Take it easy, let's go a little further in tomorrow and try again. "

Eagle yawned, nodded lazily, and said good night to Hill.Pulling the cloak aside to cover his body, he curled up and fell asleep with his epee on his pillow.

The forest was humid and cold at night, and the fire had to be kept burning all night.Moreover, although the two of them were still outside the forest at this time, it was hard to say what they would encounter. It was necessary to leave one person to watch the night.

The two can also be regarded as a division of labor and cooperation. Generally, Hill will watch the first half of the night, and then Iger will watch the second half of the night in exchange.

The forest at night is not quiet. Apart from the rustling of the trees in the wind, the sound of insects, and the howling of monsters from unknown places in the distance.

Hill looked up at the night sky that was somewhat broken by the branches, and the breathing of another person beside his ear gradually became regular and steady.

Igor buried half of his face in his robe, and the flames of the bonfire kept jumping, reflecting the rest of Igor's face.The time of watching the night alone was really boring. Hill turned his gaze back, propped his chin, and simply stared at Eagle opposite him in a daze.

Looking at the companion next to him who seems to be accompanied by a bleak background even when he sleeps with interest.Hill laughed viciously silently: This man is really easy to deceive by accident.

Thinking of how fierce and powerful Igor was when he drew out his epee the day he first entered the forest, and then looking at his pitiful little appearance like a stray pet at this time, where is the gentle and mature strong Fan in school.

This is probably the reason why Hill always likes to tease him like this.

I don't know if he will react in the future. These are all lies to him. How will he react?Hill felt no guilt, and even had some nasty thoughts.

After an unknown amount of time, the firewood of the bonfire burst suddenly, making a soft beeping sound.Igor, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes, and Hill, who was in a daze, stood up at once.

Igor jumped up, and he pulled the epee from the ground at the same time.Hill stared at the dark woods in the distance, took the package at hand, slowly walked backwards around the fire, and stood with Eagle.

The two stared in the same direction nervously, but after a while, nothing happened, and the two did not relax at all.

When Eagle held the epee in his hand, he used the sword energy to break the outer cloth strips, and Hill was already holding several bottles of medicine in his hand.The two of them stared at the front in silence, but beads of sweat were quietly dripping from their foreheads.

Another gust of night wind blew by, the bushes swayed gently, but the rustling sound kept provoking the sensitive nerves of the two of them.The fire that was burning brightly in front of him suddenly went out without warning.A black shadow also appeared silently by the bushes ahead.

The surrounding light was really insufficient, and there seemed to be a layer of black atmosphere around the black shadow, wrapping it up.Igor worked hard for a long time, but he could only vaguely discern that it was a huge beast about as tall as a human.

Hill suddenly squeezed the potion bottle in his hand, and said in a low voice; "Dark Devil Tiger!"

Igor couldn't help shaking the wrist holding the epee when he heard the words, "Are you sure?" This is the outskirts of the forest. How could a legendary high-level beast like the Dark Demon Tiger appear here?

Hill didn't reply. Although Eagle couldn't believe it, he didn't doubt Hill's judgment on the shadow under such dark conditions.

Eagle's nose suddenly moved slightly, and he put the epee across in front of Hill, and winked at him.

The two took a small step back tentatively.But before he could let go of his heels, the black figure in front of him suddenly took a step forward.The two froze in place immediately.

"Your Excellency," Hill said suddenly, "We are just travelers passing by here, without any malice."

High-level magical beasts above the seventh level are all highly intelligent groups that can communicate with other races.The Dark Devil Tiger was born with an eighth-level dark-type monster, and its adult body was at least a ninth or tenth level. Communication with other races is naturally not a problem.

However, monsters are xenophobic by nature, and all races have a strong sense of territory, and they are even more hostile to humans who keep hunting them to obtain magic cores.Both Hill and Eagle knew that it was probably dangerous now.

But Hill still maintained a steady voice and said sincerely; "If it disturbs you, we are willing to leave immediately."

Before the words finished, the potion bottle in Hill's hand had already been thrown towards the Dark Demon Tiger, and at the same time he pulled Eagle, "Let's go!"

The two didn't need to communicate at all, and turned around and ran quickly towards the forest at the same time.The Dark Demon Tiger behind him gave a low growl, and followed the two of them ferociously.

