a setting sun

Chapter 41

Xu Xin found that he always seemed to be trying a job that he had never tried before, just like working in a milk tea shop this time, every time it was a brand new start, and he needed to learn some knowledge that he had never had access to before.However, every time he changes jobs, Xu Xin realizes that people in the past said '360 skills, one can be the number one', this sentence is [-]% correct.There is no industry that can't get ahead, there are just useless people who can't succeed.When each industry is really done, you will find that the depth of the industry depends entirely on how deep your understanding is.

Just like when she came to work in a milk tea shop, she thought the job was too simple.At first I thought it was just a matter of getting some water to rinse it, and putting something in it to soak it, wouldn't that be all right?

However, when she got to the job, she discovered that the production of each drink has its own unique process.Southerners pay attention to this point, compared with northern beverage stores, it is as different as morning tea in the south and breakfast in the north.Not only is the process complicated, but the production process of each ingredient is also different. The temperature is as detailed as one or two degrees, and the sweetness of one or two grams is also important.

Especially in the store where Xu Xin works, the boss is a Taiwanese, and he requires that the milk tea made should be as simple as China's extensive and profound tea culture.Each original tea has to be cooked for different lengths of time, and the smell and heat can’t be bad. The role of the manager and the store manager is to control the quality of the tea. The tea made every day must be tasted by the store manager. The astringency of the tea The taste cannot be absent, nor can it be too heavy.

In the north, most of the milk tea you drink in beverage stores is simply soaked in boiling water, and even many informal shops just use boiling water to fool customers, and the rest are replaced with additives of various flavors. What do you want to drink? There are all kinds of flavors, but the kind is called milk tea but has nothing to do with tea.

Xu Xin needs to learn from the beginning, understand the characteristics of each tea, remember the name of each tea, and even be able to recite the origin and allusions of the tea during the assessment.

Black tea, green tea, oolong tea, Sijiqing and Pu'er tea are the most acceptable basic tea for making milk tea.Among them, black tea and green tea have the best sales volume, and are loved by people for their rich and not heavy tea aroma and refreshing aftertaste.These are just the simplest basic knowledge.

But for Xu Xin, remembering these theoretical knowledge is really not difficult.Only when you really start working will you know whether you have the talent in this area and whether you are suitable for this industry.Because the time for making tea is very tight every day, usually several teas are made at the same time, the length of time is different, the temperature requirements are different, whether ice is added or not, and how much ice is added is also different.I often get busy here, and I can’t remember the tea that has to be turned off when it reaches 85 degrees, and I turn off the fire here, and forget whether to add ice to the tea over there.Under such circumstances, Xu Xin had to learn all these various things in a week and be able to operate them proficiently without making mistakes.

During the period, Xu Xin was scalded by boiling water because of the hasty operation.Fortunately, I rinsed it with cold water in time, and then went to the pharmacy to buy an analgesic ointment for removing scars, and after applying it for half a month, no burn scars were left.

Xu Xin felt that she had never underestimated any industry, but she never thought that she would need to learn so much professional knowledge in a small milk tea shop.But at the same time, I also feel fortunate that the boss is such a picky person, and let her learn a craft while working part-time. With what she learned in the store, even if there is no suitable job when she returns to her hometown, she It is more than enough to open a small beverage shop.

That's why Xu Xin said at the beginning that there is no industry that can't do well, only useless people who can't succeed.If any industry can investigate all the things to be done to the root cause like this milk tea shop, I am afraid it will become a leader in the industry.

But the so-called profiteers and profiteers are all profiteers, and Xu Xin also saw it from these Taiwanese people.

It turned out that the milk tea shop where Xu Xin worked was directly affiliated to a tea drinking raw material company. The company's main business item was not actually selling milk tea, but selling its own tea raw materials and various finished and semi-finished products used in various milk teas. The ingredients include various equipment counters needed to open a milk tea shop, etc.The boss and manager of the company are all Taiwanese, and there are also Taiwanese among the partners.

It may be that the problem of raw materials is more complicated, the profit point has not met the boss's expectation, or it is just the greed of human nature, so the boss put his idea on the franchisee.That's right, the company that originally had only one store has opened two new stores in order to attract franchisees with stupid money.The boss always brings people to the store for on-the-spot inspections, tea tasting, and introductions all day long. During this period, he also brings in a lot of people. When he has time, he trains with the employees.But after the song ended and everyone left, Xu Xin and the others would be secretly summoned to issue a new set of tea sop production process, asking them to follow the standard issued later.In this way, no franchisee can achieve better business than the main store.After they paid the franchise fee, bought the equipment and raw materials to go back, and did this kind of face-to-face training, the company will no longer care about other matters.As for how much this group of people can do in the future, how long it will take to close down is not a problem that the company needs to worry about. Anyway, the next batch of lambs to be slaughtered will automatically walk into the trap.

