Siles asked Anthony about the skirmish that had just occurred.

Anthony, who had already calmed down, immediately became angry. He said very dissatisfied: "That's a madman! I really don't understand... He said a very inexplicable price, which was only one-tenth of the cost price! Does he think I'm a philanthropist!"

Siles thought for a moment and asked, "Why did he say you agreed to the price by default?"

Anthony was startled, then scratched his hair, and said a little blankly: "Me too... I don't know. I didn't acquiesce, I should... I should have rejected his price."

Seeing his dazed, bewildered, and even a bit confused expression, Siles and Eric looked at each other, and thought of a possibility in unison.

Because Siles already knew that the middle-aged man was the revealer, he wondered if he used some ritual to coax Anthony into selling the fur at a super low price.

And Eric was taken aback by the middle-aged man's reaction before he left, thinking that this possible follower of the old god used some strange means—such as the remains of the god?Maybe Anthony's vitality was sucked away.

Although Carroll once said that it is difficult for ordinary people to be affected by out-of-control time frames, now, the nervous Eric can't care so much.

Anthony looked at the two adults inexplicably: "Why don't you talk anymore?"

Siles came back to his senses, thought for a while, and said, "It's nothing, I just think that person seems a little dangerous."

"Maybe," Anthony muttered. "No wonder my dad warned me to be safe before I got here. This place is really weird."

Siles asked, "Is your father here, too?"

"He's at another stall. I just took some ordinary furs and sold them, but before I sold much, I ran into that lunatic." Anthony said unceremoniously.

Siles sized him up and said, "Learn how to add, subtract, multiply and divide within a hundred?"

Anthony's expression froze.Even under such dim lighting conditions, Siles could still see the sudden sweat on his forehead.

He coughed and said, "I'm learning!"

Siles couldn't help but smiled, and he said, "Then we have to keep working hard."

He looked around and found that the people who gathered because of the skirmish just now had already left."It's time for you to get back to your booth," he said.

Anthony let out a sudden exclamation, and hurried back to his booth, so as not to let other people take advantage of it.

Siles waved his hand to say goodbye to him, and then walked out with Eric.

Eric said worriedly: "You think, this thing is really..."

"I don't know." Siles said succinctly, "However, things may not be as bad as we thought."

"I hope so," Eric said.

"You don't have to go with me later." Siles said, "I was going back to the East City, so I happened to drop by."

Eric hesitated, then finally nodded.

Siles returned the conversation to why he wanted to find Eric in the first place, asking, "I didn't find anything worth buying at the stall over there. Will there be more interesting items on Wednesday night?"

"Usually," said Eric, with another wry smile, "but I think now, more importantly, that Wednesday night might be more dangerous.

"Why didn't I feel this way in previous years?"

Siles sighed slightly, and nodded in the same way.

He asked: "You tomorrow..."

He was about to ask Eric if he was free to go to 13 Milford Street tomorrow, when suddenly, there was another exclamation from the passage behind them, and there was a painful wail among them.

Both Siles and Eric were taken aback and hurried back.They all smelled blood.

Still the same booth.It's still those two people.And the middle-aged man who came back from nowhere, holding a slightly rusty knife at this time, his eyes frantically placed the blade on Anthony's neck.

Anthony's left sleeve had been cut open, and blood gushed from the wound on his arm.That was the source of the bloody smell they smelt.

Eric took a look and ran out quickly, leaving only one sentence: "I'll call the guard."

The middle-aged man was saying loudly: "Where are things! Mine! Things! You took my things!"

Anthony didn't dare to move, his expression was distorted by the pain, he cursed, his face turned pale, and he said angrily, "Fart! I don't even know what you're talking about...what!"

"Impossible! Impossible!" The middle-aged man looked crazy, "That's impossible! I disappeared when I left here...!"

Anthony seemed to remember something suddenly, and he screamed loudly: "Didn't you fall when you were running away! You must have dropped your things at that time! It has nothing to do with me, please let me go!" "

The middle-aged man's expression relaxed, and the knife in his hand dropped.He stood there in a daze, let go of Anthony, and murmured blankly: "Yes, I fell...and hit...who?! Who?! Who tripped me on purpose?!"

With a kind of extreme madness and emptiness in his eyes, he scanned the faces of the people around him.

