, picked it up with two fingers and threw it at Lance, "Which direction?"

Lilith also seemed to be used to Luluka disliking her at this time, so she rolled up Lance's skirt with a branch, wiped her petals carefully, and pointed at the depths of the forest with another branch. ,


Everyone looked at each other, a little hesitant.

Eagle: "Bypass? Or go and see?"

Luluka: "Since Lilith has called the police like this, it means that it's not as simple as just one or two people dying there."

Several people discussed it for a long time, and still decided to go and have a look.Since it was Lance and Luluka who came out to take risks and experiences like this, their curiosity was always very strong.Hill didn't think it mattered, but seeing Eagle's eager look on his face, he agreed.

The four quickly packed their luggage, and carefully groped in the direction Lilith pointed.The poisonous Fairy Flower is very sensitive to the smell of blood, and the four of them walked carefully for a while, but they still didn't notice anything unusual.Fortunately, several of them have relatively calm personalities, and they are still cautiously moving forward in the direction indicated by Lilith.

After walking for a while, suddenly a powerful wave of magic came from the front, the four of them were taken aback, and were scared by the sudden situation and took a few steps back.The few people didn't dare to move forward rashly at this time, and they all stopped on the spot.

Several times, Hill wanted to call out Nightmare directly to find out, but he just looked at Luluka and Lance beside him and didn't move after all.

Not everyone has the same nerve and tolerance as Igor, who can keep an evil necromancer by his side all the time.

They didn't dare to move forward any more, Luluka simply lifted Lilith from Lance's shoulder and put it on the ground.

"Lilith, go and see what's going on ahead."

Lilith twisted reluctantly after being put on the ground, but she didn't disobey Luluka's order. She stretched out the slender branches to support her body, and ran crookedly but very quickly.In the blink of an eye, he merged into the forest and disappeared.

Luluka turned her head and motioned for everyone to take a break, "The forest is Lilith's territory, it must be hidden and no one will be able to find it. Let's make plans when it comes back."

Everyone nodded, this is the best way.Everyone has curiosity, but they'd rather not be curious if it's going to get them into trouble or even kill them.

It wasn't too long for Lilith to go, but it wasn't short either.Although the four of them looked calm on the surface, they were still somewhat anxious in their hearts.When Lilith ran back happily holding its two universal flower branches, they were all relieved.

"Luluka, look, look." Lilith's voice sounded much happier than when she went.He ran to Luluka and held up a small round object to ask him for credit.

"What did you pick up again and came back?" Luluka bent down and picked up Lilith and put it on her shoulder, and then looked at the thing Lilith rolled up with a flower branch and stuffed straight into his face - a round A round ring with a sapphire.

Luluka tilted her body, almost throwing Lilith off her body, "This... space ring? Where did you get it?"

When everyone heard this, they were stunned for a moment, and they all gathered around Luluka.

The ring that Lilith placed in Luluka's hand looked extraordinarily gorgeous. Whether it was a huge gemstone or a golden ring, smooth handwork and exquisite patterns, people could see the value of the ring at a glance—this is the normal The appearance that the space ring should have, the dwarves will not let go of any place that can reflect their craftsmanship.

On behalf of the other three, Luluka asked, "Where did you get it?"

Lilith shook the petals, looking very proud: "I picked it up on the ground!"


"I really picked it up." Probably because everyone's skeptical expressions were too unanimous, Lilith's tone was weaker, "But that person was lying on the ground, I picked it up from him, said I picked it up from the ground There's nothing wrong with that."

Now everyone finally grasped the point, Hill said: "What about the person with this ring?"

Lilith: "It's dead."

Eagle: "...So you've been there for so long and only saw one dead person?"

"It's more than one." Lilith shook the petals, "There are eight people and a monster." Well, it should be eight. Luluka taught it to count, but it doesn't have fingers, and it's okay to make mistakes occasionally. It makes sense.

Hill: "Apart from the dead one, what about the other seven people and that monster?"

"They're all dead." Lilith happily waved the thin flower branches, "There's a lot of blood."


