In the days of surviving in the fairy forest

Chapter 44 Is Spring Coming? Graduation Exam! ...

"Rick, make the flame stronger - hold on, don't stop - hold on for 10 minutes!"

"Ah Li, run! You must learn to use healing skills on yourself under high-consumption situations. Stop halfway and use up your healing skills before continuing. You will have been eaten long ago!"

Fat Qingchong is wearing a cool tiger fur hat, with a wooden whistle in his mouth, and he is blowing the whistle while commanding loudly.

The burning pillar of fire wrapped the mud in the pottery kiln and covered it as evenly as possible. Rick was sweating profusely, and the whole fox was wet, spraying flames non-stop.

It wasn't until the next whistle that he breathed a sigh of relief, the whole fox collapsed on the ground, raised its claws and summoned two bouncing flame balls, jumping into the kiln to heat the mud instead of himself.

"Okay, I'm so tired," he said dizzily, "I didn't even know I could maintain the flame for such a long time..."

The squirrel over there finally stopped running, also came over staggeringly, squeaked, and lay down on the fox.

The fat caterpillar flew over with worm silk, "Didi" blew its whistle, and raised its head: "Good performance, rest for a while before continuing."

Rick and Ali raised their heads at the same time: "Come again??"

"Of course we have to continue," the fat green worm hated iron and steel, "Look at you, the use of racial skills is too low. Rick, you only used fire balls before? Just the power of your flames , control it better, even the flame vortex may be used, and you have only practiced the step of spraying flames now, and you are still very early."

"Also Ali, your healing skills take too long! When you start fighting, how can you give you such a long time to concentrate on brewing a healing skill? It must be swallowed by other animals before it can be healed. In the belly!"

He beeped and said for a long time, until Rick and Ali barely stood up shaking their paws, then he closed his mouth contentedly, waving the small whistle in his hand, and continued the "devil training" in his mouth up.

The days that made foxes cry and squirrels collapsed lasted until nearly 30 days later.

The ice and snow in the forest have melted until only a shallow layer remains on the surface, the trees quietly stretch out their green shoots, and the migrating birds in autumn fly back chirping, full of what they have learned during the journey, happily Tell each animal that stops.

And it was time for the snow monsters who had been with them all winter to leave.

This morning, the fat caterpillar rarely woke up Rick and Ali, but quietly waited until the two of them woke up by rubbing their eyes, and finished their breakfast in silence.

"We're leaving," Snow Fox's words seemed to be still echoing in his ears last night, "Don't be sad, we will still appear by your side next winter."

The squirrel's big fluffy tail was drooping on the ground. With heavy steps, he went to the stone box and took out a piece of smoked fish. He opened his mouth and took a bite. Suddenly, he remembered the experience they had when they went fishing by the river for the first time in winter. Turning around in the eye sockets a few times, he still couldn't hold back and threw himself into the fox's arms with an "ow".

Foxpaw patted the squirrel on the head.Rick and the fat caterpillar looked at each other and sighed silently.

Pushing open the stone door and walking out of the tree house, the ice and snow in front of the door have completely disappeared.A few pools of unevaporated water stains reflect the blooming winter jasmine on the vines.

"If we can make you have such a rare look forward to the winter in the forest," the snow fox's wings fell gently, brushing Rick's eyes that became moist at some point, "then our existence will made the most sense.”

His paws touched the green grass, Rick lowered his eyes, and when he raised his head again, the phantom of the snow fox had disappeared.

Spring has finally arrived.He was not as happy as he had imagined.

"Okay, it's not like I'll never see you again," Fat Qingworm turned his head, never admitting that his eye circles were a little red, but said impatiently and viciously, "They will build another snowman next winter, they won't Just come back. This is not what you should worry about now."

Rick and Ali looked at Fat Qingchong suspiciously.

So what should they worry about?

"Do you remember what I told you before starting the training?" The fat green worm raised its head.

"Uh," Ah Li tried to recall, "You said you don't need to lose weight, so I'm not allowed to drag you to train together?"

"You also said that you have to eat at least three pieces of cheese every day as a reward for being our teachers." Rick added with a smile.

"Not these!" The fat green worm was so angry that the whole worm swelled up, and spitting out two rolls of worm silk, sealed the mouths of the fox and the squirrel, "I told you not to mention these things!"

Rick and Ali giggled.

The fat caterpillar glared at them, walked around angrily, and almost calmed down.He turned back and looked at the two broken cubs sitting there: "I mean, about the test method to test your training results."

Suddenly, Rick patted the ground with his claws and wanted to speak, but he couldn't get rid of the sticky caterpillar silk on his mouth for a while.After struggling for a long time in embarrassment, he had no choice but to blow out the flames and burn the worms clean.