Anthony rolled and crawled, and subconsciously crawled to Sirius' feet, panting quickly.He looked terrified, and his whole body was shaking.

Siles squatted down, took off his coat, and pressed Anthony's wound that was still bleeding.He quietly hid his bag behind Anthony, and Anthony didn't know if it was intentional, but also blocked Sirius' face.

As a result, the middle-aged man who looked around but found nothing was dragged out by the tall and strong trade fair guards who came later.The guards have bulging waists and appear to be carrying some sort of intimidating weapon.

The surrounding area is already a mess.The smell of blood, dirty fur, messy stalls, and the smell of sweat in the air made everyone look blurry.

Siles lowered his eyes, looked at Anthony's wound calmly, and said, "You need to see a doctor."

Anthony gasped, then swallowed.He looked around and found that everyone had dispersed, so he said softly, "Is that thing with you?"

Siles was slightly taken aback, then said, "Yes."

Anthony suddenly became proud: "I knew it! I saw that lunatic cared so much, so I didn't tell him! Look, I didn't betray you. Let's see if you still make fun of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division within [-] I!"

Siles felt a little amused and a little relieved.

Eric came over at this time, with a little worry in his tone: "How is the wound?"

"Got to see a doctor," Sirius replied.

Eric said quickly, "But there's no doctor here at the fair. We've got to go outside."

He was about to say that there was no clinic nearby, when a man's exclamation sounded from the passage further away.When they looked up, Bertram Finn was running towards them with an anxious face.

"I heard that something happened to a young boy..." He was out of breath, his whole expression changed, sweat dripped from his forehead, he didn't say a word, when he saw Anthony lying on the ground, he immediately exclaimed, "Anthony!"

Anthony rolled his eyes: "Not dead, father."

Bertram suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Siles and Eric watched the conversation between the father and son and felt a little bit of subtle emotion.

Siles thought, the last time Anthony saw Bertram, he was so afraid of something. This time, he has experienced growth and was injured, so is he a little bit confident?

Having said that, Siles reminded: "He needs to see a doctor for the wound."

"Doctor, doctor..." Bertram was a bit distracted. After a while, he suddenly said, "There is a doctor at home!"

Siles was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but think, that tenant?

Anthony stood up from the ground, his face was a little pale, but his eyes were bright.The pain seemed to leave him, for he felt as if he had done something very great.

So he said: "Then what are you waiting for, let's go!"

At this moment, a young boy is more assertive than adults.

A lot of Anthony's blood was also stained on Siles, but fortunately he was wearing dark clothes today, so the blood was not very obvious.

He closed his eyes, feeling the mess.He said to Bertram, "What's your stall? We'll put away the goods for you, and we'll go to your house later."

Bertram quickly thanked him, told him his booth number, and couldn't wait to take Anthony with him.

Siles and Eric cleaned up the stalls of the father and son together and packed them up—there were quite a lot of goods.These goods have to be brought here every morning and taken away every night, and they cannot be left here.

Ernestine's Tavern heard that something happened here, so they hurried over to show their hospitality, asked Eric to leave with Siles, and specially sent a carriage for them to transport the things back.

"Where's the middle-aged man?" Sirius asked.

The person who came to arrange the carriage for them replied with a hint of embarrassment: "He escaped. We originally wanted to lock him in the kitchen temporarily, but we didn't expect... the guard just lost his mind, and he disappeared. "

Siles nodded thoughtfully, which didn't really surprise him.

Since the middle-aged man was the revealer, he must have some special abilities, including the bargaining that failed to convince Anthony.It's just that this matter was purely a disaster for Anthony.

In fact, Siles has not fully understood the series of events at the trade fair today.

He didn't think about it for a while, and confirmed that all the furs and other goods from Bertram and Anthony's stalls had been taken, so he carried his bag, got into the carriage with Eric, and let the driver drive to Milford Street go.

It wasn't until the coolness of the night completely wiped away the tension and confusion in their hearts, and no one came to attack them, that Siles and Eric breathed a sigh of relief.

"Today's matter..." Siles thought for a while and said, "It was a coincidence."

They still don't know the identity of the middle-aged man and the real purpose of that item; but judging from his performance, it may be very important.

