"Team Leader Xue, congratulations on your successful promotion."

"Team Leader Xue, you have become the team leader this year at the age of twenty-four. You have a bright future. Please take good care of me in the future."

"Team Leader Xue, the work will become more and more heavy in the future. You must pay attention to safety and take care."

From the moment Xue Pengkai stepped into the company's door to the time he was on his way to the base, there were already more than a dozen employees greeting him with smiling faces. Everyone nodded and bowed, looking at him with envy and admiration.

Boring people, boring relationships.

Xue Pengkai had a perfect smile on his face and nodded politely in return. In fact, he was bored with these people. They had no special skills, no outstanding work ability, and could not complete the advanced examination. These people always tried to curry favor with their bosses. Live a better life.

They simply do not understand that abandoning unnecessary emotions and staying rational at all times is the biggest factor in promotion. The level of the position is positively correlated with the degree of emotional indifference. No management will change their work schedule just because the people below are trying to please and flatter them. .

Walking to the bottom of the company, Xue Pengkai came to a familiar door.

It's a scene he sees almost every day three years into his job.

No matter how scary a place is, it will only become boring after being repeated thousands of times. The strange thing about fear is the unknown. Once you understand it, the unknown is no longer there, and the fear will disappear involuntarily.

The mechanical eye installed in the upper right corner of the door emits a red light. The red light sweeps across Xue Pengkai's body, and then an inorganic mechanical sound sounds.

"Confirmed as the leader of the Security Department - Xue Pengkai, welcome home."

The door was wiped away from both sides, revealing a dark opening like a giant mouth.

Everything will get better, everything will get better.

After reciting it silently in his mind twice and being mentally prepared, Xue Pengkai took a deep breath and walked into the base.

The entire interior of the base is covered with some kind of special metal. At first glance, it is pure silvery white. Except for the staff of different races, there are only a variety of cold instruments in different colors.

The passages inside lead in all directions, except for some special areas. However, the number of door barriers is annoying, and there is a silver-white door almost every ten meters to isolate the space.

This is for the safety of all employees.

After walking through three doors to his office, Xue Pengkai's body that had not yet relaxed suddenly stiffened as soon as he opened the door. At this time, sitting on his chair was a man with long golden shawl hair and a good face, about 27 or 28 years old. woman.

The woman was wearing a dignified and elegant company standard uniform, with a familiar Roman "IV" logo on her chest. Her pretty face had no expression at all. This was his boss, Kelly Hopson, the head of the security department.

"Director, what are you..."

Raising her hand to stop his questioning, Kelly said with a stern face: "Tell me the password first."

"Embrace the past."

"Looking to the future."

Kelly nodded, her iceberg-like face melting slightly, no longer so cold.

"Embrace the past and look forward to the future", similar competing companies also have similar slogans, such as "Being in the dark, heart towards the light" of Lighthouse Co., Ltd., and "Unity of knowing and doing, I think, I am" of the Psychotherapy Institute.

"Xue, you have tamed the third-level sealed object 'Son of Fertility' and the second-level derivative 'Magic Fairy', and successfully promoted to team leader. I would like to congratulate you first."

Xue Pengkai nodded cautiously, "It all depends on the company's training."

Regarding Xue Pengkai's scene, Kelly was non-committal, her tone remained unchanged, and her pauses were extremely precise.

"Your authority will be expanded, and in subsequent work you will be exposed to the derivatives of first-level sealed items and zero-level sealed items. This is a very dangerous behavior, so I need to conduct simple psychological tests and cognitive corrections on you to ensure that you are physically and mentally normal. ”

"Understood, I'm willing to take the test."

"Then now, we will conduct a test on Xue Pengkai, the leader of the second team of the Security Department. The entire test content will be recorded and finally handed over to the five supervisors for joint evaluation."

Kelly developed a voice recorder and at the same time took out a pen and paper and began to ask: "Have you consumed alcohol, taken psychotropic drugs or other cognitively disruptive behaviors within the past 24 hours?"


"Can you guarantee that every question you answer is true?"


