While the whole country was paying attention to the distress of Meteor [-], Zhang Zhengjie and other crew members got off the ship in embarrassment on an unknown island south of Wiman.This is a deserted island with no clear direction. The island is surrounded by pitch-black sea water. With the sea breeze blowing, the atmosphere of the island is very gloomy and cold.

Zhang Zhengjie walked too slowly, he was pushed and staggered.

Zhang Zhengjie turned his head.

This is a foreign man in his thirties. The man is wearing a brown camouflage, a brown hat on his head, and his eyes are very fierce.

"###!" The man cursed some unintelligible niche language.Zhang Zhengjie couldn't understand these niche words, but guessed that they should be some curse words such as "'coward'" and "go away".

In the early hours of yesterday, Meteor [-] sailed into the Wyman Strait. According to the established arrangement, the freighter will arrive at Wyman Port at noon.At ten o'clock, a seasonal tsunami suddenly occurred in the Wyman Strait. The Meteor [-] was a heavy cargo ship, and it reduced its speed as soon as it received the news.

There are 72 people on Meteor [-], except for foreign trade and sailors, the others are all experienced sailors.Under the coordination of the captain, the cargo ship became more and more stable.Just when everyone thought the ship was in danger, some small speedboats appeared around the ship, and there were exotic pirates holding guns on the speedboats.

Everyone had just experienced the tsunami, and the pirates planned in advance. After a short struggle, they were unfortunately captured.

Zhang Zhengjie was Jier Jiyue's follower, and was locked in a large utility room with other sailors.The captain's mates were threatened by pirates and could only follow the instructions of the group.

The Wiman Strait is one of the largest straits in the world, surrounded by more than 50 countries.He thinks he has rich sailing experience, but he can't guess which country this group of people are from because of their clothes and language.

During this slow voyage, the ship stopped at this small island, and then there was the present scene.

A gust of cold wind blew by, making Zhang Zhengjie feel tired and cold.

Two hours later, everyone came to the pirate gathering place.This is a small village built of wood. The village is surrounded by pirate members who are always on guard. With the arrival of everyone, the surrounding atmosphere is obviously tense.

Everyone was brought to a dilapidated wooden house, and the pirates communicated with each other and locked them in the house.

The 72 of them were divided into three rooms. There were only some simple sacks to keep out the cold in the room, and there were two mouse corpses in the corner...

"Uh!" Some crew members looked at the surrounding environment and wanted to vomit.Although the ship was cold and damp, it was the unique humidity of the ocean, and now it was heavy with dead air.

"Survive first." Zhang Zhengjie tried hard to adjust his mentality.

With a strong will to survive, everyone covered themselves with sacks and circles to keep warm.

There is a window in the house, they can see the moon through the window, but they don't know which country the moon is from.

"I'm homesick."

"I want, too……"


As the atmosphere became more and more quiet, someone began to cry softly.Before setting off, everyone wanted to go home for the fifteenth day, but they didn't expect to encounter such a scene.

"I'm the only child in my family, and my mother will cry to death."

"I want to eat dumplings made by my mother."


Everyone missed Long Xia bit by bit.Just in the middle of speaking, the door was kicked hard twice.

Everyone was very tactful and stopped talking.

The moon is the hometown of Ming, and they are homesick.





Early the next morning, everyone was awakened by the sound of heavy moving.

Zhang Zhengjie lay on the window and looked out. At this moment, the pirates were transporting food to the village. Besides the food, there were also some pots, pans, and toiletries.As the box was thrown on the ground, many villagers came to pick up things, including many women and children.

"It should be the pirate camp of the whole village." A crew member said looking at the scene outside.

Such international pirates generally have a clear division of labor, for example, strong men go out to snatch, women and children do some professional logistics in the camp.Although he has never visited the camp, but visually, there are at least 500 people in this pirate camp.

The crew was about to continue observing when the door was pushed open.A pirate came into the house carrying a sack, which was thrown on the ground, and inside were some freshly made round cakes.

Zhang Zhengjie picked up one and looked at it. It was a yellow round cake the size of a palm, and there were some corn and unknown black substances in the round cake.He smelled it, and the round cake was a little sour.

The pirates leave after throwing.

"Eat or not?" Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Eat." Zhang Zhengjie broke off a small piece.The round cakes were bitter and sour. I don't know if they were made from acid rain.It's just that they have been hungry for a day and a night, and the aftermath of acid rain is better than dying of starvation.

"Do you think someone will come to rescue us?" A crew member shifted focus and asked.


Everyone talks, but they are not sure whether they can be rescued.

At [-]:[-], the door of the hut opened again.A tall man entered the door and asked in unfluent Long Xia language, "Zhang Zhengjie?"

"Me." Zhang Zhengjie raised his hand hesitantly.

"Employee Jiyue?"


Three minutes later, Zhang Zhengjie was dragged to the center of the village. At this time, a video camera was erected in the middle of the village, surrounded by indigenous villagers watching the excitement.He was placed on a stool in front of the camera.

Half an hour later, Zhang Zhengjie recorded a video at the sign of the pirates: "I am Zhang Zhengjie, job number 30332, we were kidnapped at [-]:[-] yesterday..."

