a setting sun

Chapter 42

When Xu Xin gradually integrated into the new working environment, her and Shen Sihan's life gradually got on the right track. Most of their working hours overlapped, so the time they could spend together gradually changed. It’s a lot more. At first, when the two of them were on vacation, they arranged the itinerary and went around to see and have fun. Later, as the working hours got longer and longer, the two of them would not choose to walk around when they were free. I don't know if Shen Sihan's personality was also influenced by Xu Xin, the abandoned house. They both chose to spend more time in bed, and when it was time to eat, they decided what to eat. Is it Xu Xin who cooks, or Xu Xin? Two people work together.

Living in Shenzhen, you don’t have to prepare clothes for the four seasons like you did when you were in your hometown. You only need clothes for winter and summer to meet your daily needs most of the time.Even because of the sudden change of seasons, people in short-sleeves and guys in down jackets can often be seen walking together on the street.So the two of them just go out shopping together after a while to buy two clothes.

Working time accounts for most of my daily life, but fortunately, the boss in Taiwan has complied with laws and regulations in terms of salary and treatment. According to the requirements of the labor law, Xu Xin and the others are paid overtime pay during holidays, so everyone is tired. Some, but no complaints.Shen Sihan's side has gradually become a duck to water in the store, but occasionally when she goes home, she will complain that the work is too easy and not challenging at all, so she has no chance to continue to be promoted.But after thinking about it again, if the work is too challenging, it will definitely be tiring, and she will gradually get used to being loose. Anyway, she came to the company only to make money and not to create any great achievements, so there is nothing wrong with it now.

In the past, Xu Xin always wanted to work with Shen Sihan, but since the two of them actually worked together in Beijing, she discovered that—in fact, the working time is only for work, she They can't keep an eye on Shen Sihan 24 hours a day like a surveillance camera, so the two of them working together can't increase the time they spend together. They usually go to work separately and can look at each other. time is pitifully small.

So now Xu Xin sees it, even if she still has the desire to be with Shen Sihan all the time, she won't think about doing the same job as Shen Sihan anymore.After all, the two people have different personalities and preferences, and the types of jobs that Shen Sihan can accept are also very different from Xu Xin.

Everyone has a position that suits them best, so Xu Xin has always felt that if he is suffocated and frustrated at work, then he has definitely chosen the wrong direction, and then the most appropriate solution is to stop losses in time and resign immediately, hesitating Decisive, indecisive will only let myself continue to suffer needlessly, which is meaningless at all.

Fortunately, the work in the milk tea shop is a bit tiring, but it will be fine once you get used to it.And at first Xu Xin was worried that if he, a northerner, suddenly fell into the group of southerners, would he not seem so gregarious?

But later she found out that she was worrying too much.Southerners don't seem to have the concept of Baotuaner in their minds at all.Because they are all absolute egoists, they have no intention of giving trust to anyone other than themselves.This leads to the fact that when people in the store get together, it seems that you talk to each other very lively, and the relationship between each other is also good.But in fact, once the topic is over, everyone can immediately return to a look of indifference, as if everyone is meeting for the first time today.Xu Xin was the only one standing there in embarrassment, thinking that you didn't treat each other as outsiders when you were laughing so hard just now!How can this wave turn into a level that makes people anxious even after a few words?Xu Xin has been used to this for almost a year but has not gotten used to it. It seems that she is really not suitable for getting along with southerners.

However, the situation between them changed a lot when they got along with Xu Xin separately. It may be because Xu Xin is the only interesting Northeast person, or it may be because Xu Xin has a lot of topics in his head. I want to say that the other party will be very interested.But the most likely point is that because Xu Xin's personality doesn't look like a girl at all, but she is a real girl, so the girls let go of their defenses like they are against boys, and they don't worry about Xu Xin's feelings against girls. Interested in intrigue and thus too gossip.

So after getting along for a long time, a few little girls started to get together and nicknamed each other. After all, it is always too unfamiliar and impolite to always use the same name and surname.Calling by first and last names in front of guests feels like revealing the privacy of the other party.Using nicknames not only shows closeness, but also is catchy, so everyone has their own names.

