If you are in a hurry when you go, you don't have to rush so much on the return journey.

Jiang Shu still remembers that before leaving Miryang, he told Xie Min that he would bring him a gift. Yongzhou was in war and couldn’t find any good things, so he could only stop temporarily when passing through Yizhou’s more prosperous Pengqi County to buy some for his family. A gift from a friend.

After some selection, he bought a hosta from a merchant in Nandi to hold a small crown, and then he heard that this place is famous for Dukang wine, so he bought a few jars of wine by the way, and brought some good wine for his parents and colleagues. Long-lasting food.

It wasn't that Jiang Shu was stingy and only brought some food for his family, but he didn't see anything worthy of his money along the way, whether it was gold, silver jewelry or silk cloth, he felt that it was not as good as Miryang's, and even had food. The food here is not as rich and delicious as Miryang's, but because of its uniqueness, Fang bought some to bring back to taste something new.

Due to several stopovers on the way, when passing by Xunyang, I went to the city to live for a day, and it took more than a month to arrive on this journey home.

Back in Miryang, Jiang Shuyuan wanted to rest for half a day before starting work, but who knew that he had just stepped into the county mansion, and before he had time to unload his luggage, the imperial edict was ushered in behind him.

The envoy entered the door and read out several books of seals. He was first promoted to be the governor of Biche, in charge of the administration and civil affairs of Xunzhou, and then Bu Jingyun was named the governor of the state, in charge of the military affairs of Xunzhou.

Because Bu Jingyun is not here for the time being, his edict and seal can only be received by Jiang Shu.

Jiang Shu was not surprised by these two canonizations. When he was still in Yongzhou, he received a letter from Xie Min, knowing that the other party had reported the situation of the war in the Northland to the imperial court on his behalf. At that time, he guessed that, The territory under his own management may have to expand again.

Although Xunzhou has not been fully recovered, it is only a few counties away from Laitu County. Lianxun, Pingluo, Xizhu and other places are in urgent need of officials. In order to stabilize the situation in Xunzhou as soon as possible, the imperial court will definitely send prefects and county magistrates At the same time, in order to monitor these officials, it is necessary to appoint a governor of the state.

Beidi counties have been separated from the Wei state for too long. If someone else is appointed to take up the post, no matter the officials, soldiers or common people in the state will be convinced, Jiang Shu is the only one who is the best choice.

As for Bu Jingyun's promotion to the governor of a state as a commoner, it has something to do with his military achievements, and it has something to do with the departure of Xun Ling and General Huaxin. As long as either of them is still here, it is impossible for Bu Jingyun to be promoted to such a position .

Xun Ling resigned from the post of captain of the two counties and led his troops to Yongzhou, which is equivalent to giving Bu Jingyun the credit for recovering the lost land of Xunzhou. After a defeat, in less than a year and a half, he fought from Xing County to Laitu County, and most of the battles he fought were victorious with less. Such outstanding feats are enough to make the imperial court promote this civilian general.

Of course, there is still a big difference between the governor of the state and the governor of the state concurrently serving as the governor of the state. The governor of the state is still the assistant of the governor of the state in essence. It's not really counted, it's just that the rights have been expanded.

The same is true for Jiang Shu. The governor of Biche does not hold military power, and has no titles such as governor and general. He is simply a chief executive. His rank is the same as that of the prefect of the county.

Looking at it this way, the imperial court's canonization this time is really stingy, as if they were afraid that the Jiang family would develop too fast in Xunzhou, and tried their best to suppress his power.

But Jiang Shu didn't care too much about it, as long as he got the land, he could figure out the rest.

Having said that, these two canonizations were all within his calculations, and what was unexpected was the imperial court's award to Xie Min.

"... Xie Min, the Prime Minister of Xingjun County, who is virtuous and upright, upright and filial, was awarded to Cao Shangshulang in the palace, in charge of Biaoshu, and in charge of court rituals and music. He will return to Beijing to take up his post today."

Jiang Shu was stunned at the time, and turned to look at Xie Min who was kneeling and listening in amazement.

I saw his brows slightly furrowed, as if he was thinking about something, and then he raised his sleeve to cover his lips, and coughed forcefully, after only two coughs, a red tide flew quickly on that fair and handsome face.

