Lord, he is not a man [infrastructure]

Chapter 61 Three Tree Leaders Seize Power

Gu Ding returned to Sanshuling in mid-December, the fifth time when Sanshuling's housekeeper and guard leader came to ask him to go back.

Going back is of course conditional. The housekeeper promised that Gu Ding would set off for Luma City immediately after he returned, explain the lord Gu Hui's serious injury and unconsciousness, and then apply for the position of lord for Gu Ding.

At that time, Gu Ding deliberately said that he would follow. Neither the housekeeper nor Pijie disapproved. Tang Bo remained silent. He knew that Gu Ding was just talking for fun——Gu Ding hated the Lu Family and the Ma Family in Luma City the most. But Gu Ding is also very rational, how could he run over to humiliate himself and risk being killed by the opponent when his strength is insufficient?

The housekeeper and the others did not want Gu Ding to go to Luma City. They were worried for the same reason. They were afraid that Luma City would remember the past and kill Gu Ding. Definitely lose everything.

"I have received the message from you. That housekeeper is back?" Tang Bo asked.

"Hmph!" Gu Ding still had his hips akimbo.

"How old are you? If you don't want others to treat you as a child, then don't act like a child."

Gu Ding rolled his eyes.

Tang Bo took out the necklace of the eye of gods and demons from his pocket and threw it to Gu Ding.

Gu Ding grabbed the eyes of the gods and demons, and the expression on his face finally looked better.This eye of gods and demons seems to be very important to Tang Bo, but as long as he is by Tang Bo's side, Tang Bo will keep this necklace for him. This is also considered a unique value, right?

Thinking of this, Gu Ding was secretly angry, why should he be happy because of Tang Bo's attention?

He has changed, and he has become more and more fond of... Bah!It's not that he likes it, he just wants to drain the knowledge of this false enemy, yes, that's it.

Tang Bo stretched out his hand, Gu Ding patted his hand away, and jumped off the chair by himself.

"My lord butler refused to hand over the letter of succession and the seal of the lord to me, the lord and lord, on the excuse that I was still young, and in case they were lost, he would keep them for the time being and would send them to me when I needed them. In addition, I His title has also changed from a false title to a real title." Gu Ding was full of sarcasm.

Tang Bo nodded, "It seems that we guessed right at the beginning, and now is the best time for you to apply for the position of lord."

"I'm really grateful that they allow me to continue to live." The mockery on Gu Ding's face became heavier.

"Let's go." Tang Bo stretched out his hand.

Gu Ding grabbed his hand subconsciously, "Where are you going? Back to Bailuling."

Tang Bo said "Hui" to Gu Ding, and raised the corners of his lips: "No, let's talk to your butler."

Gu Ding was happy, feeling excited that the adults in the family wanted to make a difference for him.Hey!What is he so excited about?

"What do you want to talk to him about? He won't be obedient just because you are the lord next door. Hey, my actual title is two ranks higher than yours right now? You are the third-class baron, and I am the first-class."

"If you are happy, I can make you a king."

Gu Ding pretended to be surprised: "You have great ambitions, do you want to be a king?"

"No, you are the king, and I plan to be the overlord."

Gu Ding didn't quite understand it, but he probably understood Tang Bo's meaning, so he couldn't help giving him a contemptuous look: "Lazy."

The lazy Tang Bo came to the housekeeper with a smile on his face.

The housekeeper of Sanshuling was sitting in the hall where the former lord used to work, thinking about things.

He had just come out of the former lord's bedroom.

Gu Hui was still unconscious, relying on the maid to feed him rice soup to survive, and his whole body had become thin and skeletonized.

The pharmacist told him that the former lord has only been here for two days.

The mansion had already prepared for this, otherwise they wouldn't be in such a hurry to get that young master back.

"Master, did I do something wrong?" the butler sighed.He thought Gu Ding was young and easy to fool, but the series of actions since Gu Ding's return made him secretly startled.

Because he was going to Luma City, he had to leave Sanshuling for a while, and when he came back the day before yesterday, he found that a lot of his power had been taken away by that traitor, Piglet.

The housekeeper hated that Pijie's rebellion was not announced clearly because of the sudden accident of the former lord. Give him a little face.

And the butler couldn't tell everyone clearly at this time, "Don't listen to Piglet, the new lord is my puppet."He could only bear with it, intending to continue to lift Gu Ding, get rid of Pijie, and regain his power.

