Acid rain contains nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide.Since the global acid rain, apart from the food crisis, the biggest problem for the residents is the difficulty of drinking water.

In July last year, Longxia signed the "Acid Rain Water Filter Cooperation Plan" with various countries. Longxia provided acid rain filter water equipment for other countries. Due to the high cost of the equipment, the average export price was 100 million, and the price of other countries tripled. .

Water filters can alleviate the safety of drinking water, but due to volume and usage restrictions, global drinking water is still facing great difficulties.

After reading the introduction of [DH water filter], click to use it directly.At the moment of clicking, the void in front of him twisted, and then a silver-white transparent kettle appeared.The kettle is divided into upper and lower layers, the upper layer is 47cm, and the lower layer is 3cm. In the middle is a block-type filter water net, and on the bottle cap is a smart screen.

Liu Wensheng presses the start button, and the smart screen displays: [Water filter is in dry state, start failed]

Liu Wensheng thought for a while, found a box of acid rain from outside, and poured it into the water filter.The water filter starts heating very intelligently.

"It's really an electric kettle." The researchers were very amused.

After 5 minutes, Song Yueshan poured the acid rain into the container. After measurement: the PH value of the water filtered by the filter is 7.2. The water quality does not contain organic pollutants, bacteria, precious metals and other harmful substances, which meets the daily drinking standards. The acid rain impurities are automatically filtered Go to the bottom grid.

"There should be a filter chip from another plane inside." Sun Yiping analyzed the material structure of the bottle.

In the next two hours, everyone measured some dusty water and canned drinks.Finally, it is concluded that the water filter cannot remove dust and beverage additives, but it can effectively isolate acid rain substances.

Qin Yun opened the system mall, and now [DH water filter] has been put on the system mall, the unit price is 10W points, and it is only used within the farm range.

"The technology group has a long way to go." Everyone looked at Sun Yiping teasingly. Only the technology group could match this kind of technology.

"Strive for the top!" Sun Yiping is full of challenging spirit.

In the next week, the farm will focus on planting new varieties and preparing for experiments.After careful planning, the farm organized [-] mu of newly planted farmland on the east side of the farmland.

When all the seeds were sown, Liu Wensheng looked at the apple field: "I hope there will be a little harvest."

Now that sorghum, soybeans, apples and pineapples have been planted, the rest is research and research.

A week later, the agricultural team first researched out-of-place rice seeds. Off-site seeds are not a complicated technology. Coupled with the original technology of the laboratory and Longxia, off-site planting is the same as ordinary seeds except that they cannot reproduce.

On the evening of February 28, Longxia released news: [On February 27, Longxia Academy of Sciences announced Longfeng No. [-] rice. After testing, Longfeng No. [-] can adapt to the middle equatorial region...]

"Longfeng seeds that can adapt to the middle equator?"

"Is it possible to grow rice in Mali?"


As soon as they saw the news, the global mainstream media reported it instantly.

Since the ship hijacking incident was resolved, global shipping has returned to peace, but the food crisis is still stuck in the necks of global residents.Now that Longfeng No. [-] rice is released, everyone has extracted a key point: Longfeng seeds can be planted across regions!

At ten o'clock that night, #龙风二号# became a global hot topic.

Longxia Academy of Sciences continues to release detailed data on Longfeng-1000.Due to agricultural technical factors, Longfeng No. 3000 is a sterilized seed, and the yield per mu is estimated to be [-]-[-] jin.

After Longxia Academy of Sciences released the data, it said sincerely: "Longxia Academy of Sciences will continue to try to make breakthroughs and strive to research more suitable seeds."

Seeds from other places are sterile seeds. Longxia Academy of Sciences originally thought that the international mainstream would question it, but the situation is completely different from what I imagined——

"Thank you Long Xia, thank you for the second seed!"

"Thank you to the researchers of Longxia Academy of Sciences."

"I'm looking forward to the planting of Longfeng seeds..."


If it was three years ago, everyone would look at Long Xia Seed with some conspiratorial eyes.However, after research by various countries, they found that the technology of Longxia acid rain seeds is very difficult.Now, under the premise of existing profits, Long Xia is willing to spend energy and material resources on researching global seeds, which is a real spirit of a great country.