Jiang Shu was even more surprised, thinking that he forgot to take the medicine when the effect of the medicine was over, so he wanted to open the game panel to exchange for life extension pills regardless of the presence of outsiders.

At this time, Xie Min stopped coughing again, lowered his head and said weakly: "Min is plagued by a serious illness, has not yet recovered, and his strength is meager, so it is difficult to travel a long distance to go to the post. I am really ashamed of His Majesty's love. I also ask the envoy of Xuanzhao to convey it on my behalf."

When Xuanzhao envoy met Xie Min for the first time, he couldn't hide his astonishment, and because he was the son of Grand Tutor Xie, his attitude was very friendly, and he even read the edict in a soft voice.

I thought that such an outstanding gentleman would be able to amaze everyone in the middle of Beijing and make the world overwhelmed by him. Now when I heard Xie Yin say that he was unable to take up the post due to illness, I felt disappointed in my heart, and regret was undoubtedly revealed on my face.

However, he never doubted the authenticity of this statement. After all, Taifu Xie had a weak and sick young son, which was well known in Beijing.

Looking at Xie Min's weak and sickly appearance, he sighed and said, "I will pass on your difficulties, and you don't have to worry about it."

Xie Yin got up and nodded, "Thank you Xuanzhao for your understanding."

Hearing the clear and comfortable words and voice when the young man spoke, the messenger couldn't help shaking his head regretfully again.

Immediately, he saw Jiang Shu sideways, and felt that it was a pity that Jiang Langjun was not in the capital because he was handsome and handsome.

However, at such a young age, Jiang Shu has become the governor of a state before reaching the crown. Even if he does not go to Beijing, his future will be boundless.

Thinking of this, the emissary suddenly recalled the evaluation of "the phoenix sings in the sky" that was circulated in Beijing to describe the person in front of him. Seeing his demeanor and spirit, the evaluation was really appropriate.

"Issuing the imperial edict to the envoy, I will go to Zhaonan County to proclaim the edict." Before leaving, the emissary mentioned it to the two of them in a chatty manner.

At this time, Jiang Shu also saw that Xie Min was pretending to be sick, so she put aside her worries and asked after thinking for a while, "Your Majesty went to Zhaonan County, but did you send an edict to Cui County Magistrate?"

"That's right," the emissary replied with a smile because the other party was the governor of Xunzhou, "Magistrate Cui is clean and honest. He has made great achievements in governing the county and guarding the city. He has been promoted to be the prefect of Yanqiao County."

Hearing this, Jiang Shu couldn't help being taken aback: "Yan Qiaoyin? That father..."

Seeing his doubts, Xuanzhao was more surprised than him, and asked: "You don't know about your father begging for his life with his illness?"

Jiang Shu shook his head blankly. He had no idea when Jiang Ke got sick and resigned from office. He even stayed in Xunyang a few days ago, and the other party was still busy working in the government office as usual.

The envoy of Xuanzhao nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly sighed to him: "My lord is a loving son and loving father!"

Jiang Shu was still stunned and confused, until the envoy left, he turned around slowly, met Xie Min's concerned eyes, and the other party briefly mentioned the words "filial piety governing the world", and he suddenly understood what the envoy Xuanzhao said just now .

Nowadays people in the world attach great importance to filial piety, father and son are officials in the same dynasty, if they are equal in rank, it will be fine, and it is almost impossible for a son to have a higher official position than his father.

That is to say, if Jiang Ke had not resigned from office, it would be impossible for him, Jiang Shu, to be named the governor of Xunzhou.

Recalling Xie Yin's attitude of knowing this from the beginning to the end, he asked: "Did you know this earlier?"

"Yes." Xie Min responded calmly, "How long does your father have to consider resigning?"

Jiang Shu hesitated for a moment, and asked: "Three months ago, you asked me to send the Fuchi county victory report to Xunyang, was it also for this reason?"

In order to remind Jiang Ke that the recovery of Xunzhou is imminent, is it time to resign from the official position and make way for his son's official career?

Xie Yin didn't answer, after a moment of silence, he nodded slightly.

