Lord, he is not a man [infrastructure]

Chapter 63 Get 3 Tree Collars

Gu Ding publicly dealt with the leader of the guards and several guards, and asked people to bring their families.

Except for the villages farther away, people from Sanshu City and several nearby villages, as long as they could move, came.

In addition to watching the sentence, they also wanted to meet the new lord.

Every leader of the Three Trees prayed in their hearts that the lords of this generation would be able to talk better, at least not to increase taxes for them.

But as soon as the new lord came to power, he met them at the execution scene, which cast a shadow over Leader Sanshu's heart, fearing that the lord of this generation would be a cruel master.

Many of them didn't even know the existence of this lord. Some people vaguely knew that the previous lord had a son, but everyone rarely saw this young master, and they didn't even know how old he was.

Now, the leaders of the Three Trees finally met their new lord, a little doll who looked only four or five years old.

This disappointed the members of Sanshuling, and made them more worried about the future of Sanshuling.

Gu Ding ignored the gazes of Sanshu's leaders—he knew too well what these people were thinking. Standing on the high platform, he personally announced the crimes committed by the housekeeper's family and the guards, as well as their treatment.

The housekeeper's family has already been dealt with. There are no minors in the housekeeper's family, and all adults have something to do with them. Gu Ding's treatment of them is also reasonable. At most, people think that he enforces the law too strictly.

But when it was the turn of the family members of the guards, Gu Ding announced punishments for them respectively according to their crimes. Except for the culprit, no one else would be beheaded, and the most unlucky one was only a coolie for 15 years.

"Other people who have not been announced, you can choose to continue to live in the Three Trees, or you can choose to leave as free citizens. When you leave, I will allow you to bring the reasonable property you have accumulated." Gu Ding stood on the high platform, although he was small. , but the momentum is extremely strong.

The leader of Sanshu heard that now, seeing that the little lord speaks in a clear and orderly manner, his aura is no different from that of an adult, and it is not the baby doll they imagined that still needs to hug the nanny's thigh, so they are more or less relieved.

In addition, hearing that their new little lord's treatment of these rebels was very reasonable, although severe but not excessive, this made them sure that the new lord was not a cruel and stupid person.

See, their little lords also agreed to let the families of the rebels go away with some of their property.

After the execution was over, the crowd did not disperse, they were waiting for the little lord to speak.

Gu Ding raised his voice and said some scenes, focusing on telling his people: no tax increase, no forced labor.

The leaders of Sanshu cheered, their requirements for the new lord were so low, as long as they could be the same as before.

But their new lord has more than one surprise in store for them.

"In the future, we, Sanshu Ling, will strengthen cooperation with Bailu Ling, including trade, employment, etc. From now on, people from Sanshu Ling can freely go to Bailu Ling to find work, without worrying that it will affect your status as a free citizen."

The leaders of Sanshu had long heard that the leaders of Bailu were recruiting people, so they couldn't help talking about it at this moment.

Gu Ding said again: "My castle and city walls also need people. Don't worry, it's not a forced requisition. Not only will I provide a meal for all the workers, but I will also pay at least two copper coins a day. I can't find work before the spring plowing. Those who do it can come to the castle to sign up. In addition, those who want to inquire about the work of White Hart Collar can also come to the castle to inquire. I will arrange someone to explain to everyone.”

The leaders of Sanshu couldn't believe their ears. Is their territory canceling forced labor?Work for the lord, not only for food, but also for wages?Really such a good thing?

Gu Ding said some encouraging words before leaving.

The leader of the three trees has not left for a long time, and everyone is asking and discussing what the new lord said. Many people have agreed to go to the castle to ask about the situation later.

It is the end of winter and spring has not yet come. Many families in Sanshuling have run out of food, and life is very difficult. If there is a job, even if it does not pay, it is good to only provide a meal.

When Gu Ding went back to the castle, he called the leader of the guards and the family members of several guards. These people were very nervous, thinking that the little leader was going back on his word.

In the end, they heard the little lord say to them: "If you want to leave, I suggest you find a job in the White Hart Collar next door. There is a lot of manpower needed there, including women and half-grown children. Serious life, as long as you are willing to endure hardships, you will be able to survive and live well. You can choose to help Bailuling open up the surrounding land and live in a new village. The new village is composed of new people, they don't know you If you don’t know the details, you can also live a little more peacefully.”

