The world controlled by dice [Western Fantasy]

Chapter 35 The Artist's Manuscript

There are many, many lunatics in this age.

Siles could not refute this claim.

The background color of the Principality of Const may be lawful, but that is only here.Outside of the Principality, opportunities and risks coexist in the Land of Never Embers, and the Principality of Kansas is what Kellogg called "chaos".

And even in Lamifa, the apostates, the followers of the old gods, the out-of-control time track, etc., are all showing Siles the darkness and silt under this seemingly peaceful world.

He was silent for a moment, and finally said: "However, there are still people who fight against these madmen."

Dominic laughed: "Professor Noel, are you praising me like you are praising your students?"

He didn't praise his students very much, Siles thought.

But he nodded.

"Thanks," Dominique said. "There's always someone who needs to do something."

Siles thought of the past experience of the church investigator in the past, and asked, "Is the infiltration of the city of Lamifa by the torture seminar... so serious?"

"It depends on what you compare it to," Dominique said. "In terms of the category of followers of the old gods alone, it is true. Because there are always people who have a bad life and are attracted to their ideas.

"Suffer first, then be redeemed. Suffering now is only for the good of the future. That sounds good enough."

Siles whispered, "Self-comfort."

Dominique sighed. "There's nothing else they can do."

Siles shook his head and said nothing.

Visitors from Earth do not agree with such an approach, but this is also a characteristic of this world.After all, there really is a god in this world.

Dominique put the pen holder in a bag, labeled it, and put it away in a drawer.

Siles watched his actions and asked after deliberation: "Is this all right?"

"Almost." Dominique said, "Someone will investigate the identity and whereabouts of the middle-aged man and register him. He has not yet joined the torture seminar, but his appearance is enough to prove that the recent torture seminar has started again." Liven up.

"God knows what plans they have, or they want to take advantage of the opportunity to make money. People always have some illusions in this regard, thinking that they can use money to offset their current difficulties in life."

Siles remained silent.

Dominique complained, then remembered something, and said to Siles: "You sent that manuscript over earlier, didn't you?"

Siles nodded and added, "I handed it over to Mr. Bishop Grosvenor."

"Yes, yes. The bishop gave me that manuscript." Dominique said absently, "However, I haven't been able to investigate anything."

"Professor Cabell's whereabouts..."

Dominic shook his head. He changed into a more comfortable position and seemed to relax a little.The topic of the torture seminar just now made him a little resistant, so he was very nervous.

But when it came to Professor Kabell, he was calmer and more relaxed.

"Cabell has been missing for over a month," he said.

Siles was slightly taken aback: "From July?"

"He used to be a professor at Ramifah University. You should be very familiar with the academic system of Ramifah University. In the first week of July, students complete the final exam and then go on vacation." Dominique said, "Kabel was in that disappeared in time."

"Then why did his family call the police so late?"

Dominique recalled: "According to our current investigation results, it seems that he got some news, so he resigned in a hurry, bid farewell to his family, left Lamifa on the first day of the holiday, and then never again. Didn't show up."

"His family doesn't know where he went?"

Dominic shook his head and said, "He didn't tell anyone where he was going."

Siles frowned slightly.

Dominique said: "We came from his home - he lives alone, has a brother and a sister, and occasionally visits him. When Kabel left Ramifah, he wrote to them both. The letter said I will leave for half a month to 20 days.

"After half a month, his sister went to his house to look for him, but there was no one. After more than ten days, Kabell still did not come back, so his brother and sister called the police.

"His home has a lot of out-of-control timelines, manuscripts, and ancient books, some of which are very... dangerous. We think he may have something to do with followers of the Old Gods, or it may be because he is a follower of an Old God himself , or studying an Old God.

"There are many possibilities, but there is no real clear point. We think that he may have some important materials with him. The manuscript you sent over has certain research value, but we have not been able to find the excerpt corresponding to books, so it's just..."

Dominic couldn't help shaking his head.

Siles asked: "Is the official of the Principality of Const helpless to investigate his whereabouts? If he leaves Lamifa City..."

Dominic cast a surprised look: "Why do you think the Duke of Const will help this matter?"

Celeste paused for a moment and said, "If he leaves the Duchy of Constance, there should be some registration procedures, right?"

"No, no, no. First of all, we can't be sure whether he left Const, or somewhere in the Principality of Const." Dominique said, "Secondly, even if he really left Const and went to In the land of no embers, we may not be able to find his exit records."

