Is it the knight in the movie?How can gentlemen and knights handle and speak so smoothly about such robbers?

It is estimated that he felt Hill's suspicious gaze.Eagle raised his golden head, his blue eyes were filled with sincerity and integrity, and he said to Hill with the most serious expression:

"What I picked up was mine."

Hearing what Igor said, Hill was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed again.

When I was in the realm of comprehension before, it was actually the same rule: good things, first come, first served, and what you pick up is your own.The so-called main take away, that's fine, if you win, it's yours, if you can't win, then what's mine is still mine.

In fact, the essence of Van Lance is not much different from that of the cultivation world, except that there are more so-called knights from the Temple of Light and gentlemen from noble families.

Although everyone basically talks directly with their fists about what they are looking for, the so-called knights and gentlemen always like to add some modified sentences before snatching.Make yourself look like a more reasonable robbery.

Before the two were assigned to a group to complete the graduation trial, Hill and Eagle could be said to be just familiar strangers.

Hill could hear Iger praised in different ways by different people everywhere.Although there are always various people around Eagle who treat him like Cophill, a weirdo from the "Andris" family.But to put it bluntly, the two were strangers who had barely spoken to each other.

Due to everyone's unanimous evaluation of Iger before, and Iger's enthusiastic and cheerful positive image when the two got along these few days, Hill really thought that Iger would say "just take other people's things Not so good" or something like that.

Eagle's blunt statement did surprise Hill a little, but it was a surprise that made him feel happier.Eagle is always like this. Under the beautiful appearance in the eyes of outsiders, there are always countless sides that make Hill feel novel.

Hill smiled and threw another thing into Eagle's arms, "You're right, the one you picked up belongs to us. I've checked it just now, let alone living creatures, not even undead. one."

Igor spread his palms in doubt - what Iger gave him was a silver ring, which was inconspicuous at first glance, but upon closer inspection, one could find circles engraved on the small ring. Fine patterns.The meticulous handwork shows that it is not an item that can be seen everywhere.

Eagle quickly discovered the difference in this ring except for the handwork——"Space ring!"

Looking at the ring lying in the palm of his hand, Igor almost burst into tears on the spot, and instantly felt the kindness from the world.

Magical artifact of light attribute, produced by dwarves!The space ring that I have always wanted!

Gods above, although the God of Light seems to no longer want me, I have already received your blessings.

Holding another ring of the same style as Eagle's in his hand, Hill squinted his eyes and looked at it:

"I just found out on the test bench that the space is unimaginably large. At least I have never heard of such a large space ring on this continent, and it seems that the production method is not the habit of dwarves. Is there any other race that can This aspect of craftsmanship is far superior to dwarves?"

Hearing what Hill said, Eagle immediately used his mental strength to reach for the ring in his hand—Van Lance has now heard that the best space ring has a capacity of about [-] to [-] cubic meters.But the ring in front of him, which only has a silver exterior, is estimated to have the capacity to accommodate five such rooms where they are.

Hill is right, such things are indeed not produced by Vlahan Lance.

Eagle picked up the ring with a blank expression, compared his fingers one by one, and finally put it on the ring finger of his left hand.

Hmph, so what?It's better if the origin is unknown, and if you find it, it's mine.It's just that there is nothing in such a large space?

Eagle felt a little sorry.

The ring in Hill's hand is not only the same style as Eagle's, but also the same size.

God said that many coincidences are called destiny.

For example, Hill and Eagle coincidentally have similar thickness fingers.After mobilizing his ring on several fingertips, Hill also chose the most comfortable ring finger of his left hand.

However, they were still immersed in the pie-in-the-sky duo, and they really didn't pay attention to what it seemed to imply in the eyes of outsiders that they were wearing this ring at the same time.

Hill was still gently turning the ring to adjust its position, when Igel wondered why there was nothing in the ring, and the previous owner was too wasteful.Smiling triumphantly, he stretched out his left hand, which had already put on the ring and adjusted it, in front of Igor, motioning him to check the contents of his ring.