According to the calculation of the Academy of Sciences, Longfeng-[-] is expected to reach national mass production in mid-April, and the specific number of cooperation needs to be further negotiated.

"At ten o'clock in the evening on February 28th, Prime Minister Sebola called Long Xia, hoping to reach a cooperation in purchasing the No. [-] seed."

"At nine o'clock in the morning on March [-]st, the President of Mali called Longsia, hoping to pay a friendly visit to Longsia."

"Two o'clock in the afternoon on March [-]st..."


In the 24 hours after [Longfeng No. 30] was released, more than [-] countries in the central equator had contacted Longxia. "Thank you, Long Xia."

"Looking forward to the rice seeds in April."

"Thank you Long Xia for being the second seed."


The central equator region is very grateful to Longxia. Everyone has been hungry for two years. Now that seeds from other places have appeared, they can already imagine the scene of planting rice again.

"Longxia can consider the suitability of the land in the Will area."

"Kanbeisheng welcomes the Longxia Agricultural Group to conduct geological surveys..."


With cooperation in the central equatorial region, other countries have also extended olive branches.If Long Xia can research the acid rain seeds suitable for the middle equatorial region, it is possible to research other regions as well.Some countries that did not blindly stand in line in the ship hijacking incident are very fortunate. As long as they reach a cooperation with Long Xia, the most basic stability can be guaranteed in their own regions!

In contrast, the five major countries are very depressed.Although they dealt with the seven major grain companies, their relationship with Long Xia did not ease due to their initial inaction.At this time, watching the news of Longxia Seeds, everyone secretly scolded the seven major grain companies...Compared with face, Longxia Seeds are the most real!

Following global attention, on March [-]rd, Longxia released another news: [Longfeng Watermelon Seeds has cooperated with major seed companies and will be available nationwide on March [-]th. 】

The yield of watermelon in the first day of junior high school is 8000-12000 catties per mu, which can be adapted to planting nationwide.

"I've been knocking on the bowl and waiting for a month."

"I want to eat sandy watermelon!"

"Uncles and aunts all over the country, hurry up!"


Netizens picked up the topic of #水瓜快冲#, a new round of watermelon craze across the country.


While the whole country was looking forward to the watermelons on the first day of junior high school, on March [-]th, Liu Xiaoyuan got off the long-distance bus dragging big bags and small bags.Now during her senior year internship, she plans to grow melons at home in March and return to school to defend at the end of June.

"Are you tired on the road?" Zhao Fengxia helped Liu Xiaoyuan weigh the luggage, the corners of her mouth couldn't stop laughing.

"It's all by car, I'm not tired." After Liu Xiaoyuan finished speaking, he looked around curiously: "Has the road been repaired?"

Huilong Town is a well-known poverty-stricken county in Yunnan Province. The main road used to be an old-fashioned dirt road. Now the dirt road is gone and replaced by a black-gray asphalt road. She only heard that the town government invested in road repairs, but she didn’t think about road repairs. It's so neat and tidy.

"I heard that 2000 million was invested." Zhao Fengxia said tut-tut.In the past, the town was full of left-behind elderly and left-behind children. Now Huilong Town has set off a wave of returning home to farm, and even the market is more lively than before.

Half a minute later, Liu Xiaoyuan sat in the back seat with his luggage in his arms.

Zhao Fengxia started the motorcycle and said, "I want our land back, we can plant it after clearing it."

Their family has ten acres of mountain land. They rented out the land the year before last when it was hot back home, and just took it back the day before yesterday.

"Are they okay?"

"The lease has expired, what can I say?"

In this chatter, at [-]:[-], the two returned home.

They are old row houses, just as Liu Xiaoyuan got off the car, Liu Xiaorui rushed out of the house: "Sister!"

Liu Xiaorui is her sister, nine years old this year, black and thin like a monkey.

"I bought you some snacks." Liu Xiaoyuan took out large and small bags of snacks from his backpack.

"That's great!" Liu Xiaorui hugged the big gift bag excitedly, and then dragged Liu Xiaoyuan into the house: "My mother smoked bacon for you, pork knuckle, sauced beef..."

