In the days of surviving in the fairy forest

Chapter 45 The Devil's Trial Thunderbird Eggs Are Cooked. ...

After successfully reuniting with Ali, Rick's moves gradually became bolder.

With Ah Li’s healing skills always taking care of himself and the thunderbird’s eggs, he no longer sticks to ordinary defenses. The flames surround him, turning into a small plane with its own propeller, whimpering, carrying himself and Ah Li towards the skyrim.

After poking the flaming plane, Ali exclaimed, "When did you practice this trick?"

"The flame transformation that Fat Caterpillar said gave me inspiration," Rick shook his tail triumphantly, "Since it can be transformed into a shield, it can also be transformed into other things. I originally wanted to try to transform into flame wings." Yes, it turned out that it couldn’t fly, and finally had to transform into a small plane.”

"Couldn't it be possible to use this to travel in the future? With such a fast speed, we can fly to Xiong Xiong's place in two or three days!" Ali excitedly suggested.

Rick shook his head: "This won't work. The flame plane has to maintain flames all the time, which requires high racial skills and consumes a lot of energy. I can only last for two or three minutes now."

"Two or three minutes?" Ali was taken aback, "Is it two or three minutes now?"

Rick: "..."

Ali: "..."

They looked at each other, their faces changed suddenly, the flaming plane that Jio stepped on disappeared with a "bang", and the two little ones plus a thunderbird egg fell from the sky together.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Ali screamed.

At the critical moment, Rick inhaled hard, recondensed the flames, and turned into a huge flame parachute, with a squirrel in his mouth, and the squirrel held the thunderbird egg, and slowly fell down the air together.

Ah Li narrowly escaped from death, and was covered in cold sweat from fright: "Why didn't you even count the time!"

"I used it for the first time, and I accidentally forgot it," Rick said awkwardly, "I will definitely not make a mistake next time."

The parachute floats and floats, and when it is about to land, it automatically dissipates in the air.Rick dropped deftly back to the ground, and the squirrel jumped on top of him, looking left and right, trying to figure out which forest they were in now.

Before he could see where they were, he saw the fat caterpillar swinging on a branch not far away.

Rick: "!"

He was startled, and quickly took a few steps back, his tail curled up to protect the Thunderbird egg tightly, and he ran back quickly.

The squirrel lay on the back of the fox, always paying attention to the movement of the fat caterpillar.However, after waiting for a long time, Rick had already run hundreds of meters, and he didn't see any movement of the fat caterpillar.

"Is there such a possibility," the squirrel hugged the Thunderbird egg, "that bug is just an ordinary green caterpillar?"

"No way!"

Rick was decisive.

"How can ordinary bugs be so fat!"

"Oh, is that so?" Behind the fox, the fat caterpillar quietly said.

Rick turned his head and just threw a ball of fire, without looking at it, he spread his legs and rushed forward.


That night.

After the fierce chasing battle, the fox and the squirrel, who were tortured both physically and mentally, returned to the tree hole with their messy and dirty fur. They didn't even want to eat, and collapsed into two dreamless Deflated dumpling.

Skydiving, falling into a swamp pit, and rushing into a group of hyenas are not the worst things today-they were chased to nowhere, and finally jumped into the water, almost being bitten off their tail by the driftwood crocodile, and finally fought back to the extreme , By the way, he fished a few crocodile eggs back to the shore, and finally let the fat green worm let go of the trial.

The fat caterpillar happily gnawed on the grilled crocodile eggs, tilted its head to look at the two neatly slumped ones, and couldn't help thinking for a second whether it was a little too much.

"Don't eat all the baked eggs, you have to lose weight." Rick weakly raised a fox paw.

Fat caterpillar: "Hmph!"

After reflection, it's not too much!These two bastards should have been beaten by the forest long ago!

"You guys are doing pretty well today," he said vaguely, taking a bite of a baked egg, "at least the combat consciousness is up to the mark. Take a break and come over for something to eat, why is that Thunderbird egg still under your belly? Hurry up and fry it, you, a fox, can't hatch thunderbird cubs."

Rick moved his butt, took the thunderbird egg out of his arms, stared at it for a while, and said with some reluctance: "I have protected this egg for a whole day, and I have feelings for it."

"I don't even want to break it." The squirrel rubbed the eggshell.

They moaned and sighed for a while, and finally, under the urging of the fat caterpillar, they took the thunderbird egg over and knocked on the edge of the clay pot——

The shell was broken, but no liquid came out of it.

Rick tilted his head and looked up in a daze, poking his paws until he touched the coagulated milky white egg white.

Thunderbird eggs are cooked.

Rick/Ah Li/Fat Qingchong: "..."

"You said at the time that the egg shell is not broken!" A Li was the first to react, jumping on top of Rick's head and shouting, "There is no rule that it must be a thunderbird egg!"

The fat caterpillar looked at the thunderbird egg in Rick's hand dumbfoundingly: "So you baked it?"