"Is it a graduation exam!" He excitedly said, "The kind that assigns questions and gives us marks!"

The fat caterpillar blinked.

He actually didn't know what the exam meant at all, but Rick said it firmly, and he didn't want to appear ignorant, so he simply nodded: "Yes, it's the exam!"

Although after so many days of training, the progress of Rick and Ali can be seen with the naked eye, and the fat green worm is generally satisfied, but the necessary test is still needed-in the words of the fat green worm, only in this way can he reflect his fatness. The value of the teacher!

"The test for you is very simple." Fat Qingchong shook his head, obviously very proud of himself for coming up with such an excellent test method. "There are three tests in total. If you can pass all of them, there will be rewards."

"What reward?" The squirrel shook its big tail expectantly.

The fat caterpillar proudly said, "You can make a condition to me!"

Ali: "Huh?"

The anticipation was gone in an instant, and he curled his lips in disinterest.

Rick poked at the squirrel's fur and whispered something in his ear.

The squirrel's eyes widened and he nodded excitedly.

Fat Qingchong narrowed his eyes, and had a bad feeling: "What are you discussing?"

"Of course we are discussing how to pass the test!" Rick said confidently, but the big eyes that glanced to the side with guilt revealed his true thoughts.

The fat caterpillar looked at him suspiciously. After watching for a long time, he didn't find any flaws, so he stopped pursuing it and talked about the content of the test instead.

"The first test," he smiled maliciously, took out a naked thunderbird egg from nowhere, and threw it to Rick casually, "you must guard this egg from my interference and pursuit." God. Don't let the egg break in any way - from now on."


The little fox quickly jumped into the air, caught the thrown thunderbird egg with its paws, held it in its arms, rolled on the ground a few times and got up, seeing the intact thunderbird egg, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

"It's wrong to waste food!" The squirrel looked at the fat caterpillar angrily, "How could you break a whole thunderbird egg for a test!"

"Don't worry," the fat caterpillar said leisurely, "Even if it is broken, I can still make you eat it."

Ali let out a disgusted sigh.

Taking advantage of the squirrel jumping up and down in front to attract the attention of the fat caterpillar, Rick stepped back cautiously, protecting the thunderbird egg with his paws.

The incident happened suddenly, and neither he nor the squirrel made any preparations. They could only move the thunderbird eggs out of the fat caterpillar's sight, and then consider adding other protective measures.

While arguing with the squirrel, the fat caterpillar lazily watched the fox carry the eggs. After watching for a while, he realized that the water had been released. His eyes sharpened, and the worm silk flew straight towards Rick.

Rick reacted instantly.He deftly jumped on the spot, shifted the thunderbird egg that was in front of him to the back of his tail, stepped on the ground with four paws, and spurted out hot flames, forming a huge flame shield in front of him, blocking the menacing caterpillar silk.

This shield is extremely flexible, and can even expand automatically, forming a complete circle around the fox.The caterpillar silk who sneaked around behind the fox to steal the eggs was burned by the flame shield and had to return in vain.

Under the special training of Fat Qingchong, both Rick and Ali can be called reborn.Not only have they perfected their racial skills, but their combat awareness has also been greatly improved thanks to the worm silk attacks that fat caterpillars may emerge at any time other than cooking and eating.

This method of turning flames into shields is also the part of Fat Caterpillar's training. After countless days of pondering and hard work, Rick has learned this trick very proficiently.

The fat caterpillar nodded in relief, but its movements were unambiguous. Several sharp worm threads as thin as hairs swished out, blocking Ali's way to rush to the fox.

Ah Li's face remained unchanged, and he jumped over the first worm thread at a faster speed. Through the sunlight, he accurately found the position of other worm threads, and bounced back and forth. If he accidentally touched the worm thread during the process, the wound would Healed completely by himself in the first time.

Overcoming many difficulties and dangers, he finally ran to Rick's side. Seeing that the fat caterpillar stuffed a piece of cheese into his mouth, he obviously didn't plan to continue attacking, and couldn't help but sigh: "How lucky Rick and I were, It was not eaten by you!"

With the terrifying strength of the fat caterpillar, Rick, who was still a stupid cub at that time, and himself who had not even awakened his racial skills, how lucky were they to escape the poisonous claws of the fat caterpillar—now that I think about it, Ali is still I couldn't help shivering.

Fat Qingchong rolled his eyes: "Do you think I'm not picky eaters? I can even swallow such unpalatable squirrel meat and fox meat? At that time, I thought it was interesting that you two were stupid, just to tease you."

Of course, playing with foxes and squirrels was one thing, and it was also one thing that his abilities at that time were much worse than those after Rick's weaving classroom training—but how could he tell them this!

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