
"Zhao Fengxia."


"52 is old."

"Is there any history of respiratory allergies?"

"I have a bad throat, I used to have asthma."


At [-]:[-], at the Yunshui County Health Center, Liu Xiaoyuan and the respiratory doctor asked and answered questions.Thinking of this one-hour experience, Liu Xiaoyuan was still a little scared. An hour ago, Zhao Fengxia suddenly coughed up blood, and the bloody toilet paper piled up into a hill.

At 120:[-], she first called [-], and then went to the neighbor's house in a panic to ask for help.The neighbor had a car, and after confirming Zhao Fengxia's condition, he took her directly to the county hospital.There are seventy miles of mountain roads from Yuhezi Village to the county health hospital, and these seventy miles are also the most difficult seventy miles for her.

Now Zhao Fengxia is resting in the ward, the respiratory doctor read the test results and said: "It should be recurrent asthma caused by viral infection."

"Virus infection?" Zhao Fengxia was taken aback.

The respiratory doctor pointed to a stack of cases next to him: "Precious metals are now exceeding the standard, and they are all common diseases."

Half an hour later, Liu Xiaoyuan came to the ward with the payment receipt.Zhao Fengxia was lying on the hospital bed wearing a nasal catheter to inhale oxygen, next to a middle-aged couple in their fifties.

"Uncle Zhao, Aunt Wang." Liu Xiaoyuan greeted the couple.Uncle Zhao and Aunt Wang are the neighbors next door. If the two of them hadn't been the backbone along the way, she would have no idea what she would do.

"How is your mother?" Aunt Wang asked with concern.

"Asthma relapsed, the doctor said to observe for two more days."

"Asthma is too severe." Uncle Zhao was talking beside him.Now Zhao Fengxia just fell asleep, but just now she had chest tightness and coughed up blood, which looked very scary.

The two chatted for a while, and the couple drove home. Liu Xiaoyuan asked the couple to tell Liu Xiaorui that she would stay in the hospital for two days before going back.When she was completely busy, she slumped beside the bed like a piece of plasticine.

Liu Xiaoyuan was sleeping beside the hospital bed, and because she was worried that something might happen to Zhao Fengxia, she woke up seven or eight times in three hours and dared not fall asleep until she was sure that Zhao Fengxia was breathing.At eight o'clock in the morning, she felt movement beside the bed, and when she opened her eyes and looked up, she found that Zhao Fengxia had just woken up.

"Yuanyuan?" Zhao Fengxia looked at Liu Xiaoyuan.

"How are you doing now?" Liu Xiaoyuan asked quickly.

"I have a lot of throat and it's a little swollen." Zhao Fengxia remembered that she went to the hospital, but she was a little unresponsive now because she finished taking the medicine yesterday.

Liu Xiaoyuan quickly notified the doctor.

The doctor prescribed some anti-inflammatory drips for Zhao Fengxia, and after all the work was done, it was ten o'clock in the morning.

"We won't be able to go to the watermelon field." Zhao Fengxia thought about the watermelon field.According to the original plan, they went to plant watermelon seeds in the field today.

"It's about this time, why are you still thinking about watermelon fields?" Liu Xiaoyuan felt her eyes were red, and now she regrets not taking Zhao Fengxia for a physical examination earlier.

The two chatted for a few words, and there was a heavy cough next to them.

The two looked up. It was a man with flowery arms in his thirties. At this time, the man was sitting beside the bed with an oxygen mask in his arms.Seeing the two people looking over, he raised the mask in his hand: "The throat is infected."

Through the conversation, I learned that the man with the flower arm was working at the county construction site, and his throat had been swollen and sore during this time.At first he thought that his throat was inflamed, and after taking the pills for a week, it didn't improve, so he came to the hospital for an examination.The hospital examination is an upper respiratory tract infection, which needs to be hospitalized for observation.

After the man babbled, he felt a little emotional: "We are all sick from acid rain."

"My child is in good health, and I don't know how to get infected."

"Did you drink something unclean?"


In the four-person room they lived in, other patients also joined in the conversation when they heard about the acid rain disease.

In February 3028, Halma acid rain landed in Mali.Harmful impurities of acid rain will remain in the air through rainfall, and some people will inhale them and cause a series of diseases such as pharyngitis and asthma. The World Health Organization named the disease caused by acid rain as acid rain disease.

Now after two years of raging, acid rain disease has become the most common disease in the world.


"Longxia Weather: From March 3th to March 12th, Longxia Jinghe, Gan Province, Qinzhuang and other central areas will encounter sandstorms. Residents in all regions are requested to wear masks and take good protection against sandstorms."


Liu Xiaoyuan patiently stayed in bed in the hospital. On the morning of March [-], Long Xia suddenly announced a strong sandstorm warning.

Sandstorms are severe weather caused by strong winds and dust.It is divided into five grades: floating and sinking, blowing sand, sandstorm, strong sandstorm, and extraordinarily large sandstorm.Ten years ago, some strong sandstorms often occurred in the northern part of Longxia. Later, the state strengthened the management of sand and dust, and it is rare to see sand and dust weather above blowing sand every spring and summer.

On March [-]th, at the same time that the watermelons were on the market on the first day of the Lunar New Year, the Longxia Meteorological Bureau monitored a cold and warm airflow. This cold and warm airflow collided in the middle of Longxia. Big dusty weather.