"He came to the trade fair, maybe it was to buy this thing." Siles whispered, thinking and straightening out his thoughts at the same time.Suddenly, he thought, "I've seen this man before, in the stationery aisle.

"He did come here for this thing!"

Eric nodded, and couldn't help but say, "Since he's already bought it, he should have left earlier, why... stopped at Anthony's place?"

Siles thought for a while, and then raised a possibility: "Have you noticed his clothes? It's very worn out. It may not be enough for him to survive the severe cold of La Mifa's winter, so he wants to take this opportunity, Buy some cheap winter furs."

Eric was persuaded: "It's true that the fair's fur is also more affordable."

"Then he noticed Anthony." Siles narrowed his eyes, "A young boy, easy enough to deceive."

"But he didn't expect that Anthony would not be cheated by him." Eric said, "I don't understand...what kind of tricks did he use to think that Anthony would definitely agree to his price?"

Siles shook his head: "I don't know either. It might have something to do with his identity."

Eric said, "Maybe. He's like..." He pondered for a moment, "Crazy. He said he knew something, said he deserved it...but what was it?"

"I don't know." Siles said bluntly, "He understood something, but it made him fall into a trance, causing him to lose the things he bought. After a while, he found that he had lost things, So I hurried back to look for it.”

"...Why did he think Anthony stole his things?" Eric suddenly asked suspiciously.

Siles was stunned: "Indeed. Anthony has never met him, why did he think it was Anthony?" He paused, and then said, "Because he was completely panicked.

"He seems to have forgotten what happened during that period of trance. He didn't even remember that he had fallen down until he was reminded by Anthony. So, he only remembered that after he bought that thing, he got up with Anthony. over conflict.

"He can only doubt Anthony because he has no other suspects."

"But that still seems too crazy." Eric couldn't help saying, "His thinking seems to have completely rigidified, like a lunatic."

Siles thought for a while, then shook his head: "Anyway, we don't seem to be able to know the real ins and outs now. Let's take a look at Anthony's situation first, and hope he will be fine."

They arrived at 15 Milford Street about 13 minutes later.

The building is now brightly lit.Bertram was waiting for them on the first floor, looking calmed down.

He thanked Sirius one after another, and kept saying that he wondered what would have happened to Anthony if Sirius hadn't been there.

Siles felt ashamed, but facing a grateful father, he didn't say much, just a word or two of comfort.They temporarily moved the goods back home.

Siles asked, "How is Anthony?"

"It's nothing serious," said Bertram, still grimacing, and he added, "It's upstairs. The wound has stopped bleeding, but the doctor said .

"But the disinfection is too painful...Anthony is screaming so badly that my wife can't bear to hear it, and I'm in a stalemate right now."

Siles felt a little speechless, and could only say, "You can bring Mrs. Finn down, that's not okay."

"Yes, yes." Bertram said, shaking his head again, "Come on, you guys go up with me." He looked at Eric, "Who is this?"

"He's a friend of mine, Eric Collens," said Siles. "He works for Ernestine. As I said before, the rent collector and building manager I recommended to you is his." Mrs."

"That's great!" Bertram said hastily, "Eric, that's what I called you. I heard that you called the guards immediately so that no greater danger was caused. I trust you, and I can trust your wife and ask her to come and work for me!"

Eric was very surprised. He thanked him first, and then said, "Let's go and see Anthony's situation first."

He didn't flaunt anything for himself at this time.

The three went up to the second floor together.

Siles had lived here for a while, and at this time he also felt a little nostalgic.

However, the crying sound coming from the east room made him lose his leisurely mind very quickly.It is not a pleasant thing for a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy to cry, not to mention that there is a mother crying in distress and embarrassment beside him.

They walked in, and Sirius smelled blood and heavy alcohol.Anthony sat there with his face stained with tears and his arms bare.Siles took a look and found that the wound was more serious than he imagined, but luckily the bleeding stopped in time.

Next to Anthony sat Mrs. Finn, and across from them was the doctor.

This doctor is about 30 years old, with slightly long and curly hair, and a smile on his lips all the time. He looks gentle and good-natured.At this time, he was indeed persuading Anthony and Mrs. Finn kindly.

Mrs. Finn was in a dilemma, while Anthony was sullen, with a distorted expression.

The appearance of the three temporarily broke the deadlock.Mrs. Finn looked helplessly at her husband, while Bertram stepped forward, helped his wife up, and took her away.