Originally, with the strength of the two of them, no matter how fast the reaction was, it would be faster than the Dark Demon Tiger - the difference in level was too great, there was no comparison at all.The potion bottle that Hill threw out just now has a smell that most monsters hate. The low-level monsters around the third level probably either run away or faint when they smell it.

But for high-level monsters, being able to block them a little bit is already the limit.This gap was the last chance for the two of them to escape.Of course, the Dark Demon Tiger was really enraged.

Eagle: "That dark devil tiger is injured, I smell blood!"

Hill: "You can't beat it even if it's injured, shut up and concentrate on running for your life!"

The two had tried their best to escape in the forest, but the forest was originally the territory of the monsters, no matter how they ran, it was impossible to outrun the monsters.There seemed to be a cool breath behind him, and the low growl of the Dark Demon Tiger seemed to be right next to his ears.

When the two circled around a giant tree and were about to change direction and run to the right, a faint light suddenly flashed on the side of Hill's face.Subconsciously pushed Igel away beside him, and rolled to the other side with his own strength.

Igor was staggered by Hill's push, and when he rolled on the spot and got up again, he saw a big hole where the two of them were just now.Even the trunk of the big tree they bypassed seemed to be corroded by something, missing a semicircular gap.

And that dark devil tiger had appeared behind Hill silently at some point, and was about to pounce on Hill immediately.

Igor gave a low shout, and the epee in his hand was suddenly covered with a layer of white light, which was particularly conspicuous in the dark.Igor swung the epee horizontally, and the epee was immediately inserted between Hill and the Dark Demon Tiger.

The huge impact caused a sharp pain in Igor's chest, but he gritted his teeth and refused to take a step back.With Eagle's help, Hill narrowly escaped death, quickly turned over, stood up, and jumped behind Eagle.

The Dark Demon Tiger seemed to dislike the white light on Eagle's epee, and hesitantly turned around on the spot.But the gap between Igor and it was too great, it was impossible to suppress it, and it seemed to make it even more angry.

The Dark Demon Tiger roared again and rushed forward. Igor swung the epee across his body, and the white light on the sword shone a little more.The blade of the sword crossed half a circle in front of his eyes, and smashed down towards the Dark Demon Tiger that was rushing towards him.

When the tiger's claws collided with the epee, there was an ear-piercing sound of friction, accompanied by faint sparks.Standing behind Igor, Hill obviously felt that Igor could not collide with the Dark Demon Tiger at all.The blow that he helped him resist just now was already Igor's limit, and now he is gritting his teeth and almost can't hold it anymore.

Taking advantage of the brief stalemate of one man and one beast for a few seconds, Hill frowned fiercely.With a sudden wave of his hand, a mass of pitch-black matter emerged from his hand, rushing towards the Dark Demon Tiger.

The Dark Demon Tiger was taken aback by the sudden magic wave, and instinctively jumped to the side.Hill took the opportunity to hold Igor with one hand, and immediately led him to the side when the Dark Demon Tiger was stunned for a moment.There was a slope behind the two of them, and with the action of inertia, the two who were still hugging each other instantly rolled down.

Iger was at a loss when he was brought down by Hill at the beginning, and then he was dizzy and tumbling in various ways.Before he could react to what was going on, his body was suddenly empty, and the feeling of weightlessness suddenly hit——

"Well? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

The Dark Devil Tiger stood at the top of the slope, looking at the direction where Hill and Eagle disappeared, pacing back and forth with some reluctance.

Hill and Igor couldn't see it, but in the eyes of the Dark Demon Tiger, a dark blue mark lay in front of it with the slope as the boundary, warning it not to take a step beyond the thunder pool.

The Dark Demon Tiger turned twice in place, bent down and licked the hideous wound on its abdomen—the wound was torn even wider because of chasing Hill and Eagle just now.

Full of resentment, he took a final look at the direction in which the two disappeared. The Dark Demon Tiger turned around and disappeared into the dark jungle again without a sound.

The Dark Demon Tiger left, but at this moment the two people who were falling rapidly in the darkness couldn't find a point of support at all.It was as if they had fallen into a very deep mine, and there was nothing but darkness around them.