The little girl is the youngest girl in the store, who just turned [-] this year.She wears a neat ponytail all day long, and occasionally some loose hair falls from her temples on the way to work. Every time she runs to the back kitchen, she takes off her hat and a small elastic to tie it up again.Although this girl is young, her hands and feet are very nimble, and she has the longest working experience among the employees in the store. By the time Xu Xin joined the company for two months, she had already worked in the store for a full year.But before that, because I was not old enough, I didn't formally apply for a job, and I just received my salary normally.In the end, he and Xu Xin signed a labor contract with the company at the same time.

In the south, it seems that it is very common to go out to work before the age of [-]. Generally, such children come from families with little money but have five or six children to support.Children who have reached adulthood and do not want to study will choose to work to earn money for their older siblings or younger siblings who are still studying.Xu Xin has no position to criticize their parents, and feels that this situation is actually quite normal. After all, there were too many such things in her parents' era, and there were even cases where the oldest or youngest child was sold to support part of the family. .But if you want to ask why this kind of family wants to have children as they get poorer, Xu Xin is qualified to tell you, because they want to have a boy.Had a boy and wanted a girl.As the saying goes, the dragon and the phoenix are auspicious, but they are all boys.

In the final analysis, just like Xu Xin's father, she is caused by the old feudal thinking of patriarchal patriarchy, and she has no brains, so she can't figure out how to live a good life, so she can only follow the rules of the older generation, Mr. Labor.If you can't give birth, you continue to give birth, and in the end you all become a family like a little sister.

Ah Yu and Ah Meng in the store are cousins, and the two families are similar to the younger sister's family. There are at least four children in the family, and one of them is the third child and the other is the fourth child.The girl A Yu looks weak and soft-spoken, but in private she likes more intense hardcore rap and heavy metal style music.On weekdays, he still likes to tell cold jokes in a serious manner.But most of the time, she seems to be talking to herself, because her words are always ignored by everyone unconsciously.So she would always say aggrievedly, "Oh, then I won't talk about it, no one of you is listening anyway." Xu Xin watched everyone chat happily, but A Yu pouted on the other side and sulked , that sharp contrast always made her unable to bear to just leave this little girl behind.So he could only ask Ah Yu to say what she said again knowingly, and then give a reaction to show that he heard it.At this time, Ah Yu will obviously be happy.But Xu Xin could only smile and express that no matter how scheming he was, these little girls were still just grown-up children.

Sister Yan is the oldest among the girls, but she is still five years behind Xu Xin.This girl's hands-on ability is the strongest in the store. Whether it's making handmade delicacies or assembling or disassembling some utensils, she can easily grasp it with her hands, to the extent that Xu Xin, who thinks his hands-on ability is not weak, feels inferior.After chatting, I found out that Sister Yan is the second child in the family. She usually helps her parents at home. She has basically done all kinds of farm work, so she also cooks tea in the store and cuts fruits with quick hands and feet. It's also good, so it is deeply loved by the store manager, sister Hua.But the reason why Sister Yan is called Sister Yan is not just because she is very good at work, but also because every time she speaks, she will point out the excuses that everyone is evasive, and then speak quickly to make the original selfish little Thoughtful people show their true colors.Although it would make the atmosphere awkward, she didn't care at all.The whole person is often in the kind of arrogant state of chatting when he can chat, and breaking up if he doesn't chat, so it gets its name.

Sister Hua is a woman who is over [-] years old but still has a childlike heart. Because she is spoiled by her husband like a little girl, she always feels that she has an indomitable drive in talking and doing things. It looks like the relationship between a boss and a subordinate, but it is more like a working partner with an equal relationship.Xu Xin's intuitive feeling was that she didn't take this job and the boss seriously at all, but in this case, it was the boss who begged her to work here, because she had been working here for five years.There are as many new employees as there are, but the old employees, whether in the company or in the store, are like antiques, and their value is not just the salary of a few thousand yuan.

Ah Meng is Ah Yu's cousin.When Xu Xin came to work here for less than a month, the shop recruited two sisters, A Yu and A Meng, one after another.Of course, after A Yu succeeded in the interview first, she did not expect that A Meng chose to come here like her, and passed the manager's interview very easily.Then after they started working in the store, the two did not directly disclose their relationship. Even because they were similar in age, they were often compared by the elders in the family, so there was always an invisible competitive relationship between the two. .It's the same after working in the store. Others often see these two people arguing, and they never think that the two girls are sisters.

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