The author has something to say: ↓If the last sentence is slightly modified by one or two words...we can discover the true meaning of the article↓

"It's all gone." Lilith happily waved the thin flower branches, "There are so many virtues on the ground."

Just kidding ( ̄▽ ̄"), and finally thank you little angel Lolo for mine, okay~~

☆. Graduation Trial ([-])

"Let's go and have a look?" Hill gave up communicating with Lilith, got up and asked the other three people around him.

Eagle and the others also thought it would be good to go and have a look. Since Lilith was able to pull off the interspatial ring on the person, it meant that there was no danger.

"Don't worry, I've checked everything, and there's nothing alive around there." Lilith stretched out a flower branch and patted Luluka's palm comfortingly.

Although there seemed to be something wrong with Lilith's consolation, everyone was indeed relieved.

Still following the direction given by Lilith, he walked for a while before smelling the bloody smell Lilith had mentioned.

The further you go, the stronger the smell, until the last few people are so smoked that they can't help but frown.Especially Luluka, the elves love peace by nature and hate killing.Such a strong smell of blood has already made his face turn pale.

"It's right here." Lilith liked the smell very much, and carefully swinging from Luluka's body fell to the ground, and rushed forward with a "squeak".

Although they were already mentally prepared, the four chased after Lilith, and what they saw after pushing away from the bushes still made them a little bit overwhelmed.

There were eight corpses lying in disorder among the bushes—it was rare for Lilith to count correctly this time.Judging from the wounds of several people and the damaged tree trunks around, it is not difficult to infer the fierce battle here not long ago.

One of the eight people was obviously dressed more exquisitely than the others, and was dressed in standard aristocratic attire.But at this time, he was lying on his stomach facing the ground, and there was a big hole pierced through his back by something, and the gurgling blood almost completely dyed the delicate fabric red.The rest of them were dressed in different styles, including swordsmen, magicians, even thieves and archers.

It seems that these people should be a mercenary squad urged by the nobleman, so there is such a neat configuration.I don't know why I came to the forest, but now I stay here and can't go out again.

The bodies of the few people lying on the ground were even mutilated, with old and new wounds.Some places were obviously caused by the bites of monsters, while others seemed to disappear from their bodies out of thin air.

Lance squatted in front of a big man dressed as a swordsman, feeling the pulse in the other's neck.The swordsman's body hadn't cooled down yet, but Lance noticed several wounds on his body and frowned,

"Swallowing magic?" Devouring magic is one of the representative magics of dark magic.

"Hill!" Eagle suddenly pulled the person next to him, pointing to an inconspicuous black figure under the shadow of a tree trunk not far away, "Is that the Dark Demon Tiger that chased us that day?"

Having been distracted by the tragic scene just now, everyone noticed that there was a non-human corpse not far away—it should be the Warcraft that Lilith mentioned earlier.

At this time, the Dark Demon Tiger and Eagle had already looked different when they met, with wounds caused by sharp weapons and magic attacks all over their bodies.The black hair was all clotted with blood, and it was unclear whether it was its own blood or the blood of these people lying around.

"So they were just as unlucky as you before and met the Dark Devil Tiger, and finally became a lose-lose situation?" Luluka held her mouth and nose and gasped with difficulty. Such a chaotic scene and strong bloody smell made her body Being an elf, he was particularly uncomfortable, and Luluka felt that she would really faint if she stayed any longer.

Although others felt that things were definitely not as simple as what Luluka said, but judging from the current situation, they could only roughly infer this.

"Anyway, let's bury them." Seeing that Luluka was about to faint, Lance asked everyone not to stand still.

After they were done, they left quickly. Luluka didn't say anything because she couldn't get used to it. Who knew if the smell of blood would attract anything else.

Although they were strangers to each other, it was not uncommon to see similar corpses in the wilderness from time to time, and both Hill and Eagle nodded.

Igor casually picked up the light sword of some unlucky swordsman on the ground and went to dig a hole aside, while Lance and Hill dragged the bodies of several people together so that they could be buried later.Luluka took a few steps and turned her back to take a few breaths, and then came back to help.

