"It was a dream. I think it should be a dream.

"I dreamed of the distant sea, the silent island, and the giant doll walking in the deep sea. It came out of the mist... The mist was also rising from the sea... The mist scurried around like a crazy snake .

"The sky is... I don't know. It's a strange feeling. Those stars look at you like eyes, densely packed. Each eye is a dying, maggot-infested planet.

"It's dark. It's dark everywhere. But I can see the puppet. I really can. The puppet... what a weird scene that is. The puppet's body is full of silk, bound bound, bound...

"But it...he, he came slowly from the deep sea. He stood on the deep, ink-like sea, and then he stopped, as if waiting for something.

"Oh, what is there to wait for this puppet... He just stands there, who can say that he is waiting. His empty eyes are like wooden beads carved out by someone...

"No! No! That's a star full of maggots, rotten and sore, and stinking yellow water! No, no, no, it should be like this... No, no, no, no... That's a star, that's it. It is the shining star in the sky!

"What, what, there seems to be a sound. But I'm dreaming. The doll seems to see me. He stands on the sea, standing on the edge or center of the fog of nothingness madness, and is using those hollow rusty stench The star eyes look at me...

"...that lonely island! How could I forget that lonely island! What kind of land is that! Crazy rust-red soil, is that blood? Is that blood-stained red? No, it's not ...How could human blood set foot on such a noble territory...

"That's... His reflection..."

Next to the messy, sometimes large and sometimes small words, the crazy artist drew a sketch.

Calm sea, flat isolated island, diffuse mist, and standing puppets bound by silk threads.He frantically circled the puppet's eyes, not knowing what he was implying.

Siles held his breath slightly, then relaxed slowly.He subconsciously pinched the base of his nose, feeling a subtle fear of cold sweat soaking his back.

He thought, dream?

He didn't dare to read the manuscript carefully any more, and flipped through it roughly, and found that most of the manuscript contained such words and pictures.Leon was frantically describing his dream in a dying tone, and he would definitely attach pictures.

With his painting skills, he can perfectly reproduce the images of dreams.

Siles closed his eyes, desperately—resigned to his fate, and heard the sound of the dice rolling in his head.

[Spirituality +1.Knowledge +1. 】

……and many more!

Siles opened his eyes suddenly, thinking in disbelief, how can knowledge be increased? !

The spiritual growth was within his expectation, after all, the words "he" appeared in the manuscripts.Obviously, Leon's dream was not that simple.It is a blessing in misfortune to add only a little spirituality.

But how does knowledge increase?

Does Leon's dream have any moral?

Siles didn't dare to look at the painting and those words again, so he could only recall them in his mind.Afterwards, he realized something.

...the sea, isolated islands and dolls in the mist.Is this referring to somewhere in the Everlands?

If it was related to the mist, he could only think of the Land of No Ashes.Although he had no idea where this scene was located in the Land of No Embers.

Siles thought, and then a new doubt arose.

Indeed, this scene could be somewhere in the Everlands.But is this considered knowledge?The enlightener's potion, time track, and ritual, these three important parts, added a little knowledge attribute to him respectively.

As for the inexplicable dream of the painter Leon, Sirius didn't even understand the real meaning of it, so he could give him a little knowledge attribute... Then if he read the entire manuscript, wouldn't he be able to brush up the knowledge attribute? Full?

Of course, Siles would not dare to do this.After all, reading this manuscript will increase spirituality.

Since he came to this world, his spirituality has increased by five points.And he still doesn't know what his spirituality is, because he has never encountered a situation that requires a spirituality judgment.

... He hopes that he will never have to meet ...

Siles thought so.

He supported his forehead, thinking about the meaning corresponding to the attribute of knowledge.

Here, knowledge attributes are not clearly classified into subjects.Knowledge of literature belongs to this attribute, as does knowledge of revelators and patrons.

But without exception, they are included in the unified category of Fischer's world.

In other words - Siles thought, this means that the dreams in the manuscript are not just dreams, but have a relationship with reality.The only subject that Siles could think of to which this picture could be attributed was...


That is the picture that once actually appeared in this world.That's what happened, fact.

Siles held his breath slightly, but he didn't dare to let himself imagine possible related pictures.He just recalled the name of the god in his brain, guessing which old god this picture belonged to.

