When the cicadas stopped singing and the weather was getting cooler, Xun Ling finally arrived in Shannan County.

At that time, Jiang Shu had just used up the court food, and heard the rumors from Liu Ye's people that Xun Duwei led a thousand Qingqi to the gate of the city, and immediately drove to the county government.

When he arrived at the government office, Xun Ling had already arrived one step ahead of him, and was reuniting with his family in the backyard of the mansion.

Jiang Shu heard what Liu Ye said, so he didn't go to disturb him, but talked with Liu County Magistrate in the meeting hall and waited.

Perhaps because he was concerned about the [-] cavalry soldiers who came to aid from Yizhou, Lan Gujian would often send a small group of troops to Deng County to inquire about the situation in the past month, but he never raised a large army to attack.

On the surface, Shannan County calmed down after the fall of Nanzhe, as if they had fallen into a stalemate, and they couldn't help each other.

But whether it was Jiang Shu or Liu Ye, the stone in their hearts had never been let go.

The Xiongnu attacked southward in such a threatening manner that they even took down Nanzhe City, which Xun Zhou was guarding, and there was no way they would be willing to stop here.

So the calm is only temporary, and there are still many tough battles to be fought.

"Lieutenant Xundu has brought a thousand cavalry here. It shouldn't be a problem to defend the city, but if you want to take back Nanzhe, you may have to..." Liu Ye frowned slightly and shook his head.

Jiang Shu is also thinking about this issue.

He heard that after the Xiongnu broke through the city of Nanzhe, the remnants of the Kong family, who almost wiped out the Yongzhou army, followed the Xiongnu army into Nanzhe and lived back in their old house. He thought that if Xun Ling knew about this, even if it was just for the sake of Killing the members of the Kong clan for revenge will surely take Nanzhe City back.

Of course, with the current situation in Yongzhou, it is indeed difficult to get Nanzhe back.

Jiang Shudao: "This matter still needs to be discussed in the long term. Captain Xun is not a reckless person. I believe he should have arrangements in his heart."

While talking about Xun Ling, Xun Ling came out from the back house.

When Jiang Shu heard the sound, she turned her head just in time to meet her eyes.

I don't know if it's because of the long journey and lack of rest. The other party's heroic eyebrows and lower eyelids are red, his face is thin and slightly pale, and his chin, which is always clean and clean, is covered with a short beard.

However, under such an embarrassing appearance, Xun Ling's aura did not decrease but increased, and a forbearing and sharp aura lingered around him, as if covered with a layer of hard armor.

Jiang Shu thought to himself, compared to their previous two encounters, Xun Ling was obviously much more mature at this time, he was no longer so sharp, he became calmer and calmer, and he also had the air of a general.

Just thinking that the other party's growth is based on the pain of the death of a loved one is unavoidable.

Xun Ling stopped, looked at Jiang Shu in silence for a moment, then bowed his hands and said, "Thank you."

This thanks, a deep bow, expresses my heart.

Jiang Shu quickly stood up and supported his hand, saying: "Brother Xun, you don't have to do that. Even though I brought troops here, I couldn't help much. Besides, General Lu has already thanked me on your behalf."

Xun Ling stood up following his movements, and said solemnly: "You saved Jue's life, he should have shown something, but you traveled thousands of miles on my behalf to borrow troops to support Shannan, protect the remaining cities in Shannan, and save me. My relatives, great kindness and great virtue, I will repay it in the future."

Seeing him solemnly making the oath, Jiang Shu didn't know what to say for a moment, so she simply stopped dwelling on the topic and asked, "You should go to sleep first to recover your spirits. You haven't had much rest during this trip?"

Xun Ling lowered his eyes and shook his head: "I want to go to worship my late father first."

Jiang Shu paused and said, "It should be so."

It was a pity that Xun Zhou's body had to be buried early due to the hot weather, and Xun Ling's failure to catch up with his father for the last time was probably the biggest regret in his life.

"I have one doubt, but what happened in the Xizhu battle that made you not allowed to leave?" Jiang Shu asked puzzled.

He originally thought that Xun Ling would arrive at most ten days later than him, but it was a full month late, which was really unreasonable.

He could only guess that Xun Ling was caught up in the war and couldn't get away.

"The message was blocked on the way."

When this matter was mentioned, Xun Ling felt angry, and explained with a frown: "I used to have a subordinate named Meng Xiu. I saw that he was talented and knowledgeable, so I temporarily stayed in Lianxun to manage political affairs. Who knows? He took the liberty of arbitrarily advocating to stop the messenger soldiers, delaying the news."

Jiang Shu was stunned for a moment, then raised his eyes suddenly: "Meng Xiu?"

