"Teacher Wu, Director Li told me to gather in the meeting room."

On the afternoon of March [-]th, under the Feitian ancient city wall, Fu Mingshu raised his head and shouted.

Fu Mingshu is 27 years old this year. He is an intern restorer of Feitian Ancient City. Feitian Ancient City is located in the south of Gansu Province and is one of the national key cultural relics protection units.Since the acid rain in 3028, due to acid rain corrosion and changes in air temperature, a large area of ​​wall corrosion has occurred in the cultural relics of the ancient city. Tourists are now prohibited from being received in Feitian ancient city, and restoration work has been done in the past two years.

After Fu Mingshu finished speaking, a thin old man came down from the climbing ladder. The old man's name was Wu Qian, and he was Xia's famous cultural relic restorer.

The two chatted for a while, Wu Qian looked around worriedly: "The weather is going to change." Now the weather around is cloudy, and there is an uncomfortable feeling of dullness.

Half an hour later, the two came to the conference room.

"It's a strong dust storm, and the news reports for three days."

"There is a possibility of a huge sandstorm."


There are more than 30 staff members in the conference room.Everyone looked through the windows, the wind was howling outside, and the corroded trees were rustling.Fu Mingshu took two photos and sent them to the high school group.

"Is this the prelude to the sandstorm?"

"Old pay attention to safety."

"Immersive sandstorm!"


There are more than 30 people online in the high school group, and everyone is immersed in looking at the photos of dust.Fu Mingshu took two more photos, and when he was about to send them, he replaced the photos with video recordings.The wind outside the window was getting louder and louder. Just three seconds after he took the picture, there was a flash of lightning in the distance, followed by a wall of sand, and the weather outside turned from day to darkness in an instant.

Pay the instructions and send it after the conditioned reflex.

High school group:! ! !

It was the first time they had seen such a terrifying dust weather.


"Everyone go to the tulou and the laboratory first, and don't leave anyone outside."

"Don't worry about the outdoor equipment, it won't run away."


At the same time that the dusty weather landed in Feitian Ancient City, the sky in Fengshan Farm was also full of yellow sand.Although the farm has the heart of a farm, except for the loess kiln, other areas cannot be isolated from bad weather.After a while, everyone hid in the tulou and laboratories in various districts.

"The sand is too big." Inside the loess building, Liu Wensheng spat a mouthful of sand on the ground.

The farm received the dust notification three days ago, because it is in the Gobi area, the farm is a hard-hit area by sandstorms.He was directing the evacuation work outside just now, but he didn't expect a sandstorm to come just halfway through the command.

"Sweep first." Qin Yun handed Liu Wensheng a feather duster.He came back from the farm just now, and now his hair is covered with sand, and he doesn't give in to Liu Wensheng.

Liu Wensheng cleaned it briefly, and asked, "Are the other personnel safe?"

"It's all in the lab."

"Oh." Liu Wensheng sighed.

Last year, there were minor sandstorms on the farm, but they were blown away in two blows. This year, the vegetation has been eroded on a large scale. Not only the farm, but also other areas in the north are also suffering from sandstorms.

"On March [-]th, Longxia dusty weather will sweep across Gan Province, Qinzhuang Jinghe and other places, and there will be a huge sandstorm in Gan Province."

"Longxia Meteorological Observatory reminds: Northern residents need to reduce travel and pay attention to sand and dust hazards."

"Longxia Transportation Bureau: On March [-]th, air and railway traffic will be suspended in Jinghe and Qinzhuang in Longxia..."


For the next two days, the TV news was full of sand and dust weather reports.In addition to the extreme air visibility of this sandstorm, the most intuitive thing is the traffic paralysis.Because the scope of paralysis is too wide, traffic from north to south across the country is suspended.

"The coordinates of Shan'an Airport have been waiting for three days. 【Picture】【Picture】"

"There is a blur three meters away, and the bus is out of service."

"One layer of soil series when you go out."


In the past two days, #北方强沙风风# has become a national hot topic.Sandstorms are not as intuitive as rainstorms and snowstorms, but fallen trees, cracked high-rise glass, and low street visibility...every item here has the most intuitive hazards.

yellow sand.