"Have you ever had any thoughts that are contrary to your previous thoughts, such as 1+1≠2, water should be highly poisonous, loving someone requires giving your life, etc.?"


“Are you curious about box-like objects and trying to open every box around you?”


Kelly thought for a moment and took out a piece of paper with eight different patterns on it, four at the top and four at the bottom.

"Please read out the patterns on the paper I am holding in order from left to right and from top to bottom."

"An agreement whose content cannot be seen clearly, a black goat giving birth, seeds that glow strongly, and a book with a strange cover."

"That's a badge of unknown origin? A wanted notice with no characters on it. It's a slate with nine orders written on it. What is the last one... I don't understand, I don't understand, I don't understand."

When he saw the last picture, Xue Pengkai showed a painful expression and couldn't help but cover his head with his hands. His eyes were bloodshot and he began to repeat "I don't understand" over and over again.

There was a trace of disappointment on Kelly's face. She put away the paper and hurried to the shredder on the right side of the office. The paper was shredded into more than a dozen pieces. At the same time, Xue Pengkai's strange symptoms also eased.


Exhaling a big breath, Xue Pengkai covered his rapidly beating heart that was gradually calming down. Just now, he felt that his brain went blank, his body temperature soared, his heart rate was fast, his breathing was short, and he almost went into shock.

Swallowing uncomfortably, he asked in a hoarse voice: "What was that just now?"

"Don't worry about some kind of memetic contamination that can cause cognitive confusion. After special treatment, as long as the secondary source of infection is destroyed, it will be fine."

Kelly sighed, "The company has been looking for people who are resistant to this meme, but so far no one has succeeded. I am very optimistic about you. You are the only one in the company besides supervisor Chu Liang who has been promoted to team leader or above. Chinese."

"You are smart, decisive, humble, and good at introspection. You are much better than those arrogant trash. If it were not for racial issues, there would definitely be more Chinese Americans promoted."

"Too bad you failed too."

Seeing that Xue Pengkai's face was calm and unmoved, she nodded with satisfaction, "Don't worry, this is just my personal expectation and does not affect the test results. It is better to say that considering my interference to you, your final evaluation score will be higher. steps.”

Xue Pengkai finally breathed a sigh of relief and gradually relaxed.

"Then let's start reviewing relevant knowledge. Let's talk about our company first."

“Good supervisor.” Jurisdictional interference, the goal is to seal abnormal phenomena, events, individuals, etc. in the world.”

Seeing that Kelly didn't speak, probably what he said was not perfect enough, Xue Pengkai continued to answer.

"The company's philosophy is to use sealed objects to improve humankind's technological level and quality of life, and is committed to making the world a better place, focusing on current efforts and looking forward to the bright prospects of the future."

"The company is not the only sealed organization. Similar organizations include Lighthouse Co., Ltd., which tries to destroy all sealed objects and return the world to normal, and a psychological treatment center that dreams of unified ascension of all mankind. They don't care about other messes and just want to find all kinds of things. Lezi’s Story Editorial Department, and some other relatively weak nameless sealed organizations.”

"There are some imperfections, but it's generally correct." Kelly nodded, "Let's talk about the sealed artifact."

"Sealed objects refer to anomalies that are beyond the scope of human cognition and cannot be realized by modern technology, or even the working principle cannot be analyzed. It may be some kind of strange life form, some magical props, or some strange phenomena. "

"The levels of sealed objects are divided according to the scope of their influence. Level three is from a single person to the street, level two is from the street to the entire city, level one is from the city to the country, and level 0 is from the country to the entire continent. , and even the whole world.”

Kelly took out a few comments on the paper and added a reminder: "It should be noted that the classification of sealed objects is based on the scope of influence, not the specific strength, so there will also be third-level sealed objects that are extremely harmful. , the consequences caused by the zero-level sealed items may not be so bad."

"Of course, once the scope of influence of something expands to the entire world, no matter how slight the change is, the impact will be huge. Level 0 sealed objects will always be the top priority. Please keep this in mind."