Anthony sat there, shivering, and his expression suddenly became very desperate.

mom!Mom, come back!

The doctor smiled slightly, and when the door was closed, he pressed the gauze soaked in alcohol on Anthony's wound, and gently wiped the edge of the wound.

Anthony yelled out.

"Well, Anthony, be a man," said Siles, "within a hundred..."

"You promised me not to mention that again!" Anthony gritted his teeth and said to Siles with tears and nose streaming down his face.

Siles coughed lightly and said, "Okay, Anthony."

When the wound was finally cleaned up, Anthony's entire expression went blank.Eric led him downstairs, while Siles helped the doctor tidy up the chaos in the room.

After everything returned to normal, Siles looked at the doctor and said, "Siles Noel. I teach at the University of Ramifa."

"Chester Fitzroy." The doctor introduced himself, "I am the school doctor of La Mifa University."

"Then we are colleagues." Siles pointed downstairs, "I have to go. Maybe we will have a chance to meet in the future."

Chester smiled very gently, and then said: "However, I don't want to see you in my infirmary, Professor Noel."

Siles was slightly taken aback, then laughed."Of course, I don't want to either," he said.

Siles left the room he had rented, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Just now, when Chester was cleaning Anthony's wound, a mandatory judgment jumped out in front of Sirius.

[Keeper, Chester Fitzroy (doctor) needs to make a medical skill judgment. 】

[Medical skills: 65/2, great success. 】

[That rusty knife contains some unhealthy ingredients.Fortunately, this is a doctor with superb medical skills. His prudence and care allowed him to successfully eliminate the greater risk, and also saved the reckless child and his family from a disaster. 】

Siles subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

A big hit (0-4 on the dice), and a reassuring enough result—that middle-aged man was a nuisance, even with a knife.

The knife was later picked up by guards at the trade fair.It seems that he has to tell Eric to tell Ernestine's people not to touch the knife casually, and it is best to destroy it directly.

When he went downstairs, he suddenly realized that after he came to this world, most of the judgments he encountered were successful, and the knight commander Bunyan and the doctor Chester were two big successes.this is a good news.

The bad news is that the decision of not knowing when it will fail is still like a sharp knife hanging over his head.The judgment of always being successful is also a bit worrying.

He took a soft breath and walked down the last step, hearing Anthony's soft cries and the comforting voices of his parents.Eric came out of the first-floor foyer to say goodbye to the family.

Sirius heard Bertram say to Eric: "You can bring your wife over tomorrow morning to discuss the content of the work." Bertram noticed that Sirius also went downstairs, so he said, "Sirius You come over tomorrow, Stan. We can have lunch."

Siles didn't hesitate, and directly agreed to Bertram's invitation.

Bertram went on: "By the way, your coat..."

"Don't worry about it." Siles shook his head, "The trash can might be a good place for it."

Blood-stained coats still don't have to be sent to charity.

Bertram laughed and thanked him again.

Afterwards, Siles and Eric said goodbye to them and left.

Siles mentioned the knife to Eric, and Eric nodded seriously, and left with the carriage that had been waiting there.

Before leaving, he specifically told Siles to be careful of the items left by the middle-aged man.

Now he had to go to Ernestine to finish it off, and Sirius had to go to the Church of the Past to sort out that inexplicable trouble with him.

He couldn't help rubbing between his brows.Standing on the quiet street of Milford, he took out his pocket watch to check the time by the slight firelight.It's already 07:30 in the evening.

This pass toss.Siles sighed to himself.

He was planning to go to Logan's Market to take a taxi, but suddenly noticed a blue glowing figure walking towards here not far away.

Siles took a closer look and found that it was Alfonso Carlyle, the folklorist who also rented at 13 Milford Street.

... He really is the revealer!

With inexplicable thoughts, Siles greeted the approaching Alfonso.

"Professor Noel!" Alfonso said in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Siles felt that it was not easy to explain what happened that night, so he said: "Some things. I came from Ernestine's fair.

"The trade fair!" Alfonso was surprised again, "I just came back from there too. Today's trade fair ended early, saying that a lunatic hurt someone."

Siles smiled wryly and said, "The injured person is Anthony—you know Anthony, right?"

