Long Xia will do everything possible to investigate the truth. This sentence is not only a declaration, but also a practical action.

"On the morning of February [-]th, the pirate members released the black box recordings, and they seemed to have absolute evidence of cooperation between food companies."

"The pirate group Mandelek applied to change prisons, saying: only Long Xia can protect itself."

"HHSA states again: HHSA had no knowledge of the robbery."


With the pirate trial, the cargo ship case also surfaced——

From June to December 3029, the Viman Pirates reached cooperation with seven international food companies including HHSA and Gulda, willing to rob food in the Wyman Strait and sell it to the seven major companies at a very low price.Before the Longshar freighter, the pirates had already robbed three small ships. Because the profits of these ships were small, they decided to rob the Longshar and extort money at the same time.

Now the evidence of the crime of the Viman pirates is solid, because the seven major grain companies did not keep their promises to assist in the evacuation, the Viman pirates decided to announce everything. HHSA, Gulda and other grain companies started to quibble, but with the release of the black box evidence, the sophistry turned into a state of desperation...

HHSA Gulda is an internationally renowned grain enterprise, involving five superpowers. These grain enterprises have brought great profits to all countries, and the five powers unanimously chose not to deal with it.

On February [-]th, the Longxia government issued another international statement: [Longxia strongly condemns the robbery of the seven major grain companies. exit until the robbery is satisfactorily resolved. 】

Since 3028, Long Xia has always been friendly and friendly. Even if the country's economy is in crisis, it will try its best to help weak and small countries.At this time, Long Xia issued a statement, and the international residents suddenly realized: Long Xia is gentle, courteous and thrifty, but he is by no means allowed to be manipulated by others. Long Xia has his own arrogance and war teeth!

"This is an immature food decision!" As soon as Long Xia issued a statement, media from five countries condemned it.

"Stealed our boat and demanded to continue to deliver food, it's too bullying!"

"Trouble deal with the shipping before we talk about cooperation!


Long Xia's netizen felt a puff of breath in his chest.

Since Meteor [-] was robbed, everyone has been paying close attention to the cargo ship news.The robbery of the cargo ship was a well-planned conspiracy.Now that the murderer was confirmed, one by one jumped out from the backstage, and then used the deer as a horse to cover up the murderer... Bullying people don't take such bullying! ! !

"I hope to retreat, we have meat, vegetables and food, so we can live our little life well."

"Anyway, the world is already like this, there is no need to help the poor."

"It feels good to retreat, and now I don't lack anything."


Netizens picked up the topic of 'retreat'.The current global ecology is full of holes. Instead of worrying about some global refugees, it is better to live a peaceful life.In short, this matter cannot be fooled by kneading!

"On February [-]th, Long Xia terminated its spring contract with HHSA and suspended Natal's grain exports."

"On February 3030, Longxia terminated the contract with Gulda [-] and suspended the export of Gulcia grain."

"February [-]th..."


Long Xia's statement is not empty slogans.In the three days since the [Strongly Condemned] statement was released, Long Xia terminated the grain trade of the five major countries in a thunderous manner.With the stop of Longshar's transportation route, the global residents realized that Longshar was really angry.



At six o'clock in the morning on February [-]th, James walked out of the rice noodle shop with a grumpy face in the purchasing market in Natalflossa.

James is the owner of the Knight Egg Tart Shop. He has opened the Egg Tart Shop in Frosa for 20 years.During the heavy rain in Frosa the year before last, half of the Cavalier Egg Tart Shop was flooded. After the rain cleared, he used his savings to redecorate the house.The house has just been renovated, and it encountered a snowstorm at the poles...

In the current global food shortage, Knight Egg Tart has risen from 0.5 Nata currency to 3 Nata currency. Because it is not a necessity for survival, the business in the store has declined significantly, and it can only be maintained by some old customers.

At five o'clock this morning, he purchased egg tart flour as usual.Just entering the store, the clerk said helplessly that the flour would increase from 48 nata coins to 55 nata coins.He went to [-] stores in a row, and the flour was [-]-[-] a bag. The reason for the price increase this time is simple: Longxia banned the export of Natal grain.

