The soldiers were already very uneasy, and they wanted to run away. They only stayed where they were because they were afraid of the lord's punishment. Now that they heard the lord's order to leave twice, all the people who heard it ran like crazy. They just wanted to get out of this dangerous place as soon as possible. place.

"Go, kill my enemies!" Tang Bo ordered to the summoned soldiers and salt workers.

These marionette-like summoners immediately faced the Lord of the Salt Cave and his soldiers, and pounced on them without hesitation.

Gu Ding's eyes widened, not understanding where those soldiers and salt workers came from, and why they killed their own people.

But it's clearly a good opportunity.

Gu Ding took the opportunity to order those salt workers: "See, the enemy has already fought, you can use your strength now, killing one is one!"

Donglin knew that they had to show their worth. Seeing that Yanren was out of danger, he hid Yanren behind the carriage, picked up a stone knife himself, and shouted at the worker, "Brothers, it's time for revenge! The Cave Lord killed so many of our family members and friends, today is the time for him to pay the price! Follow me!"

Some salt workers are timid and afraid to kill people, but there are also salt workers who want more food and rewards, and see that the soldiers start beating their own people for some reason, and some salt workers are also resisting. Gathering up the courage to follow Donglin, he rushed down.

Donglin was very clever. He didn't let the salt workers disperse, but a dozen people surrounded and beat up one soldier, killed one, and then went to kill another.

And the soldiers of the salt cave leader didn't have much fighting spirit, they were all frightened by the soldiers who sucked dry and the black hole that suddenly appeared, not to mention the soldiers and salt workers who emerged from the black hole as if they didn't know them, and culled them viciously .

The most terrifying thing is that these puppet-like summoners are not afraid of pain or death or injury. They only have enemies in their eyes and only know how to complete the summoner's task.

Those who are afraid of death and those who are not afraid of death fight, who will die in the end?

The lethality of the soldiers who didn't care about fighting back and just wanted to run for their lives was greatly reduced. When their companions were surrounded, they didn't care about saving people, and they were all busy running for their lives.

"Who is playing tricks in the dark? Who is it!" The salt cave lord still wanted to command his soldiers to fight back, but the situation was getting worse and worse.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the guards all advised: "Lord, hurry up! This is not something we can deal with!"

The Lord of the Salt Cave hated him very much. He still didn't know who the enemy was, but he also knew that it would be a dead end for him to stay in this situation, so he immediately urged his horses to escape.

Just so coincidentally, the direction in which the salt cave lord was running was also the place where Tang Bo was using [harming others to benefit himself] to sneak attack soldiers.

Tang Bo saw a horse galloping towards him. While dodging, he subconsciously thought that he needed more horses, so he couldn't help stretching out his hand.

Tang Bo grabbed the horseshoe.

The galloping horse suddenly felt exhausted, its legs softened and it knelt down.

The Lord of the Salt Cave, who was riding on a horse, never thought that the horse would suddenly fall down. When the height of his eyes dropped, he would immediately get off the horse.

A hand grabbed his neck.

"Lord!" his guard yelled.

The salt cave lord wanted to draw his sword and turn around to fight back, but in an instant he felt that the strength and vitality in his body were rapidly losing. He even saw his strong and powerful palms become old and yellow like chicken feet.

What if I accidentally sucked a lord dry?

Tang Bo looked at the shriveled corpse lying on the ground, and without hesitation turned his head and rushed towards the guards.

People can go, horses stay!

A big battle was over in just half an hour.

The soldiers in the Yandong collar died and fled.

The summoned soldiers and Yan Gongmu stood in the wilderness in a daze, waiting for new orders.

The salt workers were red-eyed, and when they saw the soldiers in the salt cave, they wanted to kill them, but Tang Bo called them back.

Tang Bo signaled the two groups of people to separate and stand apart, and said silently: "Send it back!"

All the soldiers of the Salt Cave walked into the open black hole one by one, and left there.

The salt workers who were called stayed.

As long as Tang Bo doesn't take the initiative to send these people back, they will regain consciousness when the summoning time is up.

Tang Bo happened to be short of manpower right now, so he called the puppet salt workers who seemed to be intact to help clean the battlefield.

First gather the horses and mules, then search for all metal weapons and accessories, the third most important thing is the money you carry with you, the fourth is leather goods, and the fifth is the clothes on your body.

Other salt workers also wanted to help, but they were stopped by Tian Min and Baidou.They don't trust these salt workers, and they are afraid that they are hiding important property.

Tang Bo took everything from the Lord of the Salt Cave, including the iron swords of the guards and leading soldiers.

Other belongings were collected by puppet salt workers and piled up in front of Tang Bo.