"Mrs. Finn's son?!" Alfonso said in surprise for the third time, and he shook his head again, "What a chaotic night."

Siles felt the same way.

Alfonso said again: "I just met you. I have already got the letter you gave me before, and I wrote a letter to another friend to ask him how much he knows. I really don't know much about the Sardinian Empire. Okay, I usually mainly study the tribes in the Neverland."

"That's enough, thank you."

Alfonso nodded: "I will write to you later. Or I can visit you at Ramifa University. I remember that there is a book in the library of Ramifa University that I have always wanted to read, but only It's a pity to be able to read in the library..."

He muttered, rambling about something.

Then he snapped back to his senses and said to Siles, "It's late at night, Professor Noel. Do you know the legend about the old city?"

Siles was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered what Mrs. Finn had said to him.She said that people will see some shadows of unknown origin on the streets of the old city at night, so it is best not to go out after eight o'clock at night.

He thought it was just echoing what others said, but Alfonso also knew about it.

Alfonso said mysteriously: "No matter what, go back quickly. There are indeed some inexplicable dangers in the old city at night."

Siles thought about it, nodded and said, "I will, thank you."

He bids farewell to Alfonso and leaves.

If only Mrs. Finn said so, then Siles would not pay too much attention to this matter.However, Alfonso also said the same, and he is also a revealer... This thing seems a little strange.

Do those shadows that appear and disappear inexplicably really exist?But what does that mean?Why did Alfonso specifically remind him that it was dangerous?

Siles couldn't help feeling confused, but he couldn't verify it.

He suddenly thought of the book in his bag, the collection of stories about various legends of the Principality of Const, "The Ghost of Ramifa City".He thought, maybe most of them are fake, but there are always one or two that are real?

He felt that this possibility did exist, but it was not a good thing.

Thinking about it, Siles took note of the matter for the time being, then unconsciously quickened his pace, took a taxi, and left the old city.

More than half an hour later, the hands of the clock had passed eight o'clock, and Siles also arrived at the Central Cathedral of Ramifah, the church of the past.

Just like every time Siles came here before, the Central Cathedral still looked simple and quiet, standing quietly in the night, as if patiently waiting for its guests.

Siles took a deep breath and stepped into the church.

This time, he didn't see Grosvenor in the nave.Instead, he met a person who surprised him—Knight Commander Bunyan.

"Good evening..." Bunyan said subconsciously, and then said in surprise, "Professor Noel?!"

Siles walked towards him and replied, "Good evening, Knight Commander Benyan."

"You can just call me Bunyan." Bunyan said with a smile. "Every night, the knights patrol the church. Today is my turn. What do you want?"

Siles nodded, thought for a while, and said, "Do you know the trouble Ms. Catherine Kinsey solved for me before?"

"Of course I know. Out-of-control timing. It's really too dangerous. Fortunately, you are fine." Bunyan said, and comforted him, "However, the city of Ramifa is basically safe, and it was just an accident last time. "

Siles: "..."

He mentioned Catherine Kinsey, in fact, just to confirm that Bunyan knew about the revelator. After all, he had signed at the Historical Society that he could not reveal the revelator.

But unexpectedly, Knight Commander Bunyan casually inflicted a little damage on him.

Out-of-control timelines are relatively rare—but in such a short few days, he has encountered the danger of many revelators.

Siles maintained a calm expression and said, "Benyan, I seem to have encountered a... follower of the old god."

Bunyan was slightly taken aback, and then his handsome face became serious: "Please tell me in detail."

Siles thought for a while, and described what happened before.Bunyan listened carefully, then said, "Follow me, please."

So Siles went once more to the apse of the church.

Bunyan said: "The church's force mechanism is divided into two parts." He kindly explained to Sirius, "One part is the Knights. We are mainly responsible for some obvious affairs, such as the former apostates, and There is trouble among normal ordinary people.

"And the other part is responsible for the revealer and other things. In order to avoid trouble and misunderstanding, we call them 'investigators'."

That doesn't seem like a very friendly name, Siles thought.

"Investigators operate in small groups. I remember the investigators stationed tonight..." Bunyan thought for a while, then stopped in front of a room in the corridor, knocked on the door, "Dominique!"


Siles heard this familiar name by accident, and after the door opened, he saw the slightly dark-skinned investigator whom he had seen last time in the office on the fourth floor of La Mifa University.