"Your one was empty from the beginning. I guess this one was used by the necromancer before."

Igor stared at the large pile of gold coins and magic cores that had been detected in Hill's ring, and began to think about the feasibility of exchanging rings with Hill after a while.

Hill ignored him, turning his head and looking around the room.Finally grinning at Eagle,

"Well, there's nothing here now but the two of us, living or dead. So, it's ours."


" should we go up now?" Igor, who had witnessed Hill almost emptied everything in the house, followed him back to the place where the two fell before, looking up at the dark sky .

Hill: "Of course we can't do it ourselves. We probably have to ask them to help."

Eagle: "They?"

Hill didn't speak, but raised the bone staff that he had brought from the necromancer's house before, and began to recite the spell he just found out from the book.

In such darkness, Igor couldn't see anything except pitch black.The deep voice of Hill beside him seemed to come from another world——

Voice of the dead.

I heard that people in some places also call necromancers like this, thinking that although they manipulate the undead, they are also the messengers of the will of the dead.

With the completion of Hill's spell, a dark blue halo suddenly appeared from the top of the bone staff in Hill's hand in the darkness.The halo is very faint, even in this darkness, it is inconspicuous at all.But soon, lighter and brighter light spots than the bone staff began to appear beside the bone staff.

One point, two points, three points... More and more light spots illuminated the entire passage a little.Although they could still only vaguely identify the direction where the two stood, at least Igor could probably see the silhouette of Hill holding his wand beside him.

Only then did Eagle suddenly realize that these dark blue light spots seemed to appear in pairs, and the height and distance looked like a pair of unknown eyes...

While Igor was still in a daze, a slight tremor suddenly came from the ground.Igor was startled, and his body shook.Immediately, an arm stretched out beside him, helping him stabilize his body.

"Don't panic, it's fine."

In the dark environment, Hill's voice still sounded a little unreal.But Eagle was surprisingly calm.

The author has something to say: Summary: "On How to Properly Loot Others' Property"

☆、Graduation Trial ([-])

After the vibration, a strange "click" sound began to be heard from under his feet.Igor's eyes widened in shock, wondering if he was dreaming in a daze.With the vibration just now under his feet, the ground began to turn out bone after bone.

I don't know which kind of creature's bone it came from, a large piece of white flower, constantly pouring out from the dark ground.

With another burst of shaking, the white bones summoned by Hill began to combine, one on top of the other, without obvious rules, but they continued to overlap.At the same time, Eagle and Hill were also slowly lifted up by the pile of bones.

Stacking arhats... doesn't seem to be the way to play, does it?

Igor subconsciously grasped the arm that Hill had stretched out to support his body before, and stared blankly at the bones under his feet trying to push him and Hill up.

What words should I use to describe this experience?

After a quarter of an hour, Igor didn't bother to use any words to describe what happened during this period of time.After being carried up by the skeleton for a quarter of an hour, Eagle said that he had calmed down, and now he and Hill sat cross-legged on the skeleton.

The place where they fell was obviously higher than they had imagined, and the splicing speed of the skeletons was limited. The speed at which the two of them rose was obviously not the same concept as the speed at which they fell.

Igor rested his arms on his thighs, propped his chin and poked the bones under him boredly.The hard and smooth touch made him raise his eyebrows—the calcium is pretty good.

The platinum earring on the left ear is faintly visible in the golden hair, and even in this dark environment, it reflects a little halo from time to time.

Hill was sitting next to Igor, with his bone staff lying across his lap. He noticed Igor's earrings from the side, tapped his earlobe, and asked, "How do you feel?"

"Huh?" Igor raised his hand subconsciously to touch his ear, and then smiled proudly at Hill: "A magic weapon with light spells and spiritual power, hehe, of course it's a good thing."

Not long after the earrings were put on by Eagle, they actually adjusted their shape slowly and finely, and now they are completely attached to Eagle's pinna.So the things produced by the dwarves always fascinated other races on the continent.