In desperation, Igor held his epee in one hand, held Hill tightly with the other, and began to recite the incantation of the Levitation Curse.Holy magic is definitely not as useful as wind magic at this time, but the floating spell is undoubtedly the most practical thing now.

As the mantra was recited, a little white light began to flash around Igor.But it was only a little bit, like a few fireflies fluttering around him, before falling into darkness again.

Igor gritted his teeth, and took the epee to reach the nearby stone wall—he had felt it before, the black magic element here was too strong, at least with his current ability, he couldn't even use a simple levitation spell.

The friction between the epee and the stone wall sparked a series of sparks, but the speed of the two falling did not slow down at all.

The author has something to say:

☆. Graduation Trial ([-])

When Igor was in a hurry and didn't know what to do, he suddenly noticed a strange chill rising under his feet.At some point, Hill took the initiative to wrap his arms around his waist, murmuring a spell that Igor had never heard before.

Gradually, Eagle felt that he was surrounded by something from top to bottom, like a stream of air, but it was more viscous than the air stream, but he couldn't touch it.

——Strange touch.

Igor shuddered subconsciously.It wasn't because of the cold, but an inexplicable feeling of a chill from the inside out, which made goose bumps appear on the back of his neck.But he and Hill seemed to be really dragged by this invisible substance, and the falling speed became slower and slower.

I don't know how long it took before I finally felt a sense of solidity under my feet.

The shackles around his waist were loosened, and after Igor heard Hill's slight cloth rubbing, a faint warm yellow flame finally appeared in front of his eyes.

Too much darkness made the moment he saw the firelight a little uncomfortable, he blinked his eyes, and it took a long time for Igor to come back to his senses.

Looking at Hill holding a short candle in front of him, Eagle didn't know what to say for a while.

"That just now was... undead magic?" Igor asked in a low voice, looking at Hill, whose outline was a bit blurred under the dim light.

Hill froze for a moment, then nodded: "Yeah."

Hill admitted so generously, but Iger didn't know what to do for a while.Should I be happy that my friend is honest with me?but……

Necromancers are a taboo, especially for humans.

Among the human race who mainly believe in the God of Light, those who believe in the God of Darkness and use all black magic are existences that should be expelled and obliterated.

Especially those necromancers who summon and drive evil spirits are fallen people who will never be forgiven by the God of Light.

Almost every race in the Vatican Continent has heard of the evil of Necromancers, but not many have actually seen Necromancers, at least Igor has never seen them.

Hill is the only necromancer I have ever seen. Although he is usually a bit harsh and serious, he is not evil.

Igor is a little tangled in the battle between common theory and reality.

Igor tilted his head slightly, Hill's pale and deep face was somewhat fragile under the weak light.

Hill has been getting along very well with him during this time.Although he was not very talkative at the beginning and always had a straight face, he would consciously prepare dinner every day when he was on the road and camping; although he looked unhappy, he would always take the initiative to find himself every time he lost his way.After getting acquainted with it, I would occasionally joke with myself, but I would also frown to help myself pack the messy packages.

Eagle thought of getting along with Hill all the way, and the mutual support between the two when they ran away from the Dark Demon Tiger just now.If there is no Hill, it is estimated that before falling into this inexplicable place, he would have become a family enslaved by the necromancer in the legend.

Not all necromancers are bad guys, just like not all good guys in the Temple of Light.There are exceptions to everything, and Hill is also an exception among necromancers.A person who can cook such delicious barbecue cannot be a bad person!

The more Igor thought about it, the more I felt that this was the case. Hill's image in his heart hadn't been blackened yet, but he threw it into the cleaning agent and washed it so that it couldn't be whiter.

It was not until a long time later that Igor recalled the past at this moment, wishing he could directly hit the stone wall behind him with his head.

Can there really be good people among necromancers?Even if there is, it will definitely not be Hill!I was so stupid and naive back then. (TAT)

But Iger definitely doesn't know what happened a long time later. He is feeling infinitely guilty looking at his friend's silent and condensed face.

Since Hill has always used the identity of an alchemist in front of everyone, it means that he is not too happy for others to know, and the silence and hesitation just now must have hurt him.

"Hill?" Igor tried hard to break the silence.