These people were very surprised and couldn't believe that the little lord had such kindness.

Gu Ding sneered: "You can also leave without listening to my advice. But there are women and children among you, even if you don't have extra property with you, you are easy to be robbed on the road. If I didn't look at you There are children who still need to be nursed, and I will take care of your business. Well, you can go, how to choose is your own business!"

The family members of the guards watched the little lord leave, and gathered together in panic to discuss.

Naturally, they also heard the rumors about the White Deer Collar, and they really didn't plan to stay in the Three Tree Collar, and no one wanted to live in other people's comments and eyes, even if it was just for the children's future, they had to leave.

But the little lord was right in reminding them that even if they went together, they would definitely encounter robbers when they left the range of the Three Trees Territory.

"Go to Bailuling." The wife of the head of the guards was a very ordinary woman. She never cared about her husband's affairs outside, and only cared about her home.But at this moment, she stood up.

"If the little lord really wants us dead, he doesn't have to say anything, as long as the soldiers disguise themselves as robbers and kill us all when we leave. Since he has let us go mercifully, return us To make a suggestion, he should really not want to execute us, and he doesn't want others to kill us. We'd better not waste this kindness." The woman said holding her youngest daughter, her children surrounded her.

"You're right. Let's go to Bailuling. I know the way to Bailuling. We'll leave tomorrow morning and we should be there before evening." The old man from another family also made a decision.

The woman left with her children, and there were no grown men in her family. Her parents-in-law were involved in her husband's crimes and were punished as coolies, including her husband's two brothers.

Now her husband's brother's family and her children are counting on her, she must not fall down, and she will tell the children of the three families not to hate the little lord, but to be grateful to him, telling them that if it is not for the kindness of the little lord , their family could not survive at all.

Most importantly, the little lord's punishment was not biased, her husband and her husband's brothers really did something wrong.

If you do something wrong, how can you not be punished?

After dealing with the people from the line of housekeepers and the line of guard leaders, after several days of strong rectification, the Sanshuling Castle and the entire Sanshuling finally fell into Gu Ding's hands.

Gu Ding directly copied the new laws and regulations formulated by Tang Bo in Bailuling, and planned to use the management team of Bailuling as well.

"Let's merge." Gu Ding, who was so busy, was very dissatisfied with the original management staff of Sanshuling. He found Tang Bo and opened his mouth.

Tang Bo raised his eyelids, not seeming surprised at all: "Have you decided?"

"Well, anyway, you are a lazy bastard, wishing to share everything with others. I don't want to run around on both sides, it's better to merge them into one place." Gu Ding picked up the teacup in front of Tang Bo, looked up The head is poured down.

Tang Bo was amused, and filled him up again.

Gu Ding was not in a hurry to drink this time, and took a small sip from the cup, while complaining about the unreliable management staff of Sanshuling.

"Pigey was frightened by you. He was still cautious and respectful to me. But everyone else treated me like a child, and secretly thought that Pidge had controlled me. They clearly saw that I executed the housekeeper and several A guard, even dreaming of coming to my side to control me, I really don't know what they think."

"They also treated Piglet as an imaginary enemy, and instead of cooperating with him, they made trouble for him everywhere. As a result, many of my orders could not be executed immediately."

"They still think that I shouldn't get too close to Bailuling, and someone is even going to choose a wife for me now, can you believe it? They actually brought their daughters to me and said they could accompany me. I %#¥@!"

Gu Ding cursed a lot of swear words. What made him most angry was that although those people did abominable things, they were not worthy of death. Moreover, without suitable management talents, he could not punish them for the time being, and had to follow them. Speak well and let them do their part.

"There are some good people in Bailuling, and they can be transferred to use. Some managers just manage a few people, which is a waste. How about..." Gu Ding rolled his eyes, and said to Tang Bo: "Didn't you say that Sanshuling is in charge? There are more fertile fields than Bailu, but haven’t they been well utilized? We combine the two lands, and the population is concentrated, so we can redistribute the fertile land and concentrate it for cultivation. Will this increase the grain harvest?”

Tang Bo smiled when he heard the words, and took out a map and spread it on the big wooden table: "If the two places really merge, we can do more things. In the future, we can use Sanshuling as the main farming area, and Bailuling It can be used as a mining area, and suitable places can be used to do suitable things, which can minimize the waste of manpower and resources. The irrigation systems of the two places can also be connected to widen the river, so that we have another available waterway.”

