"It's September 8, 2124, 6:30 in the morning."

Lu Ke stared blankly at himself in the mirror. His face was haggard, dry, and lacked vitality, like a handful of ashes left behind after being burned.

"Today happens to be the eighteenth year of my imprisonment, six thousand five hundred and seventy-five days, one hundred and fifty-seven thousand eight hundred hours, and nine hundred and forty-six thousand minutes."

He read out the time he was trapped here word by word, turned around and looked at the clock hanging in the hotel suite, and then changed his words.

"Well, it's nine hundred, four hundred and sixty-eight thousand and one minutes."

When he finished reporting, he paused for a moment and touched the mirror with his palm. After a long time, he took his hand back and poked the corners of his mouth upward with the index fingers of both hands, showing a stiff smile.

“There’s a lot I want to say, but I can sum it up in just one sentence.”

"I want to destroy the world."

The underground floor is filled with uninformed people who are engaged in normal and ordinary work. One is to disguise themselves, and the other is to solve various trivial matters for the real employees, allowing them to focus all their attention on the sealed artifacts.

The underground is where the sealed objects are actually kept. There are twelve floors in total. The first floor is where employees work and rest. The second to third floors are the sealing places for third-level sealed objects. The fourth to sixth floors are for second-level sealed objects. In the sealing place, the seventh to ninth floors are responsible for the first-level sealed objects, while the zero-level sealed objects are kept on the tenth to twelfth floors.

After passing through a long disinfection passage, Xue Pengkai walked into the employee-only elevator. With a "ding~" sound, the elevator door closed and then slowly descended.

The feeling of weightlessness is the most primitive instinctive fear of the human body. Xue Pengkai's heart keeps sinking along with the elevator. He is about to be full of confidence. Facing the derivatives of zero-level sealed items, he inevitably panics.

The reminder light reached the 10th floor. Xue Pengkai walked out of the elevator. Two tall and muscular security personnel walked forward. They checked Xue Pengkai's body and finally spoke forcefully.

"Please show your work ID."

Xue Pengkai handed over his work permit, and one of them took it and looked at it, with a teasing smile on his face.

"Oh~ ok, the thing that the Son of Plenty resists the most is humans, but you can actually take him down, as well as the magical fairies. The fairies all look more beautiful than the other, but their size... tsk tsk tsk tsk."

Xue Pengkai didn't answer, just smiled faintly, acting unfazed.

Compared with the praises of those low-level employees, the ridicule and appreciation of the tenth-floor guard were naturally more valuable, but he did not feel very proud, and he never doubted his promotion.

Supervisors, and even further managers, are his targets.

"Team leader, then you can only take care of the derivatives of zero-level sealed items. Which one is on your management list?"

"Derivative number three."

"That one."

Hearing the name "Derivative No. 3", the two security guards immediately relaxed. The one who had teased Xue Pengkai with some dirty jokes had a look of disgust on his face.

"If I had told you earlier, why would he bother so much? I thought you were managing the Apostles, the Natural Disaster Equation, or the Egg of the Divine Bird."

Xue Pengkai's eyes flashed when he heard three zero-level derivatives that he had never heard of before, "Can you two brothers explain to me the zero-level derivatives you are talking about?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, and don't listen to what you shouldn't hear."

The other security guard looked much more stable than the one next to him, and his eyes sternly said, "Zero-level things are top secret matters that are prohibited from being spread to outsiders. Just knowing some knowledge will put you in a life-or-death dilemma."

"Not to mention zero-level sealed items, this brother of mine once accidentally revealed a certain level-3 sealed item to a new level-3 personnel. He was found dead in his bed the next day. Do you know how he did it? Dead?"

"Can I know anything about this?"

Xue Pengkai asked back calmly.

"Why not?" the security guard sneered. "He cut open his chest and stomach, and used his own blood and internal organs to paint a twisted and blasphemous work."

"Imagine the scene. A sharp knife cuts through your skin, your fat layer, and cuts through your muscle groups. Fine blood droplets seep out along the incision, and then cut into an artery, and the blood spurts out. You No matter what, I emptied my own internal organs, dipped my fingers in blood, and painted selflessly on the floor of my house..."

As the security guard spoke, he stared at Xue Pengkai's face, and showed a hint of approval when he saw that there was still no fear on his face.

"The psychological quality is pretty good. If I have to say it, the thing you are responsible for is quite harmless, at least on the surface."

According to the security personnel, Derivative No. 3 has not had a riot in more than ten years. Even ten years ago, a certain sealed object went berserk and caused a chain reaction. A large number of sealed objects escaped collectively. Derivative No. 3 remained quiet. In his own cell.

They believed that Derivative No. 3 did not have the ability to escape. After all, it was impossible for a sealed object with a normal mind to stay in a hotel suite for eighteen years and still want to keep it.

However, no one thinks that what the Doomsday Horn blows is really harmless, so they seal him, and it is an extremely tight seal.

Perhaps something terrible will happen if he becomes insane, collapses, or dies, so within the limits of conditions, he should do a good job in his diet and daily life.

Following the direction pointed by the security guard, Xue Pengkai successfully found the room of Derivative No. 3.