At eight o'clock in the evening, the three of them finished their dinner happily.Liu Xiaoyuan was a practical man, so he followed Zhao Fengxia to his family's field early the next morning.

Her home is located on the south side of Yuhezi Village. Because there are only Zhao Fengxia and her sister in the house, it was abandoned and rented out before.This time, she took out a [-] yuan start-up loan from the school, planning to hire a few people to grow watermelons, and then register a base company when it has a large scale.

"Yuan Yuan is back?"

"It's so handsome!"

Many villagers greeted Liu Xiaoyuan after seeing him. Before the government encouraged planting, the villagers mostly planted some mountain sweet potatoes. Now everyone is digging sweet potatoes in full swing.

The tenants of their family finished digging up the sweet potatoes, so Liu Xiaoyuan walked around for a while, and together with Zhao Fengxia, they dealt with the sweet potato seedlings in the field.

The two were busy for two hours, when Zhao Fengxia suddenly coughed heavily while clutching her chest.

"What's wrong?" Liu Xiaoyuan was startled.

"It's probably a change of season." Zhao Fengxia waved her hand.She had mild asthma before, and her throat would be uncomfortable every season, but this year it was a little worse than last year.

"We have time these two days, so go to the hospital for a physical examination first." Liu Xiaoyuan said with great concern.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the two of them finished handling the sweet potato seedlings and went directly to the seed distribution department.Because the watermelon seeds have just come into the market, there are many farmers in the distribution department queuing up to buy the seeds.

The two squeezed to a window with fewer people.In the past, farming did not make money, and only one of the ten windows was open, but now all ten windows are open.Looking at the queuing scene, Zhao Fengxia thought of the comparison between the past and the present.

In the past, everyone felt that farming was useless, but now it is not that it is useless, but that there is a way out.

An hour later, the two walked out of the planting distribution with the seeds.They bought ten acres of seeds. In order to save costs, they planned to sow the seeds themselves, and then plant them scientifically by the methods they found.

At six o'clock in the evening, the two returned home. On the open space in the yard, Liu Xiaorui was writing and drawing in the dirt with stones.

"Drawing?" Liu Xiaoyuan asked curiously.

"A math problem."

"Not going into the house?"

"It's not math homework, you can do it on the ground." Although Liu Xiaorui is nine years old, she is very frugal in her daily life.

Liu Xiaoyuan came over: "Is there anything you don't understand?"

"I can't do this question." Liu Xiaorui asked with admiration.

"This one has to be multiplied first and then subtracted..." Liu Xiaoyuan explained from shallow to deep. As the sun was setting, the two sisters studied very seriously.

Zhao Fengxia was cooking in the kitchen, watching the scene in the yard, rubbing her eyes.The family conditions are not good, that's how Liu Xiaoyuan learned before, and Liu Xiaorui works as hard as her. She is very fortunate that she has two sensible daughters.

"Ahem." Zhao Fengxia fried two dishes, and her throat started to itch again.She has asthma for 20 years. She often suffered from asthma when she was young, but she didn't suffer from it again when she was older.I don't know what's going on during this time, I coughed again and again.

She took some reliever medicine, but she still coughed and coughed.Besides coughing, there seemed to be something stuck in her throat... She rubbed her neck, then tore a piece of toilet paper from the side.

A piece of dirt was spit out on the toilet paper, Zhao Fengxia fixed her body and took a look, it was not a thing at all, but a thick black blood clot.

"Ahem!" Zhao Fengxia felt that the cough was getting worse, and then her head felt dizzy, and there seemed to be some stars flashing in front of her eyes...

"Plop!" After 20 seconds, Zhao Fengxia finally fell to the ground.

"what sound?"

"do not know……"


In the yard, the sisters were startled by the sudden sound.

The two looked around, and it was Liu Xiaoyuan who reacted first and ran directly into the kitchen.At this moment, the stir-fried vegetables in the kitchen were mushy, and Zhao Fengxia fell to the ground, next to the bloody toilet paper...

"Liu Xiaorui!" Liu Xiaoyuan yelled, her legs felt weak.

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