Gu Ding put down his teacup, squeezed into Tang Bo's arms, and looked at the marks on the map, "Did you already have this plan?"

"Hmm." Tang Bo didn't deny it, stroking the child's ears like a puppy, "Sanshuling and Bailuling are actually not that big, and Bailuling originally only had an area of ​​more than 90 square kilometers. One-third of that, but only less than 150 square kilometers. Sanshuling is only about [-], and the two places add up to only [-]."

"The population of the two places is not large. There are more than 200 people from Bailuling and Hongyu. Now there are about 800 people. Sanshuling only has about [-] people. We have to make the most of these land and population. , Scattering is not suitable for initial management, my suggestion is to concentrate the population of the two places in one place as much as possible, and the fields are the same."

Gu Ding scratched his ears: "It's a good idea, but letting people move their houses and their fields is like killing them. How do you solve this problem?"

Tang Bo smiled slightly, "Of course we can't take the initiative to ask them to relocate and change the land. We have to let them beg us. But before that, I have to trouble you to write something first."

Gu Ding looked at the territory transfer document in front of him, without hesitation for a second, he signed his name and stamped his lord's seal.

He is not afraid of Tang Bo cheating his territory at all, not to mention that without Tang Bo, he would not be able to obtain the actual power of the territory. Even if he could seize power from the butler and the head of the guards, he would not care about the "reward" given to him by Luma City territories and titles.

How can it be fun to hang out with Tang Bo when he governs a broken territory?

From then on, the Three Trees Territory is the same as the one-third of the territory that the Red Mountain Territory gave to the White Deer Territory. Except that it has not been officially registered in Luma City, except that the Duke of Luma will not recognize it, other people and territories will recognize that these territories belong to White Deer. collar.

【Congratulations!The reformed Tang Bo completed the eighth branch task within the time limit, obtained the complete territory of the Three Trees, and obtained a field far exceeding a thousand acres of fertile land.In addition to the original reward of 1000 achievement value and a random drop of a crop seed, the transformed person will also receive a reward of 1000 achievement value.The total achievement value of the transformed person is 4295.9. 】

Tang Bo secretly breathed out when he heard Goudan's long-lost task completion reminder sounding in his head.

This time he was able to complete the task by the sidelines, all thanks to Gu Ding's trust in him.

This made him couldn't help rubbing the child's soft hair.

The child gave him a big white eye, but didn't take his hand away, just stared at the map, asking this and that.

Tang Bo felt a seed appear in his empty palm.

The explanation of this seed also automatically appeared in the reward column of the game panel in his mind.

Spring wheat seeds, produced by the system, can survive as long as they fall to the ground, mature within an hour, and one seed can produce a thousand grains of wheat.

If a thousand grains of wheat are planted in the soil, a hundred times the number of wheat seeds can be produced in ten days.

The third-generation wheat seeds are normally planted in the soil and can be harvested in one month.

The subsequent wheat seeds will become ordinary spring wheat seeds, planted in winter and harvested in spring.

Features of wheat species: cold-resistant and insect-resistant, vigorous growth and strong.

Note: The spring wheat produced by the system has an excellent taste and is extremely attractive to herbivores. Please take care to protect the wheat seedlings from being eaten before the wheat is ripe and harvested.

"Tsk, this thing is much more affordable than blood-sucking ore." Tang Bo lamented, Goudan occasionally does things that people do.With this wheat seed, he could really make the leader of Sanshu ask to move and change fields.

Gu Ding looked up: "What are you talking about?"

Tang Bo put away the spring wheat seeds, "Bai Luling just talked to me, and he is very happy that his territory has expanded. Let us go back to worship him, and he will give us a gift."

"Really?" Gu Ding believed it.There are some weird things about him and Tang Bo, including Yan Ren, which made him never doubt Bai Luling's statement.

Of course it wasn't true, he was just using Bai Luling as a cover.

But I have to say, this guise is really useful.

Sacrifice to Bailu Ling must of course be carried out in Bailuling, but Gu Ding gave a suggestion to ask Tang Bo to wait another day.

Many people from Sanshuling came to the castle to inquire about the work of Bailuling. Gu Ding planned to fool a group of them into Bailuling, and let them see the miracle bestowed by Bailuling with their own eyes.

Tang Bo was eager to do so, so he naturally agreed.

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