Hill nodded, and began to slowly discuss with Eagle the bizarre things they had encountered in the past few days.

According to the frequency of hunger and eating frequency, it is roughly estimated that they stayed in that room for about two days.

Thanks to Hill for roasting all the monster meat that he kept hunting before, and they wrapped up the unfinished meat and put it in the package.Although Eagle's package was lost when he was chased by the Dark Demon Tiger, but fortunately, Hill's package is still there, and the food in it lasted for two days without much pressure.

During these two days, Hill, besides packing up the things he thought he could take away, was trying to find some books that he could understand a little bit, and studied them with difficulty.

The necromancer's things are not something that can be touched casually, at least Hill doesn't dare to touch the various experimental items in that room.What he took away were almost all the books and notes in that room.

The skeleton summoning just now was one of the basic spells he had just learned.Thanks to the special environment here, the rich dark elements provided most of Hill's support. Otherwise, with his current level, how could he summon so many bones and directly push him and Eagle up.

In such a special environment, two days seemed to make the atmosphere between the two of them more natural.

Apart from looking at the dark equipment in the room, Igor didn't even dare to touch it - he himself has a physique close to the light element, and if he gets too close to these undead equipment, what should he do if something happens?

So during this period of time, Igor can only look at Hill who is studying books and notes in a daze, or repeatedly count the gold coins and magic cores in Hill's space ring - Hill sees that he is really bored and throws them to him. Counting to pass the time.

Occasionally, Hill was really tired from reading, so he would tell Eagle about his previous research, or tell him some allusions about necromancers he had read in books.

Iger is obviously very interested in this field that he has never touched before.I will also talk to Hill about the characteristics of holy magic.

Compared with the harmonious but always distant relationship between the two before, this time they are really like friends who have known each other for many years.After experiencing life and death together, there will always be some changes between people.

Time is always better when you have someone by your side.When the two of them stood on the stable ground again and were shrouded by the faint moonlight, they both had a trance illusion.

Igor has never found that the cold wind at night is so cute. Even if the cool night wind blows, he subconsciously has goosebumps, and Iger is also happy.

This is what it feels like to be alive!The underground is so quiet that there is not even a trace of wind. No matter how novel the experience is, Igor doesn't want to stay there for even a quarter of an hour.

Now that the two have almost no concealment and scruples about each other, after Hill took back the pile of bones, he directly recruited a few more nightmares to explore the way.

Eagle raised his right hand and summoned a ball of holy light for illumination.Seeing Hill, the nightmare walked around him in horror like a ghost and disappeared into the forest, shrugging his shoulders, and walked forward cautiously behind Hill.

With Nightmare's wayfinding, the two of them walked surprisingly smoothly even at night.But they didn't go far, so they chose an open space to rest.After all, the Warcraft Forest at night is still very dangerous.Even if there is a reminder from Nightmare Pathfinder, it is not a wise choice to rush around.

The bonfire that was set up slowly dispelled the chill of the night. While commanding the nightmare to guard around, Hill sat down against the trunk of a big tree.Eagle pulled out the only blanket in the cabin from the space ring.

Hill: "You even took this?"

Eagle glanced at Hill, "Are you embarrassed to say me? Didn't you even let a piece of paper go?"

Hill immediately shut up and didn't speak, while Eagle dragged the blanket to his side and gave him half of the blanket.By the way, he took out his epee, which was already scarred and wrapped in white cloth again, from the ring, and put it under his head.

Hill was a little amused, but he also casually comforted: "Rest at ease tonight, there is a nightmare, as long as there is a living thing approaching, I will know immediately."

Although Eagle felt that there was something wrong with Hill's consolation, he responded vaguely. Although there were no life-threatening stimuli these days, under such circumstances, his nerves were always in a semi-tense state.At this moment, he completely relaxed, and his consciousness soon became blurred.

Still leaning against the tree trunk, listening to the gradually gentle and long breathing around him.The unique coldness of the forest at night swept over his cheeks from time to time, but the blanket on his legs and the warmth from another body beside him made Hill suddenly feel lazy all over his body and didn't want to move.

