a setting sun

Chapter 57

Even if Shen Sihan didn't say anything today, Xu Xin could still guess what she was going to say.What's more, seeing her excited face, even if she wanted to hide what happened today, she would definitely not be able to keep it a secret.

Shen Sihan is a person who can't hide her thoughts most of the time, the reason why she didn't say it before is because she didn't realize what she was doing and why she did it, so Xu Xin knew that sooner or later she would take care of things by herself Tiao Ming, so it seems that today may be it.

"I... found out that I fell in love with someone."

"Yeah." Xu Xin shook his hand holding the seasoning, poured too much salt, but it didn't matter anymore, her mind was all on Shen Sihan's words, so she didn't have the mood to think about it.The kitchen shovel in her hand was scratched and pulled twice casually, she only responded once, and did not speak again.She was waiting, waiting for Shen Sihan to confess what happened next.

Shen Sihan paused for a moment, seeing that Xu Xin didn't have any overt reaction, so he thought about it, moved a small stool beside him, sat down by the kitchen and continued to blush, "I don't know what I am either. I fell in love with him at the time, but I only realized it in the last two days. I always like to stay by his side, and I feel happy when I listen to him. He has a gentle and sunny personality, and he is also very capable of handling things. It's because I can't control myself to peek at him recently. At first I didn't know what was wrong with me. It wasn't until today on the road that I suddenly remembered that I felt the same way when I liked Tian Yu before. Then I realized that I fell in love with Tian Yu. It's gone."

Shen Sihan's speech is very slow, as if she is recalling and narrating, but her mind is clear, and what she said is also logical, without any contradictions, which also proves that she has thought carefully before deciding to say these words of.

Xu Xin knew that she was a human being, so she also believed what she said, and long before Shen Sihan realized it, Xu Xin was very clear about the cause and effect of the matter, so everything that happened now was in Xu Xin's hands. As expected.

This day... After all, there is still no way to escape.

Xu Xin's heart began to sink infinitely following Shen Sihan's words, her back and heart felt as if she had been pierced by a cold arrow, she could no longer maintain a state of no joy or sorrow and pretend nothing happened.

All the pretense became vulnerable to the facts Shen Sihan said.Her hand holding the spatula lost temperature quickly and was shivering with cold. After falling into the pot with a "clang", she didn't pick it up again, but turned off the gas with slightly trembling hands.

She thought she was numb enough to feel a little more relaxed and dignified to leave when she had to meet the last moment.

But the facts told her that she couldn't do it at all.

She gritted her teeth, turned around and squeezed out a sneer: "So? You want to tell me that you have found true love, so I can go, right?"

Shen Sihan's happy expression changed in an instant, and he panicked: "I didn't! I didn't want to drive you away. Oh, I just said that I can't tell you! Look at you...it really is like this..."

"... Phew... I see. I will leave tomorrow, so I won't delay your new relationship." Taking a deep breath, Xu Xin held back the tears that were about to flow from his trembling heart and sore eyes, and tried his best to Appears generous and calm.Then, he went straight to the corner of the living room, dragged out his suitcase, pulled out all his clothes from the closet, dropped them on the floor without picking them up, and just threw all the things in his arms into the suitcase.

"What??... What are you doing?... What are you doing, don't be like this." Shen Sihan hadn't heard Xu Xin's words clearly, but she understood Xu Xin's next actions, so she stepped forward to die He hugged Xu Xin tightly and refused to let her pack her luggage.

"What am I doing...I'm leaving, I have to go. You don't need me anymore, what's the point of me staying here?" Xu Xin turned her head, with tears in her eyes, she looked at the girl who hugged her With tears in his eyes, Shen Sihan asked back with a smile.

"I... I need you, I didn't tell you to go, I just like him, and I don't have to be with him, why are you going!!" The hesitation in the first sentence has actually betrayed Shen Sihan The real thought in his heart, how could the sensitive Xu Xin fail to realize that what Shen Sihan said at this time that he needed her was just an ineffective consolation?

"But you don't have me anymore in your heart, you don't want me anymore, how can I continue to stay here with a shameless face? Huh? Tell me?" A tear finally rolled down Xu Xin's face, trembling The expression was full of despair, and Shen Sihan's expression became distorted and blurred amid tears.She turned her head away from looking at Shen Sihan, so that the pain in her heart seemed to be relieved a bit.But she still couldn't stop the tears from rushing out, so she raised her head slightly, trying to let the tears that had burst the embankment flow back, gritted her teeth, and her teeth were trembling slightly.The hands clenched to the bluish-white knuckles betrayed her true feelings.

