a setting sun

Chapter 43

When Xu Xin worked in his previous workplace, he was also nicknamed by others.But it's different from everyone's cute type. Everyone chose to start from Xu Xin's appearance and call her Brother Xin.Although this appellation sounds like the name of a small animal serving the people, more people call it out as if they were calling the leader of a certain gang. It is powerful, domineering and masculine.Those who don't know it will feel that this man called 'Xin Ge' must be very reliable.

However, when Xu Xin talked about this "glorious" past, he was laughed at by the little girl's movies again.Everyone was discussing with each other, they always felt that calling Xu Xin 'brother' seemed inappropriate, and they always felt that it would be more respectful to call them. Like the elders who were a generation older than them, after discussion and discussion, they decided to give Xu Xin the title of "uncle"-'Uncle Xin'.This title is obviously more in line with the calm aura exuded by Xu Xin now, and it is not so solemn. Others can't guess why everyone calls Xu Xin that way.

So Xu Xin, who was only five or six years older than these little girls, somehow became the elder of everyone.Even later, Sister Hua, who was five or six years older than her, joined everyone in calling Xu Xin "Uncle Xin".

From the point of view of appellation, the relationship network in the store is indeed getting more and more chaotic.But this group of little girls didn't care so much, they only cared about how happy they were, and followed Xu Xin's buttocks all day, shouting long and shortly, very proud of themselves.

However, there is one guy in this group of people who does not take the usual path and refuses to be called Uncle Xin like everyone else.This person is Ameng who entered the store last.Ameng thinks that she has a closer relationship with Xu Xin than other people, and being called Uncle Xin makes a lot of sense, so in order to show her specialness, she calls Xu Xin differently every time.

When Ah Meng first entered the store, the store manager did not designate anyone to be her master to teach her how to get started, so she was always in the store like a marginal person watching everyone doing their own jobs. I want to learn or help, but everyone just thinks that she is in the way, and no one is willing to take the initiative to impart some experience to her.

At that time, Xu Xin was still a half-newcomer. Although there were still some processes that she hadn't understood yet, when the store was very busy, she was able to pick up a few jobs and successfully filled them. At this time, Xu Xin didn't She chose to sit on the sidelines like everyone else and wait to see Ah Meng making jokes, but chose to teach Ah Meng the things she already understood one by one.Unlike Xu Xin, who has never been taught systematically, and who spends most of his time stealing and comprehending by himself with paper processes, the knowledge and skills that Ameng has received are Xu Xin’s own work for nearly a month. Summarized by learning, including some places that need to be focused on and a more reasonable sequence.So I quickly got started, and gradually blended into the busy atmosphere of the store.

But Ah Meng also knew that if Xu Xin hadn't helped her, she might have been eliminated by the strict and busy manager at this time.Therefore, Ah Meng, who is grateful, always treats Xu Xin specially.

When everyone called Xu Xin 'Uncle Xin', she chased Xu Xin and shouted: 'Xinzi! ''Xiaoxinxin! ''Believe me'.

Then she gradually discovered a secret during the time spent with Xu Xin——Xu Xin never took the initiative to have physical contact with any of them, and would very deliberately avoid other people's physical contact with her .Every time she cheerfully approached Xu Xin and wanted to hold Xu Xin's arm or hold Xu Xin's hand, she seemed to avoid it unintentionally.

Once or twice is fine, she also thought that Xu Xin just didn't notice her movements, but once, when Xu Xin rushed to work for the afternoon shift, she rushed to greet him as soon as she entered the store, wanting to give Xu Xin a hug, But Xu Xin avoided her by leaning sideways in front of her, and walked towards the back kitchen while smiling awkwardly and patted her on the shoulder: "Don't be so enthusiastic, it's a bit scary. Haha."

There is something wrong with this.Ah Meng felt that her curiosity had been completely ignited.

why?They are all girls, so there is no need to be so sensitive to a small movement.So what if you touch it?No less meat.The more obvious Xu Xin's refusal to contact was, the more she wanted to test it out, and wanted to know where the bottom line that Xu Xin couldn't touch was.So he tried different ways to touch her, accidentally touched her with his fingers, accidentally bumped against his back, and hugged her waist when Xu Xin was not paying attention.If Xu Xin accidentally catches her deliberation, just throw an innocent smile at her, and let her have nothing to do with herself.

Who is Xu Xin?But even if she had noticed the little girl's small thoughts, she couldn't help it.After all, the other party didn't like her or said that she likes her. The little girl just likes to play around. In her opinion, this series of provocative actions may be just a joke with Xu Xin.Whoever takes it seriously loses.But always being teased by the other party, even if Xu Xin only wanted to keep the ancient well calm, it was even more difficult.