The sand is flying wildly.

This is the most intuitive travel feeling for northern residents.

In the midst of all the complaints, on the afternoon of March [-]th, the sandstorm that lasted for three days finally stopped.

"So much sand?"


At the moment when the sandstorm stopped, Fu Mingshu and other restoration workers rushed outside in Feitian Ancient City.After three days of raging, the sand around the ancient city has accumulated half a meter thick.As soon as he said a few words, he felt a layer of sand in his mouth.Now the sandstorm has just dissipated, and even the air is cloudy.

Fu Mingshu looked towards the parking lot downstairs.There were three black cars parked here, and now the black has turned into a yellow car, and the whole ancient city is shrouded in a yellow atmosphere.

Fu Mingshu was about to go downstairs to take a look, when a colleague sent a message in the work group: "The Feitian Tower is cracked!"

Half an hour later, everyone came to Feitian Tower in a cloud.The Feitian Tower was built 300 years ago, with a total height of 72 meters and seven floors inside.There are a large number of murals of Buddha statues on each floor, which are important cultural relics for Longxia to understand the thousand-year history.

At this time, Feitian collapsed due to continuous sand and dust, half of the seven-story tower collapsed, and a large number of cracks appeared from the sixth floor to the bottom. The entire tower was tilted by more than 30 degrees, and the whole tower was crumbling.

"Notify the cultural relics bureau!" Director Gucheng ordered directly.

"Will the tower collapse?"

"There are 320 seven Buddha statues inside..."

"Shall we go in for rescue?"


Many cultural relics personnel said anxiously.There are the most precious murals of Buddha statues in the Feitian Pagoda. If all these things are dumped, it will be an irreparable loss to the history of Longxia.

Many impatient restorers entered the tower directly.

"The tower is tilted, so you can't enter first." The director of the ancient city had a headache to maintain order.Half an hour later, a cordon was drawn up around the Feitian Tower. After the intervention of security personnel, some researchers did not enter the tower impulsively.

This time, in addition to the tilt of the Feitian Tower, large-scale cracks appeared in some ancient murals on the ancient city walls, and a small number of ancient buildings suffered ground subsidence.According to statistics, 73% of the area was damaged by sand and dust, and there are still some fine cultural relics that need to be carefully inspected.

At seven o'clock in the evening, everyone returned to the dormitory in a moment of silence.

Fu Mingshu reported to his family that he was safe, told his classmates about the sandstorm situation, and prepared to deliver food to Wu Qian.It's just that he turned around, and the dormitory was empty.Fu Mingshu thought for a while, and brought a lunch box to the previously repaired city wall.

At this time, there was sand all around the city wall and at the top of the stairs. As soon as he went upstairs, he saw Wu Qian standing on the city wall in a daze.

"Teacher Wu." Fu Mingshu walked over with a lunch box.

"Xiao Fu." Wu Qian turned his head to look.

Fu Mingshu walked to Wu Qian's side, and from his angle, he could clearly see the location of Feitian Tower.The two chatted for a while, and Wu Qian asked, "Do you know how old the Feitian Tower is?"

"One thousand nine hundred and fifty years."

"To be precise, it is 230 years." Wu Qian continued: "The Feitian Tower is located at the westernmost end of the West Beijing Corridor. It has always been the brightest pearl in the west of Beijing throughout the dynasties. In the history of 230 years ago, in the past 230 years, the Feitian Tower has never fallen, regardless of wars and dynasties. But now, the Feitian Tower has fallen in our generation, and it has fallen in the most peaceful age."

Wu Qian choked up as she spoke.He is 62 years old this year and has worked in Feitian Ancient City for 38 years. He has always thought about restoring Feitian cultural relics so that Longxia people can continue to feel the charm of Feitian Tower 300 or 500 years later.

He has been working conscientiously, but he never thought that Feitian Tower would collapse in his generation.

Now at ten o'clock in the evening, the atmosphere of the city wall is too solemn, Fu Mingshu thought for a while and said, "It hasn't fallen yet."

Now the Feitian Tower is only cracked and tilted, and it is still standing directly opposite the city wall.