There was indeed an old god associated with the sea, the god of warriors and pirates, the umbrella of war and conquest, Amois.But Siles never felt that Amoys could have anything to do with the puppet on the sea.

People usually think of Amoys as a strong, belligerent, wild, and water-like man.This is one of the few gods who has a human incarnation.

Siles fell into confusion for a moment.

He couldn't help laughing wryly, thinking, as he explored this world, none of the impressions about the old gods in the memory of the original body matched the clues he found.

Professor Cabell's manuscript mentions that the gods should always be above something, which doesn't match up with any gods he remembers.

The wandering poets of the Sardinian Empire may have been followers of Lycardia, a fact that is not mentioned in any history books.

Now, what can this sea surface, fog, isolated island, and doll match up with?

... No, wait!

While arranging the elements of this dream, Sirius suddenly realized that he seemed to have overlooked something.

He didn't care about whether his spirituality might grow, he hurriedly turned to the page where the dream was recorded, and re-read it.Spirituality did not increase, and Siles realized what he had overlooked.


He subconsciously thought that the stars pointed to the doll's eyes, but Leon's dream originally pointed to the stars in the sky.

...Luthmi.God of stars and light, a shining lamp in the sky.

However, no matter in the historical classics of the past or in the literary works in Siles' memory, the image of Luthmi is always fixed on the images of remoteness, light, hope, and beautiful guardianship. Why is it that in Leon's dream, He described the stars as rotten eyes?

Sirius felt a chill run down his spine from his own imagination.

...fog.He collected himself and thought.The fog that covers most of Fisher's world.How can this happen?What has happened in this world?

Siles didn't dare to think about it any more.

If the little knowledge he gained was due to this matter, then Siles would not dare to think too much.In this world, knowing itself may bring disaster.

Pollution and influence from the old gods are unpredictable and may appear at any time.

Siles took a deep breath and put away the artist's manuscript.He originally wanted to know some thoughts of the painter when he was painting, but accidentally caught a glimpse of the truth of this world, and he was not very good.

He walked to the window and looked at the silhouette of the main castle of Ramifah University.He opened the window slightly, felt the cool night wind blowing on his cheeks, and finally calmed down slowly.

After calming down, he thought of some other questions.

For example, what is the source of this manuscript?This is a copy, so who copied Leon's words that recorded dreams?Wouldn't their act of copying have an effect on their spirit?This is a huge hidden danger!

For another example, who is selling this manuscript?The businessman at that booth looked like an ordinary person, but if he was really ordinary, where did he get this manuscript?Had he not read the contents of the manuscript?

For another example, why did Leon have these dreams?Even if he was polluted by the spirit of the old gods, there should always be an inducement, right?It is impossible for him to start having these messy dreams for no reason, and the dream has lasted for so many years!

Siles had thoughts that had nothing to do with the dream, but something to do with Leon and the manuscript itself.

But soon, he shook his head and warned himself not to think so much.

The world is full of dangers; and he is just a visitor in it for the first time.He shouldn't be thinking so much.

Although Siles worked hard to clear his mind before going to bed, he unexpectedly had a dream that night.Siles' sleep quality has always been good, and he doesn't dream much.

But this day there was an exception.

He dreamed of that scene.Sea surface, isolated island, fog, dolls, night sky, stars.In the dream, he didn't know who he was, where he was, and why he appeared here.

Like the air in that scene, he floated quietly, staring blankly at the picture.

That was almost the whole of this long dream.

Then, suddenly, he felt his "body" - like air - blown by something.He felt a shudder.

The next second, the scene changed suddenly, and he found himself transformed back into a human form, wearing a well-fitting formal suit and leather shoes, as if he was about to visit some distinguished guest.

His feet stepped on the soft, bright red soil that smelled of decay.

... He woke up suddenly.

The moment he opened his eyes, he was thankful that he was still breathing, that his breathing was still steady, and that the only sound of his own breathing was still in the silent room.The dice also didn't remind him of spirituality 99 or something when he woke up.

He opened his eyes wide, staring at the dark ceiling.It was still early, maybe only four or five o'clock.But Siles could not sleep.