Rick felt guilty.

Thinking about it carefully, this egg has experienced a flame shield, a flame plane, and a flame parachute today. It seems that for a short while, Rick directly used the small basket turned into a flame to run out of it.

With this temperature, it's strange if you're not familiar with it!

"Forget it, I won't embarrass you."

The fat caterpillar shook its tentacles amusingly, and stuffed the peeled thunderbird egg into the squirrel's mouth. The talking squirrel choked on the thunderbird egg, and couldn't even close its mouth. It looked at the fat caterpillar reproachfully with its big black eyes.

"Take a rest and continue with the second trial tomorrow."

Rick and Ali Qiqi, who was trying to stuff the Thunderbird egg into his mouth, nodded.

Although Fat Qingchong was unwilling to inform them of the content of the second trial in advance, Rick and Ali still slept very soundly that night. After a long day of exhaustion, lying on the soft tiger skin blanket, they soon fell asleep.

The next morning, Rick woke up energetically, raised his paw and yawned, threw a mint leaf into his mouth to chew, picked up the sleepy-eyed squirrel beside him, and stuffed a mint leaf into his mouth.

The squirrel woke up instantly.

"Ugh!" He chewed hard a few times, spit out the mint leaves in a hurry, and complained depressedly, "Why do you have to chew this thing twice in the morning! It's too choking."

"You still owe me a month of mint leaves and haven't eaten them." Rick teased him casually, took out cheese, dried meat and nuts from the stone box beside him, and made three cups of scented tea with boiled water.

The fat caterpillar crawled out of his cabin smelling the smell of breakfast, and stuffed cheese into his mouth with his eyes closed.

After eating and drinking, Rick looked at the fat caterpillar: "Now you can tell us what the second trial is about."

Fat Qingchong smiled mysteriously: "The second trial is already waiting for you at the door."

Rick was taken aback.

The next moment, there was a polite knock on the door.

Glancing at A-Li, Rick ignited the flames vigilantly, walked towards the stone door step by step, pulled the stone with his claws, and rushed out of the door.

"Army, Army, Military Division!" The gourd baboon at the door raised his hands in fright, and subconsciously gave a French military salute.

"Huh?" Rick stopped immediately.

"Fatty said it was a trial outside? Why you?" Ali jumped on top of Rick's head.

"That's what I want to say," the gourd baboon scratched the top of his head in embarrassment, and took out a huge vine basket from behind. You and the staff took it to the mountain grape grove."

"He was right,"

The fat caterpillar came out of the tree house slowly,

"The content of the second trial is to escape from the mountain grape forest."

Rick and Ali's eyes widened, and they quickly pricked up their ears to listen carefully.

"There are two requirements. First of all, the trees, grapes and farms in the mountain grape forest must not be destroyed, especially the mountain must not be set on fire. This gourd baboon king has specially emphasized it."

"Secondly, try not to hurt the gourd baboons. Of course, if you do, the squirrel will be responsible for the treatment after the trial."

"Don't worry, don't worry," the squirrel patted his chest, "Rick, just move your claws, I promise to cure you!"

Next to the gourd baboon: ...

They smiled helplessly, looked at the tense and excited faces of their military advisers and staff officers, and handed the rattan baskets in front of them: "Military adviser, you go here first, and I can't tell you where you will be sent later."

"Hey, there are places in the grape forest that I haven't been to?"

Rick and Ali obediently nested in the rattan basket, let the gourd baboons cover the lid, and ran towards the mountain grape forest carefully holding them.However, even in the basket, the voice of a chatty squirrel was still chattering.

"Don't tell us where, so there is a maze! This is too interesting!"

The gourd baboons held back their laughter, ran all the way to the mountain grape forest, and soon came to the gourd baboon king.

Gourd Baboon King and Fat Qingchong looked at each other and nodded.The wicker baskets containing the foxes and squirrels were moved to the deepest part of the cave where the gourd baboons once lived.

In order to accommodate hundreds of gourd baboons, there were more than ten caves in the cave, with layers of layers inside. If you don't know the direction, you will easily get lost.

"All the traps are installed, and I will send a dozen or so gourd baboons to guard the entrance of the cave," said the gourd baboon king, pushing the food on the stone table towards Fat Qingchong. Ke and Ali will come out and let us know."

The fat caterpillar unceremoniously picked up the cheese and stuffed it into his mouth: "Are the traps the ones we discussed?"

"Bone spurs, stone hammers, rolling stones, and large nets are all installed." The gourd baboon king nodded, hesitated, still a little bit unbearable, "Do you really want Rick and Ali to come out of the cave by themselves? What if they are killed? What if you get hurt?"

Fat Qingchong did not hesitate: "Of course! The meaning of the trial is to hurt them!"

Gourd Baboons: ? ?

Wait, isn't the point of trials to let them apply what they have trained in practice?

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