In the days of surviving in the fairy forest

Chapter 46 Stealing the Nest Gophers Caught Gophers! ! ...

in the cave.

A fluffy fox head emerges from a wicker basket.

Two paws struggled to pull the lid open, and Rick jumped out of the rattan basket and put the squirrel on the ground on top of his head.

"There is such a place in the grape forest!" Ali looked around in surprise.

Rick quickly covered his mouth and said in a low voice, "Pay attention to concealment. Our task this time is to leave the mountain grape forest and try not to conflict with the gourd baboons."

The fox cub, who is well versed in the essence of dog morality, obviously doesn't think it's a good way to force his way out.

"When the fat caterpillar trained us, didn't he also say that the use of racial skills is not limited to direct attacks," Rick analyzed seriously, "It can be proved by the same reason, he designed this trial to escape from the mountain grape forest, and he also wanted us to use it to our advantage. Subjective initiative, find a different way of thinking!"

Squirrel thinks it makes sense.He scratched his head in distress: "But the cave has only one exit?"

"That's not necessarily true," Rick proudly puffed out his chest, his fox ears pricked up, and his paws patted the ground. "In addition to walking straight, we can also dig tunnels!"

There are almost no stones in this cave, and with a light stroke of the paw, a large piece of soil can be lifted up, which is obviously soft and easy to dig.Rick reckoned that this was probably the reason why the gourd baboons didn't continue to live in it. Not to mention too much dust, this kind of cave would easily collapse in a snowstorm.

"Oh!" Ali suddenly realized, with lingering fears in his heart, "Fortunately, you thought it through. If it was only me, I would never have guessed that Pang Pang actually hides such a meaning when he talks about escaping from the mountain grape forest!"

One fox and one mouse did as soon as they said they would, the claws and nails popped out, the flames turned into flame shovels, and they dug the tunnel in full swing.

"After digging the tunnel, remember to seal the entrance of the cave. Since it needs to be concealed, the entrance of the cave must not be easily discovered!"

the other side.

The fat caterpillar is holding the cheese and chewing happily.

Worried about the safety of Rick and Ali, the gourd baboon king was very disturbed, and had to send a gourd baboon to ask about the situation in the cave every once in a while.When the tenth baboon was still shaking his head, he couldn't help it:

"Why haven't they come out of the cave yet? Are they trapped by a trap?"

"Don't worry," Fat Qingchong said indifferently, "I know their abilities quite well, those traps can at most delay a little time, and won't really pose a threat to them."

Besides, whether it's bone spurs, rolling stones or big nets, they were all Rick's ideas when he talked about how to strengthen the guard of the mountain grape forest. How could he fall into the trap he designed.

"Then why haven't they come out yet?" Gourd Baboon sighed distressedly. "If I hadn't been sure that there was only one exit from the cave, I would have thought they had left from somewhere else."

"Haha, how is it possible," the fat caterpillar laughed, "If Rick and the others can escape without my knowledge, I won't eat cheese this month."

They chatted one after another, and in the seven or eight meters deep soil layer directly below, foxes and squirrels were diligently digging tunnels.

Spreading the soil dug up by the fox on both sides, and trying to move the stones in the tunnel, Ah Li wiped the sweat off his head panting: "We have been digging for a long time! Haven't we left the mountain grape forest yet?"

Rick digs intently.

If the tunnel had been dug in a straight line, they might have gone faster, but he consciously avoided the roots of trees and rocks in the process of digging, which made their tunnel deep and winding, and dug so long in a crooked way. Time, he doesn't know where he is now.

"Let's dig a little farther." Putting away the flame shovel, Rick was so tired that he could barely lift his claws. "The mountain grape forest is so big, we probably haven't dug it out yet."

They rested in place for a while, then shook their spirits and continued to dig forward.

After digging for a few meters, when Fox Claw was digging hard, there was a sudden void in front of him. Rick couldn't hold his claws for a moment, and he jumped forward suddenly, and fell down with a thud.

Covering his painful head with two paws, he looked around vigilantly.

This is a large hole about ten meters square, with all kinds of food piled up everywhere, mostly dried meat, raisins and various tree roots. Rick even saw a few pieces of moldy bacon.

"Where is this?" He asked with a face full of question marks.

The squirrel jumped on top of his head, and said in a low voice, "I'm afraid we will have a tough battle going on."

Rick tilted his head, and was about to ask the squirrel what he meant when he heard rustling footsteps outside the burrow.Ah Li reacted quickly, and hid the fox's ears in the food pile, only showing two pairs of bright eyes, looking at the animals that came in.

It was actually three big gray mice, carrying seven or eight pieces of cheese, dried meat and a whole thunderbird egg, walking towards the food pile.

"Today's harvest is very rich." One of them said with a smile.

"Bring more cheese next time," the other one smacked its lips, "other than jerky, this is the best thing to eat."

So what they took was the food stored by the gourd baboons!Rick's eyes widened in surprise.