He felt an inexplicable feeling.He should feel terrified and nervous because he actually dreamed of that scene, but at this moment he was actually thinking that in Leon's dream, the owner of Leon's dream was just a bystander.

But in Siles' dream, he really moved, and set foot on the isolated island.

With a very calm, icy mood, Siles thought, why?

This question troubled Sirius until the newborn sun broke the gloom of the room and interrupted his train of thought.He breathed a sigh of relief and came out of that cold mood.

However, at that moment, he was really aware that he was thinking - look, the sun.That's the symbol of Ruthmi.

Siles sat up from the bed with his face sinking like water.

He felt that there seemed to be something wrong with him, but on the one hand, he was aware of his problem, but on the other hand, he really felt that there was nothing wrong with him.

Problems are the norm in this world.As Dominic said, there are a lot of lunatics in this day and age.

Silas went to wash up as usual.He thought about today's itinerary, and then decided to go to the Church of the Past before going to the Historical Society in the afternoon.

……Really bad.Siles judged himself harshly.Look at how many past churches you have been to in the past few days.

Is this world really so dangerous?But why does this always happen to him?

Siles looked at himself in the mirror with dissatisfaction.

Still black hair and black eyes, still pale and handsome.He thought that he should thank the original body for giving him this body.

……No.wrong.Siles forced his way through his thoughts.He never cared about this body, and never felt that it was given to him by the original body.This is not his world, not his life, not his body.

He is He Jiayin.He is just a passer-by in this world.He wanted to play Siles Noel as best he could.

He closed his eyes unconsciously, feeling the emotions in his heart stirring up and down.After a while, he calmed down completely and looked at himself in the mirror again.

"He Jiayin." He said slowly, "Don't forget where you came from."

At this moment, he heard the sound of the dice rolling in his head.Twice.

[Will +1. 】

[You need to make a will judgment. 】

[Will: 92/75, success. 】

[Congratulations, you successfully got rid of the influence of something.Honestly, that's not necessarily malicious.But anyway, your will is your greatest weapon. 】

Siles gasped sharply.

The man in the mirror could no longer maintain that expressionless calmness, showing a lingering fear.

He really didn't expect that he would be affected unconsciously just by reading a manuscript.Although according to Dice, this influence is not malicious, it is very likely to be an unconscious instinct, but anyway...

Siles felt that what the dice said was too correct, the attribute of will was indeed very important.

But the good news is that his will has increased a little more.

Siles secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and subconsciously squinted his eyes to look at himself in the mirror.Suddenly, he realized that he instinctively narrowed his eyes again.

...Are you a little nearsighted?He thought so again.

He tilted his head and looked out the window for a while. He seemed to be fine, but he did feel a little fuzzy.But he is still in shock now, and he can't tell if this is his illusion.

But he suddenly realized that he seemed to be able to use this reason to go to the school hospital to find Chester?

Siles wrote this down, and then left the bathroom, changed his clothes, and brought the necessary items—he took the potion very carefully, and performed the [Silent Heart] ritual.

Only a willpower of 94 points can bring him enough sense of security.

Before going out, Siles took a deep breath to keep himself calm.He thought, even if he was unlucky, the luck of throwing the dice seemed to be good.

He comforted himself like this, and then left the third floor.

It's Monday again.Another week begins.Siles sincerely hoped that this week would not be as troubled as the previous one.

He went to the cafeteria to have breakfast, and then arrived at the first floor of the main castle at exactly nine o'clock, where Horatio Dwight, the president of the Suffering Chronicle Society, had agreed with him in the activity room.

The main castle of Ramifa University, the fourth floor is the professors' offices, the third floor is the public elective classroom, the second floor is the professional course classroom, the first floor is the activity room, self-study room, reading room, seminar room for students and professors... In short, it is a variety of empty rooms and auditoriums.

If needed, professors or students can report to the school's administrative management office in advance.

When Siles walked into the activity room that Horatio had agreed with him, this student with firm eyes, a calm demeanor and a handsome face left a deep impression on Siles at first glance.

Of course, what is even more impressive is the brilliant blue light on Horatio.

Another student who drank a 10% purity potion and wandered around.There was a slight, polite smile on the corner of Siles' mouth, but he thought in his heart that his student was really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger.