"Do you know this person?" Xun Ling looked at him, and without waiting for Jiang Shu's answer, he said again: "Yes, you may know that he is also from the family of Yunlian."

Jiang Shu calmed down and replied calmly: "I heard a little."

In fact, it's not just heard, Meng Xiu is a very important character in his original novel, and his role is comparable to that of Qin Shang.

However, as a counselor next to the protagonist, Qin Shang supports Xing Sangnai to avenge his family and country. Later, he finds that Xing Sang is far from his ideal master, so he quits in time and retreats to the mountains and forests, while Meng Xiu is the opposite of him.

Rather than saying that Meng Xiu is a counselor, it is better to say that he is a poisoner.

He is indeed intelligent and good at strategy and calculation, but he has no righteous heart to save the country and help the people. He chose to join the protagonist because of Xing Sang's ambition and military strength, and that he can help him complete the revival of the family. Ambition - In order to achieve this goal, he will do whatever it takes.

And such a person is the one who survives to the end by the protagonist's side.

Because he is ruthless enough, any decision Xing Sang makes, he can cater to and support without any bottom line, for his own prosperity and wealth, against his conscience, no matter how cruel those decisions are, how many people will lose their lives.

Because of this, when Xing Sang proclaimed himself emperor, he finally fulfilled his lifelong goals, revived his family, reinvigorated his family, and became a close minister of the emperor with power.

If Xing Sang is the protagonist that Jiang Shu spent a long time in, and he personally gave him all the tribulations and honors, so he has special feelings for him, and can't bear to see him walk on the original path, then for Meng Xiu, he really No special impression.

When he crossed over, this character was far from ready to appear on the stage. To Jiang Shu, the other party was just a cold character setting lying in the outline.

Now knowing that he delayed the delivery of the news, he couldn't help feeling somewhat displeased with Meng Xiu.

"How did you deal with him?" Jiang Shu asked.

"His official position has been dismissed, and he has been driven out of Xunzhou." Xun Ling said coldly.

Hearing this, Jiang Shu frowned slightly, feeling a trace of uneasiness in his heart.

However, Xun Ling didn't know what was going to happen next. In his eyes, Meng Xiu was just an ignorant scholar who pretended to be smart. Although he had committed a crime, the crime did not warrant death. Such a decision was justifiable.

The matter has come to this point, Jiang Shu can only pray secretly in his heart, I hope that after Meng Xiu leaves Xunzhou, he can go east or south to find a way to survive, but don't come to Yongzhou, don't meet Xing Sang...


Now that Xun Ling has arrived, Jiang Shu doesn't plan to stay in Yongzhou for a long time.

In the next few days, he and Xun Ling connected their military deployment and handed over all the soldiers borrowed by Yizhou to the other side.

Before Sun Cheng left Yizhou, he had been instructed by Liu Lang to be responsible for eliminating hidden dangers in his neighbors, so he had no complaints about this arrangement.

To put it a bit harshly, rather than obeying the orders of Jiang Shu, a literati, it would be more comfortable to follow Xun Ling. After all, Xun Ling is a descendant of the Xun family. For ordinary generals, this surname has the halo of a general.

So, Jiang Shu set off from Xing County with five hundred soldiers from the county, and when he returned, he only brought his own troops.

On the day of departure, the autumn sun was shining and the sky was as clear as blue.

Xun Ling, County Magistrate Liu and others went to see off outside the city gate.

"I am going to submit a letter to the imperial court to resign as the captain of the two counties. I will stay in Yongzhou with Lu Juezhi, recruit troops and train horses, and take back the lost land in Yongzhou." Xun Ling confided his arrangement to Jiang Shu, and then sighed slightly, "In the future, the army of Xunzhou I will leave it to you."

This decision was not beyond Jiang Shu's expectations. He nodded and said, "If you need anything, you can come to me. At least there is enough food and grass. The army still needs to work hard for some time to develop."

Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of the uprising army in Lingzhou.

When the situation in Lingzhou stabilizes, if Duan Yingxiong can become a regular imperial army, maybe he can really lead his army northward to help Xun Ling fight against the Xiongnu and take back the land of Yongzhou.

Xun Ling didn't respond, but a smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Today he has tidied himself up, shaved his beard, and changed into a brocade robe. Under the sunlight, he exudes a straight and bright aura.

Under his gaze, Jiang Shu got on his horse, and when he left, he heard shouting from behind: "Jiang Jun!"

He turned his head suddenly, and saw Xun Ling raised his hand and clasped a fist at him, his voice sonorous and forceful: "Take care!"

Jiang Shu raised his lips, clasped his fists in the distance and saluted, and then led more than 500 people on horseback to leave.

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