Wu Qian waved his hand: "The Bureau of Cultural Relics and the Bureau of Architecture are here. The history of the Feitian Tower is too long. It is difficult to make a support frame now, and it may not be able to support it for a long time..."

Fu Mingshu stopped talking.


"Is this a harvester?"

"It's like pulling a carrot."


At the same time when the atmosphere in the ancient city was extremely dignified, in Fengshan Farm, all the people on the farm walked out of the house against the dust.Under the protection of the shield, the farm fields were not damaged.But farm irrigation machines, harvesters, seeders... all these farm equipment are half buried.

Everyone walked a few steps outside the house. The yellow sand was at least half a meter high. When Zhang Hu lifted his foot out, his shoes were buried in it.Zhang Hu fumbled in the loess to find his shoes, while Liu Wensheng dug out a stalk of lettuce from the soil.

This is a half-meter-high cyan lettuce. Liu Wensheng looked at it carefully and felt very distressed: "It's too wasteful."

This is the system oatmeal. After the sandstorm raged, the oatmeal did not die, but the leaves were covered with marks from the yellow sand.The system oil wheat has tenacious viability, but it cannot withstand these physical injuries at all.

The farm not only has lettuce, but also grows a large amount of tomato and lettuce.

The vegetables in this batch were all spoiled.

In the next three days, the staff carried out the farm cleaning work, and with the assistance of the system AI, the yellow sand on the farm was cleaned very smoothly.

On March [-], the farm returned to its previous state.This sandstorm came suddenly and left suddenly.The sandstorm was like a signal. After leaving, the temperature in northern Longxia returned to normal.

On March [-], when the residents went out, they found that the average temperature in the north was already [-] degrees.Everyone has not recovered from the sandstorm, and found an important message: it is time to wear short sleeves.

"Just took off the down jacket, and short-sleeved shorts before the autumn clothes."

"The weather is so abnormal now, the temperature changes from time to time."

"I've been paying attention to the sandstorm in the north. There won't be a typhoon in Longnan, right?"


Since the northern sandstorm, residents across the country have paid more attention to weather changes than before.Sandstorms and typhoons are meteorological disasters in the north and south of Lung Ha.Now that the dust storm in the north is over, some coastal residents are worried about typhoons in the south.

"I just planted rice, and I'm really worried that the typhoon will flood the rice."

"My home is [-] kilometers away from the sea... I want to sell my house."

"In this global environment, where can you sell it safely?"


Residents of the South are increasingly concerned.As residents continue to pay attention, on March 21, Longxia Meteorological Observatory published an article: [Longnan coastal currents and changes in global seas...]

[Sea Area Change] pointed out that with the global warming effect, the global sea level is expected to rise by 5cm this year.Large-scale typhoons will break out this year, but due to geographical location and ocean currents, typhoons are mainly concentrated in central and southern Natal.In short, there will be typhoons this year, but the possibility of a strong typhoon in Longha is almost zero.


"Want to eat watermelon, iced watermelon, watermelon cola!"

“It feels great that there will be no typhoon!”


Netizens swiped [applause] emoticons.From 3028 to the present, they feel extremely happy because of a typhoon-free summer.

In the midst of this national discussion, on March 23, a small video became popular: [Canna in the Reef. 】

The video was shot on the edge of a beach reef and consists of ten photos.

Picture 1: A pair of big hands sprinkled sesame-sized seeds into the crevices of the reef, with the accompanying text: February 3027, sowing seeds casually.

Figure 2: Green grass growing three inches high on the reef.Accompanying text: In May 3028, was this sprinkled at the beginning?

Figure 3: Orange-red flowers grow from green grass.Accompanying text: June 3029, still alive?

Figure 4: The flower plant grows to a height of half a meter.Accompanying text: October 3029, it seems that he is not dead, continue to observe...


Since October 3029, the video blogger has updated the status of the canna once a month. Until now, the canna has grown into a beautiful bouquet.

The blogger's last accompanying text: a miracle. 【Daze】【Daze】

a miracle.

At this time, not only the bloggers, but even the netizens who saw it were incredible.Since the global acid rain, except for acid rain seeds and bio-fertilizers, no grass has grown globally.And the canna grew three years without dying...a miracle indeed.

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