Just looking at the nobleman who had a big hole in his body in front of him, Luluka struggled a bit, and decided to turn over him and drag him away with a less bloody side.

Turning the person over, Luluka blinked in a daze - it seems that this person has been seen somewhere...

"Ah, isn't this the bastard I met in the tavern that day?"

When Luluka called out, Lance and the others also looked up.Looking at the young nobleman who still kept the expression of panic and pain in front of him, and looked particularly embarrassed, he also remembered.Isn't it the nobleman who molested Luluka when Hill and Eagle met Luluka and Lance?

"Hmph!" Luluka snorted coldly, grabbed the opponent's leg and pulled it towards the hole Igor dug, "I know that this kind of kid will have no good results. You can even meet the Dark Devil Tiger in the forest. Forest god, are you protecting your people?"

The labor force of the four people was still very fast. After a while, the corpses of the eight people and one monster were buried - eight people in one pit, and the monster in one hole.Humans and beasts are different, it is better to separate them.

Eagle looked at the two small dirt bags in front of him, and felt a little emotional.A few days ago, the domineering appearance of this nobleman seemed to be vaguely visible, but now he was buried in this unknown corner of the forest together with a group of civilians whom he always looked down upon.

So what about the prominent and noble status?I don't have absolute strength myself, that's the end.

After simply dealing with these, the four of Hill left the place in a hurry.Although the corpse has been buried, the smell of blood is still there. If any high-level monsters are attracted, they will be the same as these people.

It was just the devil's core of the dead Dark Devil Tiger, and the four of them didn't hesitate before burying the body.High-level dark-type magic core, this is a good thing with a price but no market.It's a pity that the Dark Demon Tiger's fur is already too damaged, and they really don't have time to peel it off, so they can only give up regretfully.

Not only the magic core of the monster, but also the gold coins and medicines of the other people were all taken away by them. Anyway, they have all returned to the arms of the God of Light, and these extraneous things are meaningless to them. They just treat them as helping to bury the corpse It's hard work.

But what makes people feel regretful is that, apart from the space ring that Lilith picked off from the nobleman, they only found another space ring on a magician.Sure enough, not everyone can afford this kind of luxury.

As for other things, weapons including wands, bows and arrows were buried together.Looking at the domineering appearance of the nobleman before, who knows what kind of power his family has.In case they took some iconic items and were misunderstood, they would not be able to explain it clearly.

The four people who left discovered Lilith's essential attribute of "burning, killing and looting" again at this time, followed its guidance and found a small stream, and then stopped.

Simply using the stream water to wash off the bloody smell on her hands, Luluka's face looked better.At this time, the sky also darkened, and Lance got up to survey the surroundings. After confirming that it was safe, the four simply camped by the water.

When the bonfire was set up and Hill skewered the uneaten dried meat to heat up, they had time to sort out the small windfall they got today.

The coins found from those people before were not too many, but dividing them into four parts could make them a little bit richer.

But the focus of the few people is not here. Luluka and Igor excitedly picked up a space ring, and with a "crash", they poured out all the contents inside.

Although they are all space rings, the things that Iger is holding belong to a certain magician obviously don't have many things.Apart from some simple clothes, there are only a few gold coins, medicines and a few magic scrolls.

But the ring belonging to the nobleman that Luluka was holding was piled up like a hill.In addition to the abundance of coins, there is also a good amount of jewelry - from beautiful silver hand mirrors to hairpins studded with shining gems, which are obviously used to please noble girls.As for some potions with strange colors, they were selectively ignored by everyone.

"Tsk tsk." Luluka picked up the exquisite hand mirror to straighten her hair, and then put it on Lilith who leaned over curiously, "As expected of a nobleman, the family is rich."

Igor also picked up the shiny ornaments on the ground to fiddle with, and Lance picked up a forehead ornament strung with golden glaze, and hung it on Luluka's head jokingly.

Seeing so many gold coins and jewels, everyone's mood naturally began to clear up.Hill also let a few people play around, but amidst a pile of jewels, a dark object suddenly caught his attention.

