Lord, he is not a man [infrastructure]

Chapter 37 New Salt Mine Location

Returning from the robbery, ah bah, it was Tang Bo who came back from harvesting the loot, riding his beloved horse Huihui to chase after the large army.

"Baby, we're going home." Tang Bo, who had gained a lot, even fell asleep a lot less.

This time to sweep the enemy's castle, he was sure that the crab would not come out to stop him, he had experience in this.

In his previous life, as long as he was considered by China to be an enemy force, he would collect intelligence, investigate information, get something, do small damage, etc., and the river crab would never come out to stop him.

This is also the reason why he insisted on letting the leader of the salt cave treat him as an enemy, not only to use [Call on Call], but also to prevent the river crab from causing trouble.

When Tang Bo caught up with the main force, he saw that the salt workers were very honest, including those who had recovered from their puppets.

It's not that they don't want to leave, but they have become criminals by killing people. It is said that the lord of the salt cave probably died during the melee, which made their crimes even greater. If they were caught, they would definitely be hanged.Any territory and nobility will not accept them.

Life as a savage is very difficult, and you have to be on guard against the new lords of the Salt Cave to hunt them down at any time.

After thinking about it, the only way out for them now is to turn to the new lord who they are now loyal to.

Although until now they didn't know where the lord came from, even though the lord didn't seem to be a kind person.

But at least he kept his promise, fed everyone after the battle, and didn't give up on the badly injured salt workers.

The salt workers were horrified when they saw the lord with a feminine and handsome appearance suddenly appearing from behind on a horse.

When did this guy leave?

Thinking of the lord's strange methods against the enemy, the salt workers were in awe of Tang Bo, and they didn't dare to look up at him.

Tang Bo looked at these salt workers, all of them were unkempt and skinny. It would be too eye-catching to bring them back to Bailuling like this.

He also didn't want Duke Luma to find trouble for him, so a proper disguise was necessary.

Donglin talked with the salt workers all the way, thinking about something, but he didn't dare to go to Tang Bo again.

Yan Ren gave him courage: "If you don't mention it, how do you know that person is unwilling?"

"But we are far away from the Yandong leader now, and we are going to save people..." Donglin didn't care much about other people. They didn't protect the old lord and his descendants well, and regretted it later when the new lord came. In his opinion, no matter how many people die, they deserve it.

"If you don't ask, other people can't help asking. Now they all listen to you and regard you as the leader. If you can't satisfy them, they will no longer listen to you when they arrive in a new territory. In the future, you It will be very difficult to use them to do anything." Yan Ren said it simply, but the truth is very simple.

Dong Lin thinks about Yan Ren as well as himself. He doesn't know what will happen in the future, but he hopes to seize any power he can use. "Okay, I'll ask."

Just when Tang Bo came back, he ordered everyone to rest in place for an hour.

Donglin went to find Tang Bo.

Tang Bo was wiping his face with a cloth towel, and Ah Shu diligently fetched water to wash his face.

"Lord." Dong Lin knelt down on one knee in front of Tang Bo.

"Speak." Tang Bo lazily leaned against the side of the carriage.

"Thank you for your kindness, allowing everyone to live, we are deeply grateful to you, in the future we will..."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Donglin dripped sweat and gritted his teeth: "Our relatives were locked up in one village. They can work, and they are not afraid of suffering. They also want to leave Yandong and follow you."

Tang Bo threw away the cloth towel: "Old man, woman, child?"

Donglin didn't dare to lie, he lowered his head and replied: "Yes."

"where is it?"

Feeling hope, Donglin suddenly raised his head: "It's just to the north of the castle, and there are only a handful of people guarding it. Lord, please, if the Lord of the Salt Cave is really dead, now is the most chaotic time for the leader of the Salt Cave. We are willing to save people by ourselves, and come back when we are saved, and we will never reveal your identity even if we are caught. But if we delay, when they establish a new lord, we will definitely kill our relatives to frighten others."

Tang Bo is not opposed to saving the families of these salt workers.

In any age, anywhere, the best way to control a group of people is to control their family members.

Why are the soldiers willing to work hard?In addition to being persecuted by the superiors, for a little military salary, most of them are for the well-being of their relatives.

There are also those who don't care about their relatives, but they are a minority after all.

Tang Bo looked into Dong Lin's eyes: "I have fulfilled my promise, how about you?"

Since Donglin came to plead, he was ready in his heart: "I am going to tell you."

Tang Bo: "Get up and talk."

"Thank you, Lord." Dong Lin got up, but still bent over: "When I was young, I served the old Lord of the former Yandong Lord. The old Lord once mentioned something to his grandson, but he didn't notice it at the time. I waited on the side and let me hear the conversation between him and his grandson."

Tang Bo was patient enough to watch this man make up stories.