Siles was a little surprised.

Dominic hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "You haven't been to the Land of No Embers, have you?"

"I haven't been there," said Siles.

"The dividing line of the fog is not so clear. It's not that there is a line dividing the two sides, and there is fog on one side and not fog on the other... It's not like that." Dominique explained, "In some places along the border, the fog can be has spread to the fringes of the city.

"We don't know exactly what's going on in those twilight zones. There's always people smuggling through there. And for those who want to go to the Everlands, the Principality usually turns a blind eye. .”

Siles asked with some confusion: "Why?"

Dominique was silent for a moment, and then said softly, "Because there are still many places in the Land of Never Embers that we don't understand enough."

Siles suddenly realized.

Those who want to leave the Principality of Const and go to the Land of No Embers are the pioneers of this era.They may just be looking for an opportunity, a chance to make a fortune, so they made up their minds and gritted their teeth to leave.

However, their actions also fit the development of this era to a certain extent.

"It was crazier before." Dominique said, "At the beginning of the period of fog, my god blessed the few countries that were not shrouded in fog, allowing human beings to survive.

"After that, the fog slowly disappeared, and the recuperating human beings slowly prospered, so they once again had a strong intention to explore the Land of Embers. People at that time were almost frantically chasing possible opportunities and opportunities to make a fortune.

"Some maps from before the Mist Age gave them initial guidance. However, after the fog shrouded, many places in the Everland... have changed."

Having said that, Dominic paused, then shook his head, and didn't say any more.

Siles thought about what he said.

No wonder there are so many "human" parts in Antinam-related literature.

On the one hand, the gods have fallen one after another, and the faith has gradually declined. Up to now, only some followers of the old gods who are considered lunatics are still active.Naturally, human civilization prevailed in this world.

On the other hand, Antinam protected the last flame of human civilization and allowed it to grow slowly.This makes this newly born god in the middle of the fog have an inseparable connection with human civilization.

Just like in the earth myth, Prometheus who stole flames for humans.God's behavior is thus connected with human civilization.

Siles thought for a moment, gathered his thoughts, and said, "So, it's hard to find Professor Kabell now."

"Yes." Dominic sighed, "It's a mystery."

Siles thought for a moment, then suddenly remembered the teaching assistant, and asked, "Professor Kabell's teaching assistant can't seem to be contacted either. Did you find him?"

Dominic shook his head: "No. He also disappeared. But his disappearance was much later than Kabel, around July 7. He also left a letter at home, saying that he would be in August 20th. Came back a month ago, but never showed up again."

Siles pondered for a moment, and said: "I think he left a a hurry." He paused, "Because, after Professor Kabell left, the college originally planned to let this assistant professor take over the position of professor. And the corresponding handover work has also been done.

"However, when the semester was about to start, the teaching assistant couldn't be contacted. He left a letter at home, but didn't notify the college. This seems...very weird."

When a normal person encounters an emergency and needs to leave for a period of time, the first reaction is indeed to leave a message for friends and family, but as long as there is time, he should notify the work unit.Any responsible adult would do it.

But the teaching assistant didn't.It was impossible for Siles to doubt his character at this time, so he could only suspect that the incident was too sudden, and he had to leave in a hurry, and there was no time to notify La Mifa University.

Dominic muttered, "He can't be related to Cabell's disappearance, right?" He was just saying it casually, but suddenly his eyes widened, "Wait, it's not impossible."


Dominique looked at Siles with searching eyes: "Do you think this assistant is looking for Kabell?"

"I think it's a possibility," Siles said.

Dominic mused.

"Besides, compared to Professor Kabell, this teaching assistant may forget to take some important materials with him in a hurry." Siles said, shaking his head again, "It's just a guess."

"No, you're right." Dominic sighed, "We've been treating these two things as separate incidents."

Siles was silent.

From the very beginning, he thought that these two people disappeared one after another and could not be independent.He also showed this attitude to Dominic.In any case, he hoped that the Church of the Past could come up with a result of the investigation.

Whether it is life or death.

Thinking of the scribbled and messy handwriting on that manuscript, Siles could not help but take a deep breath.

It was getting late, and this conversation with Dominic took a long time.When Siles said goodbye to him and left the apse, the time displayed on the pocket watch had already reached nine o'clock.