The room is not reinforced with steel, nor heavily guarded. It seems that there are no protective measures. Once the door is opened, the things inside will come out. What is more conspicuous is an external monitor next to the door, which displays every corner of the room, including the bathroom.

The door of the room is an ordinary wooden door with a house number hanging on it, numbered 408. The door and the house number are sealed with a kind of tape, and a hole is left for delivering things. It looks cheap and fragile, but this is a far cry from most seals.

Level 3 seal, "1408 house number".

Description 1: The original body of 1408 is unknown, but its derivatives have a copying effect. When the derivative is hung in front of a door, you will find a second house number in the same position one hour later, and the copying ability will be transferred to the new house number.

Description 2: When you hang "1408 house number" in front of a door, no matter what the previous room looks like, it will become a gorgeous and exquisite hotel suite with a bit of retro decoration after opening it.

Description 3: If the people in the hotel suite do not leave within an hour, they will get a brand new, identical hotel suite after opening the door, and they will never be able to leave.

Description 4: After removing the house number, the disorder in the space will be resolved.

Message: Welcome to the Dolphin Hotel~ Your arrival makes us glorious, so don't leave!

Level 3 seal, "universal tape".

Description 1: Not afraid of water or fire, not afraid of knives or swords, tough and inert, no reaction to physical and chemical properties.

Description 2: Things stuck by this tape will never fall off, and can only be physically divided.

Message: Would the Titanic have sunk if it had this thing?

Coming to the monitor, Xue Pengkai saw Derivative No. 3 in the room.

He looks younger than his actual age, only eighteen or nineteen years old, with an unnaturally white skin, hair that has grown past his waist, dry and frizzy, tied with only a rubber band, and a body that is so thin that it is a bit out of shape.

At this time, he had just come out of the bathroom, sitting on the bed, holding a book in his hand. Except for the sound of turning pages in the room, everything seemed particularly calm.

If he is regarded as a human being, he is quite pitiful.

Xue Pengkai commented like this, and then communicated with Derivative No. 3 in a gentle and friendly tone.

"Hello, I am the new staff member who takes care of you. My name is Xue Pengkai."

Lu Ke's eyes slightly raised, as if he had some reaction to his words. He slowly got up from the bed, his voice was calm and indifferent, like an old man who is not in conflict with the world.

"Hello, Mr. Xue."

"I'm Luke, you can also call me Derivative No. 3."

Luke answered politely, looking at the camera, "You speak very fluently, it doesn't seem like you used a 'phonograph' to translate, and the name format is very similar to ours."

Second-level sealed object "phonograph"

Description 1: An old-fashioned phonograph that will repeatedly play an impassioned song called "Song of the Tower of Babel"

Description 2: In order to stop humans from pursuing terrible existences, a certain existence disrupted the language, but now the children have broken the commandments and regained the bridge of communication... or it may be a bridge to death.

Description 3: Every time you hear "Song of the Tower of Babel" for 30 seconds, you will climb the ladder of the Tower of Babel once and gain the ability to communicate with a different language.

Description 4: The acquisition of languages ​​is random, please use it with caution.

Message: Shh~ Did you hear it? What a wonderful voice, a call from the deep sea, a call from the stars...

"Yes, I am Chinese, just like you, we have the same blood in our bodies."

This is probably why he was assigned to Derivative No. 3. This monster mistakenly thought he was a human, a Chinese.

Xue Pengkai felt his heart beat faster. Being able to communicate means being able to change, and being able to change means being able to control. Although Derivative No. 3 is human on the surface, its essence is still a monster of the Doomsday Horn.

If Derivative No. 3 can be conquered by him, within two years, as long as the minimum level of qualifications is met, he can be promoted to a Level 4 supervisor.

This is one of the necessary conditions for promotion, mastering two Level 1 seals or a derivative of a Level 0 seal.

"You don't think I'm a monster?"

"Of course not."

Xue Pengkai answered gently, "Every component of your body is the same as that of ordinary people. Your appearance and your thoughts are exactly the same as ours. How can you be a monster? I think it must be a mistake."

"Even if it's not a mistake, I will treat you well and try my best to meet your needs."

Luke's mouth corners slowly rose, and his voice was particularly calm, "Mr. Xue, has your supervisor told you not to communicate too much with the seal."


"For example, I can tell from Mr. Xue's voice that you are very young, probably in your twenties. You are in this position at this age. Mr. Xue can be said to be young and promising."

"Your voice is very stable and kind, but being a team leader does not mean that you are a stupid person. On the contrary, it shows that you are thoughtful, emotionally stable, and good at disguise. You are so close to me when we first met. Obviously, you want to use me to climb up, which also indirectly exposes your ambition."

Xue Pengkai was stunned for a moment, and a chill ran down his spine. He didn't expect that Derivative No. 3 had such a clear and regular understanding of human thinking and analyzed it so accurately.

"Luke, you misunderstood, I..."

"Mr. Xue, I feel very, very sorry that such an excellent talent like you is not favored by the world."

Before he could react, he heard Lu Ke's order to leave.

"Leave, come back in three days."

Luke showed a faint smile and lowered his head to read his book again.

"I believe our meeting will be more pleasant next time."

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