Dong Lin continued: "The old lord told his little grandson that the position of lord belongs to his brother, but he doesn't have to worry about living in his brother's shadow in the future, because the old lord knows another salt-producing land, which is still an unowned land. He asked his little grandson to bring a group of people to that place when he grows up, occupy it there, and then apply to Luma City for the position of lord."

Tang Bo interrupted him when he heard this: "Occupying No Man's Land can apply for the position of lord?"

Donglin replied respectfully: "Yes. The Duke of Luma encouraged the nobles to occupy the unclaimed land and expand the territory of the Duke of Luma. However, most of the nobles have many descendants. If they want to get status and territory, they only rely on the bestowal from the previous generation and It's unrealistic, so most noble kids who want to make a difference will try to find and occupy the No Man's Land."

"Easy?" Tang Bo knew that his question would make Donglin doubt his knowledge, but he didn't care.

Donglin really doubted it, but at the same time he also guessed whether Tang Bo was testing him to see if he would tell the truth, so he said without any concealment: "It's not easy. Finding the land without owner is easy, but wanting to occupy it It is not easy to come down and let others admit it. Often you have worked hard to reclaim a field or build a village. As long as the news is exposed, the lords of the nearby territories will come and say that the land is his, not If you don't want to give it to the land of no man, they will attack you and drive you out."

"Even if you don't alarm the nearby lords, when you apply to Luma City, you will also alarm those noble disciples who want the territory. They will try their best to follow you to check your territory. If they feel good, they will do something in Luma City. , Change the territory you occupied to their name. If they are stronger than you, Duke Luma will give the territory you occupied a new lord. So..."

Tang Bo interface: "So many noble children or powerful people, when they occupy a piece of unclaimed land, they will not tell Luma City, but take the actual possession method."

Donglin bowed his head: "That's right."

"Where is that salt-producing field? Have you ever been there?" Tang Bo didn't give Donglin another chance to fabricate excuses, and pointed it out directly.

Donglin had to admit: "Yes, the old lord took the young master there once, and the people who waited on the way thought that the old lord just took the young master to his mother's place to choose a future wife for him. Only I know that the old lord It’s just an excuse, but it’s actually telling the young master where the new salt production is.”

Tang Bo looked at Donglin with deep eyes.

Donglin secretly took a deep breath: "The newly produced salt land is just to the east of Wuyun Ling, and there is a large area of ​​unowned land to the east, and the Lanji Principality is ten days to the east."

"How strong is the Dark Cloud Territory? Why don't you occupy that unclaimed land?"

"Because there are large forests and mountains, no one can get out of that forest. The salt field is at the edge of the forest, in a small mountain nest, where there is poisonous gas all the year round, and people, birds and beasts who approach it will die. The locals call that hill Devil’s Mountain, and there are no people in the vicinity for hundreds of miles. It takes about seven or eight days to ride a horse from Wuyunling to Devil’s Mountain.”

"Was the previous lord of the Salt Cave Territory very good at finding salt mines?" Tang Bo asked abruptly.

Donglin changed color and quickly lowered his head: "The little one doesn't know."

Tang Bo didn't ask, "Can you draw a map?"

Dong Lin shook his head, "I only remember the way in the past."

Tang Bo had a headache. He really wanted a very detailed set of maps, which caused him to ask the system: "Is there any task that can reward maps? Come and release one."

System: [No. 】

"Are you sure? How are you going to tempt me to fall like this?"

[It's not to make you fall, it's to make you not be a holy father. 】

"Hmm, so is there a mission to reward the map?"

[Grand Duke Luma has a map of the Principality of Luma in his hand, including the locations of several nearby principalities. 】

"Come up and challenge the boss? Forget it, I'll find another way."

Things like maps were the most important thing in ancient times. For rulers, they are treasures that are more precious than any treasure, so they must be collected carefully, and there will be special personnel to guard them.

Tang Bo didn't think he could easily steal the map.

Tang Bo decided to squeeze Donglin.

He asked Donglin to draw him a nearby map with stones on the ground, as well as the road map of the new salt fields he had been to, as much as he remembered.

Donglin placed a few stones on the ground as mountains, and drew a few curved lines to represent the river, and then used the river as the guideline to tell Tang Bo which territories were near the river, and which territories he had passed through with the old lord.

When he reached Wuyunling, he drew another line, and the end of the line was the salt-producing land.

If you don't listen to the explanation of Donglin, it's such a simple and abstract map, even if the gods come, you can't understand it.

But even with the explanation of Donglin, if you want to find new salt fields, you have to find Wuyunling.

But Tang Bo still doesn't know how to get from Bailuling to Wuyunling.

"Have you heard of Three Towers County?"

"I know. The Yandong Territory belongs to the Five Towers County. But I don't know how to get to the Three Towers County."

