a setting sun

Chapter 56

Of course Xu Xin knew what Shen Sihan was doing.Shen Sihan's subconscious also knew what he was doing.It's just that Shen Sihan won't admit it.

She won't admit that she borrowed to live in the boy's house just to be able to stay with the person she likes, even if she doesn't do anything, even if there are other people present, everyone just get together and have fun.Even though Xu Xin here sent a message asking her what she was doing, why didn't she reply to her message.

She doesn't care anymore.He didn't care about Xu Xin at all.

Because at this time her mind is completely on another person.You must know that the most addictive stage of the relationship between two people is when the ambiguity that cannot be explained clearly is in progress.

Xu Xin has liked several people and experienced this kind of time, of course she knows it well.But the more she knew, the more painful it was.

It is the deep sense of powerlessness that one knows that everything is about to be irreversible, but there is nothing one can do.Even, at this moment, for Shen Sihan, he has already become a person who does too much and makes too many mistakes.

She sent a message, and it took nearly two days for Shen Sihan to reply to her.She knew why.Shen Sihan was just continuing what she hadn't done some time ago.It was the time when Xu Xin had guessed what she was thinking.

But Xu Xin couldn't do anything, he couldn't even talk about it.Because Shen Sihan would definitely say that he didn't do anything.

Yes, she really didn't do anything, probably never held hands, never kissed, never slept.But her eyes have already betrayed her, the person she looks at first when a group of people laugh, the person she can't help but touch when joking, she is full of admiration in her heart but often avoids Xu Xin people who don't talk about it.

It's all about that person, the one she likes.

But Xu Xin was probably a born scumbag, she had already reached this point, she still hadn't made up her mind to give up on Shen Sihan voluntarily.She was waiting, waiting for Shen Sihan to confess on her own initiative.

Because she no longer wants to end in an unclear way like when she was with Deng Shanshan before.

Obviously she was not wrong, and she also pointed out to the other party that she had begun to favor others, but the other party refused to admit it.

But in Xu Xin's eyes, it was already so obvious that there was no need for her to admit anything, Xu Xin had already seen the end.And Xu Xin's proposal to break up is just to advance the doomed ending.

But the other party may not think so at all.The other party may not understand at all why Xu Xin mentioned breaking up, and why after the breakup, he would rather live in such pain every day but never take the initiative to say that he wants to get back together.

From the other party's point of view, Xu Xin's series of actions are simply inexplicable.

But Xu Xin thought, as long as she knew it, it would be fine.She doesn't need others to understand her, to sympathize with her.

It's just being betrayed, and it's not the first time, so what's the big deal.

Probably this is the so-called present newspaper...

She willfully intervened in other people's feelings, causing a tragedy for a person, and now, she will also bear this kind of torture, no matter what she thinks or does.

So, it doesn't matter.Lying on the bed, Xu Xin suddenly felt that her body was very heavy, as if she had accidentally strayed into a swamp. She was gradually swallowed up by the mud and pulled continuously by gravity. When the pressure from the surroundings gradually rose from her waist to her chest, she began to feel out of breath. Breath came, and then her body was still slowly falling, and the mud spread upwards, her breathing became rapid, and the cold and slippery feeling had already touched her chin...

Then, her face, which was trying to raise her head to the sky, was also covered by the cold sand, and it was difficult for her to maintain her breathing...

"Hiss... huh..., cough cough cough..." She suddenly took a deep breath, opened her eyes, quickly turned over and sat up, the sudden rapid breathing irritated her throat, and she couldn't control it. Coughing louder than loudly, she coughed for a while until she felt a tearing pain in her throat, and she finally recovered.

Is... had a nightmare?

She looked blankly at the silent room, only the incandescent lamp above her head was still bright and dazzling.Then I picked up the phone on the side to check the time, and it was already 02:30 in the morning...

She swallowed with difficulty, only to realize that her mouth was dry and uncomfortable.So he got up and took the mineral water on the table and unscrewed it.

"Gudu Gudu..." After taking two big sips of water, she felt as if she had come back to life.His back was already soaked in cold sweat from the nightmare he had just had.But when I fell asleep, I don’t know, I didn’t eat dinner, and she collapsed here when I got home from work. I didn’t know how to fall asleep and then had a nightmare. When I woke up from the nightmare, I realized that I fell asleep without knowing it. passed.

It was not the first day Xu Xin had passed through such a muddle-headed day, nor was it the first time.So, it's like getting used to it.This time, there were no tears, no questioning, no self-examination and reflection.She will not rehearse the loss over and over again before losing it.

