After a cold autumn rain, the whole Miryang City seemed to change color overnight.

Guangyan Street, where pagoda trees are planted, is covered with light yellow fallen leaves, shining golden light under the clear and abundant sunlight in autumn.

Just as the sun was rising, there was already a dense flow of people on the street.

Those who rush to school with book bags on their backs, those who carry farm tools to harvest potatoes in the field, those who push carts and carry food and sell food, those who sell flyers, those who yell and sell newspapers, and businessmen who come and go from all walks of life. , Pedestrian chaos.

But this morning, the busiest place was outside the official gate.

Two days ago, the November Miryang Monthly Newsletter was released. Through the headlines of the newspaper, the people of Miryang knew that their Lord Jiang Fu had been promoted, from the prefect of Xingjun to the governor of Xunzhou, and Miryang County was once again promoted from the county. The city became the state seat.

And today is an important day to change the government's quota.

Early in the morning, people and players who love to join in the fun gathered around the government office.

Looking up at a few strong officers and soldiers taking down the plaque engraved with "Miryang Government Office" and hanging up the more simple and magnificent "Xianzhou Government Office" plaque, many local people couldn't help sighing.

"Although I don't know how to read, I can recognize this plaque. In the past, when the governor of Qin Dynasty was still alive, this plaque was hung."

"After two years, Xunzhou is finally back."

"Your statement is wrong. It was reported in the newspaper, and it is still two counties away from taking it back."

"That's a matter of time. If the infantry general can borrow the immortal ghost army from the underworld, are you afraid that he won't be able to cure the little Hu Kou?"

"Hiss, what you said makes sense."

"No way, some people really believe in those ghost stories made up by Long Te'ao?" A player in the crowd complained.

"Naturally, the common people here are not very educated. If you hear a lot of people say it, some people will believe it."

"Don't tell me, when it comes to superstition, we're pretty good. The Huns spread it even more, saying that the ghost army is a group of monsters in human skin, with green faces and fangs under the skin. They not only eat people, but also like to skin people alive. Pi, now the Huns run away when they see a man in a black robe and a mask."

"Really, so awesome? I'll get a similar set of clothes to wear some other day."

"Why can't I get the same suit as Ghost Army in the game? I really want to get one to wear."

"I'm selling milk tea," a player pushed a wooden bucket full of hot milk tea to sell, "the first cup of milk tea in autumn, it warms the heart and stomach."

"Fuck, why can't I escape this routine in the game!"

"Brother, would you like a cup of milk tea, the first cup of milk tea in autumn, and give it to the person you care about."

"Go ahead, a cup of milk tea costs fifty copper coins, why don't you grab it?"

"If you can't afford it, you can't afford it. Who are you to scold? It costs a lot, okay?"

"That's it, you look down on me, don't you? Is it my fault that I don't have money?"

At the beginning of the dispute between the two parties, Ji Wuyou held a bamboo cup filled with milk tea, turned on the screenshot function, and took a selfie of the main entrance of the government office that had been replaced with a new plaque, then unhurriedly edited the picture and added a filter The mirror is posted on the forum.

[Ji Wuyou: Passing by the governor's mansion, check in by the way!The first cup of milk tea in autumn, no one invites me, I buy it myself, hum! {picture}】


The bustle and bustle outside the state capital, but the main hall of the government office inside the state capital is solemn and solemn.

Early this morning, the chief officials of the former county government gathered for a meeting to listen to the governor's announcement of the official's position change.

It is said that it is a change, but in fact there is no change, it is just a collective promotion.

Those officials who came from Xunyang at the beginning never imagined that in just over a year, they had changed from being a bureaucrat in the county government to a bureaucrat in the state department. No matter how hard you work, just do your job well, and the Shangguan will directly lead them to the promotion.

Every time they think about this, the officials of all Caos feel like the legendary chicken and dog who followed the Huainan king to become the king of heaven.

Jiang Shu didn't pay much attention to the trance chiefs. After announcing the official position of chief Cao, the next step was the arrangement of several important positions.

"Brother Xie," Jiang Shu immediately looked at Xie Min who was seated on the left, "Brother Xie, would you like to be my farewell driver?"

When asked, Jiang Shu pursed her lips, feeling a little embarrassed.

Although Biejia is already the highest-ranking official in the state department, he is not only in charge of government affairs, but also manages everything, and there is a saying that "he is half of the governor".

But thinking that Xie Yin rejected the noble and famous Shang Shulang's position three days ago, and he was a little ashamed to ask him to be his deputy so soon.

However, this is indeed the most suitable position for Xie Yin that he can currently offer. Besides, the job has quite high requirements for his background, and he cannot be a member of a high-ranking noble family.

He thought that in Xianzhou, there should be no one with a higher background than Xie Min.

Noticing the young man's anxious and expectant eyes, Xie Min's heart moved slightly, and he nodded without hesitation.

Jiang Shu suddenly smiled: "Then Brother Lao Xie will continue to share the government affairs for me from now on."

A smile appeared on Xie Yin's lips: "En."

Don't drive after ordering, followed by Zhizhong.

The same as the "Superior Assistant of the State", Zhizhong is in charge of the work of a state's election agency and documents and files, and also has extremely heavy powers.

It stands to reason that his work content is close to that of the former county government's meritorious service officer, and there is nothing to consider in the arrangement. He only needs to promote Liu Shan to the top position. However, after Jiang Shu communicated with Liu Shan yesterday, the other party declined the offer. Official position, bluntly speaking, it is difficult for him to do it with his ability.

In Jiang Shu's view, Liu Shan was probably worried that he would have to deal with too many government affairs as a government official, which would affect his teaching in schools, so he didn't want to continue to do his job.

