The guard came back with a strange expression on his face, and told the lord: "The other party refused to reveal his identity. His guard said that his master was a salt buyer. The young master looked like a nobleman in appearance and manner, but he There are not many followers, only four or five people."

The lord of the salt cave sneered: "The guy who hides his head and shows his tail. You go and tell them that these salt workers are people who made mistakes in my salt cave leader. Now the lord has come to arrest them. I hope they will not meddle in their own business. They will come to buy them in the future." Salt, we can give him the best price."

The guard took the order again and returned after a while to reply: "Lord, the other party... said he knew."

"What does he mean by saying he knows?" The salt cave lord was angry, this guard was also a clever person before, how did he do things this time?

The guard looked embarrassed: "The little one asked the other party many times, and told the other party very clearly that I hope they don't care about these salt workers, otherwise they will become enemies with our salt cave leaders, but they don't seem to care at all, they just say they know. , refused to give a definite answer."

The lord of the salt cave was angry, where did Lengtouqing come from so ignorant of flattery?

"Go again! Warn them and tell them to leave the salt cave immediately. None of the salt workers are allowed to take them with them. If they don't listen, they are the enemies of my salt cave leader. We will attack them immediately. Go !"


The enraged Lord of the Salt Cave became more careful. He ordered two soldiers who were good at scouting to search around to see if anyone was in ambush.

During this period, the lord of the salt cave waved his hand and ordered people to surround the hill.

Time goes back to just now.

Sitting on a chair, Tang Bo told the poor salt workers with an extremely arrogant and cold face that if they want to eat enough, they have to take up weapons and face the enemy.

But each of these salt workers was exhausted, and they were all afraid of the salt cave lord, so how dare they take weapons to face him?

If it was just when they escaped, they still had the courage to survive, but now their momentum has been vented, and now they think that this young master who looks like a noble can save them.

They are too accustomed to the rule of nobles and lords. This is a "habit" that has been deeply engraved in their bones after thousands of years of taming.

Even compared to facing the Lord of the Salt Cave, they would rather rob this noble young master who only has four or five subordinates, including two children.

The salt workers looked at the black and hard coarse bread and kept swallowing. They didn't move now, but there was a huge threat from the salt cave lord behind them, and Dong Lin, the leader among them, was standing on the side of the young master.

"Are you all cowards? Facing people who are chasing and killing you, you dare not even take up arms to protect yourself?" Tang Bo smiled ironically.

The salt worker with high self-esteem couldn't help retorting: "We don't have weapons."

Tang Bo's eyes swept across the ground, and the irony was even more full: "There are so many rocks on the ground, didn't you see it? Didn't you see the thorny bushes around the branches? No matter what, grabbing the soil can also confuse the enemy's eyes. Idiots are idiots, Don't make excuses."

The salt workers are all big men. They may have been oppressed for too long and their spines are a little bit stiff, but no man can stand being called a coward again and again. Noble young master.

Some salt workers have already looked down for suitable stones and shrub branches.

Donglin now only has Yan Ren in his eyes, and he doesn't care about those salt workers at all.

Seeing that Donglin could not be counted on, Tang Bo had no choice but to grab Gu Ding when he came back to fetch food.

"Stinky boy, you know how to use my food to be a good person. Have you asked those people if they are willing to be loyal to me?" Tang Bo said in a vicious voice.

Gu Ding squinted at Tang Bo, why did this guy suddenly become so vicious again?

Tang Bo suddenly picked up the small ancient tripod and carried him into the carriage. After a while, there was the sound of Tang Bo yelling at the child in the carriage.

The child seemed to want to refute something, but every time his voice was overshadowed by Tang Bo.

The salt worker overheard a rough idea. It seemed that the noble young master was willing to take them in because of the child's plea and Donglin's plea, including distributing food to them.

Now the young master hoped that they would deal with the pursuers first, and give more food to those who performed well, and only a little food to those who performed poorly.

But the little young master had a different opinion, as if they said that they could defeat the enemy only after eating seventy percent full, and if they didn't eat at all, they would only lose strength.

In the carriage, Gu Ding hugged his small arms and stared at Tang Bo strangely.

What is this man doing?

He was completely talking to himself, with a loud voice for a while, and a normal voice for a while. Every time he wanted to speak, before he could say a word, the other party used a loud voice to overwhelm him, and what he said made him baffled.

He didn't say that he wanted to save people, and it was obviously this young master who wanted to save people.

