Lord, he is not a man [infrastructure]

Chapter 62 Tang Bo's Teachings

There's nothing wrong with it, it's just that money can turn ghosts around.

Gu Hui trained these soldiers only to let them eat two meals a day, to ensure that they would not be too hungry to train and fight, but it was impossible to let them eat as much as possible, and there was no extra meal during the training, so they would eat only two meals a day. There are two meals in the morning and evening. If you miss it, you will not eat.

And the soldiers are not paid much, they must fight bravely to be rewarded.

What Gu Hui can be proud of is that he can provide the soldiers with weapons, clothes, shoes and socks, which he thinks is already remarkable.

But people’s hearts are never easy to satisfy. People who volunteered to be soldiers initially wanted to have enough food, dress decently, and seek a possible background, such as being promoted because of their bravery in combat, and becoming the lord’s bodyguard and confidant.

But how many people can be promoted in the end?

When Gu Ding consciously let people spread the news of how good Bailu leader's life is among the lower-level servants, some people envied Bailu leader and became more dissatisfied with their current life.

The head of the guards and a few guards kept the soldiers under strict supervision, but these soldiers always had a shift, and their family members were either in the castle or in the Three Trees. As long as they came out, they would inevitably come into contact with some rumors .

For example, Bailuling is recruiting people, whether they are civilians or slaves, as long as you go to Bailuling, Bailuling will recognize your status as a free person.

The most important thing is that Bailuling has a lot of work, not only to take care of food and housing, but also to pay wages. I heard that he can take care of sickness. Nursery hosted by Lords.

Some people may feel fearful about entrusting their children to others, but in fact, there is no need to worry, because the children in the nursery are all civilians, and they are adult women who have been personally assessed by the white deer collar housekeeper to take care of people.Parents of children can visit their children at any time, and pick them up at any time.

When the news slowly spread among the soldiers, the hearts of these soldiers moved.

The lord Gu Hui has not shown up for a long time, and it is said that he was seriously injured.

During this time, the leader of the guards and several guards were controlling them.When these guards were watched by Gu Hui, they didn't dare to deduct the supplies of the soldiers, but Gu Hui is unconscious now, and none of them know whether Gu Hui can wake up, let alone whether the next lord will be able to... Trust them and use them.

At such times, even people who have never had the idea of ​​corruption will have the idea of ​​"accumulating more property so that they can leave at any time".

As a result, the soldiers found that their food was getting worse and worse, and the portions were getting smaller and smaller.In winter, even the thick clothes that should be distributed to them are gone.

The most hateful thing is that no matter how good they practice, there is no real reward.

Seeing that the lord Gu Hui hadn't shown up, some of the soldiers couldn't help asking and being reprimanded.

Just when the soldiers had to endure for a bite to eat, the new lord came.

They didn't see the new lord at first, and the head of the guards who controlled them kept looking for reasons to delay.

The soldiers connected secretly, feeling that something was wrong.

It happened that several guards cheated them even more seriously, and the soldiers reacted to the leader of the guards.As a result, the head of the guards actually told them that the new lord lived a luxurious life and canceled many of the rules set by the previous lord, including the treatment of the soldiers.

The soldiers were angry and full of complaints against the new lord.

But what is unexpected is that someone sneaked up on them and told them that it was not the new lord who was detaining them, but that these guards and guard leaders wanted to use the soldiers to blackmail the young new lord, and wanted to gain real power in the territory, even the former lord's Injury and coma have a lot to do with these guards.

The soldiers believed that before the new lord came, these guards were depriving them of their living supplies.

Moreover, when those guards talked to certain soldiers, they more or less revealed that they wanted to take them away and set up another mountain.

The messenger secretly told the soldiers that the new lord valued them very much and was willing to treat them better.

The person who sent the message also brought copper coins and distributed ten to everyone, saying that this was a reward from the new lord.

Money is easy to talk about. After that, the messenger came here, and every time he would secretly bring some things, distribute them to the soldiers, and preach the various benefits of following the new lord.

Someone wanted to tell the guards about the fact that the new lord had sent someone to win them over, in order to get a reward, but before he even got to the guards, he was killed by the soldiers.

Because more soldiers don't want to leave the Sanshu collar and wander with the guards, and they will detain their guard leaders and the guards have no credibility among the soldiers. They don't believe that these guards can bring them more A good life, but they all believe that the new lord is right. These guards just want to use them and use their lives to pave a good life for them.

Finally, Gu Ding found an opportunity to sneak over in person. He walked the entire barracks and met almost every soldier.

He also personally distributed copper coins to them, and promised that if the leader of the guards asked them to turn against him, as long as they seized the leader of the guards and a few guards in turn, all of them would be rewarded with thirty copper coins, and they could freely choose to fight in the future. Whether to stay and be a soldier, or to be a freeman.

For this reason, things became like this.