Of course guesses are guesses, Liu Shan has said so, as a good governor who is considerate of his subordinates, of course he can't force him.

So after some careful consideration, Jiang Shu set his sights on Qin Shang.

He always felt that it would be a pity that Qin Shang's knowledge and ability were only used for teaching and running a newspaper.

I still remember that one time last year, he went to the county school to inspect the work and saw the scene of Qin Shang's office with his own eyes.

There is someone who can act like an octopus, reviewing manuscripts with eyes, processing documents with hands, listening to reports with ears, and answering students' questions with his mouth, and handling everything without any mistakes. He was so impressed!

So at this time, Jiang Shu turned his head to look at Qin Shang, and asked: "The position of governance is very important, can Yu Sheng take it?"

Qin Shang was surprised, and was stunned for a moment, then immediately got up and clapped his hands to accept him: "The next official is willing to take the post."

Although he knew in his heart that when he took over the position of Zhizhong, the county school would no longer be under his control, but Qin Shang knew what he wanted. He was originally educated in the officialdom, and he wanted more than teaching at the school. Participated in government affairs and assisted Jiang Shu in governing Xunzhou.

"Very good." Jiang Shu smiled and said, "From now on, I will also have Lao Yusheng to share my worries."

"I will live up to the entrustment of the envoy." Qin Shang replied straightforwardly.

Arrange the two most important positions, and the rest will be much easier.

Since Qin Shang could no longer manage the school, and Liu Shan especially loved teaching, Jiang Shu appointed him as a literary officer, specializing in the cultural education of the prefecture, and in charge of all matters of Miyang County.

As for the newspaper office located in the county school, considering that Qin Shang was already handy with it, a replacement might not be able to undertake such a heavy workload, so the newspaper office was separated separately, and Qin Shang continued to be in charge.

Book Cao was in charge of financial affairs and book books, which overlapped with Jin Cao's work, so his position was relatively leisurely. Jiang Shu chose Zhang Zifang as the post, and Zhang Zifang himself was very satisfied with this.

Jijiu was engaged in the management of various matters, and the content of his work was mainly monitoring and summarizing, which was similar to the post of postal supervisor. Jiang Shu then appointed Ruan Ying to take over, and the other party readily took over.

So far, all the arrangements for the state officials have been completed.

Before the meeting ended, Ziming gave everyone a cup of hot tea as usual.

But this tea...

Looking at the steaming milk tea in the cup, Jiang Shu asked doubtfully, "Where did you come from?

"Return to Shijun, it was Pu Gang who ordered the kitchen to cook it." Ziming blushed slightly, "I heard from the people outside that they drink a cup of milk tea in autumn to keep warm and prevent diseases, so I asked the stall selling milk tea The Lord asked Fangzi and asked the kitchen to cook a pot."

Jiang Shu couldn't help laughing when he heard this, Xindao players can really make up anything in order to make money through sales.

For the sake of Ziming's kindness, he didn't say much, raised his teacup and said to the officials: "Then today's meeting, let's end with this cup of milk tea. Govern Xunzhou together with me and benefit the people."

All the officials also raised their cups, not very neatly, but they replied with great momentum: "Follow the order of the envoy."


Laitu County, Brownmei County, Wei Army Camp.

At noon, a trilogy from Miryang entered the tent of the Chinese army after being notified, and was ordered by the governor to hand over the canonized edict and seal letter to Bu Jingyun.

At that time, Bu Jingyun was discussing the siege strategy with everyone. After receiving the book, several players immediately got excited.

"The governor of the state, it sounds very majestic." Papa Ling said with twinkling eyes.

"Boss, you are already the governor of Chengdu, isn't it too much to give us the entire official position?" Lan Long said, "I want to be Sima."

Ning Chengzhen was a step too late, and could only settle for the next best thing: "Then I'll be a long history."

"What else?" Huo Yuntian asked, "Are the chief secretary and meritorious officer civil servants?"

"Whatever, he is a military officer in the military mansion."

"Then I want to be the chief of the guard." Papa Ling said.

"You made it up, do you have this official position?" Blue Dragon questioned him.

"You can create something out of nothing!"

Although they are far away in Laitu, everyone has already learned about Bu Jingyun's appointment as the governor of Xunzhou through the forum, they have already learned about the relevant official positions in private, and they have already thought about what kind of officials they want to ask for.

"Okay, it won't be too late to discuss these matters after the capture of Laitu County." Bu Jingyun said, put away the governor's seal, spread out the map again and said: "Let's continue the topic just now, the detailed battle plan has been completed." After the formulation is completed, who of you still has questions?"

Lan Long and Huo Yuntian looked at each other and shook their heads.

"We have a great chance of winning this battle, right?" Ning Chengchen asked.

"That's not nonsense," Blue Dragon interjected, "Before we didn't dare to attack the city because we didn't have enough people, now we have a large army, we can overwhelm them in terms of numbers, if we go directly, we will definitely win."

Bu Jingyun nodded in agreement.

Since Xun Ling and Hua Xin took away one thousand light cavalry and two thousand infantry successively, except for the defenders arranged in the counties and cities, all the soldiers and horses of the Xunzhou Army's adjustable mobile warfare have joined the Flying Eagles, and they have gathered into an army of ten thousand people. .

It is indeed much easier to attack the city when the enemy defenders are crushed by dozens of times.

"However, even so, the enemy should not be underestimated." He added.

"Of course, underestimating the enemy will lead to defeat!" Papa Ling echoed, and then asked again: "Then when will we attack? I can't wait to show them how powerful our invincible ghost army is!"

Bu Jingyun looked at the map with a calm expression, and after a while, pointed to the target city: "Tomorrow, take down the city gate in one fell swoop!"

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