"Good morning, Professor." Horatio's voice was slightly hoarse, but his demeanor and tone were very respectful, far more serious than those two apprentices of Sirius.

Siles felt that his performance could be described as "awe-inspiring".But this kind of respect is more like a rusty courtesy, rather than a real understanding and respect for Sirius himself.

"Good morning." Sirius replied in a low voice.

Horatio asked Sirius to sit down, and immediately got down to business.

He introduced his original intention of setting up this society - he is very interested in the self-restraint behavior of human beings due to belief, and recruited a group of students who are also curious about this, intending to study this kind of behavior.

Siles listened with interest, and then said: "Will Broncani be the center of your research?"

Horatio thought for a moment, and then replied: "Professor, in fact, it is not only the disciples of Brancarney who practice such behavior."

Siles was a little surprised and said, "I would like to hear more about it."

Horatio seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and then immediately said: "In some historical records, other believers in the old gods will also have some corresponding behaviors of self-restraint and suffering."

Siles nodded.

Horatio said, "Like... do you know Thaddeus?"

"The god of death and calamity." Siles paused, "The curtain at the end of death, Thaddeus."

Horatio said: "Because the gods they believe in are in charge of disasters, the believers of Thaddeus believe that if there are some unfavorable things in life, it is a test sent by the gods.

"Sometimes, they will be proud of it, and even compare each other's disasters. Some extreme believers believe that the strength of the disaster also symbolizes the god's preference for believers."

Siles thought for a moment, then shook his head: "I've never heard of such a thing."

A trace of excitement flashed across Horatio's face: "This is an anecdote I found in a certain book at home. It is because of this that I am very interested in related behaviors.

"To what extent do believers' beliefs constrain their behavior and ideas? That's exactly what I want to know."

Siles listened silently.

The secret of the book collection at home?

Forgive him, he now feels dangerous and uneasy hearing such things.

Siles sighed softly in his heart, he looked up at Horatio, and said in a low voice: "Horatio, I have no objection to your research and exploration spirit, but I hope you can be more calm , sane and thoughtful, begin your journey."

Horatio froze.

"The world is far more complex and dangerous than we imagine," said Siles.

For a moment, Siles stared firmly into Horatio's pupils, feeling a tinge of fear and surprise in the young student's eyes.

Finally Horatio nodded earnestly and said, "I will, Professor."

Siles didn't perceive the madness of the followers of the old gods from him, but he felt a little worried because of Horatio's persistent research obsession.

Horatio then explained his club plans to Siles.There are now ten members in the club, all friends or classmates of Horatio.

"My major is theology," Horatio said. "You may not have heard of this major. It was just established this year."

Siles was a little surprised, he asked: "What is the specific research?"

"Study the old gods," Horatio said, "study their powers, their followers, their influence on mankind and the human empire, the traces they still leave in human society today.

"Although everyone knows that the old gods have fallen, you know that gods like Lycardia, Atkinia, and Menawacca still have a good reputation among some people."

Lycardia was the god of leaving home and travel, Atkinia was the god of music and the arts, and Menawacca was the god of commerce and vows.Their godheads have very strict areas of correspondence and are remembered by those associated with them.

Siles nodded approvingly.

Horatio brought the topic back: "After September, I plan to have a club activity every Saturday night, the content is probably to research and discuss the data we have collected and summarized, and the ultimate goal is to form a paper.

"If you are free, you can participate in our club activities; if you are not free, it's okay, I will write to you the content of the seminar every week, or send it to your office - on the fourth floor, isn't it? I hope you can give some advice back.”

Siles nodded and said, "I understand."

"Professor, about our society," said Horatio in a measured tone, "do you have any suggestion?"

Siles thought for a moment, and finally said meaningfully: "I hope that you don't really try those ascetic and self-restraining behaviors."

Horatio froze, looking at Sirius in shock.

Siles nodded to him calmly, then bid farewell and left.

Horatio was left alone in the classroom, dazed for a moment, and finally murmured in a low voice: "The professor is... the revealer?" He thought of the mysterious and handsome man, "How could he know that I am too?"

Horatio was puzzled.

Siles, who left without delay, checked the time, went directly to the school gate to take a public carriage, and then arrived at the Historical Society at a little after ten o'clock.

Part of the reason he had come so early was because he wanted to try his luck on finding out about Brewer Darrow sooner.