Hill: "Huh?"

Eagle: "My chest hurts..."

Although it was a topic I racked my brains to find out, I didn't pay attention to it just now, but now that I talk about it, my chest really hurts!

Eagle bared his teeth, and simply sat on the ground, threw the epee aside, and raised his hand to rub his chest.

Just now, when he forcibly collided with the Dark Demon Tiger, the moment his fighting spirit was suppressed and rebounded, his chest cavity was almost crushed directly.Thanks to the swordsman for his good physique, and to Iger for his tenacious will to survive and his slow pain nerves.It's really not easy for him to hold out until now and start barking.

Hill sighed, also squatted down, handed the candle in Eagle's hand, found two bottles of recovery agent in the package, and poured them all into Eagle's mouth.

Igor muttered and complained that the taste was bad, but his brows, which were frowned in pain just now, slowly relaxed.

"Wouldn't it be easier to tell about the pain?" Hill didn't know how to evaluate Eagle's rough nerves at certain times.

"I didn't feel it just now." Eagle was still smacking his lips. The effect of Hill's potion was good, but the taste was inversely proportional to the food he made.

Seeing that Igor had returned to his usual state, Hill didn't know why, and suddenly felt a little relieved.

Of course, Hill felt Igor's hesitation after knowing his identity as a Necromancer just now.In fact, Hill also felt that it was nothing. Not to mention the tens of millions of years of the time of cultivating demons, he had gone alone, even when he came to this brand new world, he rarely had anyone to accompany him.

Others don't want to be close to him, and he doesn't want others to be close.

But during the short time he spent with Iger, Hill felt pretty good.A little noisy, but surprisingly not annoying.

During the short moment when the two were silent just now, Hill still felt a little regretful.

His Excellency Hill, who had a slightly bigger brain, thought that Igor would jump away in the next second, and then raised the epee with a face of justice or disgust, and shouted "You evil undead", Just feel a little uncomfortable.

It's really just a little uncomfortable, that's all.

But in the end Igor complained to himself about the pain of the wound, and unpreparedly allowed himself to drink the recovery potion. At this time, he could still complain about the smell of the potion, which instantly dissipated Hill's little irritability.

Hill: "Are you all right? Who told you to confront the Dark Demon Tiger just now?"

Eagle snorted and didn't answer, but held up a candle to check his weapon.After roughly looking around in the dim light, Igor almost didn't scream out.

"Why is this happening? I saved a lot of money to buy this epee!" Igor held his epee in tears, feeling so sad that he didn't know what to do.

It can be said that his epee has basically been scrapped. The original sharp and hard sword is now covered with scratches.The blade of the sword has long been pitted and incomplete - it should have been destroyed when it collided with the Dark Demon Tiger.

"Speaking of your heavy sword," Hill suddenly thought, "Did you use holy magic just now? Are you a magic swordsman?"

"Eh?" Igor, who was still grieving over his weapon and gold coins, raised his head in surprise when he heard Hill's words, "Hey hey hey hey, don't mind such trivial matters."

Hill: "..."

Looking at Hill's eyes, Eagle laughed dryly for a long time, and finally could only confess,

"Everyone has secrets, don't you too? Look, I will help you keep your secrets, and you will help me keep mine. How fair we are."

Hill didn't reply, and turned his gaze to Eagle's broken epee.

He wondered how it was possible to collide with the Dark Demon Tiger twice with Eagle's fourth-level strength.It turned out to be a magic swordsman, or a holy swordsman who has attributes restraint against the dark magic tiger, no wonder he was able to hold on twice.

But Igor... what is the origin?

The magic swordsman, as the name suggests, is a swordsman who can only use magic.

In Van Lance, magician and swordsman are two professions that are relatively popular and not easy to learn.The spells of the magician are difficult to understand, and the training of the swordsman is very tolerable.But this is not the reason that prevents most people from becoming magicians or swordsmen.

The prerequisite for becoming a magician is magic affinity, and the prerequisite for becoming a swordsman is fighting spirit.These are not things that can be compensated by hard work the day after tomorrow.

Talent is the biggest obstacle that prevents most people from becoming magicians and swordsmen.