Siles felt a little tired.He sighed in his heart and walked out slowly.The cathedral at night seemed too quiet, and Sirius couldn't help but wonder, would there be ghosts wandering in the middle of the night in such an ancient building with a long history?

The candlelight in the nave interrupted Sirius' reverie.

Knight Commander Bunyan was still standing beside the statue of Antinam, so silent that he was also like a statue, mighty and solemn.When he saw Siles, his expression softened.

He smiled slightly and said to Siles: "How is it? Did you get a result?"

Siles replied, "Dominique said there would be no problem."

Bunyan said, "That's good." He asked, "About the apostate's reward, Professor Noel, have you received it?"

"Received." Thinking of the richness of the church in the past, Siles answered Bunyan's question with a little joy, "The problem of the apostates has been solved, right?"

Bunyan paused, unable to answer the question directly.

Siles was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help but say, "What's wrong?"

Bunyan sighed, and some distress appeared on his face.He said: "I cannot tell you the full story of this incident. In short...we are so eager to find this apostate because he stole an important item from the church."

Siles nodded, thinking without changing his expression, of course he knew.The list of priests in the various dioceses of the church in the past.The script of the running group is clearly written.

But Bunyan's words made him have a bad association.

He said: "The apostate has been arrested, but..."

"He said he lost that thing."

Siles frowned slightly, and whispered in surprise, "How could it be..."

Siles never thought of that.He thought that the arrest of the apostate meant the matter was over, but...

Bunyan smiled wryly.

Siles said, "Could it be that he's already sold that thing?"

"No." Bunyan shook his head, "When we caught him, he was wandering around the West City like a headless chicken. He didn't know where to throw that...that thing. "

Silleston was speechless for a moment.

Isn't it... this apostate, isn't he a little... stupid?

Siles had a very subtle emotion, which made him silent for two seconds, and then he said: "If you reproduce his trajectory, you should be able to find it, right?"

Bunyan shook his head.

It was already dark, and except for the unlucky guy like Siles, it is estimated that no one would come to the church at this time.So Bunyan also carefully explained to Siles - I don't know how much of this patience is due to the great success of the last psychological judgment?

Bunyan said: "After he escaped from the church, he took a stagecoach to the Old City and then lurked. But his injuries continued to deteriorate and he was forced to seek a doctor.

"He forced the doctor to help him; that's when we captured him. Coincidentally, that's the room you used to rent."

Siles asked calmly, "13 Milford Street? I just came from there."

"Because of what happened to you before?"

"That was a long topic," said Siles. "The landlord's son was cut with a knife by that suspected follower of the Old Gods, so we went back from Ernestine to 13 Milford Street. , and then found Chester—the doctor, to help treat the injury."

"It's quite a coincidence." Bunyan shook his head, "We captured the apostate this Tuesday afternoon."

Tuesday.Siles thought.He is also very busy on Tuesday.Tuesday was also the day the now-missing Brewer Darrow got engaged.

Enough happened on Tuesday.

"Are you directly arrested at No. 13 Milford Street?" Siles couldn't help asking.

Bunyan said: "It's not that blatant. In those days I pretended to rent a house and asked about the situation near Logan Market. On Tuesday morning, I heard from the landlady at 12 Milford Street that the house at 13 There is a doctor on the second floor."

12 Milford Street?

Siles recalled it, and suddenly felt a little weird.Isn't that Mrs. Hovey, he thought?Wasn't Mrs. Hovey the one who told Mrs. Fern the story of the rumored shadow at night in the Old Town?

Before that, Siles thought that the rumor was nothing more than a ghost talk.

Mrs. Hovey probably heard about the doctor's admission from Mrs. Finn, and then she couldn't control her urge to gossip and gossip, so she told the matter to Bunyan who was secretly looking for it, and helped by accident.

Bunyan didn't expect that Siles had already thought of Mrs. Hovey, he continued: "Afterwards, I have been paying attention to the situation at 13 Milford Street, and on Tuesday afternoon, I found someone in the doctor's room on the second floor He went upstairs and just happened to catch the apostate."

Siles asked cautiously: "At this time, he has already lost that thing?"

"Yes." Bunyan sighed, "He said that he had been hiding in the underground passages of the old city for a while, and because his injuries were getting worse, he had to see a doctor, but he didn't dare to go inside the clinic.