"I know who they are," the squirrel whispered into Rick's ear, "they're hamsters, animals that like to dig holes, because they always steal food hidden by other animals, so as long as they appear in the The forest will be driven out by the animals together.”

Rick nodded: "What are their racial skills?"

"Looks like diamond claws? It's very useful when digging holes," the squirrel scratched its head and tried to remember, "Actually, they are not very strong, even if dozens of them live together, they are not very lethal. But they Punches and always runs fast, so it's hard to catch."

"So we should be able to fight?"

Ali said firmly: "Of course! We must be able to fight!"

Rick: "Then why are we hiding here?"

Ali: "..."

Ali embarrassed: "Because you are used to hiding?"

They looked at each other and decided to skip the topic.The fox stretched its hind legs and jumped up from the food pile without a sound. The flames surrounded the surrounding area, trapping the panicked litter mice in the middle. The rats were tightly bound.

"Tie the head up like this, and fold it back, so they won't be able to bite the vines, and they won't be able to escape," Rick said smilingly teaching the binding skills, poking his paws at the terrified gophers' mustaches, which stood erect in panic, " Now, tell me, how many gophers are there in all?"

The squirrel was dragged tremblingly by Rick, completely puzzled why a frightening fox like a bandit suddenly appeared in his cave, hesitating whether to reveal the news of his companion, the fox's paw flashed in front of his eyes , so scared that the hamster closed its eyes and shouted: "23! There are 23 in total! Master Fox, don't kill me! I'll take you to find it!!!"

Rick withdrew his paws in satisfaction, and the three litters of gophers visibly slackened, with the beards on the sides of their faces hanging down to their chins.When Rick raised his paw to drag them away, the woof mouse's whiskers stood up again, trembling and trembling.

"Let's go, let's go," the squirrel strode forward to open the way with great pride, "Catch the gopher!"

Nest gophers tend to move at night and catch up on sleep during the day. The three unlucky guys Rick caught were insomnia and couldn't sleep, so they took the risk to steal a few pieces of cheese, while the other gophers were making a pile Sleeping in the dark.

When they woke up, they were already tied up into gopher balls by the squirrels, strung together in a string and dragged forward with a grunt.

"This burrow is really well built," Rick looked around, walked forward along the tunnel dug by the gophers, happened to catch a glimpse of a tree root that was dug up, and glared at the gophers behind him angrily, "How do you You don’t even know about digging holes to avoid tree roots?”

Frightened by the fox, the gophers squeaked and huddled pitifully, nodding their heads incessantly.

"I'll tell you how the inspectors took away the food in the caves of the gourd baboons. So you stole so much food in the chaos." Ali saw the third food storage cave with sharp eyes, and sighed. If you weren't caught by us, who knows how much more you will steal!"

"It's really time to tell the gourd baboons to be more vigilant," Rick sighed. "Because the mountain grape forest was destroyed and the food storage was unsafe, even the cheese and eggs were stolen, but none of the gourd baboons found it." !"

"That's not necessarily the case," Squirrel retorted, "Why do you think Pang Pang and the Calabash Baboon King will cooperate with us to conduct trials in the mountain grape forest? Could it be that they have long known that there is a nest of gophers in the ground, and they did not deal with it for special purpose? Leave it to us to practice?"

Rick suddenly realized: "It makes sense!"

They chatted and walked, lamenting the good intentions of the fat caterpillar and the gourd baboon king. In the mountain grape forest, the gourd baboon king, who had not waited for Rick and Ali to come out, has become an ant on the hot pot.

"I've already looked for them, and I didn't find them in the cave at all! The most important thing is that those traps have no trace of being passive at all!"

"It shouldn't be," Fat Qingchong said inexplicably, "The cave is only this big, where can they go?"

The gourd baboon guard, who searched the cave several times and even went around to check the top of the mountain, burst into tears: "What to do, the military adviser and staff officer are gone!"

The gourd baboon king was also in a hurry, he didn't even care about the concave shape, jumped down from the high platform, roared to the sky, and urgently summoned all the gourd baboons in the mountain grape forest.

The gourd baboons knew the news that the military advisers and staff officers were going to train in the grape forest a few days ago, and they were gearing up to show off their glory. After receiving the summoning signal from the king, they ran to the depths of the grape forest.

"The trial has been temporarily stopped!" The Gourd Baboon King said loudly, "Now, all baboons put down their missions and spread out to find—"

Before he could finish speaking, he got stuck because of two figures, one big and one small, wandering towards him not far away.

"Great King! Fatty! We have completed the trial!" Ali happily waved his paw, the other paw was holding a vine, and a long string of hamsters was tied behind him.

"This is really a very interesting trial," Rick praised, shaking his big tail eagerly, "As expected of the king and Mr. Fat, we passed the trial with great effort!"

Fat caterpillar/Gourd baboon king: "??"

No, wait, what the hell did you accomplish? ?

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