The leader of the guards and several guards were captured. It's not that they didn't want to resist, but facing [-] soldiers, it was too difficult for them to fight out.

Rather than dying in a fight, it is better to raise your hand and surrender, maybe you still have a chance to live.

If it was Tang Bo, maybe these guards would really be allowed to live on, and they would only be punished to do hard work.He has always felt that killing people or simply imprisoning them is a waste of labor and money, and it is better to make good use of the last value of these criminals.

But Gu Ding has learned from his own experience-cutting the grass does not remove the root, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates.

He has only one way to deal with these villains who have no good intentions towards him and want to take him away and take away his power and freedom, and that is to kill them all.

The leader of the guards and several guards were all executed in the name of betraying the lord and embezzling the lord's property.

Gu Ding originally wanted to take care of their family members, including the newborn baby.

After Tang Bo heard about it, he had to call Gu Ding, which had nothing to do with the river crab.It's not that easy to be a ruler, it's too early for the kid to be an overlord who can do whatever he wants.

"I understand your thoughts, but we can think in another way." Tang Bo grabbed the clear water and patted his cheeks. The water at the end of winter was very cold.

Tang Bo deliberately did not heat the water, just to make himself and someone more awake.

Gu Ding reached out his hand to touch the cold water, and was hissed by the ice. He pulled out his fingers and said in disbelief: "The family of the steward and the guards are very pitiful, especially the children. I understand what you mean. But we also need to consider , the question of whether these children will avenge their families when they grow up. I don’t want to be on guard all day about being assassinated, or someone doing trouble in my territory.”

"That's why I said I can understand you." Tang Bo twisted the towel and slapped the child on the face.

Gu Ding screamed from the cold, pulled off the towel and threw himself on Tang Bo.

Tang Bo caught him, picked him up, and put him on the chair next to him.

Gu Ding hummed heavily.

Tang Bo sat down on the opposite chair, "I'll tell you a story. This is the story Bai Luling told me. It happened a long, long time ago."

Gu Ding was a little interested.

"About a thousand years ago, there was a very great lord. He walked out of the barren land, attacked all directions, and finally captured a large continent and established a huge kingdom."

"Is it one of the four great kingdoms?" Gu Ding asked curiously.

Tang Bo shook his head: "Perhaps, Bai Luling didn't tell me. That lord became the king, he promulgated extremely strict laws, and even committed a series of crimes. The so-called even conviction means that if one person makes a mistake, his family members will also be punished." Punishment. Not only family members, but also relatives, neighbors and teachers within the nine clans. Since this decree came out, no one dares to make mistakes easily, and everyone will supervise each other, so they are afraid of being implicated."

"Wow, it's not bad to be convicted." Gu Ding admired it very much.

Tang Bo knew that this kid would say that, so he didn't get annoyed, and continued: "One day, a wax maker in this royal city made a new kind of candle that wouldn't smoke. His boss was very excited, Without waiting for the wax maker's consent, he dedicated this candle to the king as his own merit."

"What happened to the candle?"

"Well, the wax maker added some medicinal powders to the candles in order to keep the candles from smelling pungent smoke. But no one knew that the king was allergic to one of these medicinal powders. Allergies were There will be red rashes, itchy skin, swelling all over the body, and even death in severe cases. Unfortunately, the king swelled up all over his body and looked very terrible. Fortunately, his pharmacist was very powerful, and he found out what caused the king's illness. cause, and solved the problem of allergies for the king."

"Did the boss blame the wax maker to shirk responsibility?" Gu Ding puffed up his mouth, he hated this kind of vicious villain the most.

Tang Bo nodded: "That's right. When the king questioned the crime, the wax maker's superior reasoned that the wax maker insisted on offering this kind of candle, and promised how useful the candle was. The man cried and said: He didn't see the true face of the wax maker, which caused the king to almost have an accident, and said he was willing to accept punishment, and asked the king not to let the wax maker who was trying to kill the king be spared."

"That person is too bad!" Gu Ding was furious.

Tang Bo: "The king punished the person who offered the candle, but he thought he didn't know it, so he didn't execute him, but beat him and fined him. As for the wax maker, the king ordered that the wax maker must be taken away. The waxer was captured alive, and he will interrogate the waxer who ordered him to kill him."


"The superior of the wax maker was afraid that the wax maker would be brought back for interrogation and the truth would be exposed. He took the first step and sent his family's confidant servants to pretend to help the wax maker, and ran to tell the wax maker and his family that the wax maker he had made There was a problem with the candle, and the king wanted to kill his whole family. At this moment, the man sent by the king arrived, and the servant covered his face, rushed forward and killed the leading soldier. The waxmaker’s family was dumbfounded, but the leading soldier was killed, the other soldiers were killed, the wax maker's family didn't want to die, they could only resist."

Gu Ding frowned, he heard a little smell.