Fortunately, the young master only had a few servants borrowed from Bailuling to use, and Sanshuling's troops were all controlled by the head of the guards.

And the leader of the guards also acquiesced in the separation of powers from him, and no one wanted to hand over the power to that young master.

"Bang!" The hall door was suddenly pushed open.

The butler turned his head and got up, and when he saw who was coming, his anger turned into surprise.

The two little giants, Baidou and Baiguo, guarded the door and refused anyone to enter.

The butler was obviously only a servant of this mansion, so it was naturally impossible for someone to drive the new lord and the lord next door out of the hall.

After the housekeeper finished his salute, without waiting for Gu Ding to speak, he went to the window and pushed open the window to ask someone to come over, and gave a few instructions in a low voice.

Gu Ding only sneered when he saw the butler's impolite attitude of treating himself as the master.

Tang Bo rubbed the child's hair, waited unhurriedly for the housekeeper to turn around to face them after giving orders, and then lazily said to him: "Go call someone? It doesn't matter how many people you call. This territory, this city The owner of the mansion is Gu Ding, not your servant."

The housekeeper was full of displeasure, he didn't talk about Tang Bo, but said to Gu Ding heavily: "Master, this is Sanshu collar, not Bailu collar, you can't let Lord Bailu come in and out of my Lord Sanshu mansion casually."

"Young master? He is already a lord now, why do you still call him young master? Could it be that in your heart, Gu Ding is not the lord, but you are the one with the lord's seal and succession letter?" Tang Bo's feminine face was matched with sarcasm The tone of voice is particularly stimulating.

The housekeeper was right in thinking this way, but he couldn't say it out, so he immediately changed his face and said, "Lord Tang, please don't slander me casually. Otherwise, I will have no choice but to ask you to leave."

"Lord Tang is a lord and lord of a land. What identity are you talking to him with? Besides, when will it be your turn, a little butler, to decide whether my guests will stay or not?" Gu Ding sternly said.

The housekeeper put on a bitter face: "Young master, don't be deceived by others. You are still young, and you don't know that people's hearts are sinister. The relationship between the master and this person is very ordinary, and there is some hatred between each other. Just like last month, this Lord Tang snatched all the master's land in Bailuling, and even drove back the guards. It was obviously the land that the former Lord of Bailuling promised to lease to me in Sanshuling, but this new lord took over After that, he turned his face and refused to admit it."

The butler continued to mutter provocative words such as "If the master hadn't been injured, how would Tang Bo dare to do it?"

In the end, the butler even said something like "If it weren't for Lord Tang, your mother wouldn't have passed away."

It's a pity that Ma Ai's status in Gu Ding's mind is not that special, and his revenge for her is just to repay the grace of her birth from the other's belly.

What's more, Gu Ding is [-]% sure that the current Tang Bo is not the original Tang Bo, and his enemy should have died in the fire and poisoning.

Tang Bo waited for the housekeeper to finish talking, "Is it finished?"

Seeing that the person he called hadn't arrived yet, the housekeeper felt a little sweat on his forehead.

Tang Bo seemed to be tired from standing, so he pulled a chair and sat down, and said as authentically as the old man: "Gu Ding's succession letter and lord's seal are here, take them out."

The housekeeper took a deep breath, "The young master is still young, these things are too important, I need to keep them for him."

A strange smile full of sarcasm appeared on Gu Ding's face.

Tang Bo raised a finger: "I'll give you one last chance, hand over the things, and Gu Ding can allow you to leave Sanshu collar with your family alive."

The housekeeper was angry: "This is the leader of the three trees! What qualifications do you have to speak for our young master!"

Gu Ding shrugged, and said nonchalantly: "What he said is what I said. I said who, hey, I can't remember your name. You are a housekeeper who refuses to give the master's things. What kind of heart do you have?" , we all know it well. I will count one, two, three, and if you don’t hand over my things by the count of three, then you and your family will stay in this castle forever.”

The butler, who didn't deserve a name, was so angry that his chest heaved and he was about to walk out the door.

Snapped!Tang Bo grabbed his arm.

"let me go!"

"One, two, three. Time is up." Gu Ding winked at Tang Bo.

Tang Bo smiled knowingly.

The housekeeper suddenly let out a scream, why did his palm suddenly become so old, the skin was wrinkled, and age spots appeared.

The butler raised his hand to look repeatedly, and subconsciously touched his face. When he touched his face wrinkled, he stared straight at Tang Bo who grabbed his arm.