"Everyone wear a mask and pay attention to driving safety." As soon as the sand and dust warning was issued, the Jinghe Public Transport Corporation sent the sand and dust weather precautions to the driver group.

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"



"There is a sandstorm on No. 12. After get off work, I will go to the office to get a mask." Wang Baogang is the driver of the 602 bus. 602 is the longest bus line in Jinghe, the main run [Xining Village Station - Wangjia Courtyard Station], 82 stations in the middle, usually more than three hours a trip.

"I haven't seen a sandstorm in five years." Xu Juan, the conductor, chatted with her.

Last year, the vegetation decreased, and there were two small-scale blowing sandstorms in Jinghe River. This year, it jumped directly from blowing sand to strong sandstorms.

Xu Juan thought for a while and called home.She and her husband are in good health, but there are two elderly people and a child at home. Both the elderly and the child have mild asthma. She mainly reminds the three of them to wear masks during this time.

"Look at Yun Province, a lot of acid rain diseases have been discovered in the past two days." Wang Baogang checked the news on his mobile phone.

Since Hurricane Halma, acid rain disease has been the most common disease in the world. This disease is not contagious and immortal, but pharyngitis and bronchitis are like chronic bone scrapers. It is not sure whether there are other side effects.

South Longnan and Central South are the two areas with the most extensive forest area in the country. The vegetation in the two areas is now corroded, which has caused a huge difference in the environment between the two areas. The residents of the two areas are not adapted to the environment, and they are the main outbreak areas of acid rain disease.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Wang Baogang drove the car to the station, and the passengers came up from the station.

"Everyone squeeze back and let go." Wang Baogang maintained order very skillfully.

"On March [-], the Longxia Meteorological Bureau issued an orange warning, reminding Jinghe and other central areas of Gansu Province to take precautions against sand and dust weather."

"At [-]:[-] p.m. on March [-], the Longxia Meteorological Observatory detected a super-strong monsoon cluster..."


In the next two days, Longxia Meteorological Observatory issued multiple weather warnings.

"A man who has not experienced sand and dust weather is not considered a northern man."

"I remember a few years ago, when I went outside for a stroll on a layer of sand."

"There is less vegetation now, I guess there will be sand and dust weather every year in the future."


Dust weather is mainly caused by vegetation reduction and land desertification.The vegetation in the past two years can no longer be described as a reduction, but a direct catastrophe.

At the beginning of this year, many residents speculated that there would be sandstorms this year, so that everyone felt a sense of calm when they saw the news about sandstorms.Everyone is calm and calm, and many residents still stock up on masks and hats. Following the repeated reminders from the TV news, everyone feels that the weather has been cloudy in the past two days.

"It's too cold." At five o'clock in the morning on March [-]th, Wang Baogang came to the company's office in a hurry.Today's news temperature is [-] degrees Celsius, which is not too cold, but there is a cool breeze on the road.

The morning bus at Xining Station is at [-]:[-] in the morning. Wang Bao just checked in and went to wait on the bus.At [-]:[-], Xu Juan got into the car wearing a mask and hat.

Xu Juan just got into the car and complained directly: "It's too cold!"

She came here by bicycle, and the wind on the road was like a knife blowing on her face inch by inch. This was the first time she could distinguish the difference between cold and cold.

"Did you eat breakfast?" The two chatted for a while, and Xu Juan took out pancakes from her bag.

"I've eaten." Wang Baogang refused while looking around.

It may be that it was cold and foggy, and the nearby buildings were all gray. He didn't feel the sandstorm, but he felt the fog first.

10 minutes later, Route 602 officially departed.

Xining Village is located on the outskirts of Jinghe, where there are large-scale urban villages and newly built communities, and most of the passengers on the bus are white-collar and blue-collar workers who go to work in Jinghe.

"The news forecast has a strong sandstorm. We haven't had a sandstorm for several years, right?"

"I remember that there were more meetings when I just graduated, and the treatment has been very good in the past two years."

"You said that we managed to manage this place with great difficulty, and we were passively affected by sandstorms..."


Everyone in the car was discussing the strong sandstorm.

It is not easy to go out in strong sandstorm weather, but as ordinary office workers, it is absolutely impossible not to go out to work.Everyone chatted for a while and looked out of the car curiously.Just as everyone is chatting, there has been no strong sandstorm in Jinghe for five or six years, and some students who have just graduated from the south have never even seen the ups and downs.

Everyone stared carefully outside.The weather outside now has extremely low visibility. There are some pedestrians and commuting vehicles on the road, and there is thick fog outside the car.

The bus stopped and went, and the weather outside became brighter and brighter.

"It looks okay." A southern passenger stared outside.

The weather is cold today, although it looks cloudy outside, but it is not as scary as in the TV news.

"The tree is dead, but at least there are still some trunks and branches blocking it. It doesn't mean that a strong sandstorm is a strong sandstorm."

"I heard that Longbei and Gansu provinces have built shrub protection forests, and it should be better next year."


The passengers were discussing with each other, but in the middle of the discussion, they saw a clearly strong wind blowing from the north.

The strong winds are like a movie version of a tornado.As the strong wind approached, everyone felt that the air outside the car was completely yellowish brown. Passers-by tried to pull on their hats, and some plastic bags were rolled up from the ground. They also saw a thin girl trying to hug a big tree.

Sandstorms come as they say, and sandstorms change as they say. For the first time, everyone felt the power of violently rolling yellow sand.

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