"Yes, Director Kelly, I remember it."

Xue Pengkai's heart skipped a few beats, secretly praying that the answer this time was not too bad.

Kelly smiled, closed the book in her hand, thought for a moment and then looked up at Xue Pengkai, "Do you know what the contact target is today?"

"Yes." Xue Pengkai controlled his expression to prevent himself from appearing timid.

"Level 0 humanoid derivative."

He also didn't expect that he would be exposed to the derivatives of zero-level sealed items when he first came up. In theory, he should be in the novice stage of adapting to the new job.

"Don't be afraid. He is probably the least harmful of all zero-level sealed objects and derivatives, except for the Tree of Wisdom."

Kelly comforted him, "Speaking of which, I haven't shown you his information yet. Please understand this. Any information on zero-level sealed objects needs to be strictly scrutinized. Only when you are ready to work I couldn’t give it to you until just a moment ago.”

After saying that, she took an envelope and tore it open in front of him. Then she took out a piece of paper and handed it to Xue Pengkai with great care.

"Let's take a look."

Xue Pengkai calmed down and took a closer look at the information about the first zero-level sealed object that fell into his hands.

The zero-level sealed item "Doomsday Horn".

Description 1: This is a horn with a golden color and made of an unknown metal. It is 1.2 meters long and has an unknown hardness. However, it cannot be destroyed no matter what method is used, and its mass is infinitely close to 0.

Description 2: The doomsday horn has been blown three times in history. The first time was by the discoverer of the sealed object. On April 13, 1886, Kashan, an ordinary woman in ███, blew the horn in Kashan. Afterwards, Derivative No. 1 [DATA EXPUNGED] was attracted, which resulted in the death of 93% of all life forms in ███, and 7% of surviving humans fell into eternal madness. Place names were blocked and cannot be mentioned.

Supplementary Note 1: It is ineffective to clear the memory of people who have fallen into madness. It is speculated to be the influence of memes.

Supplementary explanation 2: Single-point time retracing of the crazy crowd is invalid. It is speculated that the body of Derivative No. 1 has never left and is always in effect, or the influence of Derivative No. 1 has transcended time and space.

Description 3: The second blower is Frankenstein P. P successfully invaded the room where the Doomsday Horn is located with an unknown seal and played it for the second time. This time, the blow attracted the monster Derivative No. 2 that feeds on planets.

Supplementary explanation: With the help of the story editing department, Derivative No. 2 was attracted by the sealed object Mary Girl and chased Mary Girl out of the solar system.

Description 4: The third blower was [Data Deleted]. [Data Deleted] attempted to destroy the world, but this time there was no abnormality around the world. The only abnormality was Derivative No. 3 who suddenly appeared in front of the Doomsday Horn.

Supplementary explanation: Derivative No. 3 is an unknown creature with the appearance of a three-year-old child. After isolation, inspection, and genetic comparison, it was identified as an abnormal creature that imitates the yellow race.

Supplementary explanation: Derivative No. 3 has emotions such as curiosity and shame, and is similar to humans in cognition. He has a fictitious memory in his brain that identifies himself as a Chinese. His intelligence is close to that of a normal adult, and he has a fairly good moral character.

Supplementary explanation: Derivative No. 3 has physiological activities such as breathing, drinking water, eating, and excretion, just like normal humans. His body grows normally with age. He has not yet shown any performance that exceeds the power or ability of ordinary people. It is initially determined that his disguise as a human has caused a contradiction between his cognition and his essence, and he cannot mobilize his power.

"You'd better remind and strengthen the idea that Derivative No. 3 is a human at all times."

Kelly said seriously, "Start with the simplest, for example, don't call him Derivative No. 3, but call him by his name."

Xue Pengkai, who remembered the teachings of his predecessors, nodded seriously, "What's his name?"

Kelly slowly said the name of Derivative No. 3.


After uninstalling the mobile phone and not paying attention to comments and data, I feel much better. I don't feel too anxious when writing.

This volume actually did some subtraction. I will try my best to write it so that people who have not been exposed to it can read it normally.

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