He didn't think about distributing food to those salt workers. He didn't care if those salt workers were starving to death. He went to distribute food to the salt workers lying on the ground exhausted. It was also the order of this man, okay?

But listening to it, Gu Ding roughly heard something.

Tang Bo seemed to want him to be a good person, that is to win over the hearts of those salt workers.And he is in charge of being a vicious and stern lord with an evil face.

"Why? Don't you want others to appreciate you?" Gu Ding asked in a low voice incomprehensibly.

Seeing that he finally understood, Tang Bo patted his forehead: "I prefer others to be afraid of me."

"What's wrong!" Gu Ding rolled his eyes, thinking that this is a foolish young master who seems to be smart. He actually gave others a chance to win the hearts of the people in the future, but he gave it himself. Is this because he is afraid that his position as the lord will be too secure? ?

But such benefits are not received in vain.

Gu Ding was worrying about how to establish his own power, and he didn't want to rely on Tang Bo forever.Since Tang Bo gave him this opportunity, of course he would seize it.

"Don't regret it!" Gu Ding finally reminded him for the reason that this guy has treated him well during this time.

Tang Bo said indifferently: "People will regret it. Come here, and I will teach you how to talk to them."

Tang Bo embraced the little guy's neck, and gave such and such instructions in his ear.

Gu Ding: " are a strange guy, do you know that?"

If Gu Ding lived in the modern age of the earth, he would definitely say: Do you know that you are too arrogant to operate, be careful and break your waist.

Tang Bo rubbed the child's head, and pushed him out of the car: "I'm raising you to work for me, go!"

Gu Ding groaned, got out of the carriage, turned around and said loudly: "I will let them take up weapons, but you have to promise me that they will eat something first."

Tang Bo didn't get out of the carriage, only a lazy voice came out: "Well, don't feed them too much, they won't be able to work if they are too full."

The salt workers who heard it were all angry, and their original gratitude to Tang Bo for taking them in was suppressed before they even showed signs of taking them in.

Gu Ding stood on the chair, summoned the salt workers, and said loudly to them: "No one will give a lot of food for nothing, and no nobleman will be so stupid as to offend the lord of that territory for the sake of the lives and lives of some civilians in other territories. , not to mention that this is the Lord of the Salt Cave Lord.”

The salt workers were sad.

"For this reason, if you want to be loyal to our lord in exchange for his protection, you must let him see your value. We will not accept lazy and useless people. Now pick up the things around you that can be used as weapons and muster your strength. Courage to face those who hunt and kill you."

In the same case, just with a different person and a different tone, the effect will be completely different.

The salt workers were all looking at Gu Ding at this time, and they didn't think he was too young and ignorant, but instead thought he was a benevolent, kind, and powerful young master who was unique and extraordinary.

Gu Ding paused: "Before this, I will distribute some food to you. After the incident, whoever is the bravest and who kills the most enemies will get more food and other rewards."

The salt workers got excited when they heard that they could have something to eat first.As for what Gu Ding said later, the same is true for working in salt caves. The more you work, the more you can eat.

Gu Ding looked around at the salt worker again: "I know you are very scared, but as long as you have the courage to face your enemies, our lord will not give up on you. Our lord may be strict, and the laws of the territory are also very strict, but our lord will never Will give up anyone who is useful to him."

The last sentence was added by Gu Ding himself, this is his cleverness.Tang Bo was listening in the carriage, he couldn't really take all the credit for himself.

"Thank you Lord for the gift!" Donglin suddenly shouted.

The other salt workers hurriedly followed: "Thank you Lord for the gift."

Tang Bo listened to the voices outside thanking the lord, but he didn't hear Goudan broadcasting, so he knew that the wave was stable.

He did not choose others, but chose Gu Ding for two reasons.

One is that Gu Ding didn't know much about the original body in the past, and he didn't know the nature of the original body, so how he behaved, Gu Ding would only feel weird, and would not think that the inner core of this body had changed its owner.

Second, Gu Ding is a rebellious boy by nature, with a low sense of gratitude, and even treats him as an enemy.Cultivating such a "shield" is more suitable than others, and he doesn't need to explain too much.

As for whether he will raise Gu Ding's heart in the future, or even use the people's heart to empty him?

Tang Bo didn't care at all.

He is not the kind of careerist who wants to be a king or emperor. When he finds a way to get rid of Goudan's control, he can throw all the land he conquered to Gu Ding and go out to have a good time by himself.