Tang Bo let go of his hand.

The butler staggered and fell to the ground. He wanted to get up and run out, but he didn't even have the strength to get up.

He repeatedly looked at his hands and touched his face. When he touched his hair, he grabbed a handful of white hair, which made his whole body tremble with fright.

"Devil! Devil!" The butler thought he was screaming, but the sound he made was breathless.

Gu Ding looked at the housekeeper who was in his prime but now looks like a monster, tilted his head and said to Tang Bo, "Tsk tsk, it's really scary after watching it several times. In fact, you are a demon, right?"

Tang Bo yawned, feeling lazy and wanting to sleep after eating and drinking. He kicked the child's ass, "Go ask yourself, I'll squint for a while."

Gu Ding muttered: "You sleepy god!"

Tang Bo didn't care about him, and actually sat on a chair with his arms folded and closed his eyes for a second to fall asleep.

Gu Ding showed his evil little tiger teeth to the housekeeper, took out a small pottery bottle, and approached step by step: "Do you think it is painful now? No, I can make you more painful. I like to see people in pain so much You can't scream, let's try my new poison, don't worry, it won't kill you immediately, it will only make you... ouch!"

Gu Ding covered his sensitive nose and said, "Did you pee?"

It's not that the housekeeper peed out of fright, he's just too old, his body functions have all degenerated, and he can't control his body at all.

"No, don't come here, I said, I'll give you everything! Give you everything!"

Two minutes later, Gu Ding found the succession letter and lord's seal hidden by him in the butler's room, as well as the wealth that the butler had collected so far.

The housekeeper's wife and children rushed over after hearing the news, they dared to block Gu Ding boldly, and were beaten up by Baidou and Ginkgo.

Piggy came over eagerly and asked the housekeeper what to do with his family. He hated the housekeeper to death, and wanted to kill this family.

Gu Ding hardly hesitated, and immediately ordered: "Behead."

Pijie was startled, and reminded himself again that the little lord in front of him only looked small, but his mind was definitely comparable to that of an adult, and he was cruel enough.

With the help of Piglet, the local snake, the housekeeper's family and his forces uprooted the Three Trees in just one day.

The leader of the guards who controlled Sanshu's troops just got the news that the butler had been arrested, and several guards came to him and asked him to make up his mind.

"Boss, let's go and arrest that young master. I heard that the lord of the White Deer Territory is coming, so I just killed him. We can actually control the two territories. From now on, you will be the actual boss of the two territories." The guard One of them urged.

"That's right, the housekeepers have been arrested. That young master will definitely not let us alone. Rather than just sit and wait to die, it's better..." The other guards were also eager to move, holding the idea of ​​​​doing nothing.

The leader of the guards hadn't figured out what to do, but he had already ordered the soldiers to line up.

The barracks are just behind the castle.

Gu Hui secretly trained as many as 300 soldiers. This is his confidence and where he spends the most money.

However, there were only about 50 elite soldiers, and the last time they encountered monsters in the grove, they had been destroyed a lot, which made Gu Hui feel distressed for a long time.

"Head, give your order!"

"Order it. If it doesn't work, we'll grab it and run away, no loss!"

"Yes, kill these two lords, rob the two lords' mansions, and rob some young women. I know that there is a large unclaimed land to the east of Bailuling, and there is a primeval forest further ahead. We can go there side walk."

The leader of the guards was moved, but he still had some worries: "Those soldiers may not all be willing to go with us, their families are all here. And what about your family? Are you going with us?"

"If you can take it, you can take it, if you can't take it, you can keep it. If we want a woman, we can snatch it, and if we want a child, we can let those women give birth to us." One of the guards blurted out.

"Okay, you all go back and prepare, listen to my signal."

The guards were about to disperse when they saw their little lord approaching swaggeringly with two little giants.

He actually came here like this? !

The head of the guards couldn't help admiring the courage of the little lord. Just three of them dared to face them directly.

The leader of the guards didn't even stand up, but sat there and asked Gu Ding: "What are you doing here? This is not a place for children to play."

Gu Ding chuckled, and waved his hand over there: "Catch them all!"

The leader of the guards and the few guards are funny, just because of the two little giants?There are three hundred soldiers on their side.

At this moment, a loud reply came from behind them: "Yes!"

The leader of the guards and several guards turned their heads, and were shocked to find that the three hundred soldiers who they thought were in good control were attacking them with weapons in their hands.

How is this going? !

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