She was like a death row prisoner trapped in prison waiting for the execution order. At first she was very excited, then she was calm, and finally she waited without joy or sorrow.

Waiting for the day when Shen Sihan's feelings that could not be concealed broke out.

In the corner of the room is a part of the luggage that has been packed. There are many gifts she bought for Shen Sihan during various festivals in the luggage, there are dolls and ornaments, and clothes that Shen Sihan has worn and not worn.

These things, including Xu Xin, are like the past that has been abandoned by Shen Sihan, telling the past in a corner that others can't see.

At this time, Xu Xin would think again...

If at the beginning, I didn't choose to destroy the relationship of friends willfully, wouldn't it be so miserable at this time?

Obviously not.

Happiness belongs to others, what is left to Xu Xin will always be this kind of loneliness that cannot see the edge.The only difference is whether you have the loneliness that you couldn't love before or the loneliness that you lost again.

But no matter what, the time that Shen Sihan filled was already a pleasant surprise for Xu Xin.

So Xu Xin has no regrets, has never regretted it, and will accept the loss calmly.

However, sadness is always inevitable.

But Xu Xin was ready.


Soon everything in Shenzhen came to an end, even though Shen Sihan behaved too much in that month, Xu Xin didn't quarrel with her any more.He just packed up all the things in the house, and sold the electrical appliances that he couldn't take away at a low price. On the day of moving, Shen Sihan finally came back to help.

Xu Xin didn't show any special emotions, just doing what he should do step by step.

The house after the move was settled in just one day.Although I found out that there were a lot of small cockroaches in the house after I moved in, I had already paid a deposit and signed a contract for a quarter, so I naturally wanted to live there.

It took Xu Xin three whole days to tidy up the house from inside to outside, cleaned it thoroughly, put a sheet on the sofa with an unsatisfactory color, and bought a full floor of floor leather for fear of damaging the floor of the room. All the bed sheets and quilt covers were changed, and it was considered complete.

It took another three days for Xu Xin to go out to find a job, but it didn't go well.There is no crowded commercial area around the place where the two live. Xu Xin rode a shared bicycle for three days and only saw countless household goods stores. She doesn’t like that industry and has never done it. Naturally, will not be considered.

So the matter of finding a job ended in failure.

Xu Xin began to lose confidence in herself, and she bored herself at home again.Every morning when Shen Sihan tidies up and goes to work, she closes her eyes and listens to the sound of Shen Sihan's washing water, the rustling of clothes, the collision of cosmetics on the table, and the click of shoes , and finally Shen Sihan's energetic farewell sound of "I'm going to work" and the sound of the door being closed.Then she opened her eyes, faced the dullness of the room, sighed, and continued to sleep drowsily.

Xu Xin didn't know what else he could do.Shen Sihan's enthusiasm for work is getting higher and higher day by day, she is happy.

Of course, I can see the person I like every day, work with the person I like, and laugh and play.How could you be unhappy?

On the other hand, Xu Xin is like an older unemployed youth, staying at home, constantly checking her mobile phone, watching movies and TV shows, ordering takeaway when she is hungry, and going downstairs to buy water in her pajamas and slippers when she is thirsty.

In this state, no one can see and comment on two words - trash!

Xu Xin had already had a premonition that Shen Sihan would have a showdown, so it seemed that she was giving up on herself now, but in fact, she was waiting for the moment when Shen Sihan couldn't hold his breath.

Including her current state, it is in sharp contrast with the other party. One is positive and sunny and loves work, and the other is not aggressive, gloomy and depraved. Anyone can make a decision quickly.

Sure enough, one night half a month later, Xu Xin was making dinner after a long absence, waiting for Shen Sihan to come back to have dinner together.A few minutes after the dishes were put into the pot, Shen Sihan came back with a smile all over his face.

"Are you back?" Xu Xin was concentrating on stir-frying the vegetables in the pot, and asked only to glance at Shen Sihan's expression.

"Well, but I have something to tell you. Don't be too excited after you hear it. If you react too much, I won't tell you."

Xu's confidence sank, and the alarm in his heart sounded immediately. His whole body was tense, but on the surface he replied calmly: "Oh? What's the matter? Tell me. I'm not excited."

"Then you promise me that you won't be angry." Shen Sihan's face was shy and timid, as if she was a little girl.The last time Xu Xin saw her in this state was when she was chasing that boy named Tian Yu.

Xu Xin's heart continued to sink, he turned down the flame of the gas stove, controlled his expression to be as calm as possible, and squeezed out an unnatural smile: "Say it, I'm not angry."

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