Dominic Milner.

He was the one who told Siles before that if he felt uneasy, he could send Professor Kabell’s manuscript to the Church of the Past, and he could give it directly to him.

However, by mistake, Siles directly handed over the manuscript to Grosvenor.I am afraid that the disappearance of Professor Kabell will get more attention.

At this moment, Dominic opened the door, yawned, and said, "Why... Hey, why is it you again?"

Siles sighed silently in his heart.

"Is it about Kabell again?" Dominique asked casually.

Siles shook his head: "No, it's something else."

Dominique began to look at Siles with a strange look.

Bunyan looked at them, roughly repeated what Sirius said just now, and then said, "You talk, I will go to patrol the nave."

Dominic sideways to let Siles into the room.

This looks like an office, with documents and materials everywhere.Dominique explained: "There are a lot of things here, sorry."

"It's nothing," said Siles. "I suppose you're busy."

"This is what we should do." Dominic smiled, "The revelator comes from the power of my God, and we are loyal believers following in his footsteps."

It wasn't until this moment that Siles clearly felt that the atmosphere of the Church and the Historical Society was indeed different in the past.

When they sat down, Dominic's expression became more serious, and he said, "What did you say to the knight commander just now, do you have anything to add?"

Siles thought for a while, and said: "When the middle-aged man left for the first time, he said...he understood something, thought he deserved it, and also told the stall owner and the staff of the trade fair thank.

"By the way, that staff member is with me. He is also the recent enlightenment of the Historical Society. His name is Eric Collens."

Celeste mentioned this point in order to avoid any misunderstanding during the investigation by the church in the past.

Donimike didn't seem to care much about this.

He said, "Then please show me that thing."

Siles took the item out of the bag.

He is still in the ritual time, but he can't see anything unusual from this pen holder-like thing.However, almost as soon as Dominic saw the thing, his eyes became a little dignified.

"What's the matter?" Siles couldn't help asking, "Is this serious?"

Dominic pondered for a moment, and then said: "This is not a time track that is out of control, but...the meaning behind this thing appearing here is a bit worrying."

Siles thought for a while and asked, "A follower of the old gods?"

"Yes." Dominic seemed to come back to his senses suddenly, he took a breath, and continued, "In general, you can rest assured. You know those followers of the old gods, they are always searching, What they said... the relic of a god.

"I'm talking about the relics of the gods here, but I don't mean that it's really an out-of-control time track. The definition in the mouth of the followers of the old gods is different from our definition. In short, they are some weird items."

Sirius nodded slowly.

"In some occasions, these things can be used as a certificate." Dominique said, "credentials to join a secret organization."

Suddenly, Siles looked at the pen holder: "This is it?"

"Yes, and this is our old opponent." Donimike's voice was a little suppressed, "That group of damned masochists."

"... masochism?"

Dominic looked at Siles, as if thinking about whether he should tell Siles this information.Finally, he said, "Maybe you'll cover this in your class at the Historical Society, but it's fine to tell you now.

"God of asceticism and silence, the lonely white shadow, Broncani."

With that said, Dominic sighed.

Siles heard the name by accident, and he said: "In modern research, people have a very good evaluation of this god. Why..."

"Why are his followers less likable now?" Dominique said.

Siles nodded.

Dominic turned his body back and looked at the wall lamp next to him.He seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes were slightly depressed and painful.

Finally, he said, "I was once a believer in him."

Siles froze.

"It doesn't look like it?" Dominic smiled wryly, "But my skin was tanned during the time I believed in Him, and it has not fully recovered until now. Can you imagine? That is a A kind of self-masochism."

Drying in the hot sun.Until the skin becomes hot, black and red, until enough pain is felt.

Siles asked troubledly, "Why do you do such a thing?"

Dominique said: "That's why this group of people are so annoying now. You should know that when they were patrons, they called themselves 'ascetic monks', and now they call themselves 'torture monks'. .”

Siles frowned slightly.

"And their organization, also known as the Torture Seminar, is an underground organization that mainly operates in the city of Ramifa. It sounds like a very interesting organization. I joined it when I was young, and I thought it was studying historical What kinds of torture are there?

"But once you join, they will go crazy and instill all kinds of ideas in you. They think,

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