Hill lowered his voice and finished reciting a spell slowly. The soil in the open space around him suddenly rustled. Soon, a half-human tall white skeleton tumbled out of the soil.The smooth big head bowed slightly to Hill obediently.

As soon as Hill waved his hand, the skeleton immediately ran to the fire and squatted down.The sparkling fire reflected its dark eye sockets, and its slender bony fingers picked up a branch beside it, and guarded the bonfire in front of it devoutly.

After arranging the skeletons, Hill helped Eagle raise the blanket, leaned against the tree trunk, and closed his eyes.

When Igor woke up, it was not long before dawn, and what he saw when he opened his eyes was a few strands of black hair and a slender but somewhat pale finger.Igor stayed for a while before really waking up.Looking up, I saw Hill leaning against the tree trunk with his eyes closed in the same posture as last night, as if he hadn't woken up yet.

His long black hair hung down smoothly over his shoulders, making his complexion look paler.Hill, who was asleep, was a little less indifferent and mysterious than when he was awake, and the childishness of a boy in his facial features seemed to expand, making him look more like a 16-year-old boy at last.

It was rare to see Hill like this, which made Igor feel good when he woke up.Sitting up lightly, he gently straightened the blanket on Hill's lap by the way.Turning his head, he found a white thing squatting in front of the bonfire a few steps away.

The skeleton seemed to have heard the movement from Eagle's side, turned his head with a click, and looked towards Eagle's side.

And Eagle finally came to his senses, looking at the skeleton in front of him holding a branch in one hand while tilting his head to look at himself, his big eye sockets showing a bit of curiosity and innocence—don’t ask how Iger started One saw a skeleton expression on the skull, he just felt that he seemed to be a little dizzy suddenly, and considered whether to fall down and sleep again.

"What are you doing?" As soon as Hill opened his eyes, he saw Hill and his own skeleton staring at each other.After watching for a long time, neither of them (?) responded, so they asked.

Only then did Eagle realize that Hill had woken up.Hearing Hill's voice, the skeleton in front of the bonfire threw the branch happily, ran to Hill and squatted down.

Hill raised his hand to touch the other's smooth head, and the skeleton rubbed against Hill's palm happily.Then when Hill raised his hand, there were a few soft "clicks", and the skeleton went into the ground without a trace.

"What's wrong?" Hill looked at Igor who had been unresponsive in doubt.

"It's okay." Igor raised his hand and lifted the blanket and stood up.He just didn't know whether to scream "I saw a skeleton showing us a bonfire" first, or discuss with Hill first, "It turns out that evil summons such as skeletons are raised in the same way as pet dogs." This profound academic question is good.

The author has something to say: Happy New Year's Day everyone! *★,°*:. ☆\( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*. °★*.

I wish you all a happy new year every day~~! !

☆, Graduation Trial ([-])

Leaving aside these small questions, the two woke up and dressed up, and then carefully explored in the forest following the nightmare released by Hill.

They have to go back to the outskirts of the forest first, and then continue their graduation trials a few days ago - the magic cores they hunted before are all in Eagle's package, and because of the loss of the package, they are now returning to the starting point up.

But they were still alive, so Hill and Igor didn't care much about the lost magic cores.Anyway, it was still early before the end of the trial, and hunting low-level monsters was not particularly difficult for them.

With the pioneers who explored the path, the two returned to the outskirts of the forest very smoothly.In the next few days, the two started the life mode of "eating, sleeping and playing World of Warcraft" again.But this time the two of them were even more careful than last time, they didn't want to experience being led by a high-level monster to run at night again.

Fortunately, the chances of high-level magical beasts appearing in the outskirts of the forest are still very small. The luck of the two of them was used up when they encountered it for the first time, and the past few days have been very peaceful.

Although Hill's Nightmare is the lowest summoning item of the undead, it has to be said that it is really a must-have product for home travel, murder and arson.Iger has even gotten used to the life of "getting up every day to see skeletons guarding the bonfire for me".