With some doubts, he pulled away all the things on it, and when he took out the black and round thing, Hill couldn't help but widen his eyes slightly.

When Hill started to pick apart the pile of jewels, everyone stopped playing and looked at him suspiciously.When Hill suddenly picked up a giant black egg from among a pile of things, everyone was as stunned as Hill was.

"Hey, Hill... What is this, what is this?" Although I vaguely had the answer in my heart, Eagle still felt that it was impossible.

Not only Eagle thought it was unreal, but even Hill, who was holding a giant egg with a diameter as long as half an adult's arm, felt it was unreal, but when he heard Eagle's voice, Hill subconsciously responded,

"It's a monster egg."

The author has something to say: I have a cold..._(:3」∠)_

The temperature in winter is really bad, everyone should pay attention to adding clothes to keep warm, otherwise you will be in a miserable state with snot and tears like me...

☆. Graduation Trial ([-])

Warcraft eggs are a very special thing, and this specialness starts with magic pets.In a place like Van Lance, where the strong come first, no matter whether it is a strong man or an unarmed ordinary person, everyone hopes to have a powerful magic pet.The former can quickly improve one's own strength, while the latter can use magic pets as life-saving charms.

However, it is extremely difficult to capture high-level monsters as magic pets.

Although high-level monsters can't speak, most of them have high intelligence, and their general characters are extremely arrogant and stubborn. They would rather die than be captured by other races.Even if it is successfully captured, there is no ability higher than that of the monster, and there is no way for the monster to sign a pet contract with it.

Those who are not strong in their own abilities but still want to get a high-level monster as a magic pet-the monster egg has become their best and only choice.

The newly hatched monsters are ignorant and have poor mental resistance. It would be great if they could sign a contract with them at this time.When the monsters are raised slowly, they will be more loyal than the generally captured magic pets.

This sounds like a monster egg is much better than directly capturing a monster, but to really get a monster egg, the price to pay is definitely not less than directly capturing a monster.

Warcraft will become very ferocious and irritable during the hatching period when they lay eggs, and they will be attacked like crazy by monsters as soon as they get close.Even if it is a low-level monster, it is very difficult to deal with it during this period.

Moreover, the hatching of each kind of monster's egg requires different and strict conditions. Without relevant knowledge and preparation, it is impossible to hatch a monster by holding an egg for 100 years.

But even with such circumstances, for nobles with money and power but no ability, monster eggs are still a dream.

After staring at the egg for a long time, everyone slowly came back to their senses.

Hill carefully placed the dark monster eggs on the open space in front of him, then sighed and said: "I finally know why those people are being pursued by the Dark Demon Tiger, and I will kill them even if they die together." .”

That Dark Demon Tiger has at least the ninth level of strength, and it's not easy for them to run so far.

Eagle also remembered the situation when he and Hill met the Dark Demon Tiger that night, "No wonder when I met that Dark Demon Tiger last time, I saw that it already had wounds on its body, and it should be caused by those people. Let’s just talk about how we can meet the Dark Demon Tiger at the outskirts of the forest, so we are the ones who were implicated.”

"Leave that aside, what should this bastard do now?" Luluka's question really made everyone feel embarrassed.

There is only one egg, and it is impossible for four people to share it equally.But it is unrealistic to sell it and divide it.

The four were silent for a long time, and finally Lance spoke first: "Sill, will you hatch this monster egg?"

Hill nodded naturally, "Of course."

Lance: "Then it belongs to you and Eagle."


Before the two of them could say anything, Lance waved his hand again, "But you took the eggs, and the rest of these things belong to Luluka and me."

Hill and Eagle sat where they were and didn't know how to answer for a while.Indeed, it's much simpler now to just split things in two, the way Lance did.After all, he and Eagle, Lance and Luluka were originally two people.

But even if everything other than the eggs belonged to Lance and Luluka, Hill and Igor still hesitated—even if these things were two or three times more, it would not be enough to buy a Warcraft egg.Besides, this is the Demonic Beast Egg of the Dark Demon Tiger.

