course she wants to protect her friends.

"Sixteen thousand is not much. The key is that you may not be able to buy it if you have money. As soon as the Xinghuo mobile phone opens the door, the phones will be sold out." Zhao Jun said helping his girlfriend.

"It's sold out. I don't believe you can't buy it with money." Nie Qian said disdainfully.

"You really can't buy it. If you don't believe it, go and try it. The Xinghuo mobile phone store supplies a hundred units a day." Zhao Jun said proudly.

"That's right, if you want to buy it now, you definitely can't." "Listen to her, I really think your family runs the mobile phone company." Wang Xiangwen and Shi Weiwei also said proudly.

"Mobile phone company. What company produced it? In the past two days, there have been advertisements for this crappy mobile phone. Louis Koo was sleeping, Louis Koo was sleeping, and a mobile phone fell from the sky. There was no creativity at all." Nie Qian just talked to the other party. He came up with a look of disdain on his face.

"What company has a famous book? Does Jindang Technology know about Wudang Football Team? It was invested and developed by Wudang Group!" Wang Xiangwen said carelessly.

"Wudang Group." After hearing this, Nie Qian was stunned.

Of course she knew very well whose business the Wudang Group was.

"The Wudang football team is so famous in our Zhenhai. I think this kind of high-tech mobile phone will be able to overshadow any crazy love in the future, even if it is a 'worshipping mobile phone'!" Shi Weiwei got the love sleep phone because of it. , it is inevitable to start bragging.

"If it is produced by Wudang Group, it should be good." Nie Qian couldn't say that the mobile phone produced by Zhang Yu Company was rubbish, but she immediately added: "However, it is not difficult for me to get this mobile phone. One phone call, at least Send me ten."

"Just blow it." "That's right, just blow it!" "I'll give you one as soon as possible. I'll count on your ability." Shi Weiwei, Wang Xiangwen, and Zhao Jun said one after another.

Although they are in the same department, they are not in the same dormitory. There are frequent comparisons between the dormitories, and no one is convinced.

"If you say that, then I'll make a call and have someone bring me the phone. Let's see what you say!" Nie Qian raised her chin. After saying this, she immediately took out her phone and dialed a number. Yu’s mobile phone number.

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