The salt workers thought that Tang Bo would give them some rewards, but Tang Bo put away all the groceries except clothes.

The salt workers were dissatisfied, but Tang Bo could make so many items disappear in place, and the black hole and the method of turning soldiers and salt workers into puppets made them very scared, and no one dared to express their dissatisfaction.

Tang Bo pointed to the clothes piled up in front of him, and said coldly: "Rewards for meritorious deeds. Gu Ding, you distribute them."

Gu Ding stepped forward and replied decently: "Yes, Lord."

Looking at the dead bodies all over the floor, Tian Min approached Tang Bo worriedly, and said in a low voice, "Master, what should we do next?"

Baidou was not afraid of Tang Bo, and said to Tang Bo with bright eyes: "I saw it just now, their lord seems to be dead, or should we simply occupy the Yandong collar?"

In Baidou's view, the White Deer Territory is barren, occupies a small area, and has a troublesome lord alive, so it is better to occupy the salt cave collar that can produce salt.

When Dong Lin and other salt workers heard this, they also looked at Tang Bo expectantly.

Tang Bo shook his head: "Don't be stupid, Duke Luma won't agree first. We only have so few people, are you sure you can beat the army sent by Duke Luma?"

No matter how powerful he is alone, he can't beat an army.

Moreover, he hopes that the territory can develop steadily and not be caught in the flames of war every day.

Even if it's that doggy system, it won't let him fight and kill and make enemies everywhere as soon as it comes up.Without a good solid foundation, everything laid is duckweed.

Moreover, there are gods in this world, and the Luma Grand Duke's family must also have them, and the number of them will not be too small. How many of his abilities can he do?

Since Goudan knows how to develop insignificantly, he will not be so stupid as to fight the big green hemp now.

But if you kill them all, why not grab a wave.

Anyway, they are all enemies, and it saves others from being cheap, not to mention that he has to support so many people, I believe the crabs who put the interests of the majority first will not object.

"Tian Min, Baidou, together with Donglin, lead people to the direction of their territory first, and guard carefully on the way. If someone leaves, leave them alone. Remember what I told you, once in danger, How to deal with and defend?"

Bai Dou and Tian Min nodded together. They learned a lot from Tang Bo along the way.

Tang Bo turned his head and told Gu Ding again: "Gu Ding, you are responsible for delivering the news. Once you encounter an unsolvable enemy, you come to me."

Even though Gu Ding is small, he can travel much faster and safer than Tian Min Baidou in the wilderness.The most important thing is that Gu Ding will not lose his way and can find him accurately.

Gu Ding really wanted to follow Tang Bo to see what he wanted to do, but thought that he had been thrown away halfway, so he didn't force him, and promised to help deliver the news.

"Take this with you. Don't put it in the White Deer Space, but put it on your body. This way, no matter where you are, I can find you." Gu Dingsai gave Tang Bo a herbal medicine bag that he had made himself.

A small bag woven with grass leaves, tied with a fine hemp rope.

Tang Bo picked it up and sniffed it, but he didn't smell a particularly obvious smell, so he stuffed it into his pocket.

Gu Ding is proud, only he can distinguish this smell.

As the team set off, Tian Min and Baidou put several seriously injured and unable to move salt workers into their carriage very humanely.

But Tian Min would never let anyone touch Tang Bo's car.

Tang Bo simply taught them to make stretchers and simple horse carts on the spot.

Stretchers and horse carts are easy to make.

A board is tied to the horse with a rope, and it is dragged behind the horse, and the injured person sleeps on the board.

However, this simple version of the trailer is very bumpy and not suitable for serious injuries.

Stretchers are more popular.

The stripped clothes were decided by Gu Ding, and several sets were distributed to the salt workers who killed the most enemies, and the rest were disassembled and made into temporary stretchers.

Tang Bo thought of making a stretcher before he remembered the mulberry tree he almost forgot.

Tang Bo personally took white beans, Gu Ding, which is more sensitive to plants, and dozens of stronger salt workers to look for wood for making stretchers, and mulberry trees by the way.

Fortunately for them, there is a mulberry forest nearby.

But it was because Tang Bo had inquired about it in the city, and walked this way specially, so it was so easy to find.

Tang Bolian dug three large and three saplings with roots and put them in the space.

He also greedily wanted to find silkworms similar to silkworms, but he searched many mulberry trees but couldn't find them.

Forget it, it is unrealistic to start the silk industry now, let's talk about it later.

Besides, mulberry itself is an excellent economic plant.

Its bark can be used to make paper, rayon and rayon.Wood can be used for fine furniture and musical instruments.The root bark and leaves are traditional Chinese medicine, and the fruit is edible.It can be said that there is no waste in a tree, and everything is useful.