"After many inquiries, he heard from the underground gang that there was a doctor staying at 13 Milford Street, so he went there and threatened the doctor to treat him. That was the second time he went to see the doctor. The doctor called, it was to change the medicine.

"During that time, he was seriously injured, had a high fever, and was a little confused, so he didn't remember when he lost the items he stole before. I only know that he was in the west city for the past few days."

Siles frowned and listened, and suddenly noticed a key point: "Underground gang?"

"Yes. But we don't know why there are rumors of the doctor on Milford Street in the underground gang." Bunyan said helplessly, "We can't investigate so carefully."

Sirius thought, don't it be a young boy like Anthony Finn who spread the news?

Because I didn't get any useful information from my father, so I just copied it mechanically, and tried to say some useful and fresh information that I thought was useful and fresh, so as to deal with the underground gang?

Oops, he actually thinks that this guess is very likely to be true...

Siles originally thought that the arrest of the apostate was a very logical thing, after all, he had revealed the general scope of activities of this person.But he never expected that there would be so many...complicated coincidences in this process.

He had a sense of irony.He added: "In this case, will the thing you are looking for fall into the underground gang?"

Bunyan said, "We've considered that possibility, but we haven't gotten any leads yet." He sighed, and said in a playful tone, "Professor Noel, if you can provide one more alright."

Siles shook his head, thinking that Knight Commander Benyan would actually be joking."I'm afraid I'm not that versatile," he said.

Bunyan also gave a hearty laugh.

The topic of apostates came to an end, and Siles was about to bid farewell to Bunyan, when he suddenly remembered what Bunyan had mentioned before, if Siles had academic needs, he could ask the Church of the Past for help.

Just now, Siles was studying the wandering poets of the Sardinian Empire, so he said, "Bunyan, I would like to ask, is there any information about the Sardinian Empire in the Church? I am studying the wandering poets."

Hearing Siles' last words, Bunyan couldn't help but startled, and asked subconsciously, "A wandering poet from the Sardinian Empire?"

Siles nodded: "I'm looking for their works."

Bunyan recalled it for a while, and then said with uncertainty: "Probably there are." He laughed, "I'll look back for you. If I find it, I will write to you."

Siles thanked Bunyan for his help, bid him farewell and left.

At this time, he suddenly realized that even though his chosen topic seemed a little out of the ordinary, he had actually been able to find at least three channels—Kellogg, Alfonso, and Bunyan—to obtain relevant knowledge.

This makes the prospects of this paper slightly brighter.

Lifting his spirits a little, he walked out of the church, found a cab nearby—the stagecoach had long since stopped running—and returned to 6 Hayward Street.

Lorenzo was in his own room.Siles saw the lights on the second floor on.He went upstairs lightly, not wanting to disturb Lorenzo, but when he passed the second floor, Lorenzo opened the door and said to him, "There is a letter from you on the first floor."

Siles was slightly taken aback, then thanked him.

"You are really busy." Lorenzo sighed, "Go to bed early. By the way, don't forget to write a novel."

Siles: "..."

Then he should go to bed early.

He went back to the first floor to get his letter, and when he returned to the bedroom on the third floor, he felt that his whole body was going to fall apart because of today's troubles.Although it seems that there is no real danger in the whole day, but...

Siles knew that danger would come sooner or later.

He closed his eyes, calmed down, and then got up to take a shower, wash, change clothes, and wash clothes—some parts of the shirt were stained with Anthony's blood, and he rubbed them hard for a long time, and finally threw the clothes into the trash can.

He thought, the laundry soap in this world is still not as good as the one on earth.

By the time he relieved his fatigue a little and sat down at the desk to open the letter, it was almost eleven o'clock.

I have to go back to West City tomorrow to have dinner with the Fein family.Siles thought absently.Maybe I can take this opportunity to ask if they have noticed the apostate... Can he talk to Chester directly?

But he didn't know that gentle doctor well.Refers to reality.He knew the doctor in the running group plot very well.But the real businessman Ranmir has gone to participate in the inexplicable star dust business.

He can't guarantee that the running group characters he knows exactly correspond to them in reality.

Siles couldn't help but sighed, unfolded the letter and began to read.

This letter came from the society that Sirius was in charge of, which was about to be forgotten by Siles - Chronicle of Tribulation.The person who wrote the letter was the president of the club and a young student.

