This world is very strange.

Luke felt this way from the moment he was born, as if there was something out of harmony.

It was difficult for him to describe his feelings, but if he had to, it was like a seemingly intact apple with a bunch of worms hidden inside.

At first, he thought that it was probably because he was a time traveler, and he came to a future world nearly a hundred years later, and he was in a foreign country, so he couldn't adapt.

But all this changed completely when he suddenly appeared in an unfamiliar base when he was three years old, and the reality of the world appeared before his eyes.

He remembered the scene of that day very clearly.

The crazy man blew the golden horn, and he looked at himself with a puzzled look, as if he was surprised why a child came.

But soon, the man knelt down to him, his head on the ground, and spoke respectfully.

"God's messenger, you are the messenger sent by the trumpet of doomsday."

Countless alarms sounded outside, and the flashing dazzling red light illuminated everything outside, and four or five fully armed people rushed in.

"Is it an intruder? No, it's a high-level manager who came in through the authority!"

"It's Manager Wang, damn it, he is still contaminated by the 'Ultimate Inscription'!"

"I knew that foreigners are unreliable, and their promotion policy must be more stringent in the future!"

They moved so fast that they didn't look like humans. They took the man away in a few seconds, and then their eyes fell on themselves.

"How did this child appear here?"

"It seems that he was summoned by the Doomsday Horn..."

Everyone retreated quickly. The middle-aged man in the lead had messy hair and cloudy right eyes. He said solemnly: "Use the seal to imprison him immediately, and be on the highest level of alert!"

"Number derivative number three!"


"The summoning of the Doomsday Horn doesn't seem to take into account the time parameter, because I want to destroy the world at this time, so I was summoned, and because of the experience of being imprisoned, I want to destroy the world."

"Hmm... Is this a cycle?"

After the feeling of being watched disappeared, Luke slowly closed the book, and the title of the book appeared under the light. It was a very old book-"The Count of Monte Cristo".

"It doesn't matter. Edmond Dantes will forgive, but I won't."

Everything was normal on the monitor, but in fact Luke had slowly stood up. He walked into the door step by step and put his hand on it.

I thought this world was strange before when I had no power. Now I still feel strange after waking up from a sleep and coming to the mysterious space to share power.

The information depth of each seal is outrageous. In his perception, some existences are the kind that make him feel frightened even if they share the power of Luke in other worlds.

Let alone the house number 1408 that sealed him, a derivative of a third-level seal contains time, space, replication, circulation and other attributes, achieving the feat of infinite circulation and time and space dislocation. In theory, it can also replicate infinite derivatives.

"It's outrageous."

The door was corroded silently, but what appeared in front of him was another clean hotel suite, and the new door was intact.

The invisible domain spread, and there was no obstruction from the door, but the part of the domain that exceeded the hotel suite also entered a new hotel suite.

Then he used the space spell and the secret door to place the anchor point in the outside world, but without exception, the opposite environment was a hotel.

"Don't do it recklessly."

Luke was not discouraged. He had expected this situation long ago, and green light flowed through his fingertips.

Among all the abilities, there are two related to time. One is the copy of Uchiha Fugaku's Mangekyō pupil technique "Heaven's Holding" and "Heaven's Beginning" in the Naruto world, and the other is the time magic of Kamar-Taj in the Marvel world.

In Loki's cycle, he has brushed his magic proficiency to his own upper limit. Without the assistance of the Eye of Agamotto, time magic cannot be used on a large scale, but it can still be used on himself and a small range.

Time reversed, and the corroded door miraculously returned to its original appearance.

There is more than one seal in the Future Fund that monitors the situation of the seal. As far as he knows, the first-level seal "Crisis Public Relations" will alarm the seal that actively escapes the prison, and the zero-level "Tree of Wisdom" can ask anything, but the cost is a bit high.

There is a way to escape. As long as you use analysis to figure out the entire house number 1408, you can understand the principle of spatial dislocation contained in it, and then escape through your own control of space.

But, it's too long.

It takes three months to complete this task alone.

Lu Ke didn't want to wait any longer, so he chose the backup plan.

He raised his head slightly, and countless intertwined, densely packed silk threads appeared in his eyes. One of the nodes where the silk threads were intertwined was abnormally large and located in the center of all the silk threads.

"This name... is the son of that person."

He was about to make some adjustments, and suddenly saw the silk thread moving by itself.

"This is..."


Wang Lang felt that everything was going wrong for him recently.

After graduating from college, he found a graphic design job. The salary was not high, and he had to work overtime every day. He was exhausted physically and mentally every day when he went home, and he was almost falling apart.

There was no way. If he didn't do it, there would be many people who would do it. Everyone was working 996. How dare you, a newcomer in the workplace, not work overtime?