"Okay, don't get entangled. Lance and I are not stupid, we won't suffer and be bored."

Luluka and Lance have been together for so long, and there is still some tacit understanding. She waved her hand and said to the two who were still hesitating:

"This magic beast egg is too conspicuous, it is impossible to take it out for sale. Although the aristocratic boy just now is not a good-looking man, he has a lot of background at first glance. He was able to successfully get its magic beast egg under the eyes of the Dark Demon Tiger. He even escaped here, which means that the mercenary team he urged is not ordinary people. If he can hire these strong men, how small is the family power? At that time, his family can't find anyone, but we have this Egg out, do you think there will be any trouble to come to the door?"

Hill and Eagle were quickly convinced by Luluka's argument.

Luluka patted Hill's shoulder for the last time, "Lance and I will not be polite to you. Hehe, these two space rings are good, and the magic core of the Dark Demon Tiger will definitely sell for a sky-high price. Lilith , from now on, you will have meat to eat every day."

Lilith nestled on Luluka's head and stretched out the flower branches lazily, ignoring him - as if it had no meat to eat someday.

With such a large windfall, the four of them divided it up reasonably, and they naturally slept very soundly at night.Early the next morning, the four of them unanimously decided to leave Dibo Forest immediately after getting up.

When returning to the town where they stayed briefly before, because it was still early, Lance and Luluka decided to go directly to the next town.Although the four of them didn't get along for a long time, they felt that they were in perfect harmony.But separation is also inevitable.

After saying goodbye to each other briefly, Hill and Eagle parted ways with this man, flower, and elf at the gate of the town.Luluka and Lance left the town, and Hill took Igor to purchase a lot of alchemy equipment and items in the town, and then returned to the hotel where he stayed before.

Igor sat cross-legged on the bed, watching Hill at the side quickly take out a bunch of things he bought just now from the ring, and began to fiddle with it alone.After a while, a small alchemy test bench was set up under Eagle's surprised gaze.Then I got busy on my own.

Eagle found it interesting at first, but gradually became bored.After sitting for a while, I felt hungry, so I went downstairs and brought up two portions of food.One was placed in Hill's hand, and he sat on the bed and ate his own.

When he finished his whole portion in a slow manner, Hill was still busy with the things in hand.

Looking at the food that was getting cold, and looking at Hill who didn't even lose his attention, Igor felt a little embarrassed.

After hesitating for a moment, Igor simply sat next to Hill, picked up the bread beside him, tore off a small piece, and brought it to Hill's mouth.

Hill probably also focused all his attention on the alchemy table in front of him. Hill opened his mouth to eat the bread Igor handed over without even thinking about it—this stunned Igor next to him After a while, he came back to his senses and tore off another piece tentatively and handed it over. Hill still ate it obediently.

Eagle suddenly felt a little happy, he had never seen Hill like this.During this period of time, he and Hill also got acquainted. Although Hill was no longer as expressionless and difficult to communicate with as he was at the beginning, he would chat and tease Igor with a serious expression after getting acquainted, but the arrogance and arrogance in his nature The strong side is also slowly showing.

Although he hadn't shown such an obvious performance in front of Eagle, his bad character still made Eagle realize something.

But Iger found Hill so obedient today very novel.

After feeding the bread, Igor happily cut the steak on the plate into small pieces, and fed them to Hill one by one with a fork.Finally, he put another large glass of juice on the cabinet next to Hill, and sat back on the bed contentedly.

Emma, ​​it feels good to be a senior to take care of people.Especially if the object of care is still like Hill.

In the past few days in the forest, my nerves were tense every day, and I couldn't really relax.Igor rolled around twice on the bed boredly, and fell asleep in a daze.

When he opened his eyes again, it was already pitch black outside the window.Igor didn't know how long he had slept, but on the other side of the room, Hill was still busy, but the cup on the cabinet next to him was already empty.

At this time, Hill had set up a fist-sized luminous body on his alchemy table, which looked a bit like a reduced version of the illuminator they saw in the Necromancer's house.