In the letter, he politely asked Siles if he had time to meet with him on Monday morning so that they could chat about things related to club activities.

He will study by himself in an activity room on the first floor of the main castle, while waiting for Siles, who can come to him directly when the time comes.If Siles is not free on Monday morning, write back and choose another time.

The letter thoughtfully listed several candidates for Siles to sift through.

Signed is the student's name: Horatio Dwight.

The wording of the entire letter made Siles feel very comfortable, concise and polite, without intentional flattery or inadvertent contempt, it seemed restrained and introverted.

This is very consistent with some of the character traits that Siles outlined for its members when he first heard about the existence of this society.

But now Siles has heard from Dominic about something related to the torture seminar.

He couldn't help but wonder, is this association related to the torture seminar?Or they simply want to study the asceticism and self-restraint in history, and study the way believers practice their faith?

Siles didn't really want to doubt the students, so he put aside these thoughts, put the letter away, and wrote down the itinerary on Monday morning in his notebook.

I'm going to the west city tomorrow.I will meet with the students of the society on Monday morning; I will go to the Historical Society in the afternoon, and I guess I can hear the progress of Brewer's whereabouts...

Siles sighed suddenly, feeling very busy.

He sorted out his achievements in the past period of time in his notebook, as well as his schedule for a period of time in the future.Then, he went to bed early and fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, he let himself lie in bed for a while, and got up at 08:30 to wash up.At nine o'clock, he went to the cafeteria to have some breakfast, and then took a public carriage and wandered to Logan Market.

After thinking about it, he simply bought some fresh fruits and desserts at the market.His relationship with the Finn family is getting closer, but he was too embarrassed to go to dinner empty-handed in the past.

Here at the market, he paid special attention to the Grayson Foods store.He discovered that Grayson's shop had unknowingly occupied many prime locations in Logan's Bazaar.

Grayson's logo—an inverted triangle with a laughing mouth in the middle—also adorns the storefronts.Although the logo is a bit eccentric, it is impressive and memorable.

Siles originally just bought some fruit, but when he passed by Grayson's Dessert Shop, he was stuffed with an advertising card by the enthusiastic clerk.He didn't know if Langmeer was quick to move such an advertising card, or if he had already had it before.

In any case, with a little thought of supporting his own business, Siles walked in, and on the recommendation of the clerk, bought several desserts, intending to give them to Mrs. Finn and Anthony.

...Perhaps Bertram would like such a dessert too?Siles guessed.

He found that many desserts in this era were already very close to those eaten by Siles on Earth in terms of appearance and smell.He originally wanted to make a fortune by selling cookbooks, but now he is not short of money and is very busy, so he temporarily put this matter on hold.

Soon, Siles left Logan's Bazaar and came to No. 13 Milford Street.

When he entered the hall on the first floor, he had already heard Bertram's voice.When he knocked on the door and Mrs. Finn opened it, he heard a burst of laughter.

"... Siles! Here you come!" Bertram rose to meet him.

"Good morning." Siles glanced at the people present, not only the Finn family, but also Eric and his wife.It was a thin, pale middle-aged woman, but her eyes were gentle and clear, and there was always a soft smile on her face.

She sat with Eric, both of whom were dressed simply and neatly, without being cramped or awkward in Bertram's house.

Siles put the fruits and desserts he bought on the coffee table.

Bertram wanted to say something more, but Anthony cheered and took out the sweet and greasy cake from the bag and ate it.

Bertram Finn rolled his eyes on the spot.

This pair of father and son, who can't be said to hate each other but always dislike each other, immediately amused everyone.

Siles noticed that there was a brand-new earthenware tea set on the coffee table.Mrs. Finn explained softly at the side: "Mr. Collens brought it over. I heard that his wife did it. It's really ingenious."

If the content of this speech was the usual Mrs. Finn, then Siles would probably find her harsh.But Mrs. Fane's tone was much more lenient now.

Siles smiled slightly and said, "The whole family attaches great importance to this job."

The tea set was probably made by Eric's wife in a hurry overnight, and sending such a thing here is enough to prove their sincerity.

Mrs. Finn nodded.

At noon, they went to a nearby restaurant for dinner.During the dinner, Bertram once again mentioned what happened to them at the trade fair last night, and thanked them again and again.