"I don't, I don't want you. I still want you. You don't need to go. You can continue to look for a job here, and we will be ordinary roommates. Otherwise, what can you do when you go back to your hometown? You might as well stay here while working, so..." Shen Sihan was still working her little head to help Xu Xin think of ideas, but she didn't know that every sentence she said seemed to be keeping the distance between the two of them, not physically. Yes, it is from the heart.

Xu Xin finally couldn't bear it anymore: "Shen Sihan! Don't say it. Please don't say it! Don't persuade me, I will definitely leave. I have no point in staying here any longer, no matter what it is to go back to my hometown. This kind of life doesn't matter to me anymore. I'm sorry, I can't wait here to see you happy."

Shen Sihan was taken aback for a moment, as if he heard Xu Xin's determination in the words.The hand that was holding onto Xu Xin also slowly let go.She knew that things had reached such a point that it was impossible to undo it.So she also shed tears and asked a little cautiously: "Then can we leave a few days later?"

"A few days later... Heh, is it different from leaving tomorrow?" The tearing pain in my heart was relieved by this rational dialogue.

"Yes! Can you let me delay for a few days? I won't let you go tomorrow. I can't accept it..." Shen Sihan's tears began to fall drop by drop.

Originally, this scene should have made Xu Xin feel distressed after watching it, but for some reason, the unbearable dull pain in Xu Xin's heart gradually stopped.As if he had confirmed that Shen Sihan was no longer his most important person, Xu Xin's brain's self-protection mechanism began to take effect.Repeatedly emphasizing a fact - the woman in front of you no longer belongs to you, and will never belong to you again, give up.

Can't accept it... Ha.

Xu Xin gradually calmed down and his thoughts became cold-blooded.

You can't accept it!You like someone else, have you considered whether I can accept it?

Do I have to accept it all? ? ! !

——What are you doing, after all, she is someone you liked before, do you want to draw the line so quickly?The self who was always in love in his mind came out to make trouble again.

Is it time for me to draw the line?You listen to her! !She even said that she would be an ordinary roommate with me!Do I have to endure this too?Can I bear it?

——But if you ignore her objection and still choose to leave tomorrow, the two of you will really break up.Is that what you want?

So what if I want it or not?Does my opinion matter?is that useful?Who can tell me?Um?

Xu Xin's cold heart suddenly became hesitant again... She vigorously wiped away the useless and useless tears on her face, but found that the more she wiped, the more she wiped away... She couldn't speak at all.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I'm really not... I don't know... I'm really sorry." Shen Sihan might not know what she was talking about or what she should say at the moment. explain or comfort.All the words seemed to lose their meaning in the current situation, she could only keep apologizing, hoping that Xu Xin could forgive her empathy.

"... How many days are you talking about? Two or three days? Four or five days? Half a month?" Xu Xin suddenly realized that even if she wanted to leave now, it was impossible, and her mood was still fluctuating. Now, she doesn't know where else she can go after leaving here, and the return ticket is not something that can be bought today.Moreover, with her current mood, she might do something on impulse...

"... Half a month? Um... too long, isn't it..." Of course, Shen Sihan also knew that the sudden separation was a big blow to the two of them, and she needed to ease her mood, while Xu Xin Not only does she need to ease her emotions, she also needs to watch her by herself and not do anything stupid.She knew Xu Xin too well, just now she saw that her eyes had been lingering on the fruit knife hanging by the kitchen for a long time, she immediately stepped forward and moved to Xu Xin's side, between Xu Xin and the knife.Speaking of half a month, her eyes had been fixed on Xu Xin's face, and seeing a sudden change in her expression, she immediately changed her words: "Then ten days... Ten days are fine."

Seeing that Shen Sihan meant that the longer she stayed, the better, Xu Xin took over and said, "Seven days, no more."

"...Okay, then seven days. I'll buy you a plane ticket, and you'll stay with me for another seven days." Shen Sihan was a little conflicted, but she was afraid that Xu Xin would regret the seven days, so she proposed a shorter time. Neng bit the bullet and agreed, and then he was afraid that Xu Xin would overthrow his words, so he directly booked the ticket as well.

Now, Xu Xin can only leave after seven days.Although the matter was resolved, both of them were extremely sad. In order to alleviate the awkward silence between the two of them, and to prevent Xu Xin from thinking wildly, Shen Sihan yelled: "I'm hungry, hurry up, food All right, let's eat."

When the food was served on the table, Shen Sihan couldn't help but spit out the food in his mouth after taking a bite.

too salty.Xu Xin knew.But she couldn't stop laughing.

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