At the beginning, Xu Xin wanted to pretend that he didn't care and get away with it, but as soon as the number of times increased, she got annoyed.Seeing that the other party is always smiling, you can't be angry, so Xu Xin secretly made up his mind that he must "pay back" Ah Meng, and let her realize that what she is doing now is not just a simple joke.

The two of them belonged to the front desk and the back kitchen that day. Taking advantage of the time when Ah Meng came out of the back kitchen to get new tea, she stood at the front desk and looked at the streets and pedestrians outside for a while, but it took two or three seconds. Time secretly shook the hand of Xu Xin who was standing at the cashier at the front desk.

At the time when there was no one around, Xu Xin was standing behind the checkout machine staring at the street in a daze. He didn't even notice when A Meng stood beside him. He was shocked by A Meng's handshake all of a sudden. Jump.However, when the other party saw Xu Xin looking over, he gave a harmless smile to Xu Xin's eyes, and then ran away with an empty tea bucket, hid directly in the back kitchen and closed the door.

no more.If this little girl is not taught a lesson, it seems that she is really used to playing Xu Xin like a monkey.

"Sister Yan, help me keep an eye on the cash register. I'll go to the back and come out right away." Sister Yan, who was standing in the tea shaker's position and also in a daze, was suddenly called by her name, and she was obviously stunned for a moment, and then walked over He waved his hand to Xu Xin at the vacant cashier position, meaning to go quickly.

Xu Xin, who was free, had a slight smile on his face, and went directly to the back kitchen.

Ah Meng, who had just finished playing the prank, obviously did not expect that Xu Xin, who was on the front desk, would follow her to the back kitchen to "revenge" her, and was raising her hand to adjust the timer hanging on the wall.There are several of these things, lined up in a row. Usually, everyone uses the countdown of the timer to remember the cooking time of different teas. After each use, they have to reset the time to prepare for the next time.And now Ah Meng is adjusting the timing of the new round.

Xu Xin's footsteps were not heavy, and the ice machine in the kitchen was booming again, so Ameng didn't realize that Xu Xin had come behind her.

Xu Xin thought for a while, she didn't want to touch A Meng's place, she just wanted to scare her, so she approached A Meng quietly from behind, then put her head next to A Meng's right ear and asked softly: "The back kitchen Are you free?"

Ah Meng was indeed taken aback. When the voice came out, she felt her heart tense. She turned her head quickly, but the tip of her nose directly touched Xu Xin's face, which was close at hand, and then pushed him away. Give Xu Xin a hand.

Xu Xin was pushed and staggered a bit before he stood upright.Fortunately, it was not busy today, and there were no rows of spare tea buckets on the ground, so she didn't bump into anything.Then she realized that this little girl knew how to hide from others, so she laughed first.

"You are so timid, how can you still make jokes like others?"

Ah Meng's face turned pale from fright, after seeing clearly that the culprit was Xu Xin, it turned from white to red quickly. Remembering the touch of the tip of her nose just now, she subconsciously touched her nose, completely ignoring the redness. He approached Xu Xin in two steps with his frowning face, leaning towards his face very directly. He seemed to be a little bit coquettish and said, "Why are you joking! Can't you?" The face is only ten centimeters away from Xu Xin's face.

Xu Xin was frightened by this guy's aura, subconsciously wanted to take a step back, but was directly grabbed by A Meng, unable to move.Then the other party showed a successful smile and exhaled in front of Xu Xin's eyes and said, "What are you hiding, I won't eat you." Before the words fell, his eyes looked back and forth on Xu Xin's eyes and lips.

Xu Xin was shocked, and hurriedly took two steps back, at the same time, he withdrew the hand held by Ah Meng forcefully.

She knew exactly what Ah Meng's eyes meant just now, and what she was thinking.She also came from Ah Meng's age. Back then, she had this kind of reckless momentum and aggression than Ah Meng who was standing in front of her now.

In order not to let the matter develop to the point of no return, Xu Xin could only let out a sigh of relief, let his expression soften, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Okay, okay, you win, you win." Then he turned and left the back kitchen.

After leaving the back kitchen, Xu Xin let out a long sigh, feeling a little scared.The young man's drive is indeed terrifying, and she is not the same as she was back then, but she doesn't have the energy to deal with all these things.She only knew that now she had to take responsibility for Shen Sihan, some thoughts that shouldn't have would be completely killed in the cradle.

As for that Ah Meng who seems not afraid of anything, just let her do whatever she wants to do to her, anyway, as long as she thinks about Shen Sihan wholeheartedly, nothing will happen.

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