Although in the first few days when I opened my eyes, I was refreshed by the scene of a pile of bones clacking and acting like a baby to Hill, but after getting used to it these few days, Iger felt that these would not be tiring, hardworking, and would occasionally act like a baby The cute skeleton is quite...cute?

Eagle walked cautiously ahead with his spare light sword in hand, cutting off the branches and vines blocking the way from time to time to make it easier for Hill behind him to move forward.Although his epee is almost useless, but there is no need to conceal his ability as a magic swordsman, and Hill's identity as a necromancer has also been revealed, the efficiency of the two of them these days is higher than when they first came.

Hill followed Eagle quietly, but suddenly grabbed Eagle in front, "There is someone in front."


Hill raised his hand to recall the surrounding nightmares, and put the wand back into the ring.After a while, the dark aura on his body was covered by him.

After he finished tidying up, Igor clenched the light sword in his hand and cautiously walked in the direction indicated by Hill.

It didn't take long for the two of them to vaguely see two figures sitting on the open space in front of them through the cover of the branches.Igor and Hill didn't hide their tracks, they pushed aside the branches and walked over.

The two people in the open space had obviously sensed Hill Yeager's approach long ago, and they both turned their heads to look at them.Just waiting for Igor to walk in and see the two people clearly, he was stunned for a moment,

"Elf! It's you."

The elf who seemed to be resting in the open space was also taken aback for a moment, "Huh? We know each other?"

Eagle: "No, I just saw you in the tavern before."

The blue-haired elf nodded. His identity and appearance were indeed very rare and special on the mainland, so Eagle was not the only one who greeted him.

"My name is Eagle, and this is Hill. Are you also here to hunt monsters in the forest?" Eagle smiled at the two, expressing his kindness.

It is probably because Iger and Hill are young, and Iger's "sunshine smile" really makes people feel gentlemanly and upright.The attitudes of the two people on the opposite side were also quite friendly. The elf was not as tough as when he first saw him, so he took the initiative to say,

"I'm Luluka, and this is Lance. Are you here to hunt monsters? But there are only low-level monsters on the outskirts of the forest, and they can't be sold for much. There are only two of you, and it doesn't seem like you can enter the inner forest." It's too safe."

"No, we are students of Affleck College." Eagle took out the college's unique student name tag, "We are here to complete the graduation trial."

Adventurers on the mainland often encounter other adventure teams on the way like this. Under normal circumstances, the few people they meet will gather together for a short time to help each other complete the task.This will not only make the journey a lot safer, but also greatly improve the efficiency.

Of course, the unfamiliar team that just met will first express their purpose here, and everyone will decide whether to work together to complete the goal based on various considerations.

However, there is a type of adventure team that ordinary people are more willing and more at ease to form a team together—that is, students like Iger who are about to graduate and come out to complete the graduation trial.

The students who come out to complete the graduation trial will not have difficult tasks, and there will be no conflict of interest with ordinary adventure teams.And since they are students from regular colleges, it means that their potential for development is not bad, why not simply do a favor at this time, in case they become a strong one in the future?

In particular, students from Affleck College, a high-level and rigorous college recognized in the mainland, usually get help from other adventure teams when they encounter other adventure teams.

Of course, the academy is aware of this situation, and getting approval and help from strangers when going out is also an ability recognized by the academy.So this has become a kind of convention.For the young people who have just stepped out of the campus to complete the graduation trial, everyone is still very tolerant.

"So you are students of Alfreds." Sure enough, the elf named Luluka and Lance, who had been silent all this time, immediately became a little more friendly, "We are here to find the Man Yaovine."

"Many demon vine?" Hill asked back, "Used to make tranquilizers?"

Manyao vine is a low-level magic plant, its juice has hallucinatory and anesthetic effects, and is the main ingredient of general tranquilizers on the mainland.