"Hill, don't you take a break?" Igor didn't know what Hill was busy with, but he reminded him aloud.

Hearing Eagle speak, Hill realized that he had woken up, "It will be fine soon, did I wake you up?"

"No." Eagle simply got up and sat next to Hill again, "Will it be the same tomorrow?"

"It's okay, it will be fine soon." Hill just replied with a smile, and continued to work.

Are you in a good mood?

Seeing this, Igor just rubbed his chin and glanced at Hill, but didn't say anything.

Hill's "soon" this time is not talking nonsense.

After a while, Xier Bian put down the things in his hands, and showed Iger a semi-circular metal container attached to the base.

"You've been busy for so long just to make this?" Igor touched the cold and smooth surface of the metal, "Is this used to incubate monster eggs?"


Hill nodded, letting Eagle hold the metal container, while he carefully took out the pitch-black monster egg from the ring, and carefully put it into the container.

I don't know how he fiddled with it, and suddenly four brackets protruded from the inside of the container to hold the egg firmly.The container was a bit larger than the egg, not only covering half of the Warcraft egg, but also leaving about two fingers between the egg shell and the container.

After that, Hill turned around and went to the test bench to fiddle with it, and finally took out a large bottle containing a green liquid, and added some black powder of unknown composition to it.After the powder melted into the liquid, several blisters popped up immediately, and when it subsided, the liquid also turned from green to black.

Hill directly took the bottle and poured all the liquid into the metal container, just submerging about one-third of the lower end of the Warcraft egg.

The author has something to say: the last two chapters are estimated to have a transition, the first dungeon is finished, and the next chapter will go back to school, please don't mind [tears]

☆. Graduation Trial ([-])

Eagle: "This is..."

Hill: "The dark magic core powder mixed with the nutrient solution. The dark magic tiger is a dark-type monster, and only enough nutrition and a rich dark-type environment can make it hatch healthily."

The nutrient solution was prepared by Hill himself, and the dark magic core was found in the necromancer's space ring.Otherwise, Hill would have to spend some effort to settle the monster egg—the dark-type magic cores are inherently rare and expensive, unlike ordinary magic cores, which can be bought immediately.

Igor didn't understand these things at all, he just touched the round eggshell lightly, "Just wait for it to hatch now?"

Hill: "Almost. Change the nutrient solution for it regularly, not to appease it, let it get used to your breath slowly, and there will be no major problems."

Eagle: "Hey, when it hatches, it will definitely be impressive if you take it out for a walk in the future."

Hill froze for a moment, "Should I take it out?"

Igor was also stunned, "Isn't your Demon Pet your pet, or me?"

The two looked at each other for a long time, and finally Igor laughed out loud, "Thank you brother, but it is obviously more suitable for you. If you have it next to you in the future, the dark aura on your body will just be covered by it. It’s useless if I carry it, it’s the God of Light’s blessing if it doesn’t scratch my paws because of the holy magic element on my body.”

It turned out that Hill had been working most of the night to help him incubate the monster eggs?Eagle smiled, and patted Hill on the shoulder again,

"And what a cub it will be when it hatches! I can't raise it. But I can choose its name in the future. Luluka and the others took all my gold coins away."

Seeing Eagle who was dancing and asking what name he thinks is good, Hill's refusal suddenly stopped him.

Beside the big boy who was smiling as brightly as his blond hair under the illuminator, Hill suddenly didn't want to reject him, and didn't want to be so clearly separated from him.

Being alone for so long, it seems nice to have a slightly different bond with someone interesting.

Hill: "Okay, you can choose the name. Don't forget it when it hatches."

"Hey, of course." Eagle waved to Hill, "You pack up too, and get some rest. You have to go back to school tomorrow."

After Hill finished packing up a bunch of equipment, he came out of the bathroom and found that Igor still hadn't returned to his own room, and fell asleep on his bed again.

Hill didn't mind, he just lay down on the empty bed on the other side, took half of the quilt and pressed it for himself.