The reason why one must have this ability to become a magician is also very simple: the magic element is just like the air, it is free in everything in the world.A person must first have the ability to be compatible with magic elements before he can summon and use them at any time.

Strictly speaking, the magic elements of Van Lance are divided into six major departments.In addition to the four elements of wind, fire, water, and earth, there are also two elements of light and darkness.

Light and darkness are two special types of magic:

Light magic is also called holy magic, and the magic that is generally practiced is healing and recovery.Of course, there are also those who cultivate the attack system in this kind of magic, and their strength is very good.Therefore, Master Guangming enjoys a very high status on the mainland.

Dark magic is generally also called necromancy and dark magic.As the name suggests, most of the mages who practice this kind of practice mainly manipulate the undead.

Necromancers are taboo throughout the continent and are regarded as evil and filthy existences.This is why Hill was rejected by the whole family because of the color of his hair and eyes.

Hill has been studying grudges for more than ten years, and he has long since determined that he does not have that kind of thing in him, and has given up on it for a long time.He does have an affinity for magic, so he can be called a magician.

On the other hand, Igor has two talents of magic affinity and fighting spirit at the same time.Such people are very rare. If you choose one talent alone, you can only become a magician or a swordsman in the future. If you practice both talents at the same time, you are the so-called magic swordsman.

To put it bluntly, a magic swordsman is a swordsman who can use magic.Such an explanation sounds simple, but it is extremely difficult to actually achieve results.

The author has something to say: Hill sighed, and handed the candle in his hand to Eagle—to light a candle for the future Eagle. 【wrong!

☆. Graduation Trial ([-])

It is no longer easy for a person to have the two talents of magic affinity and fighting spirit at the same time.Secondly, the magician majors in spiritual power, and the swordsman majors in physical body and fighting spirit.It is difficult to imagine the difficulty of practicing both independently.

The few people who had such a rare talent gave up the path of magic swordsman because of this.Those who couldn't stand the training of swordsmen became magicians, and those who couldn't read obscure spells became swordsmen.

Therefore, there are very few magic swordsmen in the whole continent, but as long as they persist in the practice of magic swordsmen, they will have an extraordinary reputation on the mainland.And now the most famous magician in the mainland is Laird Brassington, a holy magic swordsman of the fire department.

Laird Brassington... Brassington.

Hilmer pronounced the surname twice, but said nothing more.Although it was rare for him to be curious about Eagle's background, seeing that Eagle didn't want to talk about it, he didn't ask any more questions.Regarding Eagle's so-called mutual secrecy, he also agreed with a smile.

Seeing Iger's serious face, he didn't know who would suffer more if he concealed that he was a loathsome necromancer, or if he concealed that he was a respected magic swordsman.

"Then what should we do now?" Eagle still opened the damaged epee, patted his clothes and stood up.Because the Dark Demon Tiger was stripped of his underpants by the other party to see the secret of the two, at this time there is no real embarrassment anymore.

"I don't know." Hill turned the candle in a different direction, aiming at the only place where the two of them can go forward now - here there are three walls against the wall, and there is only one passage in front.

The pitch-black environment completely blocked the sight of the two of them, and the dark front seemed to swallow up all the light.

"The nightmare I sent out to explore the road has completely lost contact. I guess we have strayed into a not-so-good place."

Nightmare is the lowest undead creature that can be summoned by a necromancer. It has no thought, no entity, and no attack power. It can only obey the summoner's orders dully.But it is very useful for exploring paths or obtaining information.They were also the ones who helped Hill and Eagle land safely just now.

"The dark magic element here is a bit too strong." Igor frowned, raised his hand and tried to summon a holy light bomb, but he didn't even have the firefly's response just now.

Different magical elements may also be mutually exclusive, especially the two elements that are mutually restraining.The strong dark magic elements here have no room for the existence of holy magic elements.

Looking at the surrounding environment, it is simply impossible for them to climb back the same way.

Eagle's holy magic was useless, and Hill's nightmare could hold the two of them back to safety, but he couldn't fly them back with him.

The only way is the dark front.

"Forget it, I can't wait to die here." Igor raised his dilapidated epee again, and turned his head towards Hill.

Seeing that Igor's injury just now seemed to be really all right, Hill nodded, holding a candle and began to walk forward slowly.

