"What do you guys think?"

Everyone discussed for a while, and a middle-aged minister asked.Longxia has 720 million tons of grain, but it will not and will never be given to these pirates unless it is absolutely necessary. If the pirates' requirements are met, then every foreigner at sea will be a food stamp for walking.

"We have contacted the Wyman Strait Navy, and Minister Li is formulating an extermination plan in the Wyman Sea."

There is Longshar's permanent navy stationed in Wyman Strait. The navy has the confidence and strength to wipe out these pirates. However, this operation is complicated. Some countries mainly violate the sovereignty of other countries' territorial waters and oppose Longshar's extermination operation. This has brought great difficulties to the rescue operation. uncertainty.

Everyone discussed for a while, and the middle-aged minister asked wearily, "Has the Wyman country responded?"

As soon as the coordinates of the pirates were determined, Long Xia sent the application documents for sea passage to other countries.In order to avoid alarming others, 27 countries have received the documents this time.Now the document has been sent for [-] hours, if there is no response from all countries, then Long Xia can only act in the interests of the people of the country.

The secretary shook his head: "No."

"Contact..." The middle-aged minister was about to contact the front line when the phone rang suddenly.

"Long Xia 3A9923 Navy Minister Li Hai reports to you!" The voice of the Navy Minister came from the phone.

The middle-aged minister answered the call seriously, then hung up the phone in a daze.

"How is it?" Liu Wensheng asked anxiously.

The middle-aged minister looked up: "I agree."

"Wyman country agrees to pass through the sea?"

"Yeah." The middle-aged minister nodded, and continued: "It's not 27... but 53 countries agree."

There are a total of 53 countries in the Wyman Strait, and some of the coastal countries have issued their applications.It's just that in addition to the 27 countries in the reply, other countries also called at the same time: willing to assist Long Xia to complete the extermination operation.

Immediately after receiving replies from various countries, the middle-aged minister issued an order: "Decree, Minister Li Hai will be fully responsible for this bandit suppression operation!"

The 53 countries agreed that Long Xia Tongxing was completely unexpected. At this time, everyone had only one idea, which was to successfully complete the suppression of pirates and bandits.It is necessary to prove to the whole world that Long Xia's freighter is not robbed if he wants to. Since he hijacks Long Xia's freighter, he will bear all the consequences!


The assistance of the 53 countries was not a verbal statement. As soon as Long Xia gave feedback, all countries organized their navies and conducted a carpet search of the waters around Weman. The night of February [-] was very calm, but the Weman Strait was rough.

"This is the South Sea of ​​Drew. Some fishermen have seen suspicious ships here." At three o'clock in the morning on February [-]th, Yorka told Li Hai beside him on a white ship.Jorka is an officer of the Drew Navy, cooperating with Long Xia's search mission.

After listening to Li Hai, he opened the detailed map near Drew Country.One day ago, the Longxia military had determined the location of the pirates within a [-]-mile radius of Drew. There are nearly a hundred islands here. Because the terrain is too complicated, they cannot use professional diving yachts, and they can only rely on some small boats. surrounded from the outside.

"This group of pirates may be at Drew's three o'clock position." Jorka pointed to the map and said.

Li Hai looked at Yorka in surprise.

"This is what we investigated tonight." Jorka raised the communication equipment.

Long Xia lost and was hijacked by a heavy-duty cargo ship. If this cargo ship wanted to evacuate safely, it could not really avoid the monitoring of various countries. As soon as the cooperation with Long Xia was reached, countries began to conduct blanket investigations.They do not have sophisticated modern instruments, but there are many ships going to and from the port every day. After simultaneous investigations by 53 countries, the coordinates of pirates are tantamount to catching a turtle in a jar.

After analyzing the coordinates of the pirates, Li Hai and other military personnel directly ordered the navy to encircle and suppress the pirates. This time, apart from the Longxia Navy, other countries also dispatched their own navies to cooperate simultaneously.At three o'clock in the morning, the Wyman Strait has been closed to navigation, and the entire strait is full of chills.


"What happened?"

"do not know."

At ten past three, Zhang Zhengjie and the others were awakened by a chaotic sound.They leaned over the window and looked out. There were figures constantly flashing outside. Women, old and young were all holding guns. There seemed to be a shadow of an airplane flashing in the distance. The atmosphere in the village was very serious.

Everyone was about to continue observing when the door was kicked open.Five pirates broke in. Immediately afterwards, everyone was led behind a hidden hillside, where more than 50 sailors had been tied up.

"###!" A pirate cursed and tied everyone's hands.

Zhang Zhengjie looked up, and now most of the pirates had come to the hillside, everyone was holding guns, and their expressions were unprecedentedly serious.Zhang Zhengjie's heart sank. According to his experience of watching gangster movies all the year round, this was a sign that they were going to tear up their tickets before rescue arrived...

"Duddu—" The whistle of the cruise ship came from a distance, and the lights flickered, which also confirmed his guess.



The pirates were swearing and swearing all around. Because of the serious atmosphere, the crew tensed up very nervously.

At [-]:[-], Ike dragged Zhang Zhengjie out.After a while, he and five others were pulled to the slope.

Ike grabbed Zhang Zhengjie's hair: "Your country has come."