After the stretcher was ready, Tang Bo quietly left the team.

Except for Gu Ding, Tian Min, Bai Dou and Ah Shu, the four confidantes, no one else knew that Tang Bo had left the team, they only thought that he was still in the carriage that no one else could approach.

Where did Tang Bo go?

He returned to Salt Caveland Castle again.

This is the most chaotic time in the castle. The soldiers who fled back brought bad news, and the puppet soldiers also came back. They regained their sanity as soon as they came back, and the soldiers who fled saw them as if they were enemies. , Draw out your weapon and kill them.

The summoned soldiers were particularly aggrieved, they couldn't remember anything, and in order to protect themselves, they could only fight back.

The manager is going crazy.On the one hand, they wanted to suppress the news, and on the other hand, they wanted to restrain the soldiers and salt workers from rioting.

There were also disagreements among the stewards. Some wanted to pass on the news to Duke Luma immediately, and some said that they should push the lord's younger brother as the new lord first.

But the lord's younger brother has great ambition and lack of talent, and is greedy and lustful, so he is very unpopular among the castle and soldiers.Some people pushed him, but more stewards still insisted on asking the Duke of Luma for the next lord first.

When the lord's younger brother heard that the lord's elder brother had died, he was not only not very sad, but also ecstatic.

His brother only has a daughter who is less than ten years old, and he is about to become a lord!

The lord's younger brother didn't wait for the stewards to come to him to discuss it, and took a group of men with iron swords to find the lord's wife and his niece.

The lord's younger brother stabbed the lord's wife to death with a sword, and let his own men kill his own niece and daughter.

When the stewards and the leader of the soldiers arrived after hearing the news, they saw blood on the ground.

Tang Bo also arrived at this time, and he also saw the chiefs in charge and leading soldiers quarrel with the lord's younger brother, and then they fought even more.

The lord's younger brother kept shouting, "My brother is dead and I'm the new lord, you can't defy me", but few people paid attention to him, the leader of the army and the guards who escaped alive wanted to kill him for the lord's wife and young lady. revenge.

Tang Bo sneaked into the lord's bedroom just as these people were killing each other.

He was engaged in information investigation and collection in his previous life, and he is very good at finding things hidden by others.

Compared with the high technology of the earth at that time, the current hiding methods can be called rough.Tang Bo found the treasure room of the salt cave lord with little effort.

The treasure room is between the bedrooms of the lord and his wife. It is a small room similar to a modern cloakroom, but it is so secretive that people think there is only a wall in the middle.

The Lord of the Salt Caves kept his belongings and important items here, including some important letters.

There are also three sharper iron swords in the treasure room.

The three leather bags contained gold coins, five slightly larger leather bags contained silver coins, and the other three big bags contained copper coins.

Tang Bo roughly counted the gold coins, and there were five hundred gold coins in a leather bag.Not counting the silver and copper coins, he got fifteen hundred gold coins!

Robbery really got rich.

Tang Bo narrowed his eyes with a smile.

His purse finally bulged.


In order to make more money, he had this trip to the salt caves. He originally thought of reselling coarse salt in other territories to make a difference.

did not expect……

Due to time constraints, Tang Bo didn't check carefully, and he wiped out everything in the treasure room.

Before leaving, he went around the room of the lord's wife and young lady.

It's all here, and those two have already passed away, so what's left is better for him to take away the people who supported him than to make it cheaper for others.

Tang Bo unceremoniously collected all the clothes, shoes, socks and jewelry of the lord, the lord's wife, and their daughter, not even the bedding and other things.

Who let the white deer lead the poor?

If he doesn't use it himself, he can also use it to reward others, or he can change it and use it for other purposes.

Tang Bo finally went to the grain warehouse, weapon depot and miscellaneous depot, and emptied all the things that could be moved inside.

In addition to food, seeds and weapons, he didn't even spare cloth, needlework, farm tools, living tools, pots and pans.

As far as his lord's mansion is concerned, he doesn't have a whole set of pottery bowls, so they can be supplemented now.

At this time, the nobles did not seem to be popular with silverware, maybe there was a status restriction?

However, because the salt cave is extremely rich, it has a complete range of pottery and a lot of pottery.

The most beautiful thing is that Tang Bo also found an iron plate used for frying meat and two large jars of lard in the special kitchen of the lord's family.

It's a pity that iron pots haven't been invented yet, not because they can't be made, but because they don't have the awareness yet.

Tang Boquan accepted it with a smile.

In the end, if his 1210 cubic meters of space hadn't been filled, he could have made another trip to the salt warehouse.

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