He had just taken two steps, but he felt that the edge of the robe was being grabbed by someone. Turning around, it was Eagle who pouted at him, "It's so dark, where can I find it if I get lost?"

Hill didn't speak, but acquiesced to the other party's actions.

The dark environment always makes people lose the concept of time and space. Iger felt that they seemed to have walked for a long time, and it seemed that they only walked a dozen steps away. Darkness is still only a dark passage.

"This is..." Hill stopped at a place similar to the door of a house, staring at a round object at hand.

Eagle: "What's wrong?"

Hill: "It's okay, a very simple and convenient alchemy lighting item."

While talking, Hill didn't know what to do with the round object, and actually broke it into two semicircles.Then put the candle in your hand into the semicircle below and ignite something.

The originally dark environment instantly brightened like day.

"Hmm..." Suddenly stimulated by the strong light, Igor narrowed his eyes uncomfortably.After a while, Igor, who had gotten used to it, slowly opened his eyes and looked at their current location.

Eagle's eyes widened, and he looked around the room in front of him that looked like a laboratory, a study, and a bedroom.

The whole room is not very big, but it is full of various things: in the middle of the room are all kinds of utensils that Iger can’t name; one or two skulls and some unknown instruments are scattered on the experimental table. The joints; the circle around the wall has been made into a bookshelf that goes straight to the roof, and the books on it do not leave a gap for the bookshelf; and in the far right corner of the room, there is a small bed.

A uniform layer of dust had accumulated in various places in the house, and it was obvious that no one had lived here for a long time.

The strong dark elements in the room rushed towards his face.Facing this gloomy and evil house, Igor twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking that he must have fallen asleep in the wrong position at night.

How come when he woke up, he could meet the Dark Devil Tiger in the outskirts of the forest, and he found out that his friend was a Necromancer, and in the end it was such a coincidence that he could reach the home of the Necromancer even if he fell into a pit.

God of Light, even though I'm not very pious to you, you wouldn't abandon me so completely, would you?

Compared to the entangled Igor, although Hill's tone was calm just now, after gradually looking at the environment here, he was actually almost trembling with excitement.

Although he himself is a necromancer, his understanding of the necromancer is only some vague information he found from the corner of the library of the Andris family.

According to the division of magic power, Hill now has about Tier [-] strength.But the magic spell he knows is the one that summoned the nightmare just now - this is what he spliced ​​from countless broken materials and secretly experimented alone for several years before he succeeded.

He has an affinity for dark magic elements, and in the end he really practiced undead magic. Only when Hill had a brain twitch would he let others know.

Just because the color of his hair and pupils made those people avoid him, if they found out that Hill was actually a necromancer, they would probably tie him up and throw him into the fire.

Just one of the lowest nightmare summons, Hill has been secretly researching it alone for several years.At this time, the room was full of black magic books, utensils and experimental equipment, and it was not easy for Hill not to cheer directly.

Both of them began to slowly patrol the room, and Igor kept sighing and sighing at all kinds of items that people said were similar to evil tools.While looking around curiously, he was still smart enough not to reach out and touch any of the items.

Hill came to the lab table in the middle, frowned and picked up a notebook that was spread out in the middle of the lab table.

The last stroke of the note was an unfinished half letter, but the quill rolled to the edge of the test bench.There was an ordinary silver ring lying beside the notebook, and there was even a messy black robe on the chair.

No matter how you look at this scene, it looks like the owner of the ring is sitting by the laboratory table alone, and when he is recording something, his body suddenly disappears.Halfway through writing the notes, the quill fell to the side and the ring fell on the table.

There are also some scattered bones around the test bench, glass bottles containing unknown reagents, and a small wooden box.The box was not closed, and a silver ring could be seen inside.The pattern is the same as the one on the table.

Hill put down his notes and walked to the side, went to the bed in the corner, and found a slender staff much taller than Hill himself leaning against the shelf beside the bed.

The whole body of the staff is pitch black, even the crystal inlaid on the top is pitch black, and even under such bright lighting, it can't reflect a little light.I don't know what the body of the staff is made of. It is neither like the wood used in ordinary staffs, nor the mixed metal material that dwarves like to use.