"Hey? You're an alchemist? You know a lot." Luluka glanced at Hill, raised her hand to caress the petals on her left ear, "But we won't come here just for a little vine juice Come on. If it weren't for this guy who doesn't know his identity, we wouldn't be here." Luluka said, jokingly pinching the petals and pulling them outward.

Igor and Hill were full of doubts before they had time to ask, when they saw a thin and soft vine protruding from under the purple flower, and slapped Luluka's finger away with a "snap".

"Luluka, you bastard! I told you not to drag me like that, what if I get disfigured?!"

Hill and Eagle stared at the elf's ears in surprise. If their eyes were alright, the thing would look like a flower.Even if it is a magic plant, even if it can learn how a little monster opens its mouth to bite people, it is still a flower in essence.What the hell is going on now that he actually speaks human words?

But the purple fairy flower obviously failed to understand the roaring hearts of the two, and pulled out another branch from under the petals with a "swish". waving,

"Stupid elf! Having a naturally beautiful and intelligent magic plant like me is the supreme honor bestowed on you by the nature gods. If you have time to babble here, why not find me some snacks!"

"That's enough, do you have the self-consciousness to be a flower?! Which flower usually drinks blood and eats meat, and the snacks even need the juice of low-level magic plants! Be careful, I will just take a flower pot and plant you up !"

One person and one flower instantly forgot the two people who were still standing in front of them, and started arguing on their own.Hill and Eagle listened for a long time, but they didn't know where to interrupt them.But Lance, who had been silent before, said:

"Don't bother with them, just get used to it. If that's the case, do you want to be with us?" Lance's voice was a little lower than Luluka's, which made people feel very stable and reliable.

"Of course." Igor agreed flatly, and gave the other party a thankful smile by the way, "This can't be better."

Hill and Eagle had discussed this situation for a long time on the way to meet other adventure teams. Of course, they hoped that they could meet someone who would accompany them on the way to the trial.After all, their efficiency will be higher in this way. Although it is definitely no problem for the two of them to pass the current results, since they can get the ranking and rewards, why not?

That's why the two came up to say hello so simply when they met Luluka and Lance.

Luluka was still arguing with his magic plant, but Hill and Eagle had already sat down in the open space under Lance's gesture.

"Do they often do this?" Iger felt very novel when he saw the scene of arguing with a flower for the first time.

Lance shrugged, signaling to ignore them.

Hill is particularly interested in the magic plant that can speak: "Is the fairy flower addicted to poison? Although the color is not the same as the normal one. Is it because it is the companion magic plant of the elf? It is also because it can speak. this?"

"Hey, you know a lot." When Hua Yiren, who was still arguing, heard Hill say this, he immediately stopped and turned to look at him.The purple Fairy Flower also praised Hill while waving a green vine of her own.

The drug-addicted fairy flower is a kind of magic plant born with seventh rank. It likes a humid environment and usually grows on the edge of a swamp.Not only is it highly poisonous, but it also likes to poison the prey that is confused by itself and then suck blood.Magic plants are rare, and dangerous high-level magic plants like the drug-addicted Fairy Flower are even rarer.

But no matter how rare it is, it is not as rare as the jumping, arrogant and cursing flower in front of me.

The author has something to say: Lilith came out to show her cuteness, please pass by adults to show some footprints~(┳_┳)...

☆. Graduation Trial ([-])

For Hill, who could tell immediately that this was the elf's companion magic plant, the elf was indeed a little surprised.Not every elf can have the accompanying magic plant. Although it is not a secret that needs to be kept specially, people with little knowledge will not know the existence of the accompanying magic plant.Most people will only regard them as pets of elves.

Luluka seemed to be tired from the noise, so she simply came over and sat down next to Lance, pulled off the fairy flower on his head that was still patting his cheek with the vines, and threw it aside.

"Ordinary magic plants can't speak, of course. This is Lilith, my companion magic plant." Lulu paused, "Well, ordinary companion magic plants can't speak, it's just a weird thing."