However, to his surprise, he happened to meet Carol who was hurrying out at the gate of the Historical Society.

"Carol." Sirius stopped him.

"Siles? Why did you come so early?!" Carol said in surprise.

Siles walked in front of him, noticing the beads of sweat on his face and the uneasiness in his expression, he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.He paused and said, "For Brewer."

Carol was silent for a moment, then sighed suddenly, and said, "We found Brewer's body. Do you want to come with me?"

Brewer Darrow dead? !

Siles opened his mouth almost blankly, wanting to say something, but was speechless for a moment.In the end, he just said, "Where?"

Carol patted him on the shoulder and said, "Come with me."

They came to the carriage parked in a corner to the side of the Historical Society building.The coachman asked them to get in the car and sit down, and then drove the horses in one direction.

Siles looked at the road that turned from flat to muddy, and suddenly realized: "Are we going outside the city?"

"Yes," Carroll said. "His body was found in the suburbs. A family who went camping nearby found him this morning and called the police. The police verified their identity and notified us."

Carol took a deep breath and whispered, "I didn't expect either..."

Siles frowned, and said troubledly: "If the purpose of the mastermind behind the scenes is to obtain the files of the Darrow family, will they silence them now after they have obtained them, or will they kill them if they fail to obtain them?"

Carol shook his head: "My colleague has already gone to the Darrow family, and we can wait for their investigation results."

Siles was silent.Brewer's body gave him a very bad feeling, and he felt that the Darrow family might not be able to find any useful information.


The news of Brewer's death was all too sudden.

When they realized on Saturday afternoon that Brewer's disappearance was unusual, they thought Brewer was simply under house arrest.Since the mastermind behind the scenes is very likely to ask Brewer and his family, they should not do anything out of the ordinary.

However they were wrong.

Siles took a deep breath, feeling that thick clouds were covering the city of Ramifa, just like the painter's painting on the edge of Atherton Square.

The carriage bumped along the way, raising waves of dust.The road conditions outside the city were not as good as those inside the city, so it took them more time.They arrived at their destination about half an hour later.

It was a continuous hillside, and many trees were planted. Between the shadows of the trees, Sirius could see some people in police uniforms walking around.

Siles followed Carol up the hill.The land further afield looked a little barren.Siles knew that there were scattered villages around the roads connecting the different cities of the Principality of Constance.

Siles Noel was born in such a village.Except for those slightly populated villages, large tracts of land are always deserted and silent.

Therefore, at a certain moment in this scene, it evokes Sirius' feelings for certain pictures in his memory.

This emotion dissipated the moment he saw Brewer's body.

Brewer Darrow was disheveled, with bruises all over his body, but there was no sign of bleeding from the bruises, which seemed to be caused after death.His eyes were staring, empty and dead.His body was stiff and twisted into a large font.

The arrogant, more or less impatient man who told Sirius that he fell in love with his fiancée at first sight died in this desolate suburb.

Siles couldn't help closing his eyes.

The police officer on the side stepped forward, obviously recognized Carol, greeted him, and then said in a businesslike manner: "This is not the first scene. The deceased probably died in the early hours of this morning and was moved here .”

Carol nodded and asked, "Did you find anything on him or around him?"

"Uh, no." The police officer shook his head. "Here is only his body and his clothes. Nothing else was found."

"How did he die?"

The officer glanced at the body and said, "It was fatal with one stab. The man who killed him must have been a very cold-blooded killer, but after he died, someone tortured his body."

Both Siles and Carol frowned.

"It's not quite consistent with the one-shot kill," Siles said.

Carol nodded: "It seems to be a group. The murderer and the person who abused the corpse are not the same." Then he asked, "Did the person who found the corpse say anything?"

The police officer said: "They came here at seven o'clock in the morning, a pair of parents and their two children. It was originally at the foot of the mountain, and then when the children came to play on the hillside, they found the body. "

Carol asked a little strangely, "Why are they camping here? It doesn't look like a good place."

"They actually wanted to go back to a nearby village. They set out in a carriage by themselves, and then stopped here for a while, intending to have breakfast and rest for a while. But they didn't expect..."

Carol sighed.He who always likes to laugh is a little frowning at this time.