Zhang Zhengjie was as calm as possible: "If you surrender..."

"Bang!" Ike kicked him hard.

Zhang Zhengjie tactfully kept silent.He stayed in the village for three days, and through the details of these three days, he knew that these people were not pure Halma crew members.Instead, they help oligarchs deal with high-risk pollutants. They have considerable influence in Halma and the international market.

It was also because of his strong connections that he dared to directly hijack the Longxia freighter.

"Have you ever thought about Kamanguo..." Zhang Zhengjie asked.The country of Kaman is the hardest-hit country in Halma, and now half of its 7 population has died.

"That's a stupid country." Ike snorted.

"Then where is your country?"

"I don't need a country."

Ike was about to continue kicking when the phone in his backpack rang.Because of the lingua franca spoken by the other party, Zhang Zhengjie heard words such as 'powerless' and 'you are safe'.Half an hour later, Ike slammed the phone on the ground, and then walked in the direction of the pirate leader.

"You were too bold just now." A sailor whispered.Just now, there was a smell of fire between Zhang Zhengjie and the pirates, and he was afraid that the pirates would make a mess.

"Not dead yet..." Zhang Zhengjie felt his legs go weak.

At four o'clock in the morning, there was a sudden buzzing of sirens around the island, and the surrounding lights flickered. After a while, many Long Xia soldiers appeared around.In addition to the Long Xia soldiers, there are also some teams that can't see the country.

"######." A diplomat stepped forward to communicate.

"#####!" The pirate's reaction was very intense.

In the next two hours, the two sides fell into intense negotiations.Zhang Zhengjie couldn't understand Kaman, but he felt that the pirates around him were getting more and more flustered, and the Long Xia Navy was in a strong dominant position from the beginning to the end.

At six o'clock in the morning, the pirate leader came down from the slope. After a verbal battle, the pirate leader signaled the pirates to put down their weapons.The pirates put down one by one, Ike glared behind him, and finally followed helplessly.

The morning sun rises from the sea level.Zhang Zhengjie squinted his eyes, he saw the national flag on the ship in the distance.The sun looks very bright today.Half an hour later, the crew was carried on stretchers, and the pirates were escorted onto special ships.

"International Daily: At six o'clock in the morning on February 53th, the Longxia Navy united with 320 countries to crack the pirate kidnapping incident, involving [-] and six pirates."

"Pirate leader Mande confessed: The robbery was instigated by multinational grain merchants, and the details are under further investigation."


For the next two days, the international news was full of follow-up reports of the hijacking.

According to global media reports, the Wyman pirates headed by Mande are not professional pirates. Because of the low shipping profits, they have reached cooperation with HHSA, Gulda and other global food companies in advance.As long as there is food, these food companies will be willing to buy it, and will help when necessary.

These are some well-known grain companies, and it is also because of this that the Viman pirates have no fear of robbing.According to the plan, even if they are discovered, these food companies will ensure their safe evacuation.Unexpectedly, the situation changed, Long Xia cooperated with 53 countries, and all their air and sea routes were blocked.

They are pirates, but they will not die for no reason. …After experiencing the betrayal of the grain merchants, they decided to pull these grain enterprises into the water, so as to ensure the maximum survival.

"It's a slander."

"HHSA has been doing business in accordance with international laws and there will be no food robbing."


At the moment when the pirate leader finished distributing the goods, many food companies have separated themselves. Now that the important evidence has been destroyed, the whole incident will become a Rashomon.

While the world was paying attention to the freighter incident, on February [-]th, Prime Minister Kaman applied to Shuilan United to break up the country: the country of Kaman was officially merged into [-] countries including Weir and Canberson, and the country of Kaman became history.

The essential element of a country is to have a complete country. Now the Kaman Island is flooded. Although the residents of the world have guessed about this result, they are still in a state of embarrassment.


At [-]:[-] p.m. on February [-]th, a prison guard interrogated Ike in Shuilan United International Prison.


"Charlemagne Eck."


"37 is old."

After the two sides had a question and an answer, the prison guard continued to ask: "Nationality?"

Ike thought for a while: "Kamanguo."

The guard's hands stopped.

"A poor and backward country." Ike took the lead in laughing at himself.He is of Kaman nationality and cannot change his nationality due to some personal issues. Although he has made a lot of money over the years, every time he mentions his nationality, he feels a deep sense of inferiority.

The prison guard glanced at him, flashed the nationality column, and continued to record.

Ike noticed his movements, and asked sarcastically, "Isn't it worth recording?"

"No." The prison guard looked up: "Two hours ago, the Kaman country applied to the Shuilan United for breaking the country."

The corner of Ike's sarcasm suddenly froze, and he froze into a dumbfounded expression.


"Long Xia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Long Xia will do everything possible to investigate the truth of the robbery, and resolutely crack down on the conspiracies that attempt to harm Long Xia's safety."

"Longxia has activated the freighter investigation team. If the food company's instigation of the robbery is true, Longxia will terminate all cooperation and conduct a joint appeal against water and blue."

"Long Xia..."


While Ike was in a daze, Long Xia issued three international statements in succession.

Three days have passed since the kidnapping by pirates, but things are far from over.

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