Jiang Shu was speechless for a while, and suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

In the past, no matter whether he was suppressed by the imperial court or saw open and secret struggles in the imperial court through the eyes of the players, he always responded with a sober onlooker attitude. Until this time, he learned that his relatives and friends around him were hiding from him, and he began to calculate months ago. Planning and even paving the way for him with self-sacrifice gave him a sense of helplessness trapped in the political whirlpool.

But he couldn't blame anyone for this, because he had to get the position of governor of Xun state.

All he can do is to explain himself. Since he is in this position and has chosen a path, he will have to face more similar things in the future. He must adapt to this kind of life as soon as possible.

"A letter from Xunyang arrived yesterday, and it has been placed on your desk."

Probably seeing that he was melancholy, Xie Min spoke softly, with orange warmth in his words.

When he mentioned the letter from Xunyang at this time, he probably referred to Jiang Ke's letter.

"Okay, I will remember to read it." Jiang Shu felt exhausted, but still tried his best to maintain a normal posture, ordering Ziming to take away the book and the seal, and was about to leave the official office when he suddenly remembered: "I I brought you a gift, and someone will bring it to you later."

Xie Yin stared at him worriedly, and said: "No hurry, you go back to rest first, and it won't be too late to come back to the official office tomorrow."

Jiang Shu nodded, and suddenly remembered something: "By the way, brother Xie deliberately pretended to be sick and refused to be appointed as an official?"


"Without any warning, why did the imperial court appoint you as Shang Shulang? Could it be that the Taifu doesn't agree with you being here?"

"This book exists because of approval," Xie Min replied concisely, "He knew I would refuse."

"What's the meaning of this?" Jiang Shu asked puzzledly at first, then suddenly reacted and said, "Wait, you mean that this was done on purpose by your father, and it was acted out for others to see?"


Jiang Shu nodded clearly.

In fact, this is also very understandable.

Xie Yin chose to assist him in seizing power, but the Xie family still served the Wei court.

Xie Xian sought an official position for his youngest son in the imperial court, but was rejected by his youngest son. When the news got out, it would naturally set him up in front of everyone as a kind of Taifu who didn't know that his youngest son had different aspirations, and only worked hard to pave the way for his son. The image of a loving father.

In this way, even if one day Jiang Shu's ambitions are revealed, Mrs. Xie can quite simply disassociate herself from Xie Yin. Before that, no matter how intimately Xie Yin communicated with his family, no one would be suspicious of Xie Yin. The family's loyalty to the court.

In addition, Xie Xian has fully set up the character of his beloved son. Even if one day Xie Yin leaves Xie's family to work alone, and other people want to get his ideas, they still have to weigh whether they can bear the consequences of angering Xie Xian. .

This kills two birds with one stone.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shu couldn't help sighing: "Teacher has considered you a lot."

Xie Yin said, "Same as your father."

Jiang Shu smiled slightly: "Indeed, you and my father have paid a lot."


Back in the back house, Zhitao quickly greeted him and saluted him as soon as she saw him, and said with a smile: "The servant girl is going to prepare lunch and bath soup for the gentleman, and cleanse the dust for the gentleman."

After that, he hurriedly ran out of the yard.

Jiang Shu had no objection to this, and after unloading the luggage in the courtyard, he went into the study, picked up the letter from Xunyang on the desk, and opened it for reading.

It was indeed a letter written by his father.

Jiang Ke said in the letter that he saw with his own eyes that Xunzhou was invaded bit by bit, and saw the people suffering so much that they could do nothing. He was sad all day long and depressed in his heart. Fenggong, I hope to make life easier for the people of Xunzhou.

"Now that the lost land has been regained, the grain harvest is abundant, and Xunzhou is stable, I have no regrets."

"Think about how lucky my Jiang family is. Having a son can save the people and make the country chaotic."

"I am proud of you as a father."

Seeing the last sentence, Jiang Shudun felt his nose hurt, and his heart was filled with indescribable emotion.

At this time, Zhitao came in and brought a food table full of rich dishes.

Jiang Shu wiped the corners of his eyes indiscriminately, and calmly put away the letter.

A cool, moist wind suddenly blew through the window, as if it was about to rain.

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