The world is so big, does he still worry about not being able to find a place to be happy?If not, can he not establish a new territory?

The salt workers were desperately drinking water and eating hard bread when the guards from the salt cave leader came to question them.

Tian Min acted as the microphone.

After going back and forth like this several times, Tian Min and Baidou looked at the surrounded hills with serious expressions.

The guard came again to send a message, saying that this was an ultimatum, and the Lord of the Salt Cave Lord ordered them to leave immediately, otherwise they would be enemies of the Salt Cave Lord.

Tian Min also sued Tang Bo again.

Tang Bo finally heard that the other party proposed to be their enemy, and he replied very coldly (joyfully): "Tell them, these salt workers have sworn allegiance to me, and I will take them away. If the salt cave lord is willing to give With this face, we will be friends in the future. If the Lord of the Salt Cave doesn’t give face, then he can fight if he wants.”

Although Tian Min knew that their young master was blessed by Bai Luling, his calf still trembled a little when he saw at least 200 formal soldiers with weapons.

The sword has no eyes, if so many people really fight, the young master may be fine, but it's hard for them to say.

But Tian Min was more honest than Jia Dou, no matter how scared he was, he still passed on Tang Bo's words to the guard without changing them.

The guard was shocked, and quickly went back to report to the Lord of the Salt Cave.

It is impossible for the salt cave lord to let the guy who hides his head and shows his tail leave with so many salt workers. There is only one result for this matter.

let's hit!

No one noticed that right after Tang Bo said those words to Tian Min, he slipped out of the carriage and slipped through the weeds taller than a person to the soldiers of the Yandong leader besieging the hill.

"[Call me here]!" Tang Bo drew a not-too-complicated symbol in the air with his fingers.

The air trembled, and a black hole suddenly appeared.

At first no one noticed the hole.

But when one after another numb-faced salt cave leader soldiers came out of the cave, and several salt workers who were also like puppets, some soldiers finally found out.

"what is that!"

"Demon invasion?"

The Lord of the Salt Cave is about to order people to attack the small hill, which is so small that it is not so much a small hill as it is a small highland protruding from the ground, which is easy to attack.

"What's going on next?" the salt cave lord scolded.

"Let's go check it out."

When the guard turned back, his face was full of panic, "Lord! It's bad, a black hole suddenly appeared behind, and our soldiers and salt workers are coming out of it, but they are all wrong!"

The salt cave lord's heartbeat quickened, and he had some ominous premonitions.

He thought that the owner of the carriage on the mountain had an ambush, so he didn't take him seriously, the dignified lord of the salt cave.But after the soldiers surveyed, no ambushes were found nearby. He was still wondering what the opponent was relying on, so he wanted to attack the opponent's bottom first.

Now the opponent's support appeared, but it was so weird!

The lord of the salt cave personally took people to see the black hole, and when he saw his soldiers walking out of it one after another, he immediately ordered people to call them.

However, those soldiers who followed his orders in the past turned a deaf ear to his orders, completely ignoring the existence of him as a lord, and all faced the same direction.

"Lord, what's going on?" The leading soldier was puzzled.

The lord of the salt cave is getting more and more in a bad mood. Seeing that more and more soldiers including salt workers are coming out, the number must catch up with the number of people brought by him. At the critical moment, the lord made a smart move Quick choice: "Back! Everyone stay away from this black hole, don't get close! And don't get close to those who come out of it! Back away!"

"Ahhh! Ghost!" The scream suddenly sounded.

"The devil! The devil is coming! The devil is eating people!" The soldiers suddenly became chaotic.

The salt cave lord was angry and anxious, and shouted: "What's going on?"

The guards went to inquire, and ran back with horror on their faces: "Lord, go away! It's the devil! This is a conspiracy of the demons!"

"Speak clearly!" The salt cave lord was impatient.

The surrounding noise was too loud, and the guard had to raise his voice and shout: "Someone has been sucked dry! Many people have become immobile!"

Tang Bo let go of his hand and let the soldier who was sucked dry fall down.

His mana is only a little over 1000. If he wants to summon so many people to help fight, he can only replenish his mana and mental power while summoning.

The salt cave lord didn't believe in evil, and ran over to see the soldiers who had been sucked dry. When he saw two corpses in the same condition, his eyes shrank suddenly, and he ordered again: "Back! Get out of here! Everyone leave with me immediately! Walk!"

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