"You are the weird one, your whole family is weird." Lilith was thrown to the ground by Luluka and rolled twice, got up when Luluka said that, and immediately waved her vines furiously, even before The white teeth he had seen before also showed.

But Luluka didn't look back, and took out the water bag from the package on her own.I had been arguing for a long time just now, and my throat was dry.

Lilith, who was so obviously ignored, was instantly unhappy. She propped up her body tremblingly with slender vines that were completely disproportionate to the flower itself, and quickly rushed to Lance's side at a completely unreasonable speed.

"Hey, Lance, Luluka is bullying me. Why is my life so hard? How can I have such a ruthless and cold-blooded companion elf with my one-in-a-million temperament?"

Lance seemed to have gotten used to these two treasures a long time ago. He picked up Lilith who was howling while hugging his trouser legs, and let it hop on his lap.

Hill, Eagle: "..."

Hill and Eagle, who had been watching so far, realized belatedly that their new companion seemed to be more lively than they had imagined.

But fortunately, although Luluka and Lilith were a little more lively, the elves, as natural archers, should not be underestimated.As for Lance so far, his ability as a thief is as calm and reliable as his appearance.

It's only been a few days for the four of them, but the magic cores in the rings of Hill and Eagle are growing rapidly.But the after-dinner snack that Lilith was looking for - Manyao vine, was still nowhere to be found.

The magic plants are rare, and coupled with the forest environment, even low-level magic plants, it is not easy to hide themselves.But what's surprising is that Lilith has been very quiet these days, and she doesn't look like she was making trouble with Luluka every day at the beginning.

Well, Lilith admitted that it was bought, bought by Hill with the blood-streaked and charcoal-scented barbecue every day.Anyway, the main meal is very satisfying, in fact, there is no attachment to dessert after the meal.

Lilith thought while touching her petals with the vine contentedly.

Calculating the time, the deadline for the graduation trial is almost here.Hill and Eagle decided to leave the forest in two days and go back to school.

In the past few days, they also understood that Luluka and Lance were actually staying to help them.For these two friends who met by chance, Hill and Eagle still have a good impression. From the beginning, Luluka and Lance did not show any strangeness to Hill's appearance. Keep it in mind.Intentionally, but it took too long, and they felt embarrassed.

As for Luluka and Lance, the two of them had no special purpose at all, just going around for adventure and experience.Otherwise, because of Lilith's noise, she wouldn't have come to the forest to stay for so long.Now that Lilith is not making noise anymore, they are not obsessed with finding the Manyao Vine.

Hill and Igor also enjoyed spending time with them, and they also knew that the deadline for their graduation trial was not long.It's okay to do a little favor for a friend these days.

It was still the group's routine lunch time, although after entering the forest, everyone's staple food was dry food, except for dry food, and barbecue.But compared to the salty dried meat and stone-like bread prepared in advance just in case, everyone felt that they were satisfied with having hot and delicious barbecue every day.

Even Igor ate it without psychological pressure because the dry food in the package was exhausted.

Lilith still used her slender vines to hug a piece of meat that was bigger than her. The piece of meat was only slightly processed, and the smell of flesh and blood mixed with the aroma of charcoal roasting.Although you can smell the unique aroma of the grilled fat, except for the edge, the meat is still slightly bloodshot.

Hill's workmanship is still really good, Lilith hugged the barbecue contentedly, and when the petals opened and closed, a row of white teeth could barely reflect the light. With two "chacha", a large piece was easily bitten off by Lilith.

Lilith babbled, babbled, and pounced on the meat again. Even though I saw this scene more than once a day, Iger still felt that his vision had been impacted.

It should be that his endurance needs to be improved. Staring at Lilith's row of sharp white teeth, Iger felt that he would be indifferent to all the flowers before he fully adapted.

"Huh?" Lilith, who never cared about outside affairs during meal time, suddenly jumped off the barbecue, waved her branch and ran towards Luluka next to her, "Luluka, it smells like blood, it smells so strong !"

Luluka frowned and looked at Lilith, who was covered in greasy body and was about to crawl on her body.

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