Although Natal has sufficient grain reserves, but grain is non-renewable, and Long Xia grain has affected global grain prices.Now the store has run out of flour, but because the cost of egg tarts is too high, he decided to wait until the international situation clears up before reopening the store.

James closed the store door and was about to go out for a walk. Just two steps away, he saw that the pizza next door was also closed.

"Jerry?" James greeted curiously.

"Flour is too expensive..." Jerry and James complained.Although there are certain unexpected factors in this price increase, the price of food is one day, which is completely impossible for normal business.

The two complained about the Natal government and HHSA. HHSA is the largest grain company in Natal. During this global crisis, HHSA did not consider the survival of the bottom-level residents in Natal, and even sold grain at extremely unreasonable prices.

They don't care about the international situation, but they also know that this is HHSA's consistent style.

Even if HHSA robs food, it will not sell it to them at a low price, and they will suffer from the high price of food due to HHSA's wrongdoing.

"Poor Natal..." Jerry complained very violently, and then took out his phone.

Jerry was about to tell his family about the closure of the store, when he saw a news push on the phone interface: [230 countries including Drew, Cyborg, and Slanton issued a joint statement: All countries strongly demand that the water and blue alliance deal with it fairly and justly. Wiman robbery case, return to normal shipping trade...]

Drew Sebra and other countries are not banned from exporting food. Jerry looked at the United News and was a little puzzled for a while.

He swiped for a while, and finally saw an interview video.

In the video, a woman wearing a Slanton costume stands in front of the camera: [I know that for many countries, Slanton is a joke and a symbol of poverty and backwardness.The residents of Slanton are stupid, dirty, and only suitable for the moths who live at the bottom of the world.

I have doubted myself more than once, is there any need for people like me to live... Thank you Long Xia, it brought me food when I was most confused and unable to survive.Thank you to the soldiers of Long Xia, who told me that even the lowest level of the country has the right to live.

I'm sorry I couldn't help Long Xia when he was in crisis.But I still want to express that the citizens of Slanton survived this crisis because of Longshar. If it was not Longshar but any other country, we would not get food or aid. More likely, there would be no Opportunities to buy food...

I am shocked by the Wyman freighter incident and hate the actions of HHSA Gulda!What the Wyman pirates robbed was not food, but the survival chance of 30 billion refugees!

I can't imagine that Long Xia has no food, and all the food is sold at a high price by HHSA.This is a disaster for refugees around the world...]

The total length of the video is 23 minutes and 25 seconds. Since it was published on an international forum, it already has [-] billion likes.

"Thanks to Long Xia, my family didn't starve to death in last year's disaster."

"Now the village has built a locust farm, thanks to Long Xia for buying the locusts."

"HHSA! You are taking away our chance to survive!"


The comment section is full of angry international residents.

Although Long Xia only banned exports from the five countries, if they were robbed for the second time, or robbed for the third time...they couldn't imagine that Long Xia would not be able to go to sea.This is catastrophic for them. Even if there is a war in the world and Longxia is occupied by the five major countries, these countries will never sell food to them at a low price.

Now only if Long Xia has the food, they can continue to survive.

This time the 220 Three Kingdoms made a joint voice, not only to support Long Xia, but also to express their dissatisfaction with HHSA's banditry. This is their voice for survival!


220 The voice of the Three Kingdoms was so shocking that in the next three days, another 21 countries voiced their voices one after another.

Speak for Long Xia, speak for yourself!

It's a silent war for survival!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Hope Tree Fruit: Young Hope Tree Fruit X1."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the Hope Tree Fruit: Growing Hope Tree Fruit X1."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Hope Tree Fruit: Ripe Hope Tree Fruit X1."


At the same time when people all over the world spoke out one after another, Qin Yun harvested three Hope Tree Fruits in a row in the Hope Greenhouse.

Before he could recover, the system reminded again: [Congratulations to the host for accumulatively gaining 50 billion reputation points, the farm system is being updated...]

This is the third downtime for the system to be updated.

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