After dinner, Mrs. Eric's job was also confirmed.Bertram decided to move to the East Side after this year's trade fair. During this period, he would look for a suitable house. After they moved out, Eric's family could live in No. 13 Milford Street.

All are happy.

They walked slowly back from the restaurant.Bertram was chatting with Eric, and the content was probably related to Ernestine, the Fair, and the Land of Never Embers.On the contrary, the two middle-aged men were very able to chat together.

Mrs. Finn was walking with Eric's wife, and Sirius heard Mrs. Finn asking for advice on pottery and other handicrafts.It's also good that Mrs. Finn can develop a hobby, so as not to live too leisurely and boring.

Siles and Anthony came together.

The young boy was always a bit rebellious and stubborn, though at certain moments he was unexpectedly in awe of Celes.

Siles thought for a while and asked, "Anthony, I want to ask you something."

Anthony looked at Sirius warily and said, "You promised me..."

Siles was silent for a moment, then said, "You're going to school. Why don't you preview earlier."

"I..." Anthony blushed with anger, "I know!"

"It's good to know." Siles nodded and said, "But I don't want to ask about it."

Anthony looked at him incredulously, and then said angrily, "Bad adults!"

Siles smiled vaguely, and then said, "What I want to ask is, have you informed the underground gang about the doctor who rented on the second floor?"

Anthony's eyes looked like they were going to pop out of their sockets.He said almost in horror: "How do you know!"

Sure enough, thought Siles.

The news actually came from Anthony.Siles sighed.

Anthony was probably more in awe of Sirius' sharpness and omniscience, he muttered, "I... you told me... I didn't tell that person about my father's affairs.

"As for the doctor rented on the second floor, many people know that he is here. It's nothing if I reveal it!"

As he spoke, he slowly became more confident.

Siles glanced at him, then asked, "Are you home on Tuesday?"

"Tuesday?" Anthony was stunned for a moment, and he counted which day was Tuesday with his fingers.

Siles looked away reluctantly.

After a while, Anthony shook his head: "No, not here. After the doctor came, he said that my mother was not in good health or something, and then my mother made an appointment for a physical examination on Tuesday, we went together, and then turned around in the East City Let's go...start in the morning and go home after dinner."

Siles suddenly realized.

Bertram had indeed mentioned to him about Mrs. Finn's physical examination before, but he did not expect that this would also happen on Tuesday.

Busy Tuesday.Siles couldn't help thinking about it again.

In this way, the Finn family should have nothing to do with the apostates.Siles thought so.If you want to know some information, I'm afraid you still have to start with Dr. Chester.

After thinking about it for a long time, Siles suddenly felt a little helpless—in the end, do we still have to rely on the role of the running team to solve the things in the running team plot?

He didn't have a good enough reason to go directly to Chester, so he could only make a long-term plan.

He is more or less concerned about the whereabouts of that list. This is a possibility that has never appeared in the running group plot, and it is the butterfly effect on this world caused by the arrival of Sirius.He couldn't help paying attention.

Siles said goodbye to the Finns at Logan's Fair, and chatted with the Erics.Eric once again thanked Siles for the matchmaking, and Siles let him ignore it.

They bid farewell to each other, and Siles returned to La Mifa University in a stagecoach.

At this time, the time is two o'clock in the afternoon.Siles took a short nap, got up at three o'clock, and started writing a novel.He spent two hours writing a chapter, then went to the cafeteria to have dinner, and then took a walk around La Mifa University.

He even saw a few familiar students, and nodded slightly to greet them.

Of course, he didn't hear the voices of the students secretly calling him "Professor Devil", otherwise he probably wouldn't have the time to greet the students.

In the evening, he spent a little time making a list of books for public elective courses and special elective courses.Fortunately, the lesson plans have already been listed, and the list of books can be listed relatively quickly.

At about eight o'clock, Siles finished all the business and took care of personal hygiene and room hygiene.Then, with a somewhat relaxed attitude, he selected from the two books he bought at the trade fair, and finally chose the artist's manuscript.

It should be possible to hear the latest progress of Brewer's affairs tomorrow.Siles thought.

He opened the manuscript carefully.

On Earth, some well-known artists, directors, writers, etc., will publish behind-the-scenes talks about their works, which are similar to biographical nature, and they will also attach photos of their manuscripts.

But after all, it is also the result after careful arrangement and arrangement.

And the manuscript that Siles bought yesterday is not the original manuscript, but a copy of later generations.

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