"The force of the waxmaker's family is not bad, but the king didn't expect the waxmaker to dare to resist, and all the soldiers he sent were killed. Afterwards, the waxmaker's family was very frightened, and the servant took the opportunity to escape. The waxmaker's family Decided to run away."

"But they didn't escape alone. The wax maker sent his youngest son to find his relatives, and relatives went to relatives, and everyone quietly gathered together to discuss what to do. Although they resented the wax maker for bringing them all danger, they were also afraid of the king. Joint punishment for them. Everyone in this country knows how strict the laws enacted by the king are, and other small crimes may be charged, let alone murdering the king and killing soldiers? They can't think of a good way , can only decide to flee with the family.”

"When the Waxmaker's family and his relatives started to pack their bags and planned to escape, their neighbors also noticed. The Waxmaker's family also had a good relationship with their neighbors, so they told them the truth so that they could get along with each other. My family ran away together, and the neighbor was afraid of being imprisoned, so he hurriedly called his family and told him to leave Wangcheng quickly."

"As soon as people talk too much, the news spreads like this, and the rumors become more and more terrifying. Anyone who is related to the wax maker's family is afraid of being implicated, and they also start to move. Finally, it led to the wax maker's death. People in the street where they lived and in that city were in panic. But the king saw that the soldiers he had sent had not returned, and suspected that something had happened to them, so he sent more soldiers over."

"At such a time, the waxmaker's family will definitely not be able to be arrested without a fight. They shouted to the neighbors that these soldiers are here to arrest them. If they don't resist, everyone will be arrested and tortured or even executed. The waxmaker's family and his family The relatives rushed to the soldiers together, and the neighbors were kidnapped, and they also rushed to the soldiers to fight. In the end, everyone was red-eyed."

"The wax maker rushed towards the city gate with his relatives and neighbors. Some errants, exiles, unknown people and some ruffians who were hiding in the royal city wanted to take advantage of the opportunity. The joining of these people set off an even bigger wave. Great chaos, this chaos also led to chaos in the entire royal city, the king's sons just wanted to overthrow their father, some nobles who were dissatisfied with the king also wanted to take the opportunity to seize power, and finally..."

Gu Ding raised his hand, "Okay, needless to say, I roughly understand what you want to tell me, you want to say that if the superior establishes too strict laws, his people will fear him, but also Very dissatisfied with him, right?"

"Yes. Strict laws and regulations can make the whole society orderly and reduce crime to a minimum. But you can imagine if your parents manage you very strictly, and they will beat or scold you for making a small mistake. Put you in confinement, or even beat you, what would you think of your parents?"

Tang Bo slowed down his tone: "There is a saying that you don't die in silence, you explode in silence. Some people will be suppressed to the extreme in an overly harsh environment until they die. Some people will explode and rebound."

Gu Ding groaned, "I didn't say that I would establish such a strict law. I just executed a few bastards who wanted to kill me. Killing their families is also to prevent them from revenge in the future."

"Everyone will think so. If you can execute the family members of the steward and the guards today, tomorrow your people will wonder if their families will be unlucky when they make mistakes. Even if you clearly establish a new one later, it is not so Strict laws and regulations, but because you have done this before, and you are a lord with privileges, your people will never believe that you will abide by the laws and regulations you make."

Tang Bo relaxed his body, thinking that he was really working hard, and it was really exhausting to teach students.

"In the future, if someone offends you, he, his family, friends, and neighbors will want to run away for fear of your revenge, and even seek refuge with your enemy."

Gu Ding stopped moaning, he began to think more deeply.

"There are many kinds of lords, and some can do whatever they want. They don't think about the future, let alone what their subjects think or what other people in other territories think. Why do you have to be a police detective to investigate some cases that have been reported as clear, why should I be a judge to make the final decision and announce the result to everyone?"

Tang Bo patiently said: "Obviously those cases are so small, obviously they don't need to be so troublesome, and obviously I can let the villages and even the stewards deal with those who made mistakes in private, why should I take them all over?"

Gu Ding held up his cheeks.

Tang Bo felt that the child finally seemed to be enlightened, so he stopped wasting his saliva and got up and stroked the child's hair: "You must let your people see your majesty, but also let them see your kindness .If you can make the descendants of your enemies and enemies not only not hate you, but feel ashamed because of the mistakes of your family members, then you will never have to worry about their revenge. There are people who retaliate indiscriminately, but most of them only need to be educated , will still distinguish between right and wrong.”

Gu Ding hugged his small arms, Tang Bo said so much, only one sentence touched him greatly.He thought for a moment, if Tang Bo scolded him, beat him, punished him, denied him food, put him in confinement, and made his younger brother and the servants around him punished because of a small mistake, then no matter whether Tang Bo was doing it for his own good , he will hate Tang Bo to death, and will definitely try to kill him.

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