Judging from the situation at the scene, they couldn't get any information.It was very remote here, no one saw the person throwing the corpse, only one corpse, lying alone on the ground.

Carol turned to look at the corpse, thinking.

At this moment, the policeman nodded to Siles and Carol, and then walked away with the other policemen.

Siles asked, "Are we now... going to use the method of the Revelator?"

"What?" Carol recovered, and then said, "Oh, yes, yes. But I'm afraid it's not that simple."


Carroll said: "I once said that the followers of the old gods did not dare to do anything in the city of Ramifa. But they really killed a person now, and it was a descendant of a nobleman."

There was a sharp wind blowing on their cheeks, causing a sting.

Carol took a deep breath and said: "So they must be crazy to the extreme. Either they are planning to launch a big operation in Lamifa City, or they have already escaped from Lamifa far away. Facheng."

Siles thought for a while and said, "However, the murderer was killed with a single knife. This kind of decisiveness and coldness doesn't look like a... lunatic."

Carol shook his head and said: "We have arrested some followers of the old gods. Their mental state is like... they are crazy and calm at the same time. They realize that there is something wrong with them, but they feel that there is nothing wrong with them."

Siles was slightly taken aback, subconsciously thinking of the state he woke up from a dream this morning.He squinted his eyes almost subconsciously, and asked calmly, "Is that the pollution from the old gods?"

"Yes, but...it's hard to say." Carol said, "Some people are not believers of the old gods, but they will also be polluted. Such people cannot be called followers of the old gods." He looked at Sirius He glanced at him, and then said, "There are people like that in the Historical Society."

Silas wanted to say something.

Carroll stopped him: "The Historical Society is a very pragmatic organization. In a way, we don't care that much about the pollution of the old gods. In the process of searching for time tracks and recurring rituals, it is easy phenomenon that occurs.

"Everything will be judged by what they do."

Siles nodded, "I understand."

Maybe one day in the future, the Revelator will be able to have some way to shield the pollution of the old gods.However, in this age, when Siles was directly contaminated by the old gods just by reading a manuscript, there was nothing they could do.

Siles pondered whether it was necessary to tell Carol about the Leon manuscript, but in the end he remained silent for the time being.The most important thing right now is Brewer's business.

Carol didn't say much.He knelt down and looked into Brewer's empty, gray eyes.

After a while, he murmured in a low voice: "Among all the introductory enlighteners I have brought, this is the first one who died without even completing the introductory courses."

"We're not going to be able to defend ourselves," said Siles.

"Yeah." Carol sighed.

He took something out of his pocket and gave Sirius a look.It was a small crown, the whole was as big as a ring, and the gemstones and precious metals on it were still bright, but there was a wonderful trace of time.

Siles glanced at it, and confirmed that this feeling came from the crown's... fragile, vulnerable, as if it would be broken in the next second.

"'Death's Last Sigh,'" said Carroll. "That's the name of the diadem. Can you think of anything?"

Siles said, "A curtain at the end of death?"

"Yes." Carol said, "It is rumored that Thaddeus, the god of death and disaster, is a black mist wearing a crown and a cloak. His cloak is the place where human beings go spiritually. His crown is the cohesion of human will."

Siles was slightly taken aback.

In the running group game he played, each character has three basic attributes: physique, spirituality, and will.And Carroll mentioned two here.It was hard for him to believe it was a coincidence.

"Spirit and will." Sirius whispered, "What is this?"

"I don't know very well." Carol said, "In short, the supernatural powers blessed by Thaddeus are called undead messengers. Each undead messenger wears a small crown on his finger. It is said That is the tool they use to drive the undead."

Siles thought, Necromancer?

However, it sounds like the definition of soul in this world is complicated.

Siles didn't think too much at this time, and said with a measured tone: "So, can we revive Brewer?"

"Resurrection? No." Carol shook his head, "We can only briefly awaken his will. The undead messengers who once received the blessing of Thaddeus seem to have a chance to resurrect the dead. But we can't. We Communicate only briefly with those who have died."

"The crown...corresponds to the will." Sirius said, "Are we talking to the will of the dead?"

"Maybe." Carol said vaguely, "I haven't used this ritual very much, but I heard from people who have been studying this ritual in the society that after death, humans

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