"Have you heard of the three tree collars, white deer collars, and peacock collars?"

Donglin shook his head blankly.

Tang Bo no longer made things difficult for Donglin, "Come with me to that village later."

"Thank you Lord!" Dong Lin knelt down again.

Tang Bo yawned. He wanted to live comfortably, but actually, he was busier than anyone else.

Tang Bo said intentionally or unintentionally: "With relatives by your side, you can also be more obedient. If you are not obedient, I will sell everything."

Dong Lin: "..." This young master is indeed not a good person.

Hearing that Tang Bo was going to rescue their relatives, the salt workers' impression of the lord suddenly changed, but they heard that if they were disobedient, the new lord would sell them all, the salt workers' gratitude was quickly dismissed.

The system couldn't help it anymore: [You are taking advantage of loopholes like this. 】

Tang Bo replied in seconds: "Then do they appreciate me? Do they think I'm the Holy Father?"

System: I want you to degenerate, not to let you do good deeds but just get a bad name. This is completely contrary to the original intention of the system!

The system has to use its brain, it can no longer let Tang Bo take advantage of loopholes like this.

Tang Bo asked Tian Min and Baidou to continue their journey with the salt workers, while he took Donglin to leave temporarily.

After finding the village and confirming the location and number of people, Tang Bo took Donglin back.

Donglin is inexplicable, just to check the location, not to save people?

Tang Bo has such an easy-to-use technique of [calling and coming], why did he bother to bring people out of the village and lead them all the way to catch up with the large army?

A group of old and weak women and children, one can almost imagine what will happen when he takes these people out of the village.

If someone wants to leave, there will be someone who wants to stay. It doesn't take much, as long as a few people are tossing around, it will drag everyone down.

You have to bring your family, a pile of luggage, pots and pans, fire sticks and everything. In the end, you have to drag and drop. It is almost impossible not to disturb the Yandongling Castle.

When the salt workers saw Tang Bo and Dong Lin coming back, they all looked at them expectantly.

The salt workers thought that they were just going to scout the spot, but now they are officially going to choose people to save people.

Tang Bo wanted to call those villagers over from a distance, and it was best to return to the White Hart Collar before calling.

But he didn't know whether it was possible to accurately locate it at such a distance, and he couldn't be sure whether the last summoned were the relatives of the salt workers he wanted to summon.

Tang Bo didn't explain anything, and the salt workers inevitably complained in their hearts, thinking that Tang Bo was unwilling to save their relatives.

Many salt workers also know that many lords only want healthy people, and the old and weak, women and children are a burden, not to mention that they are still running away.

They want to safely escape from the pursuit of the Yandong leader, and the most sensible thing to do now is to reduce any burden that may cause drag, instead of saving people, and taking the hundreds of people with them.

But knowing Gui knew that if they really abandoned their relatives, the salt workers hated themselves for having no choice but to hate Tang Bo for being cruel.

Tang Bo suddenly heard Goudan's broadcast and found that his negative character value had increased by hundreds of points, so he couldn't help but sneer.

This is the heart of the people.

This is the importance of verbal deception.

You have actually given, but if you don’t explain it clearly, and if you don’t make a fool of yourself, few people will recognize your contribution, or even take your kindness as due, and if you don’t want to continue to give charity, the other party will hate you in turn.

"System, have you noticed your problem?" Tang Bo still had the heart to tease the system.

Of course the system has discovered its own problem, but it feels that it is heading in the right direction. If Tang Bo is made to hate his people, then he will definitely not show mercy to these people in the future.

His heart will also become colder and colder amidst many misunderstandings, until he completely abandons his humanity and chooses to become a demon.

"I don't care about them." Tang Bo raised the corners of his lips. "From the beginning to the end, I used them as a tool to score points. What they think of me doesn't mean anything to me. Got it?"

The system figured it out, which made it distressed.

What exactly does it have to do to make Tang Bo's essence evil?

Tang Bo: "You control me with a righteous character, and hope that what I do will make others hate me. Don't be grateful to me. But if I am a decent and kind person in nature, I will only be moved by my own sacrifice, because I know All the things you do are actually of great benefit to others, so what if you have a bad reputation and are misunderstood? How can the real Holy Father care about being misunderstood?"

The system is shocked!It's doing it wrong?

Tang Bo smiled: "A real bad guy will make people all over the world appreciate him and worship him. He can make anyone go through fire and water for him. Even dying for him is considered a gift. No matter how many evil things he has done, others will do it for him. He found a reason to explain that even if he was going to blow up the whole world tomorrow, people would die with him, believing that tomorrow would be better after the bombing.”


Tang Bo stretched his waist, "Threats are useless if you want to corrupt a person. You should learn from anthropology. Usually, the best way to corrupt a person is sex, sex, wealth and fame. I'm asleep. Think about it slowly." Bar."

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