After lying down completely, Hill realized belatedly, when did he feel natural to sleep with one more person beside him?If it was before, don't talk about things so far away when cultivating demons.Just a month ago, someone dared to sleep on his bed and snatched half of his quilt, probably a bottle of corrosive liquid had already been spilled.

Hearing that the people around him even started to snore, Hill sighed helplessly.He turned over, but his thoughts quickly returned to tranquility.

With the experience of coming, the journey back is obviously much easier.Well, to put it bluntly, Hill was leading the way from the very beginning.

When the two returned to school, there were still three days before the end of the trial.Most of the students have already returned to school, and most of the rest are on their way back.

After returning to school, the two separated temporarily, each packed their bags, and went to report to the instructor by the way.

For the next two days, the two didn't see each other much.

They are all students who are about to graduate. To be precise, their test results will be announced at the graduation ceremony two days later.Those who passed, after that, were officially approved by the school and allowed to graduate and leave the school.

So before that, the two still have a lot of things to sort out in school.

In the past two days, Hill has been directed by Kellaway around, reporting and experimenting.Every day, he kept stuffing all kinds of alchemy materials and equipment into him, and the nagging was all about exhortations.

Such a situation made Hill a little dumbfounded, but he still accepted Kellaway's slightly awkward concern.So these two days have been around Kellaway.He didn't know the situation on Eagle's side, but he thought it was pretty much the same.

In just two days, it is even shorter when I get busy.In the blink of an eye, it was the end of the graduation trial and the final graduation ceremony.

Igor stood at the door of the auditorium, leaning against the pillar behind him boredly, as if he was waiting for someone.

After returning to school, Eagle was dressed in the standard white swordsman outfit again.Only a pointed chin was exposed outside the high collar, and the cuffs were tightened and fastened with delicate silver buttons.Knee-length leather boots tightly wrapped her slender calves.The usually messy blond hair was also neatly separated into a bunch at this time, tied high behind his head.

The whole person looks like someone who came out of the oil, shrewd, dignified, and alienated.The clothing that is obviously a holy rank and exudes a strong abstinence, but it wants people to get closer.

There were people dodging around all the time, but because of Iger's usual prestige at school, they never dared to approach him.

However, Igor himself was completely unaware that he was becoming the scenery in the eyes of others. When he saw Hill walking towards him in a familiar black robe from a distance, he immediately greeted him happily.

"Hill, why are you moving so slowly?"

Hill still walked slowly towards the auditorium, "Sorry, I was delayed on the way."

Even if he was attending the test commendation meeting, Hill still insisted on wearing his usual black robe of an alchemist, and even his hair was loose.

Sighing, Igor simply walked around behind Hill, and lifted his knee-length black hair with one hand.

Hill's long hair was very soft and obedient. Igor simply combed it with his fingers, and the straight hair was held in his hands obediently.

Hair doesn't match my personality at all.While discussing, Igor took out a hairband inlaid with black crystals from the space ring, and tied it loosely near the end of the hair.

"Okay." Igor skillfully helped Hill finish his hair quickly and simply, patted Hill on the shoulder, and dragged him directly into the auditorium.

There was a circle around them, and the teenagers and girls who were always looking at Iger vaguely, who had accumulated the courage for a long time to come up and talk to them, were shocked by Iger's virtuous and skillful hair-tying action. , suddenly froze in place.

It wasn't until Eagle and Hill were gone that the others came back to their senses in a trance.

Was His Excellency Bressington helping Andris to make up just now? !

There are quite a lot of people in the auditorium. Regardless of whether they have completed the task of the graduation trial this time, the students participating in the trial will rush back to school before the graduation ceremony.

Hill was led by Eagle to shuttle among the crowd, and followed him around the hall with rare obedience.The surrounding crowd automatically moved aside when they saw Igor, and most of their expressions were filled with curiosity and awe——

A young knight with special status and powerful strength, the most important thing is that he is so handsome.Eagle's profile at Affleck was particularly lofty.

But when everyone saw Hill being pulled behind by Eagle, their expressions suddenly became complicated.

Under Eagle's contrast, the alchemist's color was darker, and they always felt a kind of fear and disgust from the unknown from him.

"All right

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