If there is a big gap between the south and the north, it is very huge, not only the environment, climate and eating habits, but also the nature of people.Most of the people Xu Xin came into contact with while working in Shenzhen were southerners, and there were even Taiwanese like their boss and manager who came across the sea.The most obvious thing to her is that these people are all scheming and like to care about every detail.From bosses in their forties to employees in their [-]s and [-]s, none of them are pure-minded.

Except for normal working hours, most of the local older southerners like to wear old clothes that are not particularly particular, pull slippers on the streets, alleys, shopping malls and stores, and like to speak Hakka in front of outsiders. Teochew and Cantonese, I like to see people look shocked because of the huge contrast between their clothes and how rich they are.

The shop assistants and store manager were all shocked when they heard that Xu Xin was from a small northern town in the easternmost part of China. This was the first time they had such close contact with people from the Northeast.But everyone also expressed doubts about Xu Xin's lack of an accent when he spoke, and they all said old jokes like "the curb is bald" and "what are you looking at", and they still want to hear Xu Xin, a man from the Northeast Demonstrate in person.Later, Xu Xin seemed to have completely become the treasure of the store, and every time he talked about old things with this group of southerners, he could make a group of people laugh until their stomachs ached.They all said that the humor of the Northeast people is inherent in their bones, but Xu Xin didn't feel it. He only felt that this group of people had a really low point of laughter and was very strange.

The oldest person in the store is the store manager, who is six or seven years older than Xu Xin, but because she has a baby face, fair skin and a thin body, people can't tell that she is already a mother of two children.Then there is Xu Xin, who is 26 years old but has a face that looks like he just graduated. He is mixed among a group of young girls with an average age of 20 and loves to dress up. There is no age difference in appearance. .This made Shen Sihan deeply feel that his position was inexplicably threatened.

Walking on the streets in the south, it is rare to see fat people, which may be related to the southerners' love of health, and also to the local eating habits.On the streets of the south, it is rare to see girls with unsatisfactory looks. Generally, they are all beautiful in their own way and have a slender figure. The same is true for the little sisters in Xu Xin's shop, although there are still some slenderness between their eyebrows and eyes. Childish, but because she usually likes to dress up, her every move and gesture also has a bit of immature femininity.Maybe this is one of the reasons why Shen Sihan feels that Xu Xin's work here is 'dangerous', and she would even quietly run to the opposite side of the road outside Xu Xin's shop and stand there to see Xu Xin's usual working status.

After a month of training on all the processes in the store, Xu Xin officially took up his post. Every job has to be done, from the back kitchen's brewing tea, pearls, roasting grass jelly to make pudding, to the tea shaker in the middle , the ingredient clerk, and the handyman who prepares the basic ingredients and cleans and takes out the garbage, to the receptionist and the cashier, each job has different requirements, and the whole process makes Xu Xin feel that he is omnipotent now. Yes, even self-confidence has inexplicably inflated.But in fact, among all the employees, what she does is not the best or the fastest, but it doesn't matter. After all, what she wants to achieve is not to become the top ten employees, or to earn money for a living, so the pursuit of What's the point of being extreme, it's just adding trouble to yourself.

Shen Sihan's work here is not that busy, so on weekdays, he would sneak out to go shopping with the new friends in the store during working hours, and then pretend to casually go to see Xu Xin.Occasionally, when no one was around, he would deliberately stop in the crowd outside Xu Xin's store to watch for a while, and then leave after confirming that Xu Xin's working status was normal.

A few times when Shen Sihan sneaked out of Xu Xin's shop and squatted outside Xu Xin's store, Xu Xin found out, but Xu Xin just laughed in his heart, but kept his face on the surface, pretending that he didn't see the other party, and worked in a serious manner.

Although it may sound unreasonable to secretly squat to see if the other party is cheating, but Xu Xin actually doesn't dislike Shen Sihan's doing so.After all, this only shows how important Xu Xin is to Shen Sihan, and Shen Sihan usually never talks about how much he cares about Xu Xin, and never says whether he loves Xu Xin or not.Xu Xin could only judge from her behavior what kind of position he occupied in her heart.

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