Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1311 The new concept of force (please vote for the tenth update)

Did you sell 100 Xinghuo mobile phones on the first day?

At least this store didn't sell it, only forty units were sold.

This is a psychological game tactic. If you buy a mobile phone for 16,000 yuan, there will definitely be many people waiting to see it, but not necessarily many people will buy it. Even if it is really effective, spending so much money on a domestically produced machine is really mind-boggling.

The owner of the Xinghuo mobile phone store is not in a hurry. Jindang Technology's advertisements are overwhelming. More and more people will know about this mobile phone. It creates an illusion that demand exceeds supply from the beginning, which will definitely whet the appetite of consumers.

Of course, everything depends on the quality of the phone.

Sun Chunyan, as one of the first users who loves to sleep on mobile phones, bought the mobile phone on the first day. When she got home, she couldn't wait.

Because her family has a naughty child who is only in the second grade of elementary school and is short-sighted. More than ten years ago, if someone was myopic in the second grade of elementary school, he would at least be considered a top academic. But these days, there are many people who are myopic before going to school, so academic excellence is naturally out of the question. Sun Chunyan's son is a typical academic scumbag. He doesn't sleep at night and lies on the bed playing with his mobile phone. When he goes to school in the morning, he sleeps on the table. For this reason, the teacher kept looking for Sun Chunyan, but to no avail.

That night, not long after the naughty boy finished eating, he went to bed and played with his mobile phone.

Sun Chunyan came to her son with a serious look on her face and said seriously: "Don't just play all day long, just let me sleep quickly."

"I'm not sleepy, go ahead and do whatever you need to do." The naughty kid said while playing Honor of Kings.

"Then don't use this to play, use my phone to play." Sun Chunyan snatched the phone from the naughty child's hand and gave it to her son in exchange for the new Sleepy phone.

"What does it have to do with it?" The naughty kid didn't understand what he meant and started playing with his new phone.

There are also all the games that should be played. The naughty child can play for more than ten minutes and then start having fun.

Sun Chunyan was overjoyed when she saw her son was sleepy. It seemed that the phone was indeed useful. However, the naughty kid still persisted. After working hard for five minutes, he finally fell asleep with his cell phone.

"Amazing! Amazing!" Sun Chunyan was so excited that she almost jumped up, feeling in her heart that these sixteen thousand dollars were not in vain.

She picked up her mobile phone, took a photo of the sleeping child, and posted it in her circle of friends.

"The 16,000 people who love to sleep on mobile phones really love to sleep. After playing for a while, the naughty child immediately fell asleep. The problem of children not sleeping has finally been overcome by technology! Okay, I am going to take a beauty sleep now. !”

As soon as this post was posted on Moments, it immediately received many likes, and some friends left messages asking, "Is sleeping on a mobile phone so effective?" "You rich man, buy a mobile phone worth RMB 16,000." "I saw it on the street today. They said it was sold out that day. I didn’t expect it to work so well. I’ll buy it tomorrow too.”

Not only did Sun Chunyan post photos on WeChat Moments, but many people also posted on WeChat Moments tonight.

However, most of the people who post on WeChat Moments are women, some older and some younger. Older people mostly post photos of their children sleeping, or of their husbands sleeping.

For example, "My husband had a hard day, was stressed, and had insomnia at night. Today I bought a 16,000 iSleep mobile phone, and he fell asleep immediately. I also have to clean up and get some beauty sleep. Good night."

Older people post like this, while young people just post a photo of themselves, with a close-up of their cell phones. The content is probably like this, "My boyfriend gave me this sleep-friendly mobile phone. He said it was good for sleeping. I felt sleepy after playing with it for a while. It was so thoughtful." I can’t even open my eyes, I don’t want to wash up at all, I just want to sleep. My boyfriend is so nice.”

Good guy, loving to sleep on mobile phones has become a new synonym for coolness overnight, and it has obviously surpassed love to be crazy.

In fact, if you think about it, for many people, the reason why Ai Feng is popular is because of its high price and high quality. Nowadays, there are more expensive ones, and they also have the function of beauty sleep, so they are naturally more classy.

By the next morning, there were even more such circles of friends.

"The truth about my sleep last night. I love sleeping on my mobile phone. Sixteen thousand dollars was not wasted." "I love you, husband. I slept so soundly last night." "The most considerate partner. I love sleeping on my mobile phone." "I love sleeping on my mobile phone. Today you sleep well." Does it smell good?".

This is popular in the circle of friends, and the Xinghuo mobile phone store is even more popular. It was so crowded in the morning. Even so, the store only sold more than a hundred mobile phones and then said they were out of stock. If you want to buy it, you can only wait until the next day.

Such sales have really whetted everyone's appetite. They have the same momentum as Jacky Cheung's concert tickets during his peak period. It's hard to get a ticket, but it's hard to get a chance.

People who buy love-sleeping mobile phones show off in various ways, especially some girls who get mobile phones as gifts from their boyfriends and show off their affection in their circle of friends.

For three days in a row, sales of sleep-friendly mobile phones have been unprecedentedly popular in Zhenhai Administrative District. People in other cities have seen the advertisements for a long time, but it is not currently available on the market. It can only be purchased at the Xinghuo mobile phone store in Zhenhai.

I don’t know what kind of psychology is at work, or maybe Xinghuo’s boss is too clever. The Xinghuo mobile phone franchise store has reached unprecedented popularity, so much so that people lined up in front of the store at 6 a.m., trying to get the Sleepy mobile phone that arrived today. The level is no less crazy than old men and women going to the supermarket to grab discounted eggs.

Zhenhai University, in the large classroom, the first class has now ended, the teacher has left, and the students are sitting inside waiting for the next class to start.

During this time, students will inevitably talk about some gossip. A girl named Wang Xiangwen took out the sleeping phone that her boyfriend gave her yesterday and started playing with it. She deliberately said: "This phone is really weird. After playing for a while, I feel like sleeping. I slept so soundly last night. Now I’m sleepy again.”

"Xiangwen, you bought the iSleep phone." "Is it really that effective?" "I heard it's 16,000, so rich."

The girls next to her immediately came to Wang Xiangwen's side and stared at the sleeping phone in her hand.

"My boyfriend bought it for me yesterday. I used to have insomnia and couldn't sleep. After using it last night, I slept really soundly." Wang Xiangwen said deliberately exaggeratedly.

Of course, what she said was true. She did sleep well last night.

The girls around me immediately became envious, "Your boyfriend is so good to you." "Isn't that right? I wish I had a boyfriend like Xiangwen." "A cell phone worth 16,000 yuan, but my boyfriend is so stingy. , I’m sure he wouldn’t be willing to buy it for me.”

Wang Xiangwen's face was filled with pleasure, and she said proudly: "This phone costs only 16,000 yuan, but the key is that it is difficult to buy. My boyfriend knows that I have insomnia, so in order to buy this phone, he went to Xinghuo to queue up at 5:30 as early as 5:30. I Now I am so moved by him that I can’t help but want to.”


The tenth update is done, Lao Tie continues to write the chapters that will be updated tomorrow. Brothers and sisters who have tickets, give them to me! ! !

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