My father works away from home all year round and hasn't been home for nearly 20 years. Sometimes he even suspects that he has died away from home. His mother is also ill and has been diagnosed with liver cancer.

He and his girlfriend have also entered a period of burnout. She always accuses him of not being motivated and incompetent. Recently, she even refuses to let him get into bed.

He is exhausted running between work, family and love, and is exhausted like a dog every day.

Today is the third anniversary of his and his girlfriend's love. He smiled and pitied his bald boss with a big belly, and in the end, the other party just gave him a look to leave.

This should mean that he agreed.

He breathed a sigh of relief and planned to give his girlfriend a surprise, but just after buying flowers, the hospital gave him a surprise first.

Rushing to the hospital, Wang Lang ran to the familiar ward as soon as he got off the car. He was sweating profusely and couldn't even breathe. Seeing that his mother was missing from the bed, he hurriedly pulled the nurse on duty to ask.

"Where is Ms. Qin Fang in bed 302?"

The young nurse had been working for so many years, and it seemed that she knew the situation. She informed him with a little sympathy on her face.

"I'm sorry that your condition has suddenly worsened."

Seeing that Wang Lang was a little dazed and a little helpless, the young nurse couldn't help but comfort him.

"Having liver cancer is suffering, you should be more open-minded."

Wang Lang went through the subsequent procedures in a daze, and always felt that it was a little unreal to return to the rental house where he and his girlfriend lived.

He heard a familiar noise before he entered the door.

Wang Lang felt his heart contract. He silently took out the key and walked in. Through the half-open door, he saw his best brother sleeping in his bed and chatting with his girlfriend. The two of them were so engrossed in the communication that they didn't even notice that there was one more person in the room.

He walked into the kitchen in silence, staring at the objects on the chopping board.

"I must be dreaming."

He repeated it over and over again, trying to convince himself. At this time, his pocket vibrated and the boss called.

Before Wang Lang could say anything, he heard a sentence "You don't have to come to work tomorrow."


"You're leaving after I approved your leave?"

"My mom just left. Do you have any conscience?"

A busy tone came from the other end of the line the next second.

Wang Lang let go of the phone and held the kitchen knife.

He had never lived a happy life since he was a child. He was bullied at school without a father, which made him a cowardly person. He wanted to escape when he encountered difficulties and was as honest as a child who had not grown up.

But at this moment, he felt that his anger had squeezed out his reason.

He could no longer remember what happened later. He only knew that there was blood in front of his eyes, and he heard vague screams and his girlfriend's screams in his ears, and soon even the screams disappeared.

Afterwards, he calmly went to the bathroom to take a shower, calmly went to the kitchen to pick up the dropped phone, and calmly called the police.

"Hello, is this the police?"

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"I want to turn myself in."

He briefly explained what happened, waited for a while, and then followed the police's instructions to leave the rental house. He saw the police car and the police who were alertly waving him to raise his hand from the car.

At this time, a speeding dump truck in the distance rushed over as if out of control, very fast and large in size.

The sky suddenly became brighter.

Wang Lang saw the policemen on the opposite side retreating quickly with horrified expressions. He looked up and saw a huge, burning meteorite falling from the sky.


The sky turned upside down, like a magnitude 15 earthquake. The strong impact blew away everything around. The edge of the meteorite just hit the dump truck that was about to hit Wang Lang. The mass, which was countless grades stronger than the dump truck in size and tonnage, directly destroyed the truck and the driver.

Wang Lang felt that his body flew up and fell heavily to the ground. He coughed up blood and looked at the scene around him. The scattered dust and flames covered the area. For a moment, he was a little confused about the situation.

Not far away, a beautiful blonde walked quickly and stretched out her hand to him.

"Finally found you, Wang Lang!"

Wang Lang looked at her blankly, "Who are you?"

"Kelly, the head of the Future Technology Security Department."


In a remote village somewhere in Florida, a white tower stands abruptly in this small place.

On the thirteenth floor of the white tower, four masked men gathered in front of a typewriter.

On the typewriter, it was written:

[At this time, a speeding dump truck in the distance rushed over as if out of control, very fast and large in size.

Wang Lang looked blankly at the rapidly approaching him... (crossed out)

The sky suddenly became brighter.

Wang Lang saw the police on the opposite side retreating rapidly with horrified expressions. He raised his head and saw a huge, burning meteorite falling from the sky. 】

"Brothers, someone is wrong!"

"Damn it, which third-rate writer gave me a meteorite!"

"That's right, a meteorite is released in a busy city, it's really against the sky, and the dump truck is so classic!"

I hate the review mechanism of Qidian every day

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