This is a blackmail video. Although he cooperated with the recording, he explained all the details as much as possible, which also provides clues for the recipients of the video.

At [-]:[-], the video was recorded, and the tall man put away the video.In the next two days, the sailors were still locked in the house. They didn't know the outside situation and could only watch the sun and moon to count the time.

Two days later, everyone allowed small-scale activities.Zhang Zhengjie went out to work as a coolie under the guard of the pirates, and the tall man who guarded him was the video recorder.Through a few words, I learned that the tall man is named Ike, the third leader of the pirate group, and has a very important status in the village.

Although the pirate group was a bit vicious, they did not kill anyone for the time being.After another coolie, Zhang Zhengjie found an opportunity to strike up a conversation with the man: "Are you refugees from nearby?"

After being imprisoned by the pirate group, they had guessed the identity of the pirates.

Although these pirates have rich sailing experience, their habits and behaviors are different from the common Wyman pirates.Everyone had speculated whether these pirates were disguised by the government of another country, but yesterday afternoon, the tall man used the common language to contact the buyer, obviously not the government's habit of robbing.

Everyone carefully analyzed a large circle, and guessed that these pirates were some refugees who knew navigation skills, so everything was clear.

In the midst of these wild thoughts, the tall man glanced at him: "Refugees?"

"Yes." Zhang Zhengjie nodded.

The tall one was silent for a while and said, "It's not a refugee."

Zhang Zhengjie wanted to ask in detail, but was directly stuffed into the house by other pirates.

[not a refugee]

Zhang Zhengjie has been thinking about the real identity of these pirates.At nine o'clock that night, when the other pirates came back, Zhang Zhengjie finally knew that these pirates were not refugees.The pirates were originally from the country of Kaman, and they used to be in charge of shipping in Halma. The two sides met several times because of the shipping.

"Kaman Kingdom?" Everyone looked at each other after hearing the pirate's nationality.

The country of Kaman is located on the south side of the blue equator, covering an area of ​​twelve square kilometers, with a total population of 7. It is a backward island country.The country of Kaman has a small land area, and the residents' income mainly comes from sailing, fishing and servant income.

In 3028, since the Harma storm broke out, Kaman has been suffering from both natural and food problems. In July last year, Kaman survived the locust crisis and was hit by the Weman tsunami. Affected by the disaster, the land area was directly reduced to five square kilometers.

The shrinking of the country is not the end.

During a month when the country shrunk in size, Kaman suffered three more tsunamis in succession, and countless disasters lost their lives in the tsunami.According to meteorological data, due to rapid global warming, Kaman may disappear in the winter of 3030.

In fact, since 3028, hundreds of islands have disappeared around the world. These are some small islands. An island country like Kaman is the first...

The Kaman government forced the whole country to relocate to the Shuilan United.Due to the small number, the residents of Kaman were arranged humanitarianally in twelve countries.These arrangements require the country to make huge sacrifices. Now there is no land, no population, and the future of their treatment in other countries is unknown...

Kaman no longer has a country.

"It's really not a disaster victim..." a crew member murmured.

These pirates used to work on Harma's shipping line, and because of their unusual unity, they gathered a lot of forces along the coast of Harma.After that, the Halma shipping line was depressed, and the pirates turned to the Wyman shipping line.They used to do some serious business, but the impact of the global crisis was too great. After planning, they decided to turn all of them into pirates.

"We are their first vote?" The crew were very disappointed.

This group of pirates gave up their small fishing boats and directly hijacked the Longxia freighter, in order to gain prestige on the global shipping line.

They didn't kill people, they just fattened up the pigs and sold them for a good price.

If Long Xia can't meet their needs, the result can be imagined.


"720 tons?"


While the crew members were worried about their survival, Long Xia's national defense conference room was filled with seriousness.

Now 82 hours have passed since the hijacking of the freighter, and the pirates have sent Long Xia a negotiation request.There are now 72 Longxia people who have been kidnapped, and one of them has paid a ransom of 720 tons of grain, totaling [-] million tons.

"This is the terrain of the pirate dens. The sea conditions are complicated, and it will be difficult to rescue them." A secretary opened the topographic map of the pirate dens.

They have already determined the approximate coordinates of the pirate den, which is located on the south side of the Wyman Strait. Due to the many countries nearby, the rescue work is very difficult.

Liu Wensheng attended the meeting, he looked at the map, beat the table and said: "This group of people is too hateful!"

What he was talking about was not the Meteor-[-] pirates, but other countries that deliberately released water during the ship hijacking incident.Although this group of Weyman pirates are hateful, the Meteor [-] is a heavy cargo ship, and the Weyman pirates can hijack the cargo ship on a complicated shipping line, and there must be interference from other countries.

Although these countries did not participate in the incident, they gave some laissez-faire.They are not so much letting go, they are testing Long Xia's bottom line... With the global crisis, the global food gap continues to increase. Although Long Xia has given some assistance, but with Long Xia's strength, it is temporarily unable to satisfy the world. Compared with normal trade, They want more food...

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