Hill hesitantly stretched out his hand, just as he touched the staff, a sigh suddenly came from his ear.It seemed to come from a very far away place, a heavy and helpless sigh of regret.

Hill was taken aback, and immediately turned his head to look around.There was still only him and Eagle in the room. Under the bright lighting, there was no place to hide in the small room.Hill looked back at the staff with some doubts.The staff was still quietly leaning against the shelf.

Hill simply reached out and picked up the staff, but still nothing happened.The staff stayed quietly in his hand, no different from ordinary staffs.

Rubbing the smooth body of the stick with his fingers, Hill raised his eyebrows in surprise—it was only when he took it in his hand that he realized that the material of the stick body, which had been invisible until now, was actually made of bone.

To actually use a bone staff is worthy of being a necromancer.I just don't know which kind of creature's bones it is.

"Wow! Hill, come to see what this is?"

Hearing Eagle's voice, Hill immediately put down his bone staff, turned around, and walked over to Eagle who was standing by the bookshelf, staring at something.

Hill: "What's wrong?"

Eagle: "Look, Hill, why does this kind of thing appear in the necromancer's house?"

Hill took a closer look, but found that there was something wrapped in white cloth hanging on a shelf that was as tall as a person next to the bookshelf.The cloth bag is not very big, about the size of two palms.

The key is that the outside of the cloth bag was tied up with a rope as thick as a little finger.A very special and familiar binding method—exactly the same as the method usually used by the Temple of Light to bind and seal dark utensils.

Eagle has also seen the Temple of Light in a certain city bind a statue of an evil undead in the same way, which shows that the Temple of Light has the purpose and goal of sealing and eliminating all dark forces in the mainland.

Iger thinks it's nothing if this kind of thing appears anywhere, but it's too ridiculous to appear in a necromancer's house!

What did the necromancer seal with the sealing method of the Temple of Light?Could it be that he folded himself and sealed it inside?

The author has something to say: Thanks to the yxsl little angel for the landmines, okay╭(╯3╰)╮

☆. Graduation Trial ([-])

Iger said this to Hill with a dry smile, but Hill returned a contemptuous look.

"Using rope knotting patterns and white cloth to seal things is nonsense. If I cover you with white cloth and tie you up with rope, you won't be able to use fighting spirit and magic?"

Eagle looked up and thought about it, yes.

"Then why does the Temple of Light always do this? Besides," Eagle pointed at the thing in front of him, "someone still learns to do it." The one who learned to do it was still a necromancer.

"Who knows." Hill simply untied the rope outside the white cloth, and pulled the white cloth off, "It probably hurts to be idle."

Facts have proved that this necromancer is probably really idle.Learning the so-called sealing method of the Temple of Light, maybe it's just a mockery?Anyway, under the white cloth, there is indeed a layer of seal that Hill said is true.

Through the black substance like ice crystals, the two saw something that seemed to be glowing inside, and they probably guessed what was inside in an instant.

Hill's eyes lit up, and he looked at the sealed item with sparkling eyes - he guessed right, it should be a magic weapon with a light attribute.

No wonder the necromancer sealed it in such a twisted way.I guess I think it looks like a solution...

"Can you get it out?" Eagle looked at Hill expectantly. Of course, the dark magic can only rely on Hill.

Hill raised his eyebrows, and put his hand directly on the black ice crystal. The ice crystal immediately seemed to melt, and quickly disappeared into a puff of black smoke.

It may be because the necromancer didn't fortify the things in his home. As long as he came into contact with the dark elements, he would be able to unblock them immediately.

Hill caught the object that suddenly fell without a support, took it to his eyes, and found that it was a beautifully crafted silver-white earring.

The hollowed-out and curved pattern makes the earrings just form a curved crescent shape. When worn on the ear, it should be able to wrap the pinna to the earlobe.

"The work of the dwarf." Hill flipped through it up and down, and handed it to Igor. "It's a good thing that money can't buy."

Igor took the jewelry less than half the size of a palm and looked it up in surprise, "Really? It's mine."

Hill was taken aback, looked at Igor who was full of joy, and after announcing confidently, he put the earrings on his ears directly.

This guy is